MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-Chapter 21 lay down

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Watching Lin Zhishui's figure gradually disappear in the vast night rain, Yan Shuishui breathed a sigh of relief.

She folded her arms and looked up at the surveillance camera at the door.

From the camera's point of view, it is facing the front of the store door. If nothing else, it should have captured the situation when she landed.

"Very good, just delete the monitoring records, I have experience with this!"

Yan Shui Shui showed a confident smile.

Before she started to practice, from birth to fifteen years old, she lived in the county town, and after she started to practice, not many years later, she had to break through the first heaven gate 'Qintianjian', and she needed to enter the world to practice, which is also a relationship Be the host of the weather program on TV.

After all, in modern times, a profession similar to the ancient Qin Tianjian is the host of the weather forecast, and it can also gradually wake up the dharma body.

She has experienced the practice of joining the WTO during that time, so she is relatively familiar with modern technology.

It's still very simple to delete such a simple thing as monitoring.

"Huh? There's one in the house too?"

Yan Shuishui suddenly found that in the upper left corner of the ceiling, he could also see a red dot flickering from a surveillance camera, and he couldn't help but be a little speechless: "Such a small and shabby calligraphy and painting shop, it's very precious, and there are two cameras?"

She rolled her eyes and was about to start moving when she suddenly felt wet, her clothes and skirts were soaking wet, and it was a little uncomfortable to stick to her body.

He simply used his mana, controlled the rainwater absorbed by the clothes, forced the moisture out of it, gathered into a small water ball in mid-air, and then let the small water ball fly out of the store and landed on the wet ground. superior.

"Huh, it's finally comfortable now."

Yan Shuishui breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and glanced at the room, "Where is the computer?"

She looked around, but couldn't find the computer, so she couldn't help but panic.

Although she doesn't know much about the technology in recent years, and has been in retreat for the past few years, it stands to reason that the surveillance camera should be connected to the computer, and the surveillance video records are also saved on the computer. How can there be no computer? ?

Yan Shuishui suddenly turned to look at the screen that separated the house, "Could it be behind the screen?"

She walked quickly around the long screen, and suddenly found that behind the screen, except for a single bed, there were only framed copybooks and a few ink paintings hanging in the air.

When these copybooks came into view, she was instantly stunned.

what is this?

When she saw the handwriting on these copybooks, the various, incomparably distant and unfathomable Dao rhymes, like boundless stormy waves, instantly engulfed her.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth seem to have disappeared, and only the 'law' shown in these copybooks, the shocking and obsessed 'dao', is full of her world, and there is a sun that covers the mountains in the daytime. The stars hang in the sky, and there are thousands of mountains and birds flying all over the sky...

All kinds of incredible 'dao' completely shocked her, and she couldn't help being immersed in the grandeur and mystery of the Dao.

After that, the other obscure 'Dao' was gradually abandoned, and only the 'Dao' that was most suitable for her remained.

It seems to be inclusive of everything, infinitely variable, the most gentle and kind water.

She was born with a body of water virtue, and was most suitable for the cultivation of the way of water movement, so the master prayed for her early on in the upper realm of 'dirty soil to build wood', and gave her the dharma body of 'gonggong'. The source of the Dharma Body, the Great God of Gonggong, is the ancient water god, which fits her very well.

Therefore, after only 30 years of cultivation, she was about to pass the second day, but she still fell into a bottleneck.

But now, when she saw the way the water travels expressed in this copybook, she was completely shocked.

The road that originally led to the Waterway Avenue was filled with fog and darkness that could not be seen clearly.

But now, in the endless fog and darkness ahead, a hole has been torn open, as if there is light shining through. Although it is very weak, it has always allowed her to see the direction clearly.

This is water!

This is the way she should go!


I don't know how long it took, Yan Shuishui slowly let out a breath, gradually woke up from the strong shock, and finally saw the handwriting on the copybook—

"The highest good is like water, water benefits all things without fighting."

She read the words on the copybook gently, word by word, and couldn't help but feel uneasy.

The seemingly simple eleven characters are obviously the truths that have been heard a long time ago, but on this copybook, through the rhythm contained in the handwriting, the way of water is vividly expressed.

She is sure that as long as she continues to comprehend like this, not to mention that it is the next day when she is in a bottleneck, even if she breaks the five barriers and becomes a great road, she can still look forward to it!

As long as the five levels are broken, it becomes a great road, and after the calamity, you can fly to the heaven!

Yan Shuishui was in a rush of emotions for a while, and couldn't help staring at the copybook of "Shangshan Rushui", his beautiful eyebrows were full of yearning and excitement.


She frowned slightly again, "Such a precious copybook can be called a peerless treasure, even if it is a treasure, it can't be compared with it, how could it be in such a small calligraphy and painting shop?"

The ultimate treasure is the most powerful magic weapon in the world. If it can be triggered to the extreme, it will be the limit of the world in terms of power, and it is very close to the power of the gods.

And this copybook can also guide her to the avenue, giving her a chance to glimpse the position of the gods.

