MTL - Hello, Mr. Major General-Chapter 2163 Solve the problem

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"Pink Piggy ?!" The middle-aged chief engineer hissed with a toothache, "No, right? How long has this Pink Piggy not come out ... Why did we suddenly run into our game to make trouble?"

代 The code name "Pink Piglet" is completely unknown to ordinary people.

But in the minds of top programmers and international hackers, it is a god-like existence.

Although the German Federal Intelligence Agency has never positively acknowledged it, there have been rumors circulating in the circle that the "pink pig" has dug up the "foundation grave" of the German Federal Intelligence Agency ...

"... do you remember the last time the" Pink Piggy "appeared? But it was doing justice, how could it run through our game with enough support?"

I was also unsure, and muttered in a low voice.

"Yes, do you remember?" Piglet Piggy "recently made a public appearance when our country went online with the United States two years ago."

"It suddenly appeared, leading the" Red Guests "who brought Huaxia's own dry food to a beautiful turnaround with the United States."

"Why are you such a" pink pig "having trouble with us?"

"It has brought us huge economic losses. If we can catch this troublemaker, we can go to court to sue him!"

Someone said indignantly that no one could feel at ease watching their own efforts be decomposed and eaten at the speed of geometric progression.

I think of it this way, it seems that it is not the "pink pig".

"But who else is so powerful besides it?" The young programmer who was just called "Pink Piggy" refused to give up his intuition, pointed at the computer display and said, "Look at yourself, in those you know Who among the top programmers and hackers has this ability? "

"What's the difference between that and how he destroyed the intranet system of the German Federal Intelligence Agency by himself ?!"

"Even the logical language used is exactly the same!"

The person sitting next to him used to raise him, saying, "The theory of chessboard is not a profound theory. Everyone knows it. The difficult thing is how to apply it to the program. You just say it is" pink pig " insufficient."

"It was originally speculation! You have enough evidence, then who did you say?" The young man who was stunned by the gangster, waving his fist, almost got into a fight.

Just as the game's headquarters control room was messy, the lady was also launched from the game.

Her face is even uglier than when she entered the game.

This large game is her cornucopia gold sucker, and it is her large data collection place.

Her chaotic mathematics and the operation of Yijing combined, it is impossible without this game to provide parameters.

现在 But now people are in a mess, and one after another, causing huge economic losses to the company.

This is the first time that the game company's earnings are going to be negative this quarter.

It won't work like this.

回到 She returned to her study, turned on the computer, called the executives of her company, and held a remote video conference.

Of course, she never showed up in remote video conferencing. Instead, she replaced herself with an old lady's avatar, and her voice was also changed.

So people in her company, even executives, don't know her true identity.

But it does not prevent her from exercising strict control over the company.

"The temporary emergency meeting today is for bugs that have appeared in the game recently." It sounded that a relatively old voice was transmitted from the computer to the headsets of executives.

Her voice simulation equipment is very precise, and most people can't hear her voice is changed.

So when she spoke, everyone couldn't help but sit up straight, showing respect for the elderly.

The CEO who is in charge of game operation is very ashamed to say, "It bothers you, we are looking for the reason."

"What's the cause of the investigation? Quickly investigate who did it!" The lady severely condemned their approach. "If you can't solve the problem, you must solve the person who made the problem. Do you not know such a simple method?"

She said this, and her executives hurriedly said: "We are already finding out who did it, but the other party seems to have prepared it. The login IP is very well hidden, and we have not found it yet. And he Every time you log in, the main data of an important scene is destroyed, so even if his login IP is not hidden, we can't find out what his login IP is. "

"So powerful?" The lady frowned. "Not many programmers or network hackers with such capabilities in the world? You can use exhaustive methods to investigate one by one. For more than two months, there should be results. Right? "

At this time, the chief engineer responsible for game maintenance whispered, "We think of one person today, but there is no evidence to prove that he just behaves very similarly. And in terms of his ability, if there is such a thing in this world He is the only one who can do these things. "

"Who is it?" Madam raised her eyebrows. "Speak out."

…… "... pink pig."

When I heard it, it was "Pink Piggy", everyone was quiet.

夫人 The lady even widened her eyes and almost cried out, "What are you talking about ?! Is it really a" pink pig? "!"

She said as if she knew who the "pink pig" was.

Executives are all masters of watching and watching, and they are also masters of listening and discerning. Although you can't see his wife's face, she also knows that she doesn't know anything about this "pink pig".

Everyone was quiet for a while, an executive asked tentatively, "Madam, do you know this 'pink pig'?"

夫人 The lady was distraught, calmed down quickly, and said, "I've heard of it, a very powerful person, but would she do such a thing now? Haven't you been out for a long time?"

"He has always been a dragon that never sees the end. Who knows, I tend to do this kind of thing not for him. Because 'Pink Piggy' seems pretty just ~ ~ It is difficult to imagine that he would do this. Something that harms the interests of others. "

As a game player, they have signed various contract statements with players, which clearly stated that using plug-ins is against the game regulations.

The problem is that even if you catch the player who uses the plug-in, the only punishment is to delete his number. There is no precedent to tell the court.

And if the opponent is terrible, it will directly say that your game program has a bug, which has nothing to do with plug-ins.

The lady quietly listened to everyone's eloquent discussions, and finally said, "You still need to strengthen monitoring. Where there is a problem, you must react immediately. I hope that the next meeting, you can tell me that the perpetrators are realistic. Who is your identity. "

When the remote video conference is over, the lady turns off the computer display and sits alone in the dark, thinking without expression, is it really a "pink pig"?

But she's busy getting married now ...

都是 Her wedding advertisements are everywhere, and they are all coming to her door in New York!


This is the first change today: Chapter 2163, "Solving People Who Make Problems".

两 Two more today.

The second chapter of the alliance is added at 9 pm.

Ps: Thank you "Xibu 602" for the fifty thousand starting coin that was awarded yesterday.

Thank you so much ~~~