MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 451 silent world politics

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  Chapter 451 Silent world politics

  Two days after the outbreak of the big incident, it was fully published in the newspapers, and the whole country of Baia was in an uproar.

  Since Emperor William the Great and Sorens came to power, the kingdom unified all the states and counties in the state. They, a martial nation, seem to have a desire for land and wealth in their bones.

  In the past 20 years, he has been invincible all over the surrounding countries.

  Although it took the shortest time to rise, it was also the last powerful country to become a great power in the Northern Continent when the times changed.

  Where did the people of Baia suffer such humiliation.

  The overseas colonies have been attacked in turn, and factories, fuel stations, and ports have been bombed in an all-round way. Lantis has already aimed his gun at Baia to prevent problems before they happen.

   Tu Fu, who was sitting in Winster's house, heard the newsboy outside the door yelling all over the street, and heaved a sigh of relief.

  Although it has long been known that this war will break out.

  But after seeing the tragedy in the disaster area, I still feel sad.

   "It's really a clever strategy. Taking advantage of the opportunity of Prime Minister Sorens' resignation, the new Prime Minister failed to establish a firm foundation, and the timing of the purge of political personnel.

   These people in the ruling party are even enriching their own pockets in the name of disaster relief, which will only make the loopholes in the national treasury bigger and bigger.

  The uneven distribution of overseas colonial benefits, the struggle between emerging political parties and established aristocrats, and several princes coveting the throne. "

  Tu Fu is not a pessimist,

   Just thinking about the bad cards in Baia's hands now gives him a headache.

  What did Arthur Stella think, dare to take over the position of prime minister at this critical juncture.

   As for what to expect from William II, a stupid ass, forget it. It is better to expect that a sow can climb a tree than to expect that guy whose stamina is smaller than the eye of a needle.

  Compared with Louis XIV, the ruler of Lantis, whether it is the strategic arrangement or the specific tactical attack, the other party's approach can be called a historical model.

  William II really committed a crime!

   "Little husband, you can't believe it. After the news of the attack on the overseas colonies came out, the price of grain purchased from outside channels has tripled, and there is no market for this price.

  I dare not think that if the war starts, the price of food across the country will go crazy. I think they don’t even mind selling food to the Lantis people as long as the price is sufficient. "

  Uncle Ethan came home and spoke angrily, scolding the unscrupulous traders with every word.

  It is never uncommon for short-selling goods to rise in price during a disaster, no matter in which country the inexplicable panic spreads.

  Whether it’s true or not, it will always force people to panic buy.

  From food to masks to paper rolls, there is nothing that cannot be fried.

   "Where's the food in our house?"

   "Don't worry, it's normal for other people to be short of food, but we are in the catering business, and we can just call a batch from the warehouse and it will last for a long time.

   When the time comes, you can help the children who can't eat. "

  The fat on Uncle Ethan's face trembled, and he smiled contentedly.

   "I have to trouble Uncle, the hot pot restaurant should be temporarily closed during this period. Once the war starts, nothing can be done." Tu Fu suggested.

   "That's the only way. It doesn't matter if we have some losses. I just hope that Baier can get through this time."

   Although Uncle Ethan is usually dissatisfied with this country and many systems,

   But something really happened, I still hope to be safe.

  At home, only their uncle and nephew are talking, and the two ladies are dealing with work matters.

  After a few conversations, Uncle Ethan suddenly threw a heavy topic, "Speaking of which, do you and Sophie really want to keep this relationship forever?"


  Tu Fu gave a decisive answer.


  Overseas news spread to the Hill Palace and the Council Building. The awareness of the middle and upper classes in the Baia Kingdom was similar to the panic among the people.

   It was like a bomb that caught them off guard.

  In just a few days,

  The aging Prime Minister Arthur Stella never closed his eyes and was always on the run between parties.

  After hearing the news of the attack on Santa, the first reaction in Stella's mind was to hold a world conference and ask the great powers of the Northern Continent to give a fair ruling on the matter.

   Regardless of the political peace treaty or the principle of justice, the Republic of Lantis has crossed this line, and it is a crime to pull the trigger first.

  Using various countries to impose sanctions on Lantis is unintentionally the most economical way to save national power.

