MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 211 The last world (end)

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Everyone was surprised.

Lu Wentian frowned and stepped forward: "What's the matter? Are you injured?"

"No." Bai Zhi shook her head, "It's because of a physical accident, I can only last for a month or two at most to help you straighten out the current order of the world."

She devoured the consciousness of the higher world, that consciousness is too powerful, and with her own strong consciousness, this body can't support it at all!

And although she devoured the creature's consciousness, she has not completely transformed into her own, and her brain is still collapsing and rebuilding all the time.

Lu Wentian's eyes were complicated, and he couldn't help frowning even tighter.

Even the leaders and others were speechless.

- They all know that the reason why Qiao Baizhi didn't live long must be related to the previous battle against higher creatures.

Humanity won, but Qiao Baizhi...

Everyone's eyes on Bai Zhi were full of respect.

However, Bai Zhi didn't care at all, the task of this world has been completed, and she can leave at any time.

Staying for a while has its own purpose.

The collapse and reconstruction in the head also takes at least a month.

"Ms. Qiao, you are a hero of mankind. We have the best medical team in the world. We must have a solution for your physical problems..." The leader looked worried.

Bai Zhi interrupted him: "No, the medical team can't solve my problem."

After speaking, she waved her hand and continued—

"There are still a lot of 'Gu' outside now. The substance Gu comes from the higher world. As I explained before, Gu is to activate people's consciousness. As long as they don't devour each other and remove their appetite and aggression, Gu is very harmful to earth creatures. good existence."

Everyone can imagine this.

People have become stronger, live longer, healthier, and can even set fire and fly. If they didn't know the truth, many people would think that this is evolution.

If the danger is eliminated, and they are no longer gu, then the substance of "Gu" can indeed be well used by humans.

On Bai Zhi's pale face, the gold-rimmed glasses glowed with cold light—

"Now that the invader is dead, leaving behind the material of the higher world, then we can officially name this material, spiritual energy, eliminating the dangerous Gu is equivalent to spiritual energy, and then, is the real era of spiritual energy recovery."

"Everyone, let me now introduce to you how to transform this Gu into a spiritual energy that is beneficial to mankind!"

Humans have spent eight years in the scorched earth world, but the reality is only eight days.

They were pulled into the world of consciousness on the sixth day, so in total, fourteen days have passed in this world.

Except for those who died in the first six days, there was no way to save them. After the sixth day, no one died.

During these 14 days, people, animals and plants came out one after another, people gathered together, and the country was on guard, so many aggressive animals and plants were wiped out.

But that's it, this world is still scary and dangerous under the action of "Gu".

But this time, humans are not the same as in the scorched earth.

- They all fought side by side against the creatures of the higher world.

- They've died once, and they've never been as stubborn as the first time.

- They know the strength of the country, they know that this time should be united and united.

So while it's dangerous, it's not messy.

On the third day of destroying the invader, the official issued two notices—

[1. Under the leadership of Ms. Qiao Baizhi, scientists from all over the world have created a new type of substance, which can eliminate the phagocytosis and aggression of all living things caused by the influence of "gu". We officially name this new type of substance— Angelica substance.

Major cities will release angelica substances for 24 hours from 12 o'clock tonight to 12 o'clock tomorrow night. Since there are great individual differences in the absorption of released substances, it is required that human beings in all countries must inject angelica substances locally, and collect mutations at the same time. Volunteers with a high degree of resistance against attacks by other animals and plants that still exist.

2. For those who maliciously murder and cannibalize people in the scorched earth world, we will judge them according to unified standards. At the same time, we found that some people are extremely malicious towards others and must undergo psychological education and counseling. The official trial results are announced as follows…]

As soon as the notice was issued, everyone was hotly discussing on the Internet—

"To make a vaccine so quickly, woo woo woo, it's amazing scientists."

"It's mainly Ms. Qiao Baizhi. She is really amazing. She can create a world of consciousness and kill higher creatures. It's not difficult for her to make vaccines!"

"It is said that she is in very bad health, has vomiting blood, and won't live long, but that's it, she is still fighting for mankind in the laboratory, and wants to solve the troubles of mankind before she goes..."

"Cry, be grateful, human beings will never forget her."

There are also people who are very concerned about another issue -

"Judgment? Why judge? We didn't actually kill anyone, it's all fake!"

