MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 212 Finale (Part 1)

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444 was stunned for a while, and he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence for a while.

Angelica space?

"What, what do you mean?" 444 looked at her with a dull expression.

Bai Zhi's smile did not change, the edges and corners of the gold-rimmed glasses were shimmering, and her voice was hoarse and low, full of smiles: "literally."

444: "!!"

It is true that 444 felt from the bottom of his heart that with Angelica, everything is possible.

But when she understood what she meant at this moment, 444 was still frightened.

The entire group of light trembled, and 444 stuttered: "Lord, master... you, you, are you saying that we are not in the system dimension now, but in another dimension?"

"That's right." Bai Zhi raised her hand slightly.

The entire space was turbulent, and the energy generated during the turbulence could make 444 clearly perceive—this is indeed not the system space, the breath of this space is familiar and unfamiliar.

444 is really stupid.

It knows that Bai Zhi is powerful, and it also knows that this host has an extremely high IQ and is omnipotent, but it never thought that she would be able to break the Creator's program and interfere with its own system!

Entering the task world and leaving the task world, the host can't do it alone, it all depends on the system.

As a system, 444 doesn't understand the rules and procedures here, because it's all set by the creator, which world to go to, how to go, 444 only plays a role of connection, and the principle is not clear.

- Of course, it has not thought about the principle.

In the eyes of their system, the Creator is the truly omnipotent God, who only exists in legends.

Create countless systems, let the host shuttle in various worlds...

Not what is God?

It never thought that Bai Zhi could change the program set by "God"!

She has expressed her curiosity about the Creator many times, but because of the power of the Creator, and because she has no real threat to the Creator, 444 never thought that she would make such a big move quietly!

Under the connection of the system, they directly return to the system space from the mission world, and then go to the next world from the system space... This is all operated by it!

And she actually let it take her into another space that she didn't know when it was built and was exactly the same as the system space, without knowing anything about its connection.

This is really scary.

444 looked at Bai Zhi's sight, like looking at a devil, full of shock and disbelief.

How did she do it? !

Did she really fully understand the secrets of the system, the system space, and the Creator? !

Thinking of this, 444 trembled all over.

It exists in Bai Zhi's mind all the year round, it is inseparable from her, it doesn't even know anything!

Just thinking about it like this, it felt that the cold hair was standing upright, and the back was chilled.

"You...what are you doing?!" 444's voice trembled and stuttered.

If it had eyes, it would be in a state of terrified staring at the moment.

Bai Zhi narrowed her eyes slightly, her expression calm: "Don't worry, wait for someone."

444: "?" and others?

It was so confused that it couldn't even help but wonder—

Did it really travel through so many worlds with her? !

Why are they bound together and it doesn't even understand what she's saying? !

When 444 was forced to collapse, a shadow slowly appeared in the fog that could not be seen clearly in the distance.

444 looked over in shock.

In the system space, one person is bound together to complete their own tasks. It is impossible to communicate with other taskers. The systems can still communicate in the system forum, but the taskers can never communicate with other taskers in the system space. There is an intersection.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for other taskers to appear in the system space that belongs to the tasker!

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared, making 444's already shocked heart even more frightened.

The fog dissipated, and the figure was completely clear.

A familiar face of a thirty-year-old man, whether it is Baizhi or 444, is not unfamiliar at all.

—Lu Wentian.

"Why are you?!" 444 people jumped up and raised their voices, "Why are you here?!"

This is the land general in that world just now!

If it wasn't for him in charge of protecting Qiao Baizhi, 444 would not have given this ordinary human a second look.

Unexpectedly, this man who was not seen by it actually appeared here!

There are more and more suspicious groups, and 444 feels that his brain is not smart enough, and it is not enough...

After Lu Wentian glanced at 444, who was jumping, he put his eyes on Bai Zhi, and then he showed a puzzled expression: "Ms. Qiao, where is this place?"