  But for two days in a row, the political arenas of the countries in the Northern Continent were like stagnant water. From the beginning of the war to today, there has been no movement. This strange silence has been transmitted to the embassy.

  The same silence was maintained inside, and ambassadors from almost all countries declared that they were sick and refused to meet each other.


   Arthur Stella drove all the way to the embassy of the Saroren Empire, and the tall Ambassador Saroren did not refuse to see him.

  The two countries have just signed a cooperation treaty, and it is not yet realistic to this extent.

   "Mr. Stella, I know what you want to tell me, and I have already passed the news to the country. I am afraid it will take a while for our emperor to give an answer."

  The messenger of Sa Loren apologized for this.

   "Sir, this is Landis' naked provocation to our country. They have already sailed to the southern continent. It is Baia who was attacked today, and who will it be tomorrow.

  If Sa Loren doesn't make a move now, what's the point of our alliance. "

  Prime Minister Stella sent his sincere greetings.

   "Please give us some more time. After your country takes action, His Majesty will definitely make a decision." The envoy of Sa Luolun conveyed his meaning very cryptically.

   It’s not that I don’t want to help.

  At present, the great powers of the Northern Continent are waiting to place their bets. As for whether they will send troops, it will naturally depend on the performance of the Baia Kingdom.

  At least from now on, Landis has seized the opportunity. The efficiency of the three armies' blitzkrieg is suffocating.

   To put it bluntly, none of the great powers is optimistic about the Baia Kingdom.

   Naturally, he dare not bet lightly.

  If Baia cannot be attacked by the Republic of Lantis in a short period of time, they may be defeated before their strength reaches Baia, and the so-called alliance is even more meaningless.

   "Then, please."

   Arthur Stella sighed softly.

  He has been in the political arena for so long, how could he not understand the other party's plan.

  Tillo Thorens's mainland policy is to manipulate the relationship between countries, so that no one dares to take action easily. Now that someone is taking the initiative to break the deadlock, other players will naturally wait on the sidelines first.


   Solons Mansion.

  A special guest visited the old prime minister who had retired. A well-equipped army arrived outside the gate, and the knight demigod Ulti was guarding the gate.

  In the study of Thilo Thorens, the distinguished guest is William II in king's robes.

   "Mr. Sollens, you know, I have always respected you, even now, otherwise I wouldn't have negotiated the previous conditions with you.

  A part of the authority of the frontier army is still in your hands, in case of emergency.

   And, I think the conflict between us is over, for the future of this country, why can't we have a good talk. "

  William II forced a smile on his face, and rarely put on a cheeky face.

  Tillo Thorens looked calm: "I thought you should find Stella, after all, he is the prime minister."

   Mentioning this matter, William II felt a burst of anger in his heart: "That idiot, who only knows how to run around the embassy all day long, has come to such a time, and is delusional about using the power of other countries to resolve disputes.

  And those idiots in the parliament, who want to negotiate a peace before the fight, I've had enough of them..."

   "It really has nothing to do with an old guy like me."

   "I know you have been paying attention to the border war all the time. This time, you were caught off guard and lost the initiative. Now it's war or peace. Please advise me, sir."

   Since William II came, he didn't care about face, and asked with a shy face.

  Solons was silent for a while before speaking: "Yes, but I still have one condition."

   "This does not meet our previous conditions, but you can talk about it."

   "Get Tuf Capet in."

   "Even if he has been promoted to a demigod, what is the personal significance of this war?"

   Thilo Thorens remained silent and did not give any explanation.

  William II had a gloomy face for a long time, and finally spoke slowly:

   "Yes, but He must not influence the direction, and only participates as an extraordinary person recently."

   "Actually, didn't His Majesty already know his attitude towards this war?"

   "Yeah, but I still want to hear your advice."

   "Hehe, is it war or peace?

   I still say that.

  Any problem in the world, it is useless to play lip service, only iron and blood can solve the problem. "

  Tillo Sollens slowly stood up, looked at the war sand table that had been calculated countless times, and said the famous words he said to the members of parliament on the day he became prime minister after twenty years.

   "Truth is always only within the range of the cannon!"

  (end of this chapter)