MTL - I Have a Game Clone-Chapter 176 radiant man

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Kedir Khan did not dare to neglect the threat to Lao Li.

The Hilde family has seen Lao Li's ability, and killing people should not be too easy for Lao Li.

Although Lao Li is fighting the mecha head on, it may not be comparable, but the mecha master does not stay in the mecha 24 hours a day. Once he leaves the mecha, facing Lao Li, the mecha master is also allowed to be slaughtered.

Before Kedir Khan came, he thought that Lao Li would readily agree to cooperate and let Ning Shi join the Hilde family because of the relationship he had known for many years with the Hilde family.

Who knows that Lao Li's choice is to fully respect Ning Shi's own wishes.

And he also threatened himself, and his childhood affection was gone.

Kedir Khan was silent for a while, then turned around and walked out of the basement to the feedlot.

Seeing Ning Shi slaughtering long-tailed rabbits one by one, a hint of surprise flashed in Kedir Khan's eyes.

"Is there something wrong with Ning Shi's brain? All of them have S-level qualifications. If you don't hurry up to start mecha master training, are you still wasting time practicing your butcher skills here?"

In Kedir Khan's view, everything is inferior, only the mecha is high.

He didn't know that his talent was suitable for taking the road of martial artist tempering the body.

In the training of mecha masters, Kedir Khan did not have extraordinary talents. With the training of the family's exhausted resources, he eventually became a white mecha master.

With his talent, the mecha master's path has come to an end.

But he doesn't regret it, he is not a fool, but if there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of becoming a mecha master, he will not consider a lowly profession like a butcher.

Kedir Khan put away his contempt and said to Ning Shi with a gentle attitude: "Hello Ning Shi, I'm Kedir Khan, the young patriarch of the Hilde family, it's a pleasure to meet you, can we chat a few words? ?"

[Kill a hare to gain 2 experience points. 】

[Kill a hare to gain 2 experience points. 】

Ning Shi was immersed in the refreshing feeling of killing monsters and upgrading, and he felt a little uncomfortable when someone disturbed him.

He frowned slightly and said directly: "I have something to talk about at night, when I finish the slaughter work."

Kedir Khan looked stunned, and it was work again. Uncle Li wanted to work, and Ning Shi was also busy with work. Is it so unimportant to be the first heir of an earl family?

Kedir Khan resisted the anger and roar in his heart, and said as calmly as possible: "Ning Shi, on behalf of the Hilde family, I invite you to join us, you can rest assured that our family will never suffer.

As long as you join the Hilde family, we will all be satisfied with the treatment that an S-rank genius should have. "

Ning Shi looked at Kedir Khan and said decisively.

"I appreciate the kindness of your family. Now I just want to learn the butcher's skills from the master, and I have no interest in others. Please don't bother me again, thank you!"

After speaking, Ning Shi raised the butcher's knife and prepared.

A long-tailed rabbit just jumped up and had nowhere to borrow in mid-air. Ning Shi seized the fleeting opportunity and swung it out.


The throat of the long-tailed rabbit was cut, and blood splashed in the air, spilling on the feet of Kedir Khan.

A pungent **** smell came.

The blood of long-tailed rabbits contains radiation elements, and the taste is not good.

Kedir Khan covered his nose and took a step back.

He remembered his father's instructions and wanted to say more, but found that Old Li's black eyes were staring at him.

When he came into contact with Lao Li's eyes, Kedirhan suddenly fell into an ice cave. He felt like a prey being stared at by a top hunter, and he didn't dare to do anything else.

He even forgot to put on a hat to hide his appearance, and left the orphanage in a hurry.

Ning Shi has never faced up to the solicitation of Kedir Khan and the Hild family, and it is impossible for him to join the Hild family.

In the North Republic, once you join a noble, you can get some resources, but in terms of personal relationships, you sell yourself to the nobles as slaves and servants.

The Hilde family has many means to restrict and manage the geniuses who join their family, and the resources of the nobles are not so easy to obtain.

And now the situation is very clear, the Hilde family and the Republic Academy are hostile forces, and he will enter the Republic Academy to study in a month.

Joining the Hild family at this time will eventually be noticed by the Republic Academy. Is it not good to be a genius with a bright future?

To be a slave and undercover agent of the Hilde family, that's a brainstorm.

After all, Ning Shi is not a genius who grew up in the North Republic, and there is no concept of aristocratic superiority.

After driving out Kedir Khan, Lao Li said, "Xiao Ning, you don't have to worry about the Hilde family. With me, they don't dare to do anything to you."

After thinking for a while, Old Li still said: "Nicole is gone, Sword and Shield City should have calmed down, but the disputes have not stopped. This morning, there were traces of radiation people in the outer city.

