MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-Chapter 13 Qingyang ruler

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After Lin Zhishui left, Han Suxin waited in peace in the store.

Although it was a bit boring to wait like this, she didn't dare to distract herself from her practice, and she didn't dare to look around in the store. Got a discount.

So, she just stood by the desk obediently, ready to wait for Senior Lin to come back.

Of course, this way, you can also take a look at the word "Ding" that Senior Lin gave her.

"This word is..."

Han Suxin lightly touched the rice paper with her fingertips, trying to feel the wonderful Dao rhyme contained in it, and identify what kind of magical powers these dharma rhymes would form.

Invisible power penetrated into her body from the copybook, enveloped her body and soul with warmth and silence.


Han Suxin couldn't help but be surprised to find that her soul, which was damaged by the shock yesterday, began to recover quickly under the penetration of this invisible force!

In just a moment, her spirit was restored to perfection.

"Unbelievable... I thought it would take a year to recover, but it has recovered so quickly?"

Han Suxin murmured, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that Senior Lin knew that my soul was damaged, so he gave me a fixed word as compensation..."

At this time, she finally understood a little bit of the magical power of this copybook with the word 'Ding' written on it.

The most obvious function is to 'stabilize the mind'. As long as you carry it with you, you can consolidate your mind, calm your soul, stabilize your mana, and stabilize your magical powers.

To put it simply, she will no longer be in danger of going crazy, and she doesn't have to worry about those weird and strange mental attacks, her magic power will be more stable, her practice foundation will be firmer, and it will be easier to perform magical powers.

To paraphrase in modern terms she understands, it's a firewall out of the box with accelerators and game scripts.

It seems that there is a deeper level of magical power that has not yet been revealed, but with her current state, she still can't understand what it is.

Such a precious treasure, even if it is not comparable to the supreme treasure, it is not far behind!

"Let's put the copybooks away first."

Han Suxin hesitated for a while, and summoned the breeze to let the ink on the rice paper dry quickly.

After putting away the copybook, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, such a treasure, she was not at ease if she didn't put it away.


"Huh? This ruler?"

Han Suxin suddenly discovered that the bluestone ruler on the desk for pressing the paper did not seem to be ordinary, and there was a little ink stain on the surface, which seemed to be the ink spot that Senior Lin accidentally got on the tip of the pen when he was writing.

However, with senior Lin's cultivation, would he actually make such a mistake?

But she couldn't allow her to think too much, because at this time, the ruler was trembling slowly and inexplicably, and it was emitting a faint light, as if it was sensing something.

When she was wondering, her expression changed, she suddenly raised her head, stared in the direction outside the store, her eyes were slightly cold.

"Are there practitioners?" Han Suxin frowned slightly.

She tapped her fingertips and lit up fourteen star-like bright spots in the air, and then immediately passed the laws of the stars' rotation and began to calculate whether this sudden practitioner was an enemy or not with the method of Ziwei Doushu deduction. Friends, contact this person is good or bad.

"Dangerous days are thrilling, and there are many worries about the day, and the fierceness occupies the palace..."

After a while, Han Suxin frowned tightly, waved her hand to put away the fourteen stars, "I am neither friend nor enemy, but the fate is fierce. Could it be Senior Chonglin?"

As soon as Mr. Lin left, an uninvited guest came to the door.

How could she not be worried?

However, judging from her spiritual perception, this uninvited guest's cultivation is not that profound, but only gives her a lighter sense of threat, and her cultivation is not necessarily better than hers.

She couldn't help but feel a little strange. With this kind of cultivation, how could the other party dare to trouble Senior Lin?

Could it be... the other party doesn't know Senior Lin's true cultivation?

"In any case, Senior Lin asked me to watch the shop for him, so there must be no accident." Han Suxin took a deep breath, slowly running the mana, ready to wake up the Dharma body at any time.

In a lonely, quiet alley.

In the shadow that the sun can't touch, a very deep shadow slowly twisted and stood up, gradually turning into a tall and thin figure, stepping out of the shadow, and then forming a black trench coat, about thirty years old. A tall and thin man with dashing mid-length hair tied behind his head, his face is angular and his eyes are as sharp as falcons.

Where he was, it was as if darkness had fallen, and even the golden morning light had dimmed a little.

"The flying sword biography released before the ancestor's ascension landed here."

Cheng Buxiu put one hand in the pocket of the windbreaker, the other hand was holding a brass compass, and his sharp eyes followed the direction of the pointer to watch the calligraphy and painting shop called 'He Mingxuan' in the distance.

"He Mingxuan... Sure enough, it's here too."

He frowned slowly, "On the copybook that July brought home yesterday, the place name signed is 'He Mingxuan', it should be right here, this girl came out with my 'Poe Compass' to find my ancestor The Qingyang Ruler, but suddenly gave up after returning home yesterday, and said that he was going to retreat, there must be something wrong..."