"That's right, and at that time either you died or I lived. Killing is for self-protection!"

"Oh my god, I can't believe my eyes, who are those people in front of them? A murderer?"

"There's nothing wrong with the trial. You can see clearly that there is no accountability for killing people for self-protection, just psychological education! Those who were really sentenced were those who took the initiative to kill and eat people from the very beginning. Kind of disgusting, okay?"

"Agreed. If there is no trial, those who were killed and eaten, although they are still alive, have their memories, and they will not be held accountable. How to calm their anger?"

"Those who say no trial is wrong. In my opinion, this trial is very fair."

"Agreed, I have this time to beep here, hurry up and pack up, the police will come right away."

"I was 'eaten' by others, and I also need psychological counseling to face up to that experience. I can't watch the person who tortured and killed me not be judged!"

Individuals who have opinions on the trial, especially those who are full of malice, basically have no opinions.

Almost everything that happened to everyone on trial was recorded because of the video evidence.

do you have any opinion?

Then turn up your video and let yourself see what disgusting things have been done!

Those who die without killing are the victims.

If you don't kill yourself, you're in danger, if you're too defensive, you kill someone, and if the two fight each other, you won't be tried. You just need psychological education.

Taking the initiative and maliciously killing people in it will not be sentenced like the law in the real world. After all, because of the environment and the inducement of consciousness, many people cannot hold back the maliciousness in their hearts.

A person who saves people and helps others in it, if he also actively kills people, his sentence will be commuted according to the good deeds he has done...

All in all, the result of this trial was acceptable to most people, and it played a role of small punishment and great admonition, soothing the "victims" without causing too much resistance from those being tried.

Of course, if the person is too malicious, the sentence is still relatively severe.

Liu Jingwei is.

She lived too long and too many people died at her hands.


She took the initiative to kill "Qiao Baizhi" from the very beginning. She clearly knew some things, but she didn't tell the country without telling the truth. She only cared about herself, and also killed others.

Liu Jingwei was not surprised by the outcome of the trial, nor did she have any resistance.

After the injection of Angelica, her head became more sober, and the guilt and self-blame in her heart had already drowned her.

It has been more than a month since the results of the trial were announced. In the past month, all the people who appealed have ended. None of them were wrongly judged, wrongly judged, or severely sentenced. Their trial results correspond to the evil they have done. .

Next, they are going to serve their sentences.

Liu's mother and Liu's mother hugged her and cried angrily, her face full of guilt and regret.

Liu Jingwei patted them with a smile: "Mom and dad, take care of yourself. Although I have been sentenced for a long time, my ability is relatively strong. As long as I keep helping the country and get a good education in it, I will come out."

"Jingwei..." Liu Ma's voice choked.

Liu Jingwei: "Mom, it's really fine. It's really good to live soberly and soberly without fear."

The corner of her mouth smiled sincerely: "In the scorched earth world, I am too selfish and bad. I now understand a lot of problems, and I also know how wrong I am, and I should accept the transformation."

She used to be such a kind and weak person.

A rebirth has instead made her selfish and full of malice, and she really regrets it now.

Soon, someone knocked on the door outside.

Liu's father and mother's expression changed.

"Mom and dad, I'm leaving, you must take care of yourself."

After a pause, she added: "Help me apologize to Joe's father and mother..."

After speaking, she stood up, opened the door, and was taken away by the police.

Liu's father and Liu's mother hugged and cried together.

- They made mistakes, and this is the price they have to pay.

Liu Jingwei thought she would go straight to prison, but she didn't expect them to take her to the Academy of Sciences.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she had an answer in a trance.

—She wants to meet someone she fears and feels guilty about.

Sure enough, the pale-faced Qiao Baizhi sat in a wheelchair and was pushed out by General Lu Wentian. She stopped in front of her, expressionless.

Everyone else stepped back, leaving the two of them alone.

Liu Jingwei opened her mouth, but said nothing.

- What does Qiao Baizhi want her to do? Do you want to meet the person who "killed" her?

Liu Jingwei smiled bitterly.

She is really a disgusting person. In order to survive, she killed Xiao Qiao, and also killed Fa Xiao, who was obviously not a threat to her...

At this moment, she is full of guilt for this small hair.

However, Bai Zhi said directly: "Can you cooperate with me to do an experiment?"

