MTL - I Became the Favorite of Big Bosses-Chapter 467 Heavy rain is coming

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Chapter 467 Heavy rain is coming

"Three days, just three days, I will definitely come back, okay?" Gu Chao promised carefully.

Xie Jinghong has someone at the dock, and because he was the adopted son of old James, his surname in the household registration book is the same as that of old James, which is Stanley, and his first name is still Jinghong.

 Because of the surname Stanley, Xie Jinghong can easily get in touch with foreigners, including some businesses, which are currently inaccessible to Chinese people, and can be facilitated by this surname.

Wei Lan understands this period of Chinese history. At this time, the country is basically in a semi-closed state, with very little foreign exchange, and most countries only accept the U.S. dollar as the currency they communicate with each other.

 A country without foreign exchange is equivalent to having no money. Without money, it is unable to introduce various advanced technologies, products, and equipment. If a country has nothing, it is in a completely passive state.

 So before, Wei Lan gave Gu Chao an idea to follow Xie Jinghong's path, do business with foreigners, and introduce foreign exchange.

Although the country has opened up its economy and allowed private businesses to make a living, these people at the forefront were initially called self-employed. For a long time, they were discussed as capitalist. Although due to policy reasons, there was no real substance. He was hurt, but Wei Lan didn't want Gu Chao to be criticized.

 But if Gu Chao does foreign business and introduces foreign exchange to support the country, even if he is a self-employed person, he is still a self-employed person protected by the country with the green light all the way. Who dares to say more?

 At the moment, she has just connected with the foreigners and is in the period of rising. She cannot block Gu Chao's way.

Wei Lan lowered her head, her white chin becoming sharper. She was silent and finally compromised, "Okay. I'll wait for you to come back at home."


 The night before Gu Chao set off, the bamboo shadows were swaying and the moonlight was sultry.

 Gu Chao went to bed early. In the blur, he vaguely felt someone pushing the door open and entering the room, followed by a rustling sound.

He was always alert, and he should have opened his eyes at the first opportunity, but because he smelled the familiar fragrance, he stretched out his big hand, pulled the person groping beside the bed closer to his arms, turned his body and hugged him, and continued to sleep.

 “Brother Chao?”

 The man's breathing was slow and he didn't respond. He seemed to be in a deep sleep.

Wei Lan raised her upper body and looked at Gu Chao with her eyebrows furrowed under the moonlight. Her small hands carefully traced the strong brows on his face, then she lowered her head and planted a small kiss on his face devoutly.

"Don't make trouble..." Gu Chao was so upset by her that he raised his head and reached out to pat her on the lower back to stop her.

Wei Lan paused for a moment, and the next second, he continued the action just now, his cool and soft lips continued to move downwards, and bit Gu Chao's neck.

How could Gu Chao sleep when she was making such a fuss?

 Opening a pair of deep and sharp eyes, Gu Chao looked at Wei Lan seriously under the moonlight, "Do you know what you are doing?"

 Know that she wants to be his.

 She wants to be his.

Her face was silent and pressed against his chest. Wei Lan did not speak, but Gu Chao could feel her determination.

"Don't regret it?" His deep eyes stared at her small and pointed chin, not daring to look down.

"No regrets!"

Wei Lan's body trembled slightly, and she reacted immediately. She threw herself into his arms without hesitation, wrapped her slender arms around his neck, and pressed her cool skin against his hot chest.

 She is scared.

 Still afraid.

 Afraid of what might happen.

 Perhaps, only by completely becoming Gu Chao's person can she feel at ease.

The soft touch invaded all the senses in his body, and there was a loud "bang" in Gu Chao's brain. His thick and sharp eyebrows furrowed tightly, and he took a deep breath. His eyes were painful and forbearing, "Nanny, listen to me..."

Hands shaking, he put his hands on Wei Lan's shoulders. Just as he pulled the person a little further away, his body suddenly froze.

The little girl's body was limp, and she could only sit up with the support of his hands. Her porcelain white skin was covered with a layer of light pink. At this time, her eyes were watery and sparkling, and there were two crystal tears hanging on her long eyelashes. "Isn't it possible? You don't want to?"

As if he felt that he had been guessed, Wei Landou's big tears fell, and he bit his trembling lips gently, looking at Gu Chao with a look of great hurt.

Hazy eyes like mist and rain, pitiful and weak, innocent and charming...

  Gu Chao knew it from the first time he saw these eyes.

 He couldn't escape, and he didn't want to.

Many clips flashed through my mind, including moments with Wei Lan, clips of going to Beijing to meet the Wei family’s parents, and even more expectations for the future...

 He loves Wei Lan.

 Want to marry her.

  Want her to belong to him alone.

 Be with each other for a lifetime.

Confirming this, Gu Chao's breathing stagnated, and there was a loud bang in his head, as if a string had broken. He could no longer control it, and hugged Wei Lan tightly into his arms.

