MTL - High Above-Chapter 26 extraordinary

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  Chapter 26 Extraordinary

  The noise of the sea tide came from outside the window.

  Because few people clean, the small wooden house near the sea is full of dust.

   But Hilliard and Ian didn't care. They sat cross-legged on the bed, facing each other.

   "How much do you know about Ascendants?" asked the old knight.

   "I only know that there are sublimators." Ian replied simply: "And psionic power."

   "At least I can spell the words correctly." Hilliard didn't think Ian would know much, he nodded slightly and said, "So do you know Aliens and Warcraft?"

   "I know." Ian naturally knew: "I have seen it before."

  Immigrants living in Nanling, how could they not know about strange beasts? Those powerful creatures who are born with psychic powers and roam the wild mountains are legends among all populations.

   It is said that some of the totems worshiped by the aborigines are powerful monsters that are kind to humans. Their protection caused the imperial army to return without success, and they had to recognize the autonomy of the aboriginals in the redwood forest.

   And the strange beasts in the sea are more common.

  In Ian’s memory, when he was four or five years old, he was at the port with his mother, watching fishermen from afar join hands to drive away a huge sea snake.

  The blue-black sea snake is more than 30 meters long. Its scales are stronger than steel, and its long tail flicks. It can even create eddies in the sea to help it devour fish schools.

   Neither the harpoon nor the crossbow could harm it. In the end, it was driven away by the big ship of the Chamber of Commerce under the Viscount's command at the risk of sinking.

  "All things and all living beings come from the same source, and they are all descendants of the sun. No matter plants or animals, monsters or aliens, or even us humans, we all need to bathe in the brilliance of the sun, so all creatures are brothers and sisters."

   "However, with the passage of time, all things have differentiated, with different talents and abilities."

  Hilliard turned his head sideways, but the sunlight passing through the curtains and windows seemed quiet. He stretched out his hand and let the sunlight shine on his palm, dyeing it with a layer of gold.

  The old knight said calmly: "In ancient mythology, the ancestors of many intelligent life, such as humans, elves, and dwarves, obtained the fruit of wisdom, and then possessed wisdom."

   "And the ancestors of the beasts, those ancestors of alien monsters with powerful bodies and even various supernatural powers, got the fruit of life, so they have extraordinary power."

   Turning his head, the knight looked at Ian, and said seriously: "The integration of wisdom and life force is 'sublimation', and those who sublimate are all walkers on the road of sublimation, chasing the ultimate promotion."

   "Simply put, a sublimator is an existence that uses wisdom to make itself comparable to or even surpass the power of alien beasts."

  —Myth? sun worship. Unexpected science.

  Ian did not fail his culture and history class. He knew very well that what Hilliard described was only a small part of the complete mythology system, and the inheritance of the ascendant was inextricably linked to it.

   Sun worship is not uncommon. Rather, the position of the sun is very important in any myths and legends.

  And from the perspective of energy transmission, the sun is indeed the source of all living beings, and all living things are also brothers and sisters under the knees of the sun, a loving father and loving mother.

  As for the keywords of Wisdom Fruit and Life Fruit, Ian will write it down for now and plan to ask for advice in the future.

   Because now, he has another question he wants to ask.


  Ian frowned suspiciously, and asked softly, "How do you combine wisdom and the power of life?"


  Hilliard said succinctly: "This is the true meaning of the cultivation of the sublimated."

"The alien beast itself contains the power of the fruit of life. Through wisdom, its elements are refined, its essence is extracted, and the materials of the alien beast are used to make potions and supplements by means of alchemy, so that human beings can also absorb the fruit of life. Power, and gradually improve your rank on the road to sublimation."

   "As for the effect, Ian, you can touch my arm."

Hilliard raised his hand and showed his arm to Ian: "I am the knight of a certain big man. I used to be a high-level sublimator, but in the past battles, almost all of my sublimation was destroyed because of the source of the virus. The organs, and even the higher-level sublimated structures such as the 'phase nervous system' built in the body, have been completely ablated."

   "In other words, I am basically a mortal, and I no longer have the divine power of a high-level ascendant."

   "But even so."

   Clenching his fists and puffing up his muscles, the old man emphasized at this moment: "My life essence has also been transformed, far stronger than ordinary people, and even some low-level sublimated people."

  At this moment, Hilliard's face at this moment has returned to its real face, and it is no longer the appearance of Oceana.

He can't be said to be as handsome and handsome as an elf, but he can also be said to have a good appearance. The man's nose is straight, his long taupe hair is slightly curly, and he has a calm and solemn military temperament on his body. Wrinkles don't make him look too much Aging is just to engrave the majesty of time for the knight.

   "Okay, teacher."

   Promised to speak out, Ian stretched out his hand without hesitation and touched Hilliard's arm.

  —He wanted to touch it a long time ago, the body of the ascendant in this world must be extraordinary!

  However, when Ian actually touched it, he realized that the 'skin' he touched only looked like skin.

   "This touch..." The boy couldn't help but widen his eyes.

  That is layer upon layer of fine smooth scales, layers of crystallized carapace, strong and flexible, no matter whether it is water or fire, it seems difficult to invade, it can be said to be a layer of chain mail.

And under the skin, it is not flesh and blood in the traditional sense, but an extremely soft or extremely hard non-Newtonian fluid. Ian even had the illusion that he was touching a humanoid crane. When it is in its prime, it may easily blow up a house, or even far more than that.

Raising his head, Ian and Hilliard looked at each other. The brown eyes of the old knight looked ordinary at first glance, but Ian was keenly aware that the pupils of the other party would always shrink with the surrounding light and observe the distance of the target. Zoom in and adjust the angle, just like a high-precision surveillance camera, covering everything in the field of vision in every detail.

  This kind of power... Ian's breathing was a little short for a moment.

   This never-before-seen possibility…

   It is exactly what he has been pursuing and exploring!

   Sensing the boy's eyes mixed with expectation and longing, Hilliard nodded in satisfaction.

   Obviously, the clever boy in front of him has already noticed the key.

   "The teacher's body is very special."

  Let go of your hand and calm down, Ian concluded seriously: "Although it looks like ordinary skin, muscles and eyes, they all have abilities beyond ordinary people."

   "Under the seemingly human body hides extraordinary power."

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  (end of this chapter)