"Ah?" Liu Jingwei was taken aback.

Bai Zhi looked at her and said calmly: "You are reborn, I am very curious about your rebirth, and I have some doubts because of it."

Liu Jingwei's expression was completely chapped.

She actually knew she was reborn!

That's right, Qiao Baizhi, brain evolution, her head can deal with creatures in the higher world, not to mention seeing through her, a reborn ordinary person?

After a long while, she said slowly, "Okay..."

So soon, Liu Jingwei was lying in Qiao Baizhi's laboratory.

She felt that she had fallen asleep, and when she opened her eyes, there was no discomfort, and her head went blank for a moment before she remembered where she was.

She sat up.

Bai Zhi was sitting next to the computer, operating three computers at the same time, Lu Wentian stood beside him, a general, like a bodyguard, guarding her safety.

"Little...Ms. Qiao." Liu Jingwei said softly.

Obviously they grew up together, but for some unknown reason, she is always very embarrassed when facing the current Qiao Baizhi, not only because she "killed" her, but also... Qiao Baizhi's powerful aura now.

Even if she is pale, even if she is weak, she is still the powerful Ms. Qiao.

"It's been three days, you should rest." Lu Wentian said.

Bai Zhi shook his head: "No."

Immediately, she looked at Liu Jingwei and asked her, "Do you have any special feelings before and after your rebirth?"

Liu Jingwei was taken aback.

After thinking about it for a while, she shook her head: "No, I died in the fifth year of the Reiki Resurrection era in my last life. At that time, our family was targeted. In order to save my life, we targeted Xiao Qiao. Because Xiao Qiao refused to eat us. Drugged food, so we fought..."

She was a little guilty, but she still said seriously: "I accidentally killed you, and everyone in our family was stunned. Later, Xiao Qiao rioted and killed us all. After that, I didn't know anything. When I opened my eyes, I found myself It was actually on the third day of the recovery of spiritual energy."

Bai Zhi touched her chin, thinking flashed in her eyes, she said, "You know what? Your consciousness has a Gu. It's not the current Gu, your Gu is more like a long, long time ago, that is to say, you have the consciousness of your previous life. , brought to this life."

She had Gu worms in her mind in a previous life, so the Gu in her consciousness in this life will be a long, long time ago.

Liu Jingwei looked at her blankly, her eyes confused.

Bai Zhi raised her eyebrows: "So, you may not be as bad as you think."

Gu will make people full of devouring desire and aggression, that is to say, Gu will subtly make people "worse". Liu Jingwei, who has had Gu in her consciousness for several years, is reborn, and the situation is more serious at the beginning.

So she will be the victor in the end, so she will be selfish and malicious in the beginning.

After hearing this, Liu Jingwei was stunned for a long time.

It was not until Bai Zhi left the laboratory for a long time that she hugged her legs and cried.

While crying, she couldn't help but smile.

It's good, she's not as disgusting as she thought.

It's good that she can stop self-loathing and disgust.

- She's not that bad, and that can be good again, right?

Lu Wentian pushed Bai Zhi and walked out.

He was as calm as water and couldn't help but say, "You should pay attention to rest, your body is in pain right now."

"It's okay, I like to discover the truth." Bai Zhi whispered.

"Then what did you find?" Lu Wentian frowned, "Liu Jingwei doesn't have a big problem, she just reborn her consciousness because of a mistake."

Bai Zhi smiled: "Wrong? Then why is it wrong?"

"Cough cough!" She coughed violently a few times, the pain inside her head was abnormal, but she still endured it.

Lu Wentian quickly poured her a glass of water, then patted her on the back and looked at her with concern.

Bai Zhi let go of her hand, the handkerchief was covered in blood, Lu Wentian's eyes changed slightly, but she didn't care at all, just took the water and took two sips.

Her gold-rimmed glasses glowed with cold light, and the depths of her eyes were full of meaning, and her voice was laughing—

"Why is there a rebirth? Because of mistakes, because of bugs, a bug that exists in... the strong is also a loophole for the strong."

Her smile was so meaningful, and her eyes gradually became frenzied.

Lu Wentian did not speak.

After a while, Bai Zhi put away the frenzy in her eyes and took a deep breath—

"Call my parents over, I'm leaving this world, I've found all the truth, and I've found a solution, it's time for the end."

