MTL - Horror Game Escape Guide-Chapter 16 Zombie Town (sixteen) he is a demon

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Xiong Jiabao died, Qi Xiaokui died, and a team of six people now has four people left.

The four had a discussion and decided to rest in the living room for a night and restore their strength. They set off early tomorrow morning and headed east.

The living room was very spacious. Everyone found a different place. Xin Meng and You Yi occupied the soft sofa. The sofa was long enough for two people to lean side by side. Li Yougen took the bed from the room and quilted it away. The corner of the two was going to sleep on the ground. The most admirable thing was Dong Xiu. Even in such an environment, even if he had spent a lot of physical energy today, he still refused to aggravate himself and went to the room Li spent a lot of effort to pull out a heavy single bed to sleep on it.

When everyone was ready, the room fell into silence, only the slight sound of breathing was looming.

In the dark space, Xin Meng half leaned on the sofa and seemed to be asleep. After a long time, she opened her eyes again, and there was no drowsiness in her eyes.

"Can't sleep?" A low voice suddenly sounded close to his ears, scaring Xin Meng, and reacted to realize that it was You Yi and he was awake.

He turned his head and looked at the man who saw him for the first time today, but somehow gave him a very close feeling. The room was dark, he could not see the appearance and expression of the human, but he could only see the outline of the man's face. Xin Meng unconsciously described the man's firm and handsome profile line with his eyes little by little, and blurted out involuntarily: "Can you ... tell me something about you?"

After speaking, he couldn't help but feel a little shy. He was a very ordinary questioner. How could he be so ambiguous when he whispered softly?

Is it related to this quiet and dark environment? Xin Meng was distressed, or should he use a stronger tone? But that makes people sound like a tough question, it doesn't seem very suitable ... right?

He was tangled, but he didn't find the man who gave him a serious and mature impression. He even scratched his lips in the dark, his smile flickered, and he couldn't catch it.

"I was a special force in the army for a few years. After retiring, I changed to a mercenary. By chance, I entered the game by chance."

The man's words are very brief, but the tone is very gentle. Because of the fear of affecting other people, their two heads are almost together. At this time, the warm breath exhaled when the man speaks is sprinkled on Xin Meng's ears, Xin Meng I just felt a sudden rush of heat over my head, my ears and cheeks couldn't bear it, my brain was blank, and the ghost said so badly: "No wonder you are so good ..."

Maybe the head was really short-circuited. After Xin Meng finished speaking, she didn't notice the problem for the first time. Instead, the figure of the man he saw during the day began to appear. It was really good, at least one meter eighth tall, a whole ratio. Xin Meng has a head higher, her body is a standard inverted triangle, and her whole body is covered with strong muscles. It is not as ugly as Jiezi, but rather slim and fit. It is incredible. If you wear loose clothes, you ca n’t even see He has such explosive power, which definitely belongs to the type of thin and undressed clothes, and ... when he changed clothes, Xin Meng accidentally saw that he had eight pack muscles ...

Xin Meng couldn't help but suddenly appeared a little jealousy, eight pack abs, he wanted it, even if there were no eight, six, no, four ...

How good it would be to be safe.

Suddenly, the low laughter belonging to the male sounded in his ears. Xin Meng instantly realized what she had just said and thought about, and she just wanted to help her!

What the **** is he doing!

When he was embarrassed and ignorant of how it was good, his eyes were covered with warm palms, and he heard the man say, "It's too late, go to bed, be obedient."

The gentle voice of the man dispelled his distress, the heat on his cheek slowly receded, the man's hand covering his eyes had never been removed, Xin Meng did not push away, and leaned quietly on the sofa.

He thought he would lose sleep, but actually fell asleep soon.

After hearing the sound of steady breathing, You Yi lifted his hand away, his gaze penetrated the deep darkness, and landed quietly on Xin Meng's long lashes, revealing a vague smile.

Xin Meng, who is already asleep, does not know that for anyone other than him, this is destined to be a sleepless night.

Dong Xiu was lying on the bed, kicking the quilt he didn't know who had used it. His body was covered with the unopened new sheets he had found. He closed his eyes, but all in front of him was a picture of Xiong Jiabao turning into a monster. , Repeated play, endlessly, sweat quickly broke out on the forehead.

He thought to himself, Xiong Jiabao, don't blame me, you are too stupid, and I did n’t let you go, you wo n’t really die anyway, and you can be resurrected after I clear the customs, so ... it ’s not a big deal of.

The cold blood and selfishness in his nature made him not guilty, and more frightened. After all, he had never seen these weird things before that.

