MTL - I Became the Favorite of Big Bosses-Chapter 466 Worry·Cause

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Chapter 466 Worry·Reasons

"I thought you didn't remember." Gu Chao curled his lips, held Wei Lan's face, and rubbed his rough thumbs under her eyes that were red from crying, "Be happy, let's go to a state-owned restaurant for dinner tomorrow."

With his attention almost diverted, Wei Lan shook her head in disapproval, "Just eat at home, I'll do it."

It doesn’t cost much to go out to eat, but they will definitely be the only ones going there.

Grandma Gu has bad legs and feet and is unwilling to leave. She also most likely doesn’t want You Lan to go out for fear of spending too much money.

Wouldn't it be better to prepare two sumptuous dishes at home and have a lively meal together?

Gu Chao saw the little girl's eyes became lively again, and immediately nodded, "Okay."

 He stood up and opened the curtains with a "swish", and the sunlight filled the room. Gu Chao stood up against the light and stretched out his hand to Wei Lan, "My face is going to be lumpy."


 The next day was Gu Chao's birthday, and Wei Lan started preparing early in the morning.

One day, Gu Chao went to the town late. Although he bought meat, it was all leftovers. This morning, he went to the town again and bought two kilograms of meat, two kilograms of mutton chops, and two kilograms of mutton.

Wei Lan made pork rib soup, pan-fried lamb chops, and cumin mutton according to the tastes of several people in the family. She also chopped the stuffing and made Sixi meatballs, which she paired with small green vegetables from the private plot and local vegetables from the bamboo forest. Made from bamboo shoots, the Gu family's evening meal was rich in both meat and vegetables.

People who were working in the sunflower seeds and came back late passed by the bamboo forest path and faintly smelled the aroma of rice. Their stomachs twitched, and they took a few puffs of the aroma, and then hurried home.

 Although I was very greedy when I smelled the aroma, it was neither a festival nor a new year. Few people were willing to buy meat. Most people just inhaled the taste and took a few bites of the vegetable dumplings when they got home.

After having a full meal, Grandma Gu was in a good mood and made some rice wine for everyone in the family to drink.

 The system of the elderly is not as good as that of young people. After a few cups of rice wine with extremely low alcohol content, their consciousness begins to become a little confused.

Grandma Gu squinted her eyes, squeezed Wei Lan's hand and patted it gently, "Happy...Happy to welcome the door, the house is full of blessings, the house is full of blessings..."

Grandma Gu looked at Wei Lan with a deep smile. In addition to kindness, she also had a fondness for the younger generation in her eyes.

Wei Lan hurriedly supported Grandma Gu, fearing that Grandma Gu would fall off the chair if she wasn't careful.

Gu Chao curled his lips and reached out to rescue Wei Lan, "Grandma, you drank too much, I will help you go back to rest..."

Sent Grandma Gu back to her room to rest, leaving You Lan to take care of her. Gu Chao rolled up his sleeves and squatted by the well to wash himself.

Lamb chops and cumin mutton contain a lot of fat. It’s easier to wash them now before the fat in the bowl solidifies.

Wei Lan rolled up her sleeves to help, but Gu Chao quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her down to her side, "You Zhong, I'll do it."

Gu Chao never talks much, but when he does speak, he pays attention.

Wei Lan knew his temper and no longer refused.

It was dark and the moon was in the sky. Wei Lan paused for a while, then went into the house and lit a kerosene lamp and carried it to the well.

She hugged her knees and sat on the stone pillar, resting her chin on her knees, looking at Gu Chao's side face in trance under the dim kerosene lamp.

His side face has smooth and tough lines, and the dim light casts a faint golden halo on it. At first glance, one thought it was his own halo, which was extremely charming.

 “Well…Brother Chao.”

"Huh?" Gu Chao washed the dishes and looked up at Wei Lan. His deep eyes were so gentle that you could drown in them, "What's wrong?"

"Well..." Wei Lan shook her head, resting her face on her knees, tilting her head to look at Gu Chao carefully, her peach blossom eyes reflected the light of the kerosene lamp, shining brightly, "Brother Chao, do you have any wishes?"

Today is Gu Chao’s birthday. I should have a birthday wish or something, right?

Gu Chao paused for a moment while washing the dishes, "A wish?"

 After a brief hesitation, Gu Chao moved again, but during this time he glanced sideways at Wei Lan, curled his lips and said with a smile: "Every year, there is this day, and morning and evening, you are there, and there is joy."

 As long as she is by his side, it doesn't matter whether life is good or bad, it is all good for him.

At that moment, Wei Lan understood the meaning of his words. Her eyes flickered, and she plunged into Gu Chao's arms, knocking Gu Chao over and sitting on the ground.

Wei Lan put her arms around Gu Chao's neck, rubbed her cheek against his cheek twice, then pursed her lips and put a seal on his lips.

 “Then…congratulations on this morning and tonight.”