Cheng Buxiu was also a little unpredictable about the strange behavior of his daughter Cheng Qiyue, so he searched for traces and came to take a look.

Maybe, you can find clues about the ancestor's treasure, the "Qingyang Ruler".

The ancestor, as the only pillar of the Cheng family, has already soared.

As for the many treasures of the ancestors, except for the Qingyang ruler, almost every one of them has been clearly allocated.

Some of the treasures were left to the family by the ancestors.

The other part, the ancestor gave it to his high-ranking friends, asking them to help take care of the younger generation of the Cheng family.

Only the treasure, the 'Qingyang Ruler', is still missing. Even when the calamity was crossed, the ancestors never used the Qingyang ruler. It seemed that he had survived the dangerous catastrophe by himself.

When someone asked about this, the ancestor also said: "After I ascended, the juniors of my Cheng family can't keep the treasures such as Qingyang ruler, and it is just a sin, not a blessing, to leave it to them. "

The clan elders thought that the ancestor had given the Qingyang ruler to a certain expert.

But a few days ago, when the Great Elder used a drop of blood essence left by his ancestors to sense the condition of the real product through a fake Qingyang ruler, he discovered that—

The ancestor's treasure, the Qingyang ruler, is still an ownerless thing!

If the ancestors gave the Qingyang ruler to a master, such a spiritual treasure would have already taken the initiative to submit. Once he submits, the Qingyang ruler will take the initiative to absorb the master's mana and recognize the master. How could they possibly sense it? To genuine condition?

The ownerless thing means that the ancestor did not give the Qingyang ruler away, but hid it.

For a while, after the clan elders discussed it, they all speculated that perhaps the ancestor said that on purpose, just to make others think that the Qingyang ruler was not in the hands of the Cheng family, and to hide the Qingyang ruler, I am afraid that I hope that the younger generation will find it in secret. Come back.

In this way, outsiders do not know that Qingyang Ruler is still in the Cheng family, and it can be used as a treasure of the town family and used as a hole card at critical moments.

Moreover, before the ascension, the ancestors also deliberately left an unknown flying sword biography, which also strengthened the speculation of the elders of the Cheng family.

—Maybe the content of the letter from Feijian Chuanshu is about the hiding place of Qingyang Ruler?

When the clan elders found out about this, they strictly ordered that the news should not be spread out. Only the people inside the Cheng family knew about it.

As a result, the children of the Cheng family also began to secretly search for the whereabouts of Qingyang Chi.

And Cheng Buxiu, as the direct descendant of the ancestor, also has the magic weapon 'Broken Compass' bestowed by the ancestor, so naturally it is impossible to miss this opportunity.

It's just that he happened to have something important to do yesterday, so he gave the compass and a drop of the ancestor's blood to his daughter Cheng Qiyue, and told her to find the whereabouts of the ancestor's flying sword.

But what he didn't expect was that after his daughter came home yesterday, she said that she didn't want to look for it, and suddenly began to retreat and practice. He didn't know where he brought back an ordinary copybook, and even hung it on the wall in the house.

He asked twice, but Cheng Qiyue refused to reveal a word. UU reading

This made Cheng Nanxiu a little suspicious.

Could it be... my daughter has found the Qingyang Ruler?

Perhaps, it was only because she found that her cultivation was not enough, that she could not be recognized as the master of Qingyang Ruler, and could not forcibly refine, so she deliberately pretended to give up, went home to retreat and cultivated, and strived for an early breakthrough before she could have the opportunity to practice. Hua Qingyangchi will win the recognition of the family in the future and the recognition of his strict father.

This is a very reasonable and logical guess.

Most people who practice cultivation have rich life experience, and they climb high and look far and develop their thinking. How can they not be good at speculation and brain supplementation?

"If this is the case, this girl in July can't forcibly refine the Qingyang Ruler, but I can."

Cheng Buxiu glanced at the calligraphy and painting shop not far away, and when he turned his hand, a blue wooden ancient ruler appeared in his left hand, and then tapped the compass in his right hand with the ancient ruler, and a drop of blood appeared on the surface of the compass.

The blood quickly melted into the ancient Aoki ruler.

This ancient green wood ruler is an imitation of Qingyang ruler, and this drop of blood belongs to the ancestors.

With the help of the blood of the ancestors, it is possible to temporarily stimulate the induction between the fake and the genuine Qingyang ruler. If there is a genuine Qingyang ruler within a range of 100 feet, as long as you have not recognized the owner, you will definitely feel it.

Cheng looked expectantly at the fake Qingyang ruler in his hand.

The next moment, after seeing the ancient ruler of Aoki blending into the blood, it slowly trembled, just like the attraction of a magnet, and there was an inexplicable pulling force on the ancient ruler.

And the direction of pulling is the calligraphy and painting shop named He Mingxuan not far away.

"The authentic Qingyang ruler is really here!"

Cheng Buxiu's eyes suddenly lit up, and his sharp eyes were fixed on the small calligraphy and painting shop.