MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-Chapter 22 Tree

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Yan Shuishui was suddenly startled, turned his head and looked out the door, only to hear the sound of rustling blades rubbing, and at the same time, there was a constant sound like the slow bending of wood.

Then, a mottled and huge shadow blocked the light at the door.

It was a bent pine tree.

Its fully curved trunk resembles an arch bridge with extremely high curvature, which makes people wonder if it is still a pine tree that would rather not bend. , revealing a rough, cracked trunk bark.

Three gaps were slowly cracked on the bark. The two gaps at the bottom showed a green light, like two eyes, and the gap above was like a mouth pursed together.

An upside-down, huge, humble face.

It was like a tall and thin giant, bent down, bent down, tilted its head, stared blankly at Yan Shuishui in the store, opened its mouth again, and repeated it slowly and jerky:

"lay down."

"This..." Yan Shuishui looked at the face of the pine tree in front of the store in shock, and murmured, "The tree demon?"

She has also heard about the history of the cultivation world. Since the catastrophe in the ancient times, there has been no such creature as a 'demon' in the world, because the heaven and earth are full of ubiquitous external demons. Unable to practice, unable to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Only human beings who are born with wisdom and wisdom are qualified to receive the inheritance of the Dharma body of many Taoist traditions in the upper realm.

Even animals can’t cultivate and unlock their intelligence, let alone plants?

However, at this time, there was a tree demon with enlightened wisdom in front of her!

"Could it be the ancient times..."

Yan Shui thought of this possibility subconsciously, and then frowned slightly, "No, this breath is not as strong as me, weaker than me..."

If it was a tree demon who had opened a spiritual wisdom in the ancient times, how could it be only a little bit stronger than her?

Moreover, from the perspective of height, this pine tree is not very old. I am afraid that it has not been planted here for many years. Maybe it is not as old as her, and it is so difficult and jerky to speak. It should be learned not long ago.

Then there is only one possibility - it was also only a short while ago that the intellect was opened.

"How did you activate your intelligence?" Yan Shuishui couldn't help asking.

The eyebrows on Pine Tree's face slowly wrinkled, as if thinking about how to answer. After a while, it said slowly, "He didn't allow me to say it."

"He?" When Yan Shuishui heard the name, he couldn't help but ask, "Who is he? The person who can help you open your mind?"

The pine tree face thought for a while, and then said, "I won't tell you."

When Yan Shuishui heard this, he rolled his eyes slyly and said, "Okay, then I won't ask, but you are willing to guard the calligraphy and painting shop for him, is it to repay his kindness for opening up the wisdom for you?"

"Yes." Pine Tree replied slowly.

"Okay! Sure enough, the owner of this calligraphy and painting shop helped you open up your intelligence!" Yan Shuishui exclaimed, raising his hand as if he had discovered a big secret, and pointed at the face of the pine tree with his index finger.

"Ah? I didn't say it..."

Pine Tree's face seemed to be very confused and wrinkled. After thinking for a while, he realized that he was being told, and his face could not help but slowly become tangled and helpless, and there was a trace of grievance, like a bullied child, slow and fast. He said: "Human... so cunning."

"Don't worry, I'm just asking casually." Yan Shuishui waved his hands and asked again, "What did you tell me to put down? Are these waste papers?"

"It's his thing, it's not allowed to take it away." Pine Tree said slowly, and suddenly added vigilantly: "Don't try to lie to me again, I can find out."

"Oh, okay."

Yan Shuishui nodded, then threw a few **** of waste paper in his hands into the trash can beside him, raised his hands and said, "I've put them back, is it alright now?"

The face of the pine tree nodded slowly, the pine needles all over his head were like its fur hat, he shook it, and said slowly, "As long as you don't take his things, that's fine."

Yan Shuishui found that the tree demon seemed to be just starting out, like a child, and had no ill intentions, so he couldn't help but ask with a smile, "Then I'm still breathing, and the air in this store was taken away by me, does that count? ?"

Pine Tree's face froze for a moment, as if she was stunned by her question. After thinking for a while in confusion, she said, "It doesn't matter."

"That's good." Yan Shuishui smiled, "How old are you this year, can you tell me this?"

"I don't know." Pine tree face shook his head.

Yan Shuishui blinked and said, "Okay, it seems that you have just awakened your spiritual wisdom and haven't really cultivated yet. The person who helped you open your spiritual wisdom has not prayed for you to inherit the Dharmakaya from the upper world?"

"What is that?" asked Pine Face curiously.

Yan Shuishui thought for a while and said, "The method that allows you to cultivate into a human form."

"Becoming a human?" The eyes on Pine Tree's face lit up, as if yearning.

"Yes, do you want to?" Yan Shuishui smiled.

Pine Tree tilted his head, thought for a while, and then said, "He didn't say that I could become a human..."

Yan Shuishui smiled and said, "Then why don't you ask him in person?"

"I don't know why, as long as he notices me, I can't move." Pine Tree said in a low voice, "However, I just want to help him watch the door silently."

When Yan Shuishui heard this, he suddenly liked this cute pine tree, so he couldn't help but say, "Then I'll ask him for you tomorrow, if he agrees, I'll build an altar for you and pray to the upper world for the inheritance of the Dharma body, how about you? ?"

Pines thought for a few seconds with a dull face, and said, "You are a good person, thank you."

"Hee hee, of course." Yan Shuishui laughed and suddenly asked with interest: "By the way, if I remember correctly, pine trees are hermaphrodites. If you can transform into a human form, would you like to be a man or a woman? of?"

"do not know."

Pines frowned, as if thinking about the difference between men and women. After thinking for a while, he said, "He is also a man, can I become like him?"

"Is he a man?" Yan Shuishui didn't expect that she didn't inquire, and this naive pine tree said it herself. Could it be really the young man who looked like a mortal?

She couldn't help but smile: "Do you hope he likes you too?"

Pines thought again and nodded.

"Then you become a woman." Yan Shuishui said with a smile: "Normal men like women. If you become a woman, maybe he will like you."

"Okay." The pine tree face nodded and became firm.

"Then I'm leaving." Yan Shuishui said with a smile, "I'll see you again tomorrow, goodbye."

She glanced at the surveillance camera, and without continuing to look for a way to delete the records, she went straight out of the door of the bookstore. Anyway, the owner of this bookstore is not a mortal.

When the pine tree saw her going out, he straightened up again, and slowly closed his eyes and mouth, as if he had become that ordinary pine tree again.