The Radiant Man's ability is strange and difficult to deal with, and the outer city will not be peaceful during this time.

You are staying with me these days, just in case of an accident. "

Ning Shi nodded, the current strength of the game clone is not strong enough, and it is safest to follow Lao Li.

He asked curiously, "What is Radiant Man?"

Lao Li's hands didn't stop, the butcher knife swam quickly between the bones of the red-eyed rabbit, cut the rabbit meat, soaked it in the pool, and answered with his mouth.

"Radiant man...hey~ it all starts with helium energy.

Helium energy is a very magical energy. Helium energy ore is small in size, high in energy density, and relatively stable. It is the foundation of our civilization.

The helium energy ore the size of a fingernail contains enough energy for the interstellar warship to sail for more than half a year.

Origin Star has a widely circulated truth, "The size of helium energy ore is innate", which means that each piece of helium energy ore has long been fixed in the process of natural generation. If you want to change the size of helium energy ore, you can only With time, let helium ore grow up by itself.

Humans cannot intervene.

Academically, this phenomenon is called the closed loop of helium energy.

But when we humans are mining, the helium energy ore is condensed together in a large chunk.

Before using these helium energy ore, the condensed helium energy ore must be exactly divided according to their original size.

Once an accident occurs in the division, the helium energy structure is slightly damaged, and the helium energy will emit a small amount of radiation elements. If the structure of the helium energy ore is severely damaged, the helium energy ore will explode.

The explosions cause horrific damage as well as powerful radiation. "

Ning Shi didn't know anything about helium energy, so he asked curiously when he heard what Lao Li said.

"Helium energy is so dangerous. Isn't it easy for us to have accidents in our daily use? And the power of the mecha is also helium energy. If someone attacks the power part of the mecha, won't the mecha explode?"

Old Li picked up another red-eyed rabbit and put it on the chopping board before answering.

"Helium energy ore itself is extremely strong and very difficult to cut. Generally, helium energy ore can be separated by laser cutting by nanometer-level precision machines.

The helium energy itself is strong enough to ensure a certain stability.

Not only that, but at Origin Star, there are special laws for helium energy application.

The law stipulates all specifications for the mining, cutting and application of helium energy. In the application regulations, it is stipulated that the use of helium energy in any machinery must have an energy warehouse that meets safety standards.

The larger the volume of helium ore, the higher the energy density, and the higher the design requirements of the energy warehouse. The standard required by law is that the strength of the energy warehouse is higher than the damage caused by the explosion of helium energy.

In this way, even if the helium energy ore explodes, the outer shell of the energy warehouse will not be blown up.

Like the helium ore on mechas and warships, the volume is relatively large, and the energy warehouse is made of at least A-grade alloy, and there is a special injury-reducing and shock-absorbing design to ensure that helium ore gets the strongest protection. "

Old Li glanced at the smart watch in Ning Shi's hand and continued.

"In your watch, there is also a helium energy ore smaller than a grain of rice. It is placed in the energy compartment of the watch. Even if the helium energy block explodes, the energy compartment will not be broken down. Just lose momentum and there will be no other problems."

Ning Shi understands that this is the same as the use of nuclear energy by the Saturnians. It must be managed and used in a standardized manner, otherwise it will lead to catastrophic consequences.

Even if there is a strict management system, human beings are not machines, and omissions are inevitable. For example, in a country where Saturn has the spirit of craftsmanship, a nuclear leakage incident occurred.

It also shamelessly discharges nuclear waste into the sea, destroying the ecological environment of thick Saturn.

Ning Shi guessed that the appearance of Radiant Man was probably related to this.

Sure enough, Lao Li said: "The system is not omnipotent, whether it is a precision machine for cutting helium energy ore or a solid and safe energy warehouse, it requires high manufacturing costs.

For many mining bosses and enterprises, interests outweigh everything, and in order to save costs, there are always people who do not follow the norms.

In various fields of helium energy mining, cutting and application, there have been incidents of helium energy ore structure being damaged or even helium energy explosion due to cutting corners.

Since the discovery and use of helium energy ore by humans, the radiation caused by helium energy has not stopped. "

In the tens of thousands of years of Origin Star's history, nobles have always ruled everything. These nobles don't care about the lives of the people at the bottom for their own interests. The radiation incident is just a "trivial matter" for some people to die.

Ning Shi cut the trachea of ​​a red-eyed rabbit with a knife, and threw the fat rabbit at Lao Li's feet, asking.

"Will humans and animals mutate after being irradiated? That's how irradiated people came to be?"

Could it be that the rich rely on technology and the poor rely on mutation?