Bai Zhi raised her eyebrows, smiling but not smiling: "This is not the system space, so you don't need to pretend."

"I don't understand what you mean..." Lu Wentian frowned.

444 turned to look at Bai Zhi: "Master, why is he here? Isn't this the Bai Zhi space you made? How did you bring such an ordinary person here?"

It is now a hundred thousand whys, with question marks all over its head.

Bai Zhi did not squint, staring at Lu Wentian's eyes: "Do you still want to pretend? General Lu, or... Ye Tian? Yutian? Hades? Xuantian? Bailitian? Or... Mo Tianwen."

444: "!!"

It didn't think it was stupid before, but after binding Angelica, it gradually realized its stupidity, at least... not very smart.

But not being smart does not mean that it has a bad memory. On the contrary, because it is a system, its memory is very amazing. When Bai Zhi read these names, it instantly thought of the people corresponding to these names—

Ye Tian, ​​in the world of the Republic of China, in the era of separatist warlords, Jiang Cheng's son Jiang Tian, ​​after following Bai Zhi, changed his name to Ye Tian, ​​and was the heir chosen by Ye Shuai Bai Zhi.

Yutian, the world of immortals, the king of demon cultivators, was hatched by Bai Zhi and stayed by her side for thousands of years, and finally she named him Yutian.

Hell, the world of yin and yang, when Bai Zhi left the underworld, the black-clothed underworld summoned from other underworlds.

Xuan Tian, ​​the world of the last days, the zombie king who was brought by Bai Zhi, followed Bai Zhi for many years, and was the head of the knights of the delicate little princess.

Bailitian, dumpling world, dumpling Eliza? Xiaobai's mount, a combination of humans and insects, the king of the federation.

As for Mo Tian's question...

Isn't that a legend in the system world, the host who dominates the system 666, who is number one in the host leaderboard, has dozens of times more points than the second, and dominates the system? !

444 is stupid.

What does Angelica mean?

Why are these names put together? !

At this moment, it turned into a small question mark, and its chin fell to the ground, only to feel that its worldview was broken.

And after "Lu Wentian" heard this, suddenly, his thirty-year-old face kept switching between several Qingjun youth faces, and finally became a familiar and unfamiliar face—

An eighteen-nine-year-old young man, his beautiful and delicate face was a little pale, his eyes were dark, but the bottom of his eyes were deep and thick ink that could not be opened.

Saying this face is familiar is because the traces of Ye Tian and others can be found on this face, and saying this face is unfamiliar is because his face is not exactly the same as Ye Tian and others.

He looked back at Bai Zhi, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his voice was a little hoarse: "Although I am already familiar with it, today should be the first official meeting. I am Mo Tianwen, the host of Domination System 666."

Reach out.

Bai Zhi also stretched out his hand: "Bai Zhi, the host of Wish System 444."

Holding hands, meeting eyes, thousands of years, and the tacit understanding of several generations are all in this sentence.

Released his hand, Mo Tianwen glanced at the void, with mixed emotions such as surprise and surprise in his eyes, and his voice was hoarse: "Xiaozhi, I didn't expect you to be able to create the same existence as the system space, you are always beyond me. imagine."

Bai Zhi accepted this compliment, raised her hand and pushed her eyes: "I'm also surprised that you trust me so much, and came here directly with me. You know, when you get here, you are an enemy of the so-called creator."

"If you want to get rid of the bondage, you must fight against the Creator sooner or later." Mo Tianwen's voice was soft, but his tone was very firm.

At this time, a light group broke away from him.

— System 666.

If it weren't for the current environment, the moment 444 saw 666, he would definitely have become a little fanboy.

However, at this moment, 444 couldn't care less about his idol 666 appearing in front of him. He looked at the two people in front of him in confusion.

It's really shocking!

Those people turned out to be Mo Tianwen!

It actually stayed in the same world with Mo Tianwen many times, and it actually saw the legendary Mo Tianwen in the system world and the hegemony system 666!

