MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 52 Hisoka's Examiner Game

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"One, two, three!" Bao Kuer's pupils constricted, and his spirit was stretched to the extreme. Seeing Hisoka was only a few meters away from them, he knew that the opportunity had come, and immediately gave a signal.


The three of them were like rockets flying into the sky, traveling at an extremely fast speed, scattered in three directions, but disappeared for a few tenths of a second. This was definitely the fastest speed in the history of the three of them.

"Not bad, very smart decision. I'll give you ten seconds as a reward: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10."

Hisoka appreciated the decision of several people to escape separately, so he decided to raise some bets in order to have fun, and he was not in a hurry when all three of them disappeared.

Hisoka had a great time here, and Lu Xiaoou also said he had a good time there.

Walking in the dense forest with the man-faced ape, maybe the monsters in the wetland are still quite territorial, because there are no monsters without eyes that don't have eyes to come to rob with the man-faced ape around.

Instead, Lu Xiaoou found a lot of edible things. Although he didn't know what they were, he could experiment slowly. It would be wasteful to leave so many materials unused.

"It's really thanks to you, Leorie, go help pick that, we can give it to Xiaojie and the others to taste later."

"The one over there is also good. Didn't you say that you are good at climbing trees? We can bring it to Kurapika and the others to taste it."


The man-faced ape, Leorie, is also capitalized in a daze. He really wants to turn his face, but he hasn't brought it to the scheduled ambush location. It's too uneconomical to turn his face now. Thinking of the previous experience of eating and vomiting, he decided to bear it anyway. If you endure it, you will become a turtle.

So Leori, the ape with a face, jumped up and down to pick various ingredients according to Lu Xiaoou's instructions.

Although it is a man-faced ape with fairly flexible hands and feet, it is also tiring. Why is it so difficult to eat a prey this time.

But thinking of the food that is about to arrive, the mouth of the man-faced ape, which was poisoned by vegetarian food before, automatically secreted saliva, and became more motivated.

"I have collected a bunch of good-looking ingredients, and this coolie is not bad to use." Lu Xiaoou looked at the performance of the man-faced ape and felt that he was qualified.

Lu Xiaoou watched the behavior of the man-faced ape drooling from time to time, and calculated that he was about to reach the ambush site it had prepared. He weighed the weight of an empty pocket he had specially brought, and felt that it was almost enough and could be withdrawn. As for the man-faced ape Ape waited until the make-up exam to use it.

"Leioli, well, Xiaojie and the others should be waiting, let's go." Lu Xiaoou's tone remained unchanged, still familiar and enthusiastic, he turned around first and entered a dense forest, and disappeared after three turns.

The man-faced ape stood there dumbfounded. What kind of operation is this? Why is the prey missing?

"Hurry up, Leorie, or you won't be able to catch up with the exam." Lu Xiaoou's voice came from a distance, as if pointing the direction to the ape.

Although the direction of the trap I had prepared was already inconsistent, the fat in my mouth was about to fly away. I must not give up easily after I worked so hard before.

"Anyway, we have won the victory, catch up with him, and subdue him when he is unaware, and eat him directly, so as not to have long nights and dreams." The man-faced ape muttered as he walked towards the direction where Lu Xiaoou first disappeared.

It's a pity that the man-faced ape doesn't know that since the first time the vest fell off, its lofty ideals will never have a chance to be realized in this life.

The reason why the ideal can become an ideal is because it cannot be realized.

"Okay, which one should I play first?" Hisoka slowly finished counting ten, and began to think about who to start with, so as to make this game more exciting.


A little bit of sound came, and Hisoka stared at the direction of the sound, and felt that he might need to change his gameplay.

Sure enough, following the sound of footsteps approaching, Leorio calmly came to Hisoka, dragging a big wooden stick.

"Oh." Hisoka was a little surprised and didn't understand why he came back after running.

"I still can't do it." Leorio whispered, he couldn't accept such a thing as defeat without a fight.

"Have you given up your mind and don't want to run away?" Hisoka was a little unhappy that the prey didn't act according to the script, which was unbearable.

"What? On the contrary, my self-cultivation is not good enough, and I can be abused casually. I can't bear it." Leo Li said loudly, raising the wooden stick in his hand, posing for an attack.

"Ah!" Leorio yelled loudly, jumped up in the air and raised his wooden stick to attack Hisoka.

"Leori." Hearing Leori's roar, Kurapika stopped running immediately.

"You idiot." Bao Kuer scolded.

It's a pity that Hisoka easily dodged Leorie's aggressive attack with a light jump.

Of course, Leorio is not a person who gives up easily, and immediately launched a new trick and rushed towards Hisoka.


A playing card flew over the arm-thick wooden stick in Leorio's hand, and it snapped into several knots. Leorio's eyes bulged, and he realized that Hisoka had come behind him, and he reacted quickly and swung the stick with only one section left.

It's a pity that it missed and didn't hit Hisoka.


Hisoka punched Leorio in the stomach sideways, and while he was bending over in pain, he clasped Leorio's chin with one hand.

"It's a really nice expression. Behind the extreme anger and strong fighting spirit, there is a fearful expression of the shadow of death, but you can only live until this moment. Farewell." Hisoka held a playing card between his fingertips and pointed at Lei. doesn't want to play anymore.

"Swoosh" "Snap"

The fishing rod flew in the air and hit Hisoka on the forehead with such force that Hisoka let go of Leorio's grip.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!" Xiaojie held the fishing rod tightly, panting heavily, staring at Hisoka as if facing a formidable enemy, not daring to blink his eyes.

"Not bad, little brother." Hisoka didn't mind at all, and even praised Xiaojie with a smile on his face.

"It's a fishing rod, a really interesting weapon. Can you lend me this fishing rod?" Hisoka walked towards Xiaojie, as if he had discovered something more interesting.

Xiaojie held the fishing rod tightly and stood there motionless.

"Come." Hisoka approached Xiaojie step by step, as if he was really interested in the fishing rod.

"Look clearly at your opponent, it's me, my lord." Leo Li finally recovered from Xiaojie's sudden shock and saw Hisoka approaching Xiaojie.

Clenched his fist and attacked Hisoka's back.


Hisoka opened his eyes behind his back, turned around and punched Leori, even the glasses that he had been pretending to be handsome all fell out.

With a shout, Xiaojie held the fishing rod and ran towards Hisoka, but unfortunately, Hisoka pinched his neck.

"You came here to save your companion, you are a good boy." Hisoka smiled, and his subordinates continued to exert force, seeing that Xiaojie was about to suffocate.

"Okay, you've passed." Hisoka changed his style in seconds, and let go of Xiaojie with a smile.

Xiaojie was stunned, completely unaware of what kind of development this was.

The reason why Lu Xiaoou didn't participate was because even if he knew the plot, he couldn't guarantee that he would survive. No matter how ambitious he was, if he couldn't survive, he would have nothing.