Wei Lan laughed so hard that tears welled up in her eyes. Her voice was tremulous and soft, and she hugged Gu Chao tightly, "I have been waiting for this day every year, and I have been looking forward to this night every year."


 Always together, spend every "morning and night" in the future!

Wei Lan was in a depressed mood and only got a little better on Gu Chao's birthday.

After Gu Chao's birthday, her mood continued to be depressed and she even became seriously ill.

 In mid-May, the Kuaizi Project’s statistical contribution was finally determined by three people from the Workers’, Peasants’ and Soldiers’ University: Fan Zui, Jiang Cheng and Yu Tingyi.

Fan Zhusi gave up the quota after much thought. The team leader added up and based on his contribution, the quota went to Li Wenwen.

Jiang Cheng applied privately to the brigade leader, and the spot was given to his younger sister. Jiang Lihua only found out about this much later when the commune sent a car to pick her up.

Jiang Lihua and Li Jiandang had feelings for each other, and they had made an agreement that Li Jiandang would try his best to go with Jiang Lihua, and Jiang Lihua believed it.

And because the quota was given to Jiang Lihua by Jiang Cheng, even if there is a gap with Jiang Cheng, they are brothers and sisters after all. Jiang Cheng has done that, and Jiang Lihua dare not live up to it.

 In mid-June, the commune came to pick up people. Jiang Lihua waved goodbye to everyone. When she got in the car, she looked at Li Jiandang for an especially long time.

As for Yu Tingyi, he once had thoughts about Wei Lan, but after seeing how much Gu Chao valued Wei Lan, he chose to let go.

The first love and secret love in childhood are the most beautiful. Before leaving, Yu Tingyi went to Wei Lan alone to say goodbye.

At that time, Wei Lan had just recovered from her illness. She was lying on a rocking chair in the backyard and basking in the sun. Yu Tingyi sat next to her and said many things that had been hidden in her heart.

Wei Lan closed her eyes, and Yu Tingyi thought she wasn't listening, but he didn't know that after he left, the stationary rocking chair suddenly started to rock back and forth.

The young girl slowly opened her eyes, and after a while she stretched out her hand to cover the dappled sunlight that fell through the gaps in the bamboo leaves. She gently fanned her lips and said, "You too."

 A life of worry-free, free and easy life, accompanied by good people.

The happy days of living in the educated youth center flashed before his eyes. Wei Lan shook the rocking chair with her calves on the ground and sighed softly.

As time went by, the college entrance examination was restarted, the economy was liberated, and everyone went their separate ways one after another, but she was a little reluctant to leave.

Gu Chao entered the backyard and happened to hear this clear sigh.

In the past two months, Wei Lan has changed a lot. He is not as lively as before. His beautiful eyebrows are always frowned and the smile on his face is less. Because he has been ill for a period of time, his complexion is now white. , the chin became more and more pointed, and under the mottled sunlight, it actually had a sense of transparency.

 The state of Wei Lin was actually much worse than what Gu Chao had seen before in the capital city.

Gu Chao walked up to Wei Lan and knelt down next to her. He held her little hand with both hands and touched her cheek. He noticed that her body temperature was as normal and felt a little relieved: "What's wrong?" Wei Lan roughly said what he was thinking, and Gu Chao fell silent. Mo said, "There is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever. If we are destined, we might meet him again in the future."

"Yeah." Wei Lan responded softly, a quiet smile appeared on her pale face, and she looked at Gu Chao amusedly, "Brother Chao believes in fate?"

"I believe you are my destiny." He stretched out his hand and lightly scratched the tip of her nose, and said, "God-given destiny."

 Finally, he lowered his head and nuzzled her neck, and Gu Chao hugged her tightly, "Get up and walk around, okay?"

Grandma Gu said that going out to get some fresh air and move around more is conducive to physical recovery.

Wei Lan’s pale lips curved and she nodded in agreement, “Okay.”

Gu Chao accompanied Wei Lan for a walk on the nearby field ridge. The two of them had just walked not far when they saw a small man carrying a box running towards the group on the path outside the brigade.

Wei Lan looked at it for a while, rubbed his eyes and looked again. After a moment of uncertainty, he turned to Gu Chao and asked, "Why do I feel that that person looks familiar?"

Gu Chao squinted his eyes and nodded gently, "Jiang Lihua."

“Is it really Jiang Lihua?” Wei Lan frowned and looked over again, it was true.

 Just now she thought she had seen it wrong.

 But didn’t this person just leave? Why are you back?

Jiang Lihua said this on the way. After entering the brigade, Jiang Cheng came to inquire. After questioning, Jiang Lihua remained silent.

 Jiang Cheng understood everything after making trouble in this field.

Jiang Lihua couldn't let go of Li Jiandang. She was afraid that Li Jiandang would not be able to fulfill the agreement, so she jumped off the train halfway and gave up the opportunity to attend the Workers', Peasants and Soldiers University.

 The sister’s pride and ambition were all lost for a man. Jiang Cheng was angry and even more heartbroken.