Lu Wentian still didn't speak. After a while, he replied softly, "En."

The voice sounded very calm, but it seemed to suppress all the turbulent emotions under this word.

Ms. Qiao Baizhi has passed away!

She solved all the hidden dangers in this world, the mutant animals and plants all became emotionally stable and no longer attacked people, the Baizhi substance calmed down Gu, and Gu officially changed its name to Reiki.

Through photosynthesis, the mutant plants will produce mild aura under the action of Angelica dahurica.

The gentle aura haunts the earth all year round, slowly changing the human body.

- They are evolving, but they do not have the desire to devour or aggression, and devouring does nothing for them.

Reiki, a product of the new world.

The real era of spiritual recovery has just arrived.

And all of this is because of Qiao Baizhi.

She changed their nightmares, prevented destruction, and created new life. She is an important turning point in human history, an existence that will go down in history and will be remembered forever.

— Her appearance was brief but brilliant.

She left a lot of precious notes and records. Under her leadership, scientists have had a preliminary understanding of consciousness. It may take hundreds or thousands of years for them to catch up with her.

But as long as they keep making progress, one day, they will also discover the secrets of consciousness!

On the day she left, the whole world designated this day as a memorial day to commemorate Qiao Baizhi and the scorched earth world that was destroyed in their place.

The era of real aura recovery has arrived, and this day is also regarded as the dividing point between the new and the old centuries.

The new century is called—

Angelica century.

On this day, flags all over the world flew at half-staff, and people of all countries spontaneously mourned her.

Their heartfelt grief and regret, if she is still alive, how much change will it create for mankind?

She died also because of human beings, she is a hero.

People all over the world bid her farewell, and the big leader personally presided over the farewell ceremony. Qiao's father and Qiao's mother had red and swollen eyes, but they were proud and proud.

- Their daughter is their eternal pride.

The country should give them the best treatment and support them instead of Angelica.

But Qiao's father and Qiao's mother did not agree.

"Xiao Zhi, you will be our daughter in your next life."

"We are proud of you."

On the tombstone, Qiao Baizhi looked at them with a smile.

Qiao's father and Qiao's mother wiped away tears and touched the golden-haired little Qiao's head.

Angelica and 444 are out of the mission world.

444 Fried Mao: "Master, did you tell the truth before? Because you devoured the consciousness of higher creatures, your consciousness has become very powerful, and the body of ordinary people can't bear it?"

Bai Zhi nodded: "Yes."

She took a deep breath, a look of enjoyment on her face.

She is conscious now, so she doesn't have to suffer from the discomfort that the original owner's body can't bear. Of course, she is very comfortable.

Guang Tuan grabbed his head and became irritable: "Ah, ah, ordinary people can't bear it. How can we complete the task after that? Master! What should we do!"

It's going to crash.

The original owner's problem is the problem that the host will have in the future. If it is not solved, isn't it possible that every time Baizhi performs a task, it will only have a very short time?

And because the consciousness is too large, the body can't bear it, and it will be very uncomfortable...

444 wanted to grab Bai Zhi and shook it violently, asking her what she was thinking!

But seeing her faint sense of coercion, she didn't dare to say anything, admitting counsel.

- Her current consciousness is too powerful, even if it is a system, she can really destroy it with a single thought!

Next to such a huge consciousness, 444 felt a huge pressure and trembled.

Thinking of the problems they faced, it sighed and said weakly: "Forget it, I'll summon the mall, and I'll see if there's anything I can do to help you, otherwise we'll be on a mission, just entering the original owner's body, she dying..."

Saying that, it summoned the mall to find something useful.

However 444 microtons.

"Huh? Where's the mall?" 444 found that he couldn't summon the mall.

It scratched its head: "Strange, why can't I summon the mall? Try to summon the original owner?"

The original owner was not summoned either.


Still not summoned.

"What's going on?" 444 was dumbfounded.

This has never been the case.

Next to it, Bai Zhi looked at it, and her voice was faint: "444, didn't you find anything wrong?"

"What's wrong?" 444 said blankly, "That's how it was summoned. In the system space, just one thought can summon..."

Bai Zhi raised her hand and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses, and smiled—

"No, 444, let me introduce, this is - Bai, Zhi, Kong, Jian."

Read Kill the Sun