MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 418 7 dwarfs

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Taking people's money to eliminate disasters, since the money has been seen, other things are naturally easy to talk about.

Moreover, these cards must be materialized by people wearing rings, otherwise other people would have no way to use them, otherwise Lu Xiaoou would have planned to give them to Batra directly to save trouble.

"Okay, please come this way." Batra suppressed the excitement in his heart, stood up and guided Lu Xiaoou and the others to the second floor of the castle.

In a large and gorgeous room, lay a very beautiful woman, about 20 years old, her blond hair did not lose the slightest brilliance due to deep sleep, it was still very dazzling.

He was in his prime, but he couldn't sleep well, and Lu Xiaoou had a keen sense, and he had already sensed that the woman's life had come to an end, and she would die in ten or so days at most.

"Fortunately, it came in time, otherwise the 50 billion would have been wasted." Lu Xiaoou secretly said it was a fluke.

You must know that in the original plot, because there are only Xiaojie and Qiya, and there is no cheat opened by Lu Xiaoou, they spend a particularly long time in it whether it is special training or snatching cards. It is not so easy to break through.

By the time Xiaojie and the others worked so hard to defeat Bomber and the others, it was already the end of January. At that time, this woman had already turned into a handful of loess, and all cards were useless.

Now that Lu Xiaoou is here, it is only in time to clear the game so quickly.

There is no need for Lu Xiaoou to do the next thing himself. Xiaojie is already eager to try it. He hasn't tried the [Archangel's Breath] card yet, so he naturally volunteered to try it out. try.

The ending was happy. When a very beautiful woman with a halo on her head and long hair fluttering appeared in the air, the woman lying on the bed was woken up by her blowing. She was alive and kicking, as if she was lying on the bed just now. It's an illusion in general.

"It's really good, so it's cured." Xiaojie was very excited, this card is really useful, but it's a pity that he only brought one out.

"It's great that we're all rich." Leorio didn't focus on this at all, he didn't even look at the beauties whose eyes glowed when he usually looked at them.

"Should we deal with the distribution issue?" Kurapika glanced at it, and Batra and his wife, who were talking to each other over there, asked a practical question, but their compensation has not yet been paid.

"Yes, share the money." Qi Ya said.

Although his family was richer and he was richer, every time he had money, he exchanged it for candy and the like. He had never seen so much cash, and he was more than enough to bury a few.

"Let's go to the hall." Lu Xiaoou turned around and walked towards the door. He estimated that Batra would not remember to take the witch's rejuvenating medicine for a while.

The next thing is very simple, give him the reward promised to Juezijuela, and then watch Batra take the rejuvenating medicine into his mouth, and transform from a gray-haired old man into a middle-aged uncle. Image, this trip is considered a successful completion.

With Batra and his wife's kindness to stay, Lu Xiaoou and his party stayed for an extra day before they came out of the castle and stopped when they passed by an empty hill.

"Hurry up, hurry up, now call out the card book, my asteroid, I can't wait to see it." Before there was business, Bisji didn't want to see the asteroid, and now I couldn't bear it anymore.

"Yes, we divided the cards, and I want to see my cards." Leo insisted.

Although Qi Ya didn't speak, he could tell from his expression that he was on their side, so Lu Xiaoou and the three looked at each other, and directly summoned Jikashu happily.


Seeing that the card book came out, Bisji strode up to Xiaojie, where her asteroid was placed.

"Gain." After Bisji got the card, she recited the spell, and after a puff of smoke, a clear blue bead appeared in Bisji's hand.

"That's it, that's it, the [Blue Planet] that I always dream about in my dreams, hahaha, I'm really happy, how should I call it, little ball, little blue, or Blue Star?" Bi Siji jumped up and down all at once, as if she couldn't stop after eating 'Xuan Mai'.

Jumping up and down while holding the blue beads, he let out a dreamy laugh, probably this is what 'Fan Jinzhongju' looks like.

Lu Xiaoou was really worried that Bi Siji would be the same as Fan Jin, and that the last one would be miserable.

However, Bisiji's adaptability is still very fast. After dancing on the spot for more than ten minutes, she finally suppressed the excitement and changed from super excited to ordinary excited. Of course, the most important thing is that she wants to see other people's cards.

"What cards did you all choose? I saw Xiaojie choose them before. What did you choose?" Bisji said.

"I chose [Seven Working Dwarfs], hahaha, they will help me read books when I sleep in the future, I can save a lot of time, I don't believe I won't be admitted to medical school." Leo Li was very complacent , after all, time is tight, this method is the best in his opinion.

"It's pretty good." Bi Siji squeezed out a few words, although she didn't think it was good.

"I chose [Chameleon Cat], so I can be with Xiaoou's little mouse in the future." Qi Ya chose an interesting one.

But most of the little mice don't like cats. I have never heard of mice liking cats. Tom and Jack are the result of artistic processing.

Lu Xiaoou saw that the little mouse had been following behind him step by step since he left the castle, but now when he heard the chinchilla, he jumped all the way, and he probably won't come back in a short time.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Noticing the behavior of the little mouse Everyone laughed out loud, even Qi Ya, who wanted to keep a pet at first, was a little depressed.

"I chose [Life Illustrated Book]." Kurapika decided to record every knowledge point that Lu Xiaoou said, so as to gain new knowledge by reviewing the past. He must store more knowledge reserves, and don't hate the books when they are used.

This is also the reason why he chose this card. Of course, the meaning in it is not humane.

The last few people all focused on Lu Xiaoou, who hadn't spoken all the time, and the card collection book beside him, which contained the two cards that needed to be given to Batra, and the remaining one was chosen by Lu Xiaoou.

"What card did you choose?" Five people sang in a chorus, wanting to know what card Lu Xiaoou chose.

"This is a secret, and you will know it when the time comes." Lu Xiaoou chose a card that he felt would be helpful for their current strength competition.

(= remember in a second)