On that day, Jiang Cheng, who had always been gentle, lost his temper and slapped Jiang Lihua. Jiang Lihua knew that she had hurt Jiang Cheng's heart willfully and failed Jiang Cheng's intentions. She did not dare to resist and just cried.

The more fiercely Jiang Lihua cried, the harder Jiang Chengcheng was beaten. If someone nearby hadn't stopped her in time, something might have happened.

Wei Lan didn’t join in the fun. These things were all heard through hearsay.

Perhaps Jiang Lihua is impulsive, but it is undeniable.

 Sometimes, when you identify with a person, you will run towards that person without hesitation.

Jiang Cheng and Jiang Lihua were completely in trouble, and their relationship was in dire straits. However, this situation did not last long because new policies were introduced.

 In mid-June, large golden sunflowers sway in the wind, and their beauty seems to blind people.

Team 7 had the best effect on growing sunflowers, so a reporter from Beijing City came over specially to interview them. Ji Huaiyuan was pushed forward by a group of beaming and smiling members, and he talked to the reporter for most of the day.

The commune members who have spent their whole lives working in the fields and have never seen a camera sat in the corner and watched. Not only did they see it this time, they were also invited to take photos in front of the sunflower field.

You Lan was also curious, but embarrassed to say that Wei Lan took it upon herself to invite the young reporter to his house for a meal. Finally, he took You Lan and Gu Chao to stand in front of a large sunflower field and took a group photo.

The reporter said that he would wait for the photos to be developed when he returned to Beijing, and he would mail them to you at that time, making Youlan as happy as anything.

Before leaving, the reporter also left news that the Beijing Municipality had announced the resumption of the college entrance examination.

The exam will start on July 28th. Although there is little information from Province H, this matter is a big deal, and someone should come here to talk about it in the near future.

Wei Lan also said it was around July before, but now it's already mid-June and she hasn't heard the news yet. Grandma Gu can't feel at ease. Now she can finally feel at ease.

However, for this reason, from that day on, Grandma Gu began to strictly urge Gu Chao and Wei Lan to study and review, and basically kept them out of other trivial matters at home.

Then other educated youths who learned the news, such as Lin Qing, Jiang Lihua and others, knew that Wei Lan had study materials here, so they would come and walk around and study.

 Oh, by the way, besides that, there is also Li Jiandang.

 Li Jiandang graduated from primary school and had a poor foundation. He couldn't keep up with the progress of studying the junior high school test questions. He was willing to learn and ask questions in a hurry. He asked Gu Chao and Fan Zhu in private. He was very motivated.

 Perhaps because of this momentum, Jiang Cheng's attitude towards Li Jiandang gradually changed.

Jiang Cheng is the elder brother. He hopes that his sister can live a good life, and even gives up his quota as a worker, peasant, and soldier.

So, was he wrong?

 Without a doubt, no.

 Simply things developed in a good direction in the end, the relationship between the brother and sister became harmonious again, and the pair of little mandarin ducks did not need to be separated.

Time flies into July. As the college entrance examination gets closer and closer, Wei Lan's mind becomes more and more sensitive. It wasn't until she had a nightmare one night that she suddenly realized what the reason for her recent panic was. thing.

 The plot of the original book is that on the eve of the college entrance examination in mid-July 1977, Wei's father was promoted to chief.

In the same month, Wei Lan, the youngest daughter, died at the age of 17, thousands of miles away from her hometown, in the Seventh Brigade of Hongqi Commune, Nanh Province.

Wei Lan panicked for a moment, but quickly calmed down.

 That was the ending of the original body.

And now many things have changed. Wei Xueliang was promoted to chief as early as half a year ago, and Jiang Lihua has become a well-established existence, and she is still a good friend.

 Leisan, who made the original Wei Lan despair and end up tragically self-destructive, has already been sent to a labor camp in the northwest.

 Everyone who might pose a danger or threat is gone, so there should be no need to be afraid.

Wei Lan was sitting on the bed with her head bowed. Under the cold moonlight, her figure was thin, and her ten fingers were stuck in her hair.

 But...she couldn't convince herself.

 She was still scared, and the feeling of depression made her breathless.

In the next few days, Wei Lan worked hard to build up her mind. Just as she was getting better, Gu Chao suddenly mentioned that she was going to Haishi.

"Can't you go?" At the dinner table, Wei Lan put down the bowl and chopsticks with a melancholy look on her face.

 She has become much more haggard in the past few days, and the faint bruises under her eyes cannot be hidden.

"Foreigners are suspicious. Although Xie Jinghong has the surname of James, he is young and foreigners cannot trust him." Gu Chao explained lightly. After a while, he reached out and stroked Wei Lan's loose hair behind his ears, "There are also some things that need to be done. Deal with it, there will be an exam in a while, and you should be unable to get away from it for a while after the exam, so we will go over to deal with it this time."

469 has been banned and will be released in two days!



 (End of this chapter)