 “You said it, you don’t regret it.”

 …The atmosphere in the house is charming and ripples all night long…

The moon was tilted to the side of the eaves, and outside the window there was the sound of insects and frogs.

 Wei Lan fell into a deep sleep from exhaustion. Gu Chao placed a soft kiss on her face and brought hot water to clean her up.

Wei Lan slept deeply that night. When she woke up in the morning, she had returned to her room, and there was no figure of Gu Chao beside her.

Hurry, he changed his clothes and got out of bed, with his black hair scattered behind his back. As soon as he jumped out of the room, he bumped into Gu Chao, who was carrying firewood into the house.

Having been away for three days today, Gu Chao got up early and chopped a lot of firewood for later use, fearing that there would be insufficient firewood at home.

 “Brother Chao!”

 He hasn’t left yet!

Wei Lan jumped forward and took a step forward. After thinking about something for a while, her face turned red and she quickly took a step back. She said coquettishly, "Brother Chao, Chao... morning, morning!"

"Yeah." Gu Chao nodded, touched her with his shoulder, and walked to the kitchen, "Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

Wei Lan followed him, feeling suddenly immersed and feeling a little uncomfortable, "You want to leave, I want to see you off."

The sky outside the window was very cloudy and it was going to rain soon. Gu Chao did not directly say that he would not let Wei Lan deliver it, but after breakfast, he stood at the door of the yard with his luggage on his back, bent down and kissed Wei Lan on the forehead, "Wait for me Come back, three days, just three days."

 Wei Lan understood what he meant, and although she didn't quite agree, she still nodded obediently to reassure Gu Chao.

  But she turned her face sideways again, poking her bulging cheeks with her mouth, "I want it here too."

 In the past, it was only Gu Chao who clung to her and asked for her kiss, but today it was her.

Gu Chao smiled teasingly, looked around, and instead of kissing the side of Wei Lan's face, he clamped her chin, wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, and pressed her against the courtyard door for a deep kiss.

 After a long time, they separated with a gasp. Gu Chao touched her face lightly with his thumb, then held her face again, his tone was thoughtful and his eyes were heavy, "Does it still hurt?"

Wei Lan was a little embarrassed. She lowered her head shyly for a while and shook her head slightly. "It doesn't hurt anymore, just a little sore."

"It's my fault." Gu Chao suddenly sighed.

If it weren't for the sudden incident, he would have stayed at home and spent time with her.

Wei Lan shook his head like a rattle. Thinking of what happened last night, he was already shy. He was also afraid of wasting time. It would rain and it would be difficult to walk, which would delay Gu Chao from getting into the car. So he pushed Gu Chao out with his little hand, his face The smile was warm and healing, "Go ahead, it's only three days as promised!"

Gu Chao took a deep look at Wei Lan and then turned around.

The drive to Haishi takes about ten hours, and a round trip can take up half of the time. According to Zhao Chao's temperament, if he is really in a hurry to get back, he will definitely work non-stop after getting off the car, and it is impossible to take time to rest.

After thinking about it carefully, Wei Lan stepped out and shouted: "Don't work too hard! Three days...four days is enough!"

Gu Chao waved his hand and did not look back this time.

Although he would be reluctant to part ways, after yesterday's incident, Wei Lan's uneasiness dissipated slightly and she felt much better.

Humming a little tune and entering the house, Wei Lan rolled up her sleeves and walked to the kitchen, "Grandma, what else are you missing now? I'm here to help you!"

Grandma Gu sat on the stone pillar by the well, pulling the sheets in the bucket and frowning, "We are almost busy, but I don't know what's going on with this sheet? Why is there a blood stain? Brother Chao has a hemorrhoid (hemorrhoids) ) is not possible?"

The sheets in the bucket are Gu Chao's sheets. After Gu Chao sent Wei Lan back to his room last night, he tore off the sheets and threw them into the bucket to soak.

We were about to leave for Haishi. After such a crazy thing, I looked at the taste of the food. Before I left, I started to miss Wei Lan, so I hugged Wei Lan and had a good night's sleep.

I completely forgot to take care of that quilt.

Grandma Gu didn’t know what it was, but Wei Lan knew, and her fair face suddenly turned into a peach blossom color.

She reached out and took the bucket from Grandma Gu's hand, "Say, maybe it was bitten by a mosquito and scratched. Grandma, I'll wash it!"

Grandma Gu followed Wei Lan, but she still couldn't help but muttered a few words, "A mosquito bite can draw so much blood? Are you treating the skin on your body as cowhide?"

Wei Lan blushed and rubbed the sheets, hesitatingly saying: "Yes, yes, isn't it?"

The morning misfortune came to an end, and at noon, the sky was so cloudy that it looked like it was about to fall.

Grandma Gu was just talking about how she was worried about the heavy rain and the leakage in the house. As soon as she finished speaking, it started to rain heavily. The big raindrops fell on the roof with a "dong dong dong" sound, and the pebbles hit it. Same.

