MTL - I Became the Cannon Fodder In the Novels of Female Cultivators-Chapter 329 So she is so brave

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  Chapter 329 So she is so brave

   Tang Jiuer dared to say that, naturally because she had extreme confidence in herself.

  Before transmigrating, she used to be the top killer in that world. She never missed a shot in her life, and the people who died in her hands were killed by an extremely artistic method in her opinion. If she hadn't been betrayed by the organization behind her for stealing a secret from the organization behind her, she would not have died.

   But even so, before she died, she took away most of the organization's people in the end!

   This is her pride as a top killer!

  After her death and transmigration, she has practiced so far, and she has defeated several people who were suspected to be the Daughters of Destiny along the way, and even suppressed a powerful "magical book" held by one of the Daughters of Destiny.

  If it wasn't for the purpose of supplementing the missing part of his inheritance, and also making his "Seven Great Aspects" Dao Fruit stronger, Tang Jiu'er would have been able to prove the Dao a long time ago!

   It's not that she can't enter the He Dao Realm, but that she doesn't want to at the moment.

   "What the seven emotions can sense is the [Playing Puppet Sutra] that I have cultivated, and the last part is related to a weird vine..."

  Tang Jiuer thought of the little girl who had practiced the way of mind power to the stage of "Huxian". Although there was no basis, she had a premonition that the vine in the little girl's hand was definitely the weird vine she was looking for!

   "No matter who you are or what status you have, this vine can only be mine!" Tang Jiu'er's eyes froze, and his body flickered, splitting into seven in an instant.

   These seven figures are all exactly the same as Tang Jiuer, and they are also dressed in the same way.

  However, the momentum of these seven figures is different.

  Some are as cold as an iceberg, with heartless eyes; some are muddled, unaware of their own life or death;

  Although this is a world where immortality is suppressed, this [Playing Puppet Classic] is very mysterious, and it involves the spiritual aspect, so part of its power can also be displayed in this world.

  However, Tang Jiuer did not dare to use too much, because it would cause her projection to collapse.

   Before completing the inheritance, her projection must not be lost!

  At this time, the seven figures all moved, and they took a step forward, and they appeared outside Nageyuan Town at the same time in an extremely inconceivable manner.

   This is because of the calling of the hearts of the people.

  The human heart is complicated. A greedy person can also be an indifferent person at the same time. And a short-sighted person can also be an undecent person at the same time, and even a mean person at the same time.

  Therefore, when these seven figures appeared outside Geyuan Town, all the residents in this town had a subtle feeling.

   That was an unprecedented sense of joy!

  The residents of Geyuan Town feel as if they have met a very caring confidant! This confidant accompanies them to talk freely, making them understand their minds and feel comfortable from the inside out!

   "People's hearts can be guided, people's souls can be controlled, and people's will can be usurped..."

  The seven figures spoke at the same time, murmuring in a low voice, as if reciting an ancient language.

  Suddenly, a black and white curtain seemed to appear, covering the entire Geyuan Town.

  In an instant, it seemed that the time in this place was stopped, so that the people in this town were motionless.

But soon, without even a breath, Geyuan Town returned to its previous appearance, but invisible gray-white silk threads kept flying out of Geyuan Town, and then condensed into a bundle, It fell into the hands of Tang Jiu'er, who had become one at this time.

  I saw her lift up a light-white finger, flick it lightly, and immediately this bundle of invisible gray-white silk threads, like dominoes, produced a chain reaction.

  Pull up, puppet dance!

  There are short-sighted and greedy people who feel that sharing the dragon's blood equally with others is too bad for themselves, because the dragon's blood he got is only enough for himself to drink!

   And he not only wants to make himself live a long time, but also let his descendants live for hundreds of years!

  Besides, he also misses that incomparably precious Dragon Yuan, after all, it is something that can make people live forever!

  There are cowardly and cynical people, some of them also want dragon blood, but they don't have enough qualification points, and some, no matter whether they have qualification points or not, think that dragons are harmless and shouldn't go to the dragon slaying thing.

   What's more, who knows the strength of the dragon? If one is not good, it may cost lives!