Monster, monster, will that monster follow?

How can I kill it?

Dong Xiu continually pondered the countermeasures and was completely sleepless.

the other side.

Li Yougen curled up in the quilt, leaning back against the wall, shaking slightly.

His face was flushed, his head was sweating, his body was twitching, and his hands were constantly moving in the quilt. If it was to an outsider, it would be easy to misunderstand what he was doing that was not an appropriate action for children.

However, with Li Yougen's psychological qualities, it is not bad to be directly scared to death today. Where can I still feel like doing this.

Scratching his fingers on his thigh, the skin was already flushed and red, and he was about to be scratched. He frowned and kept cursing in his heart anxiously.

Damn, why is it so itch, did the mosquito bite?

It feels like a bag with a mosquito bite ...

Probably because the pants were scratched, it gave the mosquitoes a chance.

How does it make people sleep? This broken place can't find even a toilet water!

Li Yougen cursed resentfully, afraid of scratching the skin, and he did not dare to fight hard anymore.

In the early morning of the next day, the four of them all got up early. However, except for Xin Meng, who was full of energy because of a good night's sleep, and Yu Yi's look as usual, the other two's looks were terrible. Dong Xiu was tired and hit straight Yawning, Li Yougen's face turned blue, his hands were still scratching outside his pants, and he was a little uncomfortable walking.

Xin Meng wanted to ask what happened to the two of them last night. Didn't they sleep well? As a result, You Yi shoved bread and milk into his hands, he was distracted and talked to You Yi in a low voice. The other two forget.

"Your backpack is a treasure bag, so you have everything." Xin Meng knew that he had more than one gun in his bag, which was fine, but he kept seeing that he took out all kinds of things from his bag. Things, changing clothes, medical supplies, food, compasses, magazines, hooks with iron claws, folding sabers (just given to Xin Meng), and a lot of miscellaneous things. Awesome stuff, but this bag is not big! If it weren't for his mismatched appearance, he thought You Yi was the incarnation of Doraemon!

You Yi lowered his eyes, took out a bag of milk from his backpack, and said unhurriedly, "There is still room for you to put your clothes in."

Xin Meng smiled and did not pretend to be polite.

"Cut, what are you doing!" Li Yougen scratched his thigh and looked at the two people surrounded by the warm atmosphere, dismissively, and said to Dong Xiu who stood by, "Well, do you say they are abnormal? I have seen such people before It's disgusting. Xin Meng usually looks decent, but I didn't expect it to be this kind of person. When I see a man, my nature is revealed. It's really ... "

Suddenly, he felt something running across his ears, and a few broken hair fell on his shoulders. The ear hurt, and something warm came out. He cried out after the pain. Looking back, it turned out to be a knife, which was inserted into the wall next to his ear!

The tip of the knife fell into the wall!

He couldn't believe it, looking back, facing the last pair of indifferent and tan brown eyes, the killing in those eyes was almost overflowing, like a fierce and brutal beast, full of blood and killing breath. , Just about to come to him!

Li Yougen wanted to escape, only to find that he was already covered by murderous intentions. The invisible tension forced him to move even a finger!

what is this?

What exactly is this almost substantial terrorist force? !!

Li Yougen's legs shuddered. If he hadn't drank much water yesterday, I'm afraid he'd have to pee again. He couldn't even feel the crazy itch on his thigh.

He is going to kill me, he is going to kill me ...

I will……

I will be killed!

Li Yougen's thoughts clearly appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but knelt down to ask for forgiveness. However, the sight suddenly disappeared, and the horrible oppression felt on him was instantly lost. He I was stunned, but saw that Xin Meng, who had just gone to the bathroom, came back, and sat back on the sofa next to the man, and the man's eyes moved to Xin Meng, and he returned to the usual calm and gentleness.

Like a lion that suddenly fell asleep.

Xin Meng didn't know anything about what had just happened and was facing an unsuspecting smile at the man.

Devil ... He is a demon ...

Li Yougen pursed his lips and couldn't help whispering "Devil", Dong Xiu who had been holding a mineral water bottle drinking coldly and glanced at him, "How stupid you are, you can't see who can't provoke you . "

Li Yougen couldn't say anything. Of course he could see that this man couldn't mess with it, but the problem was that he was afraid of being heard when he was talking to Dong Xiu, so his voice was very low. According to the distance, normal people are definitely Who can't hear it? Who knows ... why was this person heard? !!

He suddenly became cold, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it was, was this man really a monster?