 The roof of Gu's house is simply made of tiles. Apart from the loud noise, there is no leakage.

 The rain was so fast and fierce that within two hours, the drainage ditch in Gu’s backyard could no longer drain.

Afraid of water flooding into the house, Wei Lan and You Lan, one wearing a bamboo hat and the other wearing a raincoat, stood in the rain and busied themselves with picking up dead branches and leaves from the drainage ditch so that the water could drain away faster.

Grandma Gu stood worriedly and paced back and forth in the room, urging from time to time, "That's almost enough. If it comes in, it will come in. There's nothing that can flood the kitchen."

“Hey, I got it, grandma!” Wei Lan responded at the top of her lungs, but she scooped everything out of the ditch before entering the house.

They were all small and broken things, and there was no way to borrow tools to finish them. Wei Lan could only use her hands. When someone came into the room and sat down, there was a red mark on her small and slender hands, and the fingertips there were red. Grandma Gu felt very distressed. , "If Brother Chao is at home, will you suffer the consequences? I blame this old guy for being useless. I can't help you, and I have become a drag."

Asking You Lan to scald her hands with hot water, and finally scrubbing them with soap, Wei Lan smiled and said, "Grandma, when Brother Chao is around, Brother Chao will naturally love me. If Brother Chao is not here, I still have to stand up and be able to run the house. More able to start a business."

Grandma Gu's eyes were filled with tears after hearing what she said, and she shouted "Hello" several times.

The heavy rain has not stopped in the afternoon. On the other side of the brigade, the loudspeaker screamed hard in the sound of rain, urging all the male commune members in the brigade to go to the sunflower fields of Xiaogang to grab work.

Sunflowers have lush branches and leaves, are tall, and require a huge amount of water. However, even if they are not afraid of waterlogging, they will still be intolerable if they are soaked in water for a long time.

 In a while, it will be the harvest season, so there is no reason to stop it at this time.

 All the male members of the brigade were mobilized and worked for most of the afternoon. Finally, the drainage ditch was widened and the rain stopped.

Someone scolded: "The thief who is working hard is just kidding me!"

He was quickly scolded by Gu Sande, "Okay, it's going to rain tonight, so be smart when you go back and listen to the loudspeaker at night."

As expected, it started to rain again in the evening. The Gu family had a hasty dinner and went back to their houses to rest.

The sound of raindrops above the head was "dong dong dong", and it was dark outside. Gu Chao was not at home, and Wei Lan was lying on the table, feeling a little lost and a little scared.

You Lan is a sensible person, and she always remembers what happened a long time ago. A while ago, when her brother went on a long trip, he told her that Wei Lan would be scared at night, so he asked her to sleep with Wei Lan.

So, Youlan held a small pillow and knocked on Wei Lan's door.

Just when he got up, his mood suddenly dropped. Wei Lan was held by Youlan's arm and listened to her tell about the interesting things she had done with Ji Fengyao on weekdays. She was soon teased into bursts of laughter.

The little man who was giving a speech suddenly became quiet, staring at Wei Lan with his bright deer eyes, "Sister Lan is the best when she smiles."

Wei Lan was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing, raised his lips, curled his eyes, and touched You Lan's head, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

You Lan smiled and shook her head, holding her arm and acting coquettishly, "We all love Sister Lan. My brother said that if anything happens, as long as we are together, nothing will happen."

Wei Lan felt sad for a while, and finally sighed with a smile, tapping the tip of Youlan's nose, "Okay, go to sleep, little girl!"

“I am already eleven years old, no longer a little girl!” The little girl protested loudly.

Wei Lan smiled happily, "Okay, big girl, how about you go to sleep?"

 “Oops! Sister Lan...”

 Have a good night’s sleep without any dreams.

 However, it turns out that a lot can happen in just three days.

For example, God was not kind and it rained heavily for two days, causing difficulties for the crops in the field.

For example, someone from the commune came to inform that there was a gap in the reservoir dam a few brigades upstream. Although emergency repairs were being carried out, everyone was still ordered to be prepared to fight floods at any time.

 For another example, Ding Maomao is back...

 This matter was later told by Lin Qing to Wei Lan after the rain stopped.

The crops were in trouble, and the reservoirs might burst their banks. Afraid of flooding, Gu Sande led a group of educated youths and commune members to actively make preparations.

Fan Zhuan was worried that Lin Qing would be alone at home, so he simply sent him to Wei Lan.

“Last night a car came in from the brigade, did you hear it?”

Lin Qing opened her mouth first by asking. When Wei Lan shook her head, she paused for a moment, her expression suddenly filled with compassion. It seemed that after becoming pregnant, her mind became more delicate and many things were magnified to think about.

 “Remember Ding Maomao? She is back.”

 (End of this chapter)