Lao Li shook his head and sighed.

"This is a complete tragedy. How powerful helium is, the damage caused by radiation is so strong. Every helium accident, the number of casualties is 100,000.

People with severe radiation turned into pus on the spot, and those with less radiation had muscle atrophy all over their bodies, while others were completely deformed and distorted, completely losing their ability to live.

Those high-ranking nobles and rich people, after each accident, would make a false apology, turn around and continue to cut corners. The radiation accident has never stopped.

The ability of human beings to adapt is extremely terrifying. After thousands of years of uninterrupted radiation, part of human genes gradually adapted to radiation.

In the origin ephemeris 5497, the first radiant humans appeared in the human world.

These people can actually absorb the radiation elements in helium energy slowly. They condense the radiation elements in their bodies, which can not only improve their physical fitness, but also develop various magical abilities.

Because normal humans do not have any resistance to radiation elements, radiation humans can cause great damage in the contest with normal humans.

Because of this, radiant people have not been recognized by normal humans. The major human nobles have united and adopted a policy of killing radiant people, and hatred has been formed. "

Ning Shi was a little speechless. In any civilization, once there is a powerful ruling class, these classes will always come up with some cerebral palsy policies.

Such a powerful ability of Radiant Man is suitable for use and win over.

Once it is used well, there is no need to worry about radiation accidents in the industrial chain of helium energy mining in the future.

Once there is a radiation accident, it is enough to send radiators to absorb the radiation elements.

In this way, the expansion of losses caused by radiation accidents can be completely avoided.

Not only that, in Ning Shi's view, radiant people are actually another direction for humans to use helium energy. Helium energy can not only be used as power for mechas and warships, but can also be absorbed by humans.

This is a new direction of reinforcement.

However, it was directly ignored by the ruling class, and just because they felt threatened, they introduced a policy of extermination.

Ignoring the merits of radiant man and radiant man is also a basic fact of human beings.

Old Li continued: "Relying on the ubiquitous information network, the radiant people were quickly slaughtered, but the radiant people couldn't be killed.

Because radiation people are hidden in the genes of normal human beings.

Repeated radiation events not only affect the people at the bottom, but the environment and human beings of the entire Origin Star are subtly affected.

Among normal human beings, there will always be people who have successfully subdued the power of radiation elements and become radiation people after being exposed to helium energy or encountering radiation events. "

From Lao Li's tone and words, Ning Shi could feel that he was more sympathetic and recognized for the radiant people.

When talking about radiation people, Lao Li's eyes lit up, as if he was thinking of someone.

There must be a hidden secret here, involving Lao Li's personal privacy, Ning Shi didn't ask much.

In his opinion, the Radiant Man is a normal person who controls the power of the radiation element.

Lao Li continued.

"Because of the extinction policy, many radiation people who appeared later would hide their abilities and live as ordinary people.

Generally speaking, before the Battle of the Two Cities, the group of Radiants was relatively small and their strength was relatively weak.

Although there are some scattered radiant people organizations, they basically can't make any waves. "

"After the Battle of the Twin Cities, the explosion of the helium energy mine almost destroyed 99% of the creatures and civilizations of the Origin Star. For a long time, the radiation elements were very violent.

The Radiant Man has thus grown, and his power has increased dramatically.

Up to now, the Radiant Man has not only built a huge city, Nova City, in the wild with strong radiation elements, but also lurks in our city to destroy it, killing people at every turn, and the methods are very bloody. "

Old Li said solemnly: "You have just learned the skills of a butcher, and your physique is still relatively weak. You have almost no resistance to radiation elements. You will definitely die if you encounter radiation, so during this time, you must stay with me."

Ning Shi has no objection. His main task during this time is to kill monsters and level up, and first improve the strength of the game clone.

Just follow Lao Li.

It's just that Ning Shi had a doubt in his heart. He didn't guess by himself, but asked Lao Li directly.

" Although the radiant people have grown in strength, their overall strength should still be inferior to normal humans. They must take huge risks to kill people in cities like Sword and Shield City.

Why would they do it, just because of hatred?

It stands to reason that people who radiate can absorb the radiation elements in helium energy, and what they should need most is helium energy ore.

When they came to Sword and Shield City, the Radiant Man should have attacked the mining company and won the helium energy mine.

rather than killing civilians. "

Old Li looked at Ning Shi and nodded in relief.

"Xiao Ning, your thinking is very active and you can grasp the key points.

If you ask other people this question, maybe they don't know, most people think that radiating people to kill people in normal human cities is for revenge.

Only you, master, and I, by chance, know the real reason.

Radiation people kill people, from the beginning to the end, there is only one purpose, plundering the soul! "