MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 63 grilled fish

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  Chapter 63 Grilled Fish

Du Wangshi was always a bully and fearful of hardship. Although she didn't know what happened before, she just heard people say something. When she came to see what Pei Gan did, she could almost guess what happened. Eighty-eight.

  Because of the familiarity with the personalities of his own family and daughters, Du Wangshi never doubted whether the dark part of today's incident was still involved!

   Her first reaction was to pull someone to take charge!

   Pei Gan, she didn't have the courage to look for it; after all, she was afraid that she would have the courage to ask for money, but she didn't have the life to spend!

   So she took the next step, and now the bully she was staring at became the gentle and bullying couple in front of her.

   In addition to the original plan of their family, they wanted to marry their daughter to Gu Erlang, but now it is better, this ready opportunity is in front of her, she naturally has to reach out and hold it firmly!

  After all, it was obvious that Juaner had bad intentions towards her husband, but this lady Liu actually wanted to save her daughter...

  Isn't this obvious, is this a fool? !

  However, Du Wangshi never imagined that this soft persimmon, which she seemed to be able to pinch flat and round, would suddenly change her attitude and yell at her so fiercely.

   "I'm curious why I want to save your daughter, right?!"

  While Du Wangshi was stunned, Lin Suisui had already closed her needle and stood up, turned her head to look at her: "Because I don't want me to suffer this injustice in vain, people will put a black hat on my head inexplicably!

  So, she has to live and tell you what happened today! "

Lin Suisui paused for a moment, then looked at Du Wangshi and continued: "Your daughter is not in serious trouble for the time being, but after all, she was injured, and she has to rest well after returning, and try not to let her go during this time. It's too much work and thinking, and when you arrive at the station, you'd better ask a gentleman to give her a good look."

   She didn't want to have any more in-depth contact with the family in front of her, so she explained it directly at this moment.

   Du Wang's head was already a mess, and now it has become a mess.

   "You, what do you mean by that?!" Du Wangshi swallowed and stared at Lin Suisui: "You mean, my daughter, my daughter she..."

   "This, wait for your daughter to wake up, you can ask her yourself."

  Lin Suisui didn't intend to talk too much, just talking more would mean participating a little bit more, she didn't want to get involved and mess around!

Du Wangshi wanted to entangle again, but when Lu Ze glanced back at her, her mind went blank in shock. When she reacted, the underwear on her back was soaked with cold sweat, and the cold wind was blowing, she couldn't help but hit her. Chills.

   Those eyes that seemed to be looking at a dead person just now...

  Even though Du Wangshi reminded herself more than once in her heart that Gu Erlang was just an ordinary hunter, but the murderous intent that seemed to be staring through a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood made her resolutely cowardly.

  Since there is no way to trouble the young couple for the time being, she will simply go back and figure out what happened to her Linger this time!

   "Where did you just go?!"

   When he returned to his ox cart, Lin Suisui pulled the landing and asked about the situation just now. She remembered that when she went to Aunt Luo's place to be a female celebrity, Lu Ze was still by the bonfire!

"Wu Liu just came to me and said that he wanted to ask me for help with something, so I went over and took a look. When I came back here, something happened!" Lu Ze looked back at what happened today, it was indeed too coincidental .

  Compared with his current strength, Pei Gan naturally has the advantage of the right time, place and people in terms of obtaining news.

   Therefore, Pei Gan should have anticipated everything today, so he came along with the flow and asked you to enter the urn!

   But the problem comes again, what is Pei Gan doing? !

   Just come here for fun? !

   "Today, that Su Sanniang deliberately found fault, I didn't think it was wrong at first, but later when I found out that she kept delaying time to keep me from leaving, I realized it was wrong.

   She has been very close to the Du family sisters before, I originally thought that she should be buying time for Du Miaoer and the others!

   After finding out that it was Du Linger who was thrown out by Pei Gan, Su Sanniang could confirm with a subconscious questioning; so..."

  Lin Suisui tried his best to tell Lu Ze what had just happened in detail, and then frowned and whispered her doubts and puzzles: "Why is it that Du Linger is the one who suffers in the end?!"

   "No matter why she became Du Linger, this matter has nothing to do with us now." Lu Ze reached out and rubbed the top of Lin Suisui's head, smiling to relieve her.

  Lin Suisui covered the top of her head and looked at Lu Ze who turned and left to handle the food by the campfire. She always felt that this person seemed to like rubbing the top of her head and her cheeks recently!

   The sense of alienation that I had when I first came into contact seems to be getting less and less!

  Although she doesn't hate this feeling of getting along, but...

"Come here, eat grilled fish tonight!" Lu Ze saw that Lin Suisui was still sitting on the carriage rubbing the top of his head, his expression was confused and confused, like a rabbit who had just woken up, his heart softened, and his tone became lighter. I'm afraid it will frighten her with a coaxing tone: "Wu Liu just found me, just found that there are fish infested in the stream over there, let me try my luck together!"

   "Yeah, this fish is not too small!"

   Seeing that we finally got new ingredients tonight, Lin Suisui didn't care about the **** that happened before, and his attention was immediately attracted by the big herring that Lu Ze showed her.

"No, no, you can't just roast it like this! It won't get rid of the fishy smell, and it's not easy to roast it!" Seeing Lu, he wanted to put the washed and peeled big herring directly on the grill, and hurriedly jumped out of the carriage to stop it: "Marinate with salt and shredded **** for a while! It's still early, let's go and look around to see if there are any wild vegetables that smell fishy!"

   It's hard to eat a grilled fish, but Lin Suisui doesn't want to fool him like that!

   Isn't that a tyrannical thing? !

Lu Ze didn't refuse. He cooperated very well and started to prepare according to Lin Suisui's instructions. After marinating the fish, he set off with Lin Suisui who had already prepared, and went to the nearby grassland to find the wild vegetables that Lin Suisui needed. .

  Lin Suisui felt that their luck was not bad. Although the temperature near the northern border had begun to drop sharply, some wild vegetables with strong vitality could still be found in the wild.

   is like the perilla that Lin Suisui needs right now.

   She skillfully plucked off the perilla leaves near the stream, washed it by the stream and prepared to turn around, she could smell the faint **** smell in the air keenly.

   In fact, in the last chapter, I hesitated for a long time when I wrote the story that the heroine will save people, and I also guessed that when this story was written, some people would say, the heroine, the Virgin, is a kind of comment!

   But, I think, as a heroine, a book is a small world, the darling of heaven, she should not be cold-blooded and ruthless!

   Her identity is a doctor. A doctor, saving lives and wounds is her perseverance engraved in her bones.

   What's more, the heroine here has also clearly discovered that the situation is not right! Because from her understanding, Du Linger should not be able to do such a thing as a self-recommended pillow seat!

   And the surprise of Su Sanniang who stopped her next to her also confirmed her guess.

   Therefore, the heroine thought that Du Linger must survive! And this decision, in fact, Pei Gan also agrees!

   Then combined with the following plot, the setting here is not entirely for the Virgin and the Virgin! There is a need for the plot!!

   Finally, if you want to write a novel, there is always a plot to fill it! Various conflicts are needed to expand the plot!

   Without these plot impetus, in fact, every online article can be summed up in one sentence——

   The protagonist slapped his face and abused the scumbag, and then lived happily with his beloved!

   The full text is over! !



   (end of this chapter)