On this day, its mouth has not been closed.

Every time it feels that it has been shocked to the extreme, but it never thought that it can be even more shocked!

As soon as 666 opened his mouth, it was different from 444's stupid frying sound. Its voice was very calm—

"Master, what is going on here?"

Apparently, it's just as confused as the 444.

But its performance is much better than the dumbfounded 444 with a question mark beside it...

Bai Zhi chuckled: "Then I and... um, let's call you Xiaotian, get used to it. Let me explain to you together with Xiaotian, just right, I also have questions to ask."

Mo Tian asked nodded.

Bai Zhi transformed into a set of coffee tables, and she and Mo Tianwen sat on both ends, with tea in the middle.

The two light groups 666 and 444 stayed aside, one calmly waiting for the answer, the other scratching his head with a big question mark on his head.

"Your performance in each world is different?" Bai Zhi finally spoke.

Angelica has passed through every world, and her personal traces are quite heavy.

In many worlds, Mo Tianwen seems to be integrated into a "character", which is very natural, so she only found out that they are the same person in the following worlds.

Mo Tian asked: "I have completed many tasks in many worlds. I have been traveling between worlds, and there will never be an end. This feeling becomes clearer after hundreds of worlds."

He twitched the corners of his mouth, his smile was a bit bitter, and the bottomless black eyes seemed to reveal the loneliness of traveling through countless worlds and tens of thousands of years.

He continued: "So then I closed my memory and entered the mission world with a blank memory, leaving only a few strands of consciousness in my mind, knowing my mission, and all my memories can only be remembered when I return to the system space."

Bai Zhi nodded.

Mo Tianwen looked at her, with a touch of warmth in his eyes: "I guessed that you were the tasker as soon as I finished in the world of immortality, and I also knew who you were based on your name."

"So you reminded me in the yin and yang world that points are a good thing and cannot be wasted. At that time, you were suggesting to me not to use the points obtained from the task." Bai Zhi chuckled.

Her voice was very determined. Obviously, she understood the hint of "Ye Wang" at that time.

444: "..." It really looks like a little idiot.

Why doesn't it know anything? !

Why didn't it find anything at the time? !

Beside him, 666's calm voice sounded: "It's not that you are stupid, it's that our host is too smart."

666 looked at the person opposite Mo Tianwen, it originally thought that Mo Tianwen was already a very smart and scary tasker, but now there is another one that is so scary that it makes people… fearful.

444: "..." Thank you, I was not comforted.

"666 is right, you are really smart and powerful."

Mo Tianwen nodded, holding the teacup with a smile: "You had already completed several missions in the world at that time, you were the first person to be on the leaderboard after a single-digit mission in the system space since I can remember. , and climbed to such a front position as a tasker, I was sure at that time - I can cooperate with you. When I see you, my memory will be awakened, and there will be a hint of the world of yin and yang."

Bai Zhi did not show any other expressions because of their praise, and her eyes were still confident and taken for granted.

Just after listening to Mo Tianwen, he raised his eyebrows: "I'm curious, why have we been assigned to the same world many times? The number of taskers is almost innumerable, and the number of worlds is also innumerable, it is impossible to do that. Coincidence?"

Mo Tianwen nodded: "It really can't be so coincidental, I have met other missionaries before, but I haven't met you so often, I have traveled through too many worlds, so I can find that we enter the same world, it should be the system arranged."

444 interjected: "I didn't arrange it..."

Bai Zhi glanced at it, her voice hoarse and smiling: "Little idiot, don't show your despised IQ, look at 666, stupid but silent, this is a good system."

666: "..." 444 is too pitiful to meet this devil host!

444: "..." Fuck, I'm used to being hit :).

Bai Zhi said in a hoarse voice unhurriedly—

"I have never felt that the Creator is a god, but he is indeed very powerful. He created the system world, and small systems such as 444 and 666 are just carriers, connecting us executors and managers.

