MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 417 cash that can bury people

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The sky in front of him was clear, and it was no different from Greedy Island, but Lu Xiaoou still felt a slight difference.

Although the island of Greed is a real island, in order to complete the setting in the game, a lot of elements of mind power have been added. There are traces of mind power everywhere, and you can still feel it carefully.

There are no such things in the real world, and it becomes more and more different from the island before returning to the real world.

Lu Xiaoou was the first to come out, but he didn't wait too long. The second person came out was Kurapika, followed by Leori, Biski and the others, as well as Juezijuela and his group, everyone. They all tacitly kept Xiaojie at the end, maybe there will be some news about Jin.

"This is all about returning to the real world, and it feels the same no matter what." Once Xiaojie returned to reality, he felt that he was no different from being on the island.

"That's because there is also a part of reality, and it's normal to have this feeling." Qi Ya said.

"What to do now?" Kurapika asked.

"It's not far from where Batra is. We should go and complete the transaction first." Lu Xiaoou looked around and found that he didn't know what this place was.

"This is Mori Town. It's not too far from the castle we entered before, and we can get there in a day." Juezijuela breathed a sigh of relief, afraid that Lu Xiaoou and the others had other things to do, so it would be troublesome up.

In terms of strength, they can't compare with this group of people, so it doesn't matter if they use strength, they can only wait for their conscience to find out and bring it up by themselves. Fortunately, everyone is a good person.

Of course, Lu Xiaoou was issued another good person card, and it was issued by a middle-aged uncle. Lu Xiaoou did not know about this.

"In this case, let's go to the castle first and hand over the card to Batra. It's almost late December, and the time is almost up." Lu Xiaoou made a final decision.

After setting the itinerary, Juezijuela arranged transportation very obediently. Regardless of his age or experience, he said that this is what he should do, but he is very smart, and he did it without being called. Let Lu Xiaoou have a better impression of him.

Probably God felt the eagerness of Jue Zi Jue La, and the arrangement was very smooth. He could leave on the same day and arrive the next day.

Unlike before starting from Youkexin, they took a chartered train, but this time they took a car. After all, they are not as rich and powerful as Batra himself.

Time passed very quickly during the journey, probably because Juezijuela had passed the news to Batra in advance, and when everyone arrived at the castle, Batra was already waiting at the gate.

"You are back, is the game really cleared?" Bartra asked eagerly.

"Yes, the game has been cleared." Lu Xiaoou said.

However, Bartra probably thought that Juezijuela contributed the most. After all, no one would have thought that the key to the outcome would be a few children. Therefore, although Lu Xiaoou had already answered his question, he still turned to Juezijuela to think. Just to make sure.

Juezijuela has been with him for 5 years, not to mention that he understands him very well, but he also has three or four points. Seeing Batra turn to him, he knows what he means, and he breaks out in a cold sweat instantly.

Those are all strong people, so they are not easy to mess with.

However, Lu Xiaoou didn't have any special reaction. After all, Batra didn't do anything unbearable because of his age, so he just ignored it.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoou and his party didn't respond, Juezijuela breathed a sigh of relief, went straight up, leaned over and briefly told Batra what happened.

"What? It turned out to be like this!" Bartra felt that he was probably really old, and he couldn't see who was really the strongest.

"Sorry for neglecting everyone, please come inside." Batra bowed slightly to show politeness.

After all, the Hunter World still respects the strong, and whoever has the biggest fist is the last word.

Lu Xiaoou waved his hand and followed Batra's guidance to the castle hall. The hall here looks much larger than the castle hall on Limei Road before. His net worth is indeed expensive.

"Okay, let's get down to business, this time I'm here to complete the transaction. Before you paid us to break the game, you just wanted to get two cards, right? We've already brought them out, book." Lu Xiaoou summoned The card collection book directly summoned [Archangel's Breath] and [Witch's Rejuvenating Medicine] and placed them on the table in front of them.

Bartra's pupils shrank, and he had an intuitive experience of what Juezijuela said before. You must know that he never said which cards he needed, and all the cards signed in the contract also need to be handed in.

But now someone has explained the cards he needs in one word. If it weren't for years of experience, Bartra would feel that he would jump up.

"That's right, it is indeed what I need. Yoda is going to take out what I have prepared." Batra directly ordered the butler beside him.

When receiving the notice from Juezijuela, Batra specially prepared the cash. After all, he was not in the same group, and he didn't know how they distributed it. It was the most convenient to prepare the cash.

"Yes." Yoda saluted before going down slowly.

"I have a request. This witch's rejuvenation medicine contains 100 capsules. After you use it, there will be a lot left. I want some to experiment. I don't know if it will work?" I am still very interested in the magic pill that regresses my age, so I plan to study it, maybe it can be replaced with problem. "Batra is very straightforward. Anyway, as long as he becomes younger, he doesn't need to offend Lu Xiaoou for other things.

Soon Yoda returned to the hall with a few people. Together with them were a few sturdy servants, each of whom was carrying an oversized box, and there were more than a dozen boxes alone.

"These are the promised rewards." Bartra signaled Yoda to open the boxes one by one.

Lu Xiaoou glanced at it and found that the number was about the same, so he nodded. As for Leorio, if he was not still at someone else's house, he still had a little bit of reserve, and he might rush to the box immediately and drool.

As for Xiaojie and Qiya, they were a bit of a mosquito-repellent eye, they had never seen so much cash, and the most calm person present besides Lu Xiaoou was Kurapika.

Of course, if you look carefully, you will find that Kurapika's eyes are a little dazed, obviously too excited and a bit distracted, but on the surface it still looks very calm.

"Where are the people who need to use [Archangel's Breath]? Let's finish the business first." Lu Xiaoou said.