MTL - Host, I’m Here To Accompany You To Pretend-Chapter 247

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What are you wearing! When you are a pretender!

There is still a face to talk to me about subtle beauty? ! Are other people's books more subtle than yours?

At least when people draw a book, they will also consider the plot, and when your TM comes up, it's either female or obscene! There are a few people who can compare to you when it comes to color!

Chen Mo didn't want to play around with it anymore, so he opened the skylight and spoke eloquently.

"Why? You don't like listening to it anymore?"

"No! I love to hear it! A host who doesn't want to **** the system is not a good host! You should have realized it a long time ago!"

Chen Mo said with disdain: "Why don't you pretend now?"

The system coughed twice as if embarrassed, and then let out a serious voice.

"Host, I'm not here to cooperate with you, you are a traveler, you must be respectful when you talk and do things!"

It would be disgraceful for me to put on a system like yours!

"Okay! Don't tell me anything else, you really have no other purpose in reminding me to go to her at this time?"

"Really do not have!"

The system chapter is coming, and Chen Mo is not ambiguous about this.

He nodded and said, "Well, since you have said so, can you guarantee that you will not say a word when I meet them later?"


"Yoyoyo, why didn't you speak? Why did you just pull it like this in just a few seconds?"

"Host, how can you always say that to me, I do all this for your own sake! What's wrong with opening a harem as a traveler! You always look at other travelers, don't talk about opening a harem, as long as It's a female, and even bugs are not spared!"

"And let's not talk about these transmigrants first, don't the sister-in-laws have a paradise plan? Now I just want to re-enact it and why can't it work!"

Although the system seems to be very reasonable, Chen Mo didn't come to buy a cane. How could he be fooled by this guy, and immediately exposed the true face of the other party.

"You call your operation the re-enactment park plan? I think you want to re-enact the Water Dragon King Paradise!"

After being exposed by Chen Mo, the system broke the defense and made a sound of anger.

"Host, why do you always look at the problem from this aspect! You always think about it carefully, Ai Hayasaka has never felt father's love since she was a child, and it's not easy for them to be raised by her mother!"

"Now that people finally have a father, why can't you teach her what a father's love is like in the name of a father when you are old! I just want you to give them a complete home, what's wrong with me!"

"Hey, you're still playing the emotional card, don't you think it's immoral for you to be like this now?"

"Host, you can't say that. I asked you to join this family, not to let you break up this family. Why is it immoral."

Chen Mo's face darkened, what kind of bulls and horses are speaking! Do you think this is a Qiong Yao drama!

"Then how do you plan to explain Shigiya Kaguya?"

"Ah this...cough, the host has not been vigorously promoting the two-child policy recently, I think you should actively respond to the national policy."


On the wasteland plowed by the explosion, Kaguya Shinomiya and the others stared at each other, not knowing what to do next.

Logically speaking, now is the time to go back to their respective homes, but the problem is that they don't know how to leave this enchantment at all.

This blood clan barrier is the place where the gods used to seal the three princes, and there is no binding force on others, otherwise the three princes would not transform this place into the base camp of the blood clan.

But the problem now is that Kaguya Shinomiya can't do magic at all!

The principles of her alchemy and magic are completely different. She can't even feel the magic power, so how can she know that she should break through the barrier and leave this place.

But Sigong Huanggong and the others simply thought that the blood clan barrier itself was too difficult to break through. Sigong Kaguya was having a headache, so they didn't bother her. If they knew the truth...they probably wouldn't panic. , after all, both of them have had an epiphany!

Just when Kaguya Shinomiya and Ai Hayasaka had a headache trying to leave the blood clan barrier, a Buddha's horn sounded.

"Amitabha, all benefactors, stay safe."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this voice, and then turned their heads quickly.

"Master, why are you here!"

Sigong Huangguang and Sigong Yunying greeted them with joy, and they were more enthusiastic than seeing their own father!

"I've long thought that the donors are in trouble, so I'm here to give you a ride."

Shinomiya Kaguya looked strange, why did this sound so wrong.

"So that's the case, Master, you are truly pitiful!" Sigong Huangguang and Sigong Yunying said with a moved face.

Um? Are the two of them really like this?

Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned for a moment and then gave an explanation in her heart.

This is probably forced by life, after all, they still have to rely on others to get out of here.

"Master, although we met for the first time, I really appreciate your help just now. It's really bothering you to ask you to send us away now."

Chen Mo smiled and waved his hand.

"This is what monks should do. There's no need to talk about trouble. Okay, I'll send you off now."

With a wave of his hand, the surrounding environment suddenly melted, and when everyone came back to their senses, they had returned to the road.

"Okay, what the poor monk should do is done, let's say goodbye to all the benefactors."

Just when Chen Mo was about to turn around and leave, Si Gong Huang Guang and Si Gong Yun Ying suddenly shouted.

"Master, please stay!"

Looking at the two hurriedly running in front of him, Chen Mo asked suspiciously, "Is there anything else the two benefactors have to do?"

Sigong Huangguang and Sigong Yunying glanced at each other, then knelt down together.

"Master has gone through this ordeal. My brothers and I have seen through the mortal world. There is no joy in life and no pain in death. After all, life and death are just a cycle of reincarnation. We are willing to shave off 3,000 troubles! Follow Master to practice Buddhism! Please Master to shave for us !"

Shigong Kaguya was dumbfounded. She thought her two older brothers were just acting on the scene, but who would have thought that they would actually want to fake it!

Chapter 443: Once a day, escape into the empty door

Not to mention Kaguya Sigong, even Chen Mo himself was a little confused. He couldn't figure out which one the two were playing.

