MTL - High Above-Chapter 15 Analysis (thanks to the lord of Tianrulu who rewarded!)

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  Chapter 15 Analysis (thanks to the lord of Tianrulu who rewarded!)

"thank you very much."

   On the other side, although I didn't wait for a definite answer, Ian didn't take it seriously: "Please trouble me."

   On the contrary, it can even be said that he put down a big rock in his heart, which made him feel a lot easier.

-Do not worry? Of course he is not in a hurry, no matter whether this suggestion can be made or not, at least his own safety will be guaranteed in the future!

  You must know that what he is going to do next is very dangerous in the lake forest late at night... It is really an unexpected good thing to have such an old knight who does not look weak and is also emitting golden light to protect him.

  At this moment, Ian turned his head. He took out the rope, tied the corpses of Lin Bao and the native to his uncle, and then tried the weight. After feeling that it was still within the tolerance range, he stepped forward and continued to drag the corpse forward.

  Whether it was the attack by Lin Bao or the natives, it was just an expected episode, and his destination was still the edge of the lake forest.

  The old knight stayed where he was. He didn't immediately follow Ian, but closed his eyes and meditated.


  He repeated Ian's name in his heart, and the man thought in his heart: "White people in Port Harrison..."

  East of Whale Song Cliff, south of Feiyan Land, the Baisen Mountains, and the long and narrow coastline surrounded by countless redwood giant trees, all have a tropical rainforest climate. The pioneers more than a hundred years ago identified this place as the territory of the empire, and the imperial immigrants decades ago built several small port cities here, and Port Harrison is the largest of them.

  The footsteps of human beings have thus expanded to the southernmost sea coast of the mainland, but apart from these few cities, there should be more primitive jungle areas.

  The man knew very well that Port Harrison was next to him, and the first immigrants in Port Harrison were a few families of criminals who were relegated from the imperial capital or from the frontiers and exiled to the edge of the world.

  Inside, there is indeed a white people.

  In a family like that, it is not impossible for a Chosen One who awakened psionic abilities in childhood.

The White People appeared after the skyfall disaster thousands of years ago. The group of humans who are better adapted to spiritual energy and radiation usually live near the energy furnace cores of towns with the strongest radiation, and stay away from the cleanest forests—the natural environment will make them appear instead. Rejection, all kinds of abnormalities appear in newborns.

   "But even the people of Bai have awakened psionic powers at such a young age, and are so smart and calm..."

   Muttering to himself, the old knight had a complicated tone: "When was the last time I met such an amazing young man...?"

   That was about fifty years ago.

  The empire was starving and starving, and when the huge country was about to collapse.

   "My mission..."

   Opening his eyes, the man no longer remembers the past.

  The old knight could sense that Ian had gone far away and never stopped walking.

  Sighed, then chuckled again, following the traces, the man continued to follow behind the boy.

  —Those missions don’t conflict with caring for a child anyway.

  The forest is damp, full of moss and vines, with rotten soil and looming roots, making it difficult for skilled hunters.

  But the gray-haired knight, who looked like a tired old man, walked on the ground as if walking on the ground. He stepped on the dead leaves and branches, and flitted through the forest like a ghost, without making a sound, not even a buzzing of insects.

   Listening to the footsteps and traces ahead, the old knight knew that the boy had stopped. It seemed that Ian had found a good place to dispose of the corpse.

  Just suddenly, there was a familiar smell in the wind again.


   Confused, the old knight muttered, "Why?"

   "Did I meet an enemy again? But I don't have any sense..."

   Within the sensing range of the knight, there are no dangerous creatures that could pose a threat to Ian.

  However, a few seconds later, not far away, the sound of cutting flesh and blood could be heard faintly in the woods. This made him understand immediately, but he was puzzled: "Are you cutting up a corpse?"

  —Since we have come to the woods outside the city, why bother to bury the dead body?

  The smell of blood is so strong, even if there are not many wild animals in the lake forest, it will attract them from afar.

  Even if you get the promise of your own protection, you shouldn't make such redundant moves.