Therefore, whether it is because of their own desire for dragon blood, or wanting to protect the two dragons, or protecting themselves at the same time, this group of people began to spontaneously publicize the fact that there is a dragon in Geyuan town. .

  The former is to fish in troubled waters, while the latter is to gain the support of more people.

  There are indifferent and mean people, watching all this with cold eyes, seemingly unmoved, but their attitude of not helping each other makes this news spread more and more widely.

  Because this type of people can't help but say some mocking words.

  And these words can often be the best evidence for something.

There are also greedy and unworthy people, indifferent and short-sighted people, cynical and short-sighted people, etc. People have different personalities, but the people in Geyuan Town, no matter how different their personalities are, are all fighting for one person at this time. work hard.

  Whether it is a supportive attitude towards Dragon Slaying or a negative attitude, the news of the real dragon appearing in Geyuan Town continues to spread.

   It seems that there is a script in the dark, and the people in Geyuan Town have become the characters in that script!

   Gradually, nobles from other places came.

   And these people, without exception, are all disciples of "Holy Learning" and have mastered the way of mind power!

  At this point, Tang Jiuer also started to come out behind the scenes, but she did nothing, just entered Geyuan Town, disguising herself as an ordinary town resident.

  She still needs to continue to pretend, waiting for a chance to make a move!

  Because she wants to kill with one blow!

   This is the glory of top killers.


   "Mother, what do you think she is doing?"

"Can't you see that? These people want to slay the dragon so that they can get the dragon yuan so that they can achieve the goal of immortality. This woman probably wants to add fuel to the flames so that she can kill people with a knife!" Fang Jinyu glanced at the little head beside him , I don't understand why she asked such a stupid question.

  Originally, he planned to come to Geyuan Town with Qingfu to practice mental strength, and then to inquire about it.

As a result, he and this little girl played a childish shadow-stomping game for a while, so that they were delayed for a long time. When they walked near Geyuan Town, they found that there was something wrong with this seemingly normal town. .

  So Fang Jinyu manifested his body, and with a wave of his claws, he and the little girl were completely covered up.

  The previous understanding of nature made this body not only comprehend the two major killing moves, but also comprehend a lot of small tricks. These means cannot be used by the body, but the body of the body is not hindered.

  Then, Fang Jinyu and Qing Fu began to observe together.

   Naturally, Fang Jinyu and this little girl also saw what Tang Jiuer was doing.

Not only did they discover that this woman could display some celestial powers in person, but she also discovered that she had mastered an extremely treacherous secret technique, which seemed to control many people in this town in an extremely mysterious way. , let them work for it.

  Fang Jinyu did not accept the inheritance of the [Playing Puppet Sutra], so he naturally did not know how the power of this formula was displayed.

   "Then why did she do this?" Qing Fu muttered while resting her chin on her small hands, her two feet were still swaying up and down extremely restlessly.

  Because she is lying on one of Fang Jinyu's paws.

  Bai Jianzhi's physique is still very large. After landing, it looks like a mountain range!

"What else is there? I want to kill you and me!" Fang Jinyu rolled his eyes straight away, but his eyes were covered with a layer of strange things by this world, so he rolled his eyes, and others also can not tell.

   "I know why she wants to do this! But, she knows she can't beat me, why does she still do it?" Qing Fu blinked, her delicate little face was very confused at this moment.

  Fang Jinyu finally understood what this little girl wanted to express.

  From Qingfu's point of view, no matter what that woman does, it will be useless, because no matter how many people this woman recruits, they can't do anything to her.

  That's why this little girl has such doubts.

   "Probably because he is very confident in himself..." Fang Jinyu said with some uncertainty.

   "So she's so confident?" Qingfu's eyes lit up, and then the little girl left a sentence "Mother, I'll go and come back", and then ran away without a trace.

  Fang Jinyu stroked his **** and handsome chin covered with long beard with one paw. He looked in the direction of this little girl running, with a pair of golden vertical eyes in his eyes, which was a bit weird.

  Because he always felt that what this little girl said just now was not "So she is so confident", but - "So she is so brave"!

