MTL - High Above-Chapter 18 trap

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  Chapter 18 Traps

  The night wind was blowing, the vegetation was noisy, and the short figure walked into Ian's house with ease. He had walked by it many times, so naturally there would be no noise.

  But soon, the figure's nose moved slightly, he became vigilant, raised his hand, and signaled the other shadows behind him to stop and stop moving forward.

  He smells blood.

  Different from animal blood, the smell of human blood is special. The shaman of Son of Forest is familiar with this pure taste. Although there are too many acquired impurities in this blood, it is far cleaner than all wild animals.

  Whose blood will it be? Ossina finally slaughtered his older nephew?

  The figure did not hear the voices of Osenna and the others, and his keen hearing told him that there was only one young child in the room breathing slowly in his dream, and it was the predetermined sacrifice, the young child named Elan.


  The figure was a little dissatisfied, and the whispered accent was peculiar and weird, with the rawness of the wild forest, but it was the undeniable imperial language.

It is clearly agreed that both nephews will be handed over to them. The holy sacrifice requires the blood and internal organs of the purest and most ignorant person, as well as the flesh and brain of the strongest and most resolute person. The spirit of the mountain tide only accepts these two types of sacrifices. Taste.

  Oxenna is really not credible.

-never mind.

  Standing in place, the figure only thought for a moment, and finally shook his head slightly.

   It's fine as long as it's not the youngest one being killed. Eight or nine-year-old children are not uncommon. Even though Harrison Port is relatively well-defended, they can go to several nearby fishing villages and towns to abduct a few.

  Ossina is not in the house now, probably to deal with his nephew's body...

   "It's a pity, even if it's not fresh enough, a child's offal is a good sacrifice, and the meat is wasted."

  With regret, the figure was hungry.

  The only ones who can unlock the root power of flesh and blood are those who often eat flesh and blood.

   Only when the nutrition is sufficient, the power of the root will emerge from the source of flesh and blood deep in the body, just as only when the spring is abundant, will it emerge from the eyes of the spring.

  However, resources are scarce in the tribe, and there are very few meat eaters. People like him who have just embarked on the shaman path cannot guarantee full food every day.

  As for the supreme blood, the great shaman often said that if you eat the flesh and blood of the brave, you can gain the power of the brave.

  Children's blood has no power, but it is purer than it.

   "It's a pity that it has been wasted."

  He shook his head slightly.

  Since Oceana is not here, he will take the young children away. Anyway, the mushroom sucker only needs black mushrooms. In the future, the tribe will need him as an intermediary to continue obtaining resources in the port.

  Thinking so, the figure walked towards the room where Elan was, walking lightly.

  —Then, he stepped into the trap that Ian had set for Oceana.

  Coastal areas have experienced heavy rains year after year, and the homes of the immigrants are basically not secure. The floor is only paved with a layer of stones and planks as a buffer. Only new houses built in recent years will use monolithic foundations and rock brick walls.

Oceana’s house is naturally not a new house. The soil under the foundation has long since collapsed, and even the wooden planks are hanging in the air. Below is a puddle full of muddy water. Ian slightly modified it, so that the wooden plank will shatter when stepped on , the bottom is full of wooden sticks, and a small fish-picking knife is inserted vertically in the soil as a trap for stabbing the soles of the feet.

  Who knew that Oceana would not use this trap at all, and was directly settled by Sleeping Powder, without tasting the design that Ian carefully prepared for him. This is a cheap figure.


  For a while, the sole of his foot was pierced by a knife, and the figure almost cried out in pain, but he was also a shaman among the Sequoia natives after all, and he was mentally tough, so he naturally held back his screams in an instant.

  This place is Port Harrison. Just because he can sneak in doesn't mean he can go back safely after attracting attention.

   Moreover, the fish picking knife is full of rust and dirt, and the puddle is full of dirty muddy water. If the wound is not treated immediately, not to mention the inconvenience of movement, it is easy to be cursed by the rust spirit, convulsed and struggled to death!

   "Caution! House, trap!"

Immediately he opened his mouth to instruct the three people behind him to be nervous, and they had already drawn out their weapons to look around for vigilance. The hunter who was about to deal with the attack stopped moving. Before the young shaman had time to think about why there was a trap in the place, he immediately squatted down and pulled out the knife from the bottom of his feet. , Treat the wound.

  —No, why is there a trap? Was it set by Oceana? Who can it be used against? against them?

  Impossible, how could that trash sucking mushrooms deal with their only black mushroom powder channel... Could it be to beware of thieves?

   But even this is too far-fetched... Where can a thief come from such a broken house...

   I have to say that this house gave the indigenous shaman great anxiety, and things seemed to be a little out of control.

   At this moment, Ian was also walking near his home with his new teacher, Hilliard.

   I have to say that Ian is very satisfied at the moment, but he is still calm on the surface.

   "The effect of this psychic power is really clear and clear, and the golden effect is beyond my imagination."

  Just went to the lakeside to bury a corpse and take a bath, and he was able to pick up a teacher who seemed extremely mysterious at first glance and was full of secrets!

Although Hilliard didn't say anything, Ian could guess it even if he guessed it. A man with a vicissitudes of life, a man who has been wanted by the empire for more than ten years and has not been arrested, must have something real in his hand no matter how he thinks about it. There is a story behind it.

   Not only that, he has a high moral character, and he is very principled even in the face of himself who seems to be just a child.

When he and Hilliard returned to Port Harrison together, Ian noticed that the other party's walking posture had undisguised military characteristics. The previous Space Marines were very similar.

  He seems to be just an ordinary person now, and he admits that he has been seriously injured, and his strength is not as good as before, but he was definitely a powerful knight in the past.

  Just now, Hilliard explained to Ian the reason why he stayed in Port Harrison...Ian already knew that a catastrophe was about to happen around the South China Sea, and Hilliard came here to solve the catastrophe.

   It's funny to say that the wanted criminals on the surface actually think about the people of the empire? It's really touching.

  —Why, on earth, such a knight with noble moral character and certain strength will be reduced to the point where he is wanted by the whole country and wanders around?

good question!

   But seriously, Ian doesn't give a damn.

Just like what he said to Hilliard at the lakeside - he really needs a new uncle, and the other party really needs a new identity, young children need adults to rely on, even if the other party can't show up at all, but The other party also needs the child as a disguise for their own identity.


  (end of this chapter)