"And the so-called manager, I don't think it is the creator, it should be a program formulated by the creator to effectively assign tasks, analyze and process data. The creator is a developer and may not be involved in direct management and distribution. Among us. "

She paused and continued: "It is the manager who decides which world to assign the tasker to to perform the task, and because the manager is just a program set by the creator, it determines to assign us to the same world according to the standard. Its judging method is relatively mechanical, even if we are assigned to the same world many times and have not achieved its purpose, it will still assign us the same next time."

The first management system to put them in the same world is to achieve a purpose.

But the result was not reached.

So when they are allocated again, they still need to enter the same world according to the standard, and the management system will automatically put them into the same world again.

But if the Creator personally manages it, after so many worlds, he will know that throwing them into the same world will still fail to achieve the goal.

Mo Tianwen was obviously a little surprised, his hand holding the water glass paused slightly, and looked at her: "You guessed the purpose of us entering the same world?"

Bai Zhi chuckled: "You don't need to guess at all, as long as you know the purpose of the creator, you can immediately know the purpose of letting the tasker go to the same world."

444 Although he warned himself to be calm, he couldn't help but eagerly asked, "What is the purpose?"

The corners of Bai Zhi's mouth twitched, and she sneered: "Points, for the so-called points."

444 was taken aback.

Mo Tianwen took a deep breath: "The secret that I only knew after traveling through countless worlds, you know it in such a short time..."

Bai Zhi looked at the teacup and collected the emotions in her eyes—

"My first world is over and I get points. When I don't know what the points are, I'm not ready to use them. Later I found out that you, who are number one in the rankings, didn't use the points, and it's even less possible for me to use them casually. .

"After going through many worlds, I have always had two doubts. First, where did the original owner go after the scoring was over? Why did it disappear immediately after the scoring was almost finished?"

"What about the second doubt?" 444 continued to ask.

Bai Zhi looked at it: "The second doubt is, why is such a powerful creator creating a system that is not smart, and even you don't know anything about things other than tasks! You are also dedicated to encouraging task users to consume points, this point, I don't think you know it yourself."

444 was shocked.

These questions were all mentioned by Bai Zhi at the beginning, especially the second doubt, which made him ponder for a while.

But she didn't give it an answer at that time. Today, will it finally know?

Under the tense gazes of 444 and 666, Bai Zhi calmly said—

"After being conscious of the world and the world just now, I'm finally completely sure - the point is consciousness.

"The creator's purpose is to plunder consciousness, so after the original owner has scored, the contract with the system takes effect, and consciousness is immediately swallowed up by us, completely disappearing from all worlds, and there will be no reincarnation!

"This swallowing is a direct operation of the system space, and we don't know it. The reason why systems such as 444 are not smart, only knowing that we are encouraged to consume points, the purpose is clear, isn't it?"

444 and 666 as carriers, of course they don't need to be smart!

Let them be smart, let them know a lot of information, do you want them to help the missionaries discover the truth?

They only need to incite the tasker to "consume" and actively transfer consciousness to the creator.

The corners of Bai Zhi's mouth twitched, and the gold-rimmed glasses glowed with cold light: "Follow the push and let the missionaries enter the same world in order to make us enemies of each other and consume points."

Those who have this "honor" are probably the strong ones.

They are so powerful, the mission world has almost no rivals to them, and their points consumption is too slow.

But if a powerful tasker is put into the same task, it happens to be a hostile identity, and they fight each other, don't they need "gold fingers" and need to consume points?

Whether it's Ye Baizhi and Jiang Cheng's son Jiang Tian, ​​or the sect master Sang Baizhi and the demon king Jinlong, the apocalyptic human princess and the zombie king...

It was supposed to be an inherently hostile identity, and under normal circumstances, they should fight each other.

It's a pity that the devil Angelica and the super king Mo Tianwen would meet each other, and each world would coexist harmoniously. Mo Tianwen became a follower and successor, and they all completed the task very well.

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