  After a while, Fang Jinyu saw a black dragon suddenly flying into the sky from the location of Geyuan Town.

   "Mother, I'm back!"

  Fang Jinyu glanced at the little girl who had gone back and forth, and then at the black dragon who had a sense of blood connection with him. His pair of golden vertical pupils did not turn into dimpled eyes.

   If nothing else happens, the flying black dragon is that woman.

   "Did you take my dragon yuan and feed her?" Fang Jinyu asked with dangerous eyes, but he was thinking whether he should take the opportunity to kill that woman.

   Swallowing his dragon yuan, from a certain point of view, it means that the other party has completely handed over his life and death to him!


  Qing Fu shook her little head, and then she told Fang Jinyu that that woman was not made of flesh and blood, but borrowed the power of some precious treasure to form a projection in this world, so there was no way to obtain the power of Long Yuan.

   "Then why did she become a dragon?" Fang Jinyu looked at the sky curiously. At this time, where the black dragon appeared, there were mental attacks one after another.

  Its power, although most of it is only the mental power of the concrete stage, but such a dense number is enough for ants to kill elephants.

   "I asked a dragon element to borrow some energy, and then twisted into a dragon shape, condensed into her shadow!" The little girl said happily.

   "Can this also turn into a dragon? Or is it because of the projection?" Fang Jinyu was surprised. He had more than a hundred dragon yuan, and he didn't know that the energy of the dragon yuan could be used like this!

   Besides, are you sure you really borrowed some energy from a dragon yuan?

  Fang Jinyu squinted at the little girl, and couldn't help complaining twice in his heart.

  His Longyuan has no self-awareness!

   "Because her dragon transformation is temporary, as long as she does not encounter light and her shadow is not illuminated, she will not become a dragon." Qing Fu explained.

  However, it's okay not to explain this, but Fang Jinyu can only be amazed when he explains it.

what is this? Do you see the dragon body in the daytime?

  So, Fang Jinyu watched the excitement more seriously, the black dragon transformed by that woman was now killing people.

Although the body of the black dragon did not bring much strength to Tang Jiu'er, the [Playing Puppet Sutra] she had cultivated was enough to bring her strong strength, especially after being constantly attacked by mental power, Tang Jiu'er finally touched the way of mental power threshold.

  Before this, Tang Jiu'er's psychological attacks were all done in a tricky way with the great power of the "Playing Puppet Sutra".

  But right now, Tang Jiu'er really has mental strength.

  Understanding the mind, seeing the dragon, concreting... These three stages of spiritual practice, she passed by in a flash. After all, a certain part of the method of [The Puppet Sutra] is somewhat similar to the method of mental cultivation. It was not until the fourth stage of cultivation, Zhixuan, that Tang Jiuer's mental improvement speed slowed down.

   But she exhausted all the knowledge she had accumulated in practicing [The Classic of Playing Puppets].

   Tang Jiu'er, who has Zhixuan's mental strength, can naturally display more means, and the power is greater than one.

  When Tang Jiuer was besieged by these disciples of "Holy Learning" at the beginning, Tang Jiu'er could barely resist, but at this time, he completely swept away the practitioners of the way of mind power on the ground.

  Finally, after killing thousands of people and staining the ground with blood, Tang Jiuer turned and left.

  Sweeping the tail of the dragon, the black dragon disappeared without a trace.

   At this point, the "nobles" in Geyuan Town, as well as the "nobles" in the surrounding cities, can be said to have died cleanly. Because they wanted to get a bigger share of the pie after the dragon slaying, when these "nobles" set off, they brought over those who had mastered the way of mind power, even those who were at the enlightened stage!

   After all, as long as they are "participating in the war", even if they are just waving the flag and shouting from the sidelines, they can get a little hard work.

   What's more, the nobles have always doubled their military exploits.

   "It's a pity, it's not a lose-lose situation."

  Qing Fu looked so lively and ugly, with a sad face.

  Fang Jinyu couldn't help nodding when he heard this. He's been hiding in the dark for so long, so just show him this?

  (end of this chapter)