  The old knight felt that that calm child would not make such a ridiculous move—Ian must have his own ideas and purposes.

  So, he decided to take a closer look.

   Immediately afterwards, following the traces forward, the man who was looking at the lake in the sky saw a scene that even he was extremely shocked.

  Under the moonlight, the sparkling silver waves rippling, and the wind slapped the lake rocks slightly, causing the thin water mist to rise.

  In this lakeside night scene, the white-haired boy is sitting on the lake rock to rest, panting tiredly, the taupe tattered robe cannot cover the skin, and the calf that is far fairer than ordinary people is exposed through the holes.

  At this moment, he quietly raised his head, staring at the starry sky above his head.

  The slender boy's eyes are like stars, reflecting the moonlight in the sky.

  Although there are few stars on the dim sky, and the few remaining stars are getting dimmer, those pale blue eyes are still staring.

   This is a short break. After the break, Ian lowered his head and started to continue his previous homework.

  The elf-like child took out a knife, swung it at the corpse lying flat on the lake rock, and cut it off. All contradictions are full of contrasts.

  His gaze at the corpse was calm and serious, like an ordinary person gazing at a stone, or like a researcher gazing at his own research materials, even with a little piety.

  The sound of cutting flesh and blood resounded.


  【Start human body analysis】

  【Main anatomical sample: male Bai Zhimin Osenna; subsidiary anatomical samples: male indigenous hunter, wild female forest leopard】

  【Basically, it can be confirmed that humans in the Terra world (excluding elves and other humanoid creatures) are completely identical to humans on Earth in terms of appearance, with exactly the same body structure and facial features and hair follicles】

  【By comparing Oceana and indigenous hunters, it can be roughly inferred that the white people are albino people with solidified special genetic characteristics, while the indigenous people are severely malnourished and have undergone adaptive evolution for jungle life】

  【The skins of the three anatomical samples are quite tough. Generally, human skin is thin, soft, and elastic, but I don’t know whether it’s the special physique of the Terra race or Ossena’s speciality. His cortex is very thick, as tough as a smooth cocoon, and the subcutaneous fat is also very thick. Thick, can store more energy, endure colder weather, and lose temperature in water more slowly]

  【Indigenous hunters do not have these characteristics, but their skin is as dry and hard as bark. In terms of simple hardness, it is only slightly inferior to real bark, and is at the same level as forest leopards】

  【As a wild beast from another world, it is understandable that Lin Leopard has such a tough skin, but both natives and white people have almost the same level of tough skin, so it is confusing】

[Coupled with considerable strength, humans in this world, even if only relying on their bodies, are extremely dangerous, medium-to-large predators comparable to jaguars or even bears, which is consistent with my previous speculation 】

  【No, overthrow the previous idea】

  【Further dissection proves that the bone structure of the Terran race is different from that of Earth humans. Ossina and the indigenous hunter’s ribs have a few merging into a thick bone plate to protect the heart. After self-test and pressing, I can confirm that I also have the same bone characteristics, which should be a common body structure of the Terran race]

  【The structure of the heart is also wrong, the heart of the Terra people is stronger, similar to the genetic modifiers used by the Earth military, even though they have been dead for a while, they still remain quite active】

  【Why are muscle fibers so dense? And it's actually this kind of structure... This is not the shape of natural muscles! The natural muscle group is not so simple and clean, it is very beautiful, it is a bit like the artificial muscle fibers used in space engineering prosthetics... no wonder the strength is so strong]

  【Wait, why is there another small stomach around the stomach? Wrapped in muscle, a bit like the gizzard of a bird, it feels very hard and is not actually used. But I feel that if there is a chance, it may be activated】

  【If the activation is enabled, it will strengthen the digestion ability, and many things that ordinary people cannot eat can be digested by the gizzard】

  【Leather-like skin, amazingly active heart, almost perfect muscle fiber group, and this second stomach...】

  【Terra humans... are they really natural creatures? ! 】

  (end of this chapter)