He just played the strongest Fahai in history. Would anyone still want to become a monk after seeing that Fahai?

Once a day, escape into the empty door?

"Amitabha, are you two benefactors serious?" Chen Mo asked suspiciously.

"Of course! Master, both of us brothers are sincere to Buddha!"

Sigong Huangguang and Sigong Yunying eagerly explained, afraid that Chen Mo would misunderstand their sincerity, but after seeing their appearance, Chen Mo's doubts became heavier.

"Why do those two benefactors want to worship me?"

Sigong Huangguang and Sigong Yunying froze for a moment and then smiled.

"Master, do you have more to say about this kind of thing?"

The two looked at each other, cleared their throats and shouted in harmony.

"Master Jinshan!"

"Buddhism is profound!"


"Purdue all sentient beings!"

"Master, you are not only profound in Buddhism, but also have the heart of a bodhisattva. Our brothers have never met a great monk with more Buddha-nature than you in our lives. It is a blessing for our brothers to meet you in our past and present lives! If we can't follow you to practice Buddhism, then what's the point of our life!"

Chen Mo was shocked, these two are blind!

You can even say that!

You TM casually find a passerby on the street and ask, can such a monk who starts killing him if he doesn't agree can be called a bodhisattva's heart?

Those who didn't know thought you were netizens of the P station who were playing tricks!

Do you want me to kill the Tathagata Buddha! After reading these words, can you know what kind of role I am playing?

Sigong Kaguya was also stunned at this time, she even wondered if the two were brainwashed!

After being silent for a long time, Chen Mo opened his mouth to persuade.

"The two benefactors are overrated, and the poor monk is just a mediocre monk, and he can't bear such praise."

"Master, you are being modest again." Si Gong Yunying smiled.

"..." Chen Mo.

It seems that he has become a master like Wallfacer in the eyes of these two!

Chen Mo sighed and said, "Okay, I already understand the thoughts of the two donors, but do the two donors really want to be ordained?"

"I want to solemnly remind the two donors. If the two donors think that my disciples are the same as the Japanese monks, then I advise the two donors to give up this idea as soon as possible."

"Entering under my door means escaping into the empty door from now on! Do you understand what I mean by this sentence?"

The two looked solemn, they knew that the biggest test was coming!

When Buddhism was first introduced to Neon, Neon monks also had to abide by the rules and precepts, but with the development of the local Pure Land Buddhism and the release of the Meiji Restoration's "Meat-Eating Wife and Bringing the Ban Off", Neon's monks completely let go Self, no longer abide by the strict rules and precepts of Buddhism, they will not only drink and eat meat, but also marry wives and have children!

But after this series of changes, the current neon monks have gradually changed their taste.

For the current Neon monks, monks are not so much their status as their profession, and studying the Dharma is not a practice for them, but a kind of work.

It can't be said that the Neon monks did anything wrong. After all, this is the choice of the country, and this group of people just conformed to this choice.

However, what they did after joining the masters was definitely not to be such professional monks, but to become monks with the goal of comprehending the Buddhadharma!

Sigong Huangguang took a deep breath.

"Master, my first half of my life was full of dirty deals and conspiracies in pursuit of power, but after experiencing this life and death catastrophe, I have already seen through it, all money and power are just fleeting, life does not bring, death does not Take it, then what's the point of chasing these things, Master, I have escaped from the world and have been with the ancient Buddha of the blue lamp forever."

"Me too!" Sigong Yunying responded excitedly.

The corners of Chen Mo's mouth twitched. He knew that these two were playing for real, but he definitely couldn't take them to practice Buddhism! Because he has no plans to escape from the world!

It's because the game is not fun, or the animation is not good, so I have to become a monk!

After a short thought, Chen Mo said, "I understand your sincerity, but does your family support you to become monks?"

The two were stunned.

"Master, what is the relationship between ourselves and our family who are going to be ordained?"

Chen Mo chuckled and shook his head: "The so-called escape from the world means to cut off the relationship, but the relationship between the world is so easy to break, as a qualified boss, your assets should be arranged for the next home. , as a member of the family, you have to explain it clearly to your family members, it will take several procedures just to dissolve the relationship."

The two were stunned, it turned out that being a monk was such a troublesome thing!

They talk about ideals with the master, and the master talks about the law with them, but the other party is very reasonable, making them completely unable to refute!

Chen Mo stepped forward and patted the two on the shoulders, then took out a Buddha statue from his arms and handed it to the two.

"Forget the matter of shaving for the two benefactors, this Buddha statue will be left to the two benefactors to remember, the poor monk will also go."

When the two heard this, they quickly turned their eyes away from the Buddha statue given by Chen Mo, but found that Chen Mo had long since disappeared and couldn't help sighing in their hearts.

"Master is really a god!"

On the other side, Kaguya Shinomiya and Ai Hayasaka were completely speechless. They didn't arrive first and it was less than 24 hours before the two old Yin ratios changed completely!

Hayasaka Ai sighed and turned her gaze to Shinomiya Kaguya and said, "Since the master has left, I won't stay any longer, the rest..."

"Don't worry, I can handle it."

Hayasaka Ai nodded, then jumped lightly and after a few jumps, he came to an open space and took down the squeeze driver.

CROSS-ZCHARGE's armor turned into particles of light and dissipated, and Ai Hayasaka released her transformation.

Why did things become like this, she originally just wanted to show off with Yunying Si Gong, but it turned out to be like that.

Hayasaka Ai shook his head vigorously.

"Forget it anyway, it's over, let's go back early."

Just when she was about to leave to return to the Si Gong's house, a voice came from behind her.

"It's too careless to cancel the transformation in such a place."

Ai Hayasaka's expression changed and turned quickly behind her.