But the treasure is a foreign object after all, so in comparison, this copybook is more precious.

There are still more than a dozen copies of such precious copybooks, and they are all still in this small ordinary calligraphy and painting shop?

"Did that mortal get it by accident?"

Yan Shuishui couldn't help frowning slightly, feeling that the possibility was not too big, how could it be such a coincidence that he just got a dozen incomparably precious copybooks.

Another possibility is that these copybooks... all were written by that mortal!

But who can write such copybooks, how can they be mortals?

To be able to express the avenue leading to the immortals through the rhythm of Taoism, then the realm of the other party must be above this!

That is to say, even those peerless masters who have broken the five barriers, become a great road, and will usher in a catastrophe at any time, may not be able to compare to the mysterious calligraphy and painting shop owner!

"Could it be... he's just pretending to be a mortal?"

Yan Shuishui couldn't believe it.

Because the other party can't really see the slightest difference compared to other mortals, and even asks his girlfriend to pick him up on rainy days.

But if it's fake, it's not impossible.

However, the world is so big, she just fell into a random place and met anyone, who happened to be the hidden world power who surpassed the five barriers?

This possibility is too low.


Yan Shuishui was slightly startled, and suddenly recalled—

She killed Mie Mengniao and fell from the sky. When she landed, she made such a big noise. The other party was sitting at the door, only a dozen meters away, but she just didn't see her landing.

He also said something like 'I shouldn't have seen it, I will treat it as not seen', which seems to mean that I saw it, but pretended not to see it?

If you see it, but it doesn't attract foreign demons, it means that the other party is not an extraordinary person!

Moreover, the other party actually broke through the fact that the rain is about to stop.

Maybe... the other party has already seen that this rain is what she prayed for?

Yan Shuishui frowned, and carefully recalled what the owner of the calligraphy and painting shop said. Suddenly, his heart was shocked, and the words the other party said flashed in his mind:

"Only children can say that they are not children. Old guys like to pretend to be young."

She suddenly widened her eyes as if she had found a blind spot.

The seemingly ordinary young man treated her like a child at the beginning, and later said something like this, the child is obviously talking about her again, and the old guy... is he laughing at himself?

The other party is obviously a young man, but he says he is an old guy!

This... If it is really the power that surpasses the five levels, then it must have been alive for many years. Naturally, it is a real old monster, old guy.

Moreover, the speaking style of the other party is very similar to that of Master and the others. It seems that they are learning the way of speaking of modern people, but they always use some ancient words habitually.

She asked the other party why it was like this at the time, and the other party replied that she was "used to it"!

These series of clues are continuously connected in Yan Shuishui's mind, as if forming a road leading to the correct answer—

The other party may really be a hidden world power!

Yan Shuishui's eyes were full of horror, and he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Although there are still some doubts that she doesn't quite understand, if the other party is just pretending to be a mortal, it can be explained.

"However, the other party clearly knows that there are so many precious calligraphy and paintings in the store, and dares to let me be alone..."

Looking at the copybooks hanging in front of him, Yan Shuishui couldn't help pursing his lips.

Two possibilities.

Or the other party is really a hidden world power, and he is not afraid of her stealing the copybook.

Either she guessed wrong, the other party is just a mortal, and she doesn't know the value of these copybooks at all.

And she is more inclined to the first possibility, as for the second possibility, there are too many unexplainable places.

"What do you mean by agreeing to let me stay"

Yan Shuishui hesitated for a long time, still gritted his silver teeth, and finally glanced at the copybook of "Shang Shan Ruo Shui", then turned around and walked outside the screen with the greatest perseverance and determination.

Treasures are tempting, but they have to be enjoyed with life.

If the other party does not allow outsiders to see it casually, or has other purposes, wouldn't her behavior be as the other party intended?

After walking out of the screen and coming to the front hall of the calligraphy and painting shop, Yan Shuishui looked around again and found nothing special.

She went to the desk again, wanting to see if it was possible to find traces of the other party's creation of these copybooks.

But no matter inkstones, brushes, rice paper, ink sticks, and rulers are all ordinary and mundane things.

Yan Shuishui couldn't see any clues. He lowered his head and sighed, but found a lot of torn waste paper in the wastepaper basket under the desk.

She picked up one of the wads of waste paper.

After opening it, I found that it was a small ink painting, but it did not contain the slightest rhyme, and the brushwork was not as good as the copybooks and ink paintings behind the screen, and the level was obviously not the same.

"In this way, those copybooks and ink paintings may not necessarily be his works..."

Yan Shuishui came to this conclusion, picked up a few **** of paper in the wastebasket, and planned to take it back for the help of Master to see, maybe he could see something different.

Just as she took away these wads of paper and was about to put them away—

A dry, hollow, blunt, low voice, as if it was the first time he spoke, suddenly rang from outside the door.

"lay down."

PS: (There are more than 3,000 words in two consecutive chapters. The public period is already very powerful. Come and encourage me with a recommendation ticket~~)