MTL - Hello, Mr. Major General-Chapter 2162 Please do not bring plug-ins

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Middle-aged servant women have never seen such a temper before.

She was always gentle and gentle, and the enemies were wiped out in the light of the clouds and wind.

I also said that the most important thing to be a woman is posture. Even if you are defeated, you must remain elegant and calm. You must not spill or roll, and a boat cannot be overloaded. It is no different from a shrew.

But now her face was blushing, the corners of her mouth were skimming, her lips continued to twitch, her cheeks twitched, and the decree lines on both sides of her nose were revealed deeply, and she suddenly became older.

The middle-aged servant woman couldn't help but remind her, "Ma'am, do you want to stop trying?"

The lady looked back and raised her eyes to see the mirrors hanging everywhere in the house. She saw her embarrassed face and was shocked. She touched her face with her hands and patted it gently. After a long while, she said quietly: "" I Ching should n’t start the hexagram too often. It just started up a month ago. It ’s good for me. I ca n’t start again within half a year. It wo n’t work. It will dilute the previous hexagram. ”

"Oh, this way, would the lady go for a snack and take a nap?" Said the middle-aged servant woman Yin Qin.

夫人 The lady thought for a moment, and nodded, "Well, make me your favorite glutinous rice balls, bigger, make two."

The middle-aged servant woman bowed and went to the kitchen quickly.

夫人 The lady sat back on the sofa, thought for a while, got up and went to her room to pick up the vr helmet and glasses to put on, and entered the large game "Life you want", the English name yourlife.

She hasn't been here for a long time. Looking up around herself, she doesn't have much equipment, but the pieces are excellent, and it's really different from when she first started.

She is in a better mood, she just picks a scene, she just wants to go in and watch as a passerby and relax.

After I entered, I saw the system broadcast on the window above everyone's head.

: Hello everyone, this game is to give everyone a real life experience, please do not bring plug-ins! Please do not bring plug-ins! Please do not bring plug-ins!

一 As soon as this broadcast came out, the players were silly.

还要 Do you want to play a game of daily life with a plug-in? ? ?

Is not a chicken-eating game, is it? ? ?

夫人 The lady is also speechless.

This kind of game is partial to life, even if it has a plug-in?

It won't let you earn a penny, the system does not have this setting.

I soon found out that she was very wrong, especially wrong.

Because she used the system admin's identity to find a scene where someone had a plug-in, and she wanted to see what it was like in this game.

很多 There are many suspect scenes with plug-ins. She chose a scene in it.

She is a classroom in a university. She is standing in a very spacious stepped classroom, and a white-haired professor is giving a lecture on the podium.

There are many students below the podium, most of them are listening carefully, but there are also a few students doing their own things.

This is also a common sight in general universities. Even the Harvard University, the world's number one Ivy League university, there are a lot of students who don't listen to classes.

夫人 The lady sat down in disapproval, intending to listen to a lesson and soothe her nerves.

She listened for a while before discovering that this professor was talking about biological genetic science.

编辑 On the blackboard is a gene editing diagram of fruit flies.

At this moment, a handsome and handsome Asian man with long hair stood up and asked, "Professor Smith, can you cure the congenital genetic defect with gene editing?"

Professor Bai Fa wears reading glasses, he lowers his head slightly, and flips his eyelids above the spectacles to look at the interrogating boy, saying, "In theory, it works, but please remember, it only works in theory. Just gene editing In terms of curing congenital genetic defects, it is theoretically feasible, but in fact it is feasible, a gap of 108,000 miles. At this stage, the feasibility is almost zero. "

"Why? We all know that theory guides practice, and theory can be summarized from practice. Since it is already theoretically feasible, it is actually feasible, as long as a suitable method is found."

"For example ..." The man showed a charming smile, "I know you are a data person created by the system. As long as I can find your data, I can copy you, which is much easier than gene editing, isn't it? , Professor Smith? "

Professor Bai Baifa didn't seem to realize that someone would ask this question. He suddenly got stuck and stood on the podium for a while. Then he said, "I'm not a data man."

Npc students and ordinary players are listening to the lessons. They all looked up and heard the boy standing in surprise.

I have begun to knock on the table and hit the bench for something good. I reached into my mouth and even picked up a whistle, which was very lively.

Professor Bai Baifa is still seriously refuting that person: "I am not a data person, I am a biology professor."

But he said a few words, the boy who stood up suddenly reached out his hand, and volleyed a few times.

Real players can see that this is the control panel on the VR sight glass is called out, it is doing the selection of conditions.

After a few minutes, a person exactly the same as Professor Baifa on the podium opened the door of the classroom and walked in.

Then the second, the third, the fourth ...

More and more professors with white hair came in. Not only was the crowd on the podium full, but even the empty space in the stepped classroom was full of professors with white hair.

The scene looks slightly weird.

夫人 The lady looked at it all, frowned, thinking that this was a plug?

Can the system directly clear the banned and deleted numbers?

Want to broadcast all over the station?

Now these computer programmers who do system maintenance are really bad.

She was slandered in her heart, was about to open the control panel to exit the game, and suddenly found something wrong.

Because she can't call up the control panel!

In the vr window, the small circle in the upper right corner showing the loading progress is constantly rotating, but it can not be adjusted.

How is this going?

夫人 The lady thought for a while and suddenly understood.

She took a breath.

The classroom door was still being pushed open, and a continuous stream of professors with white hair pushed in.

They do look exactly the same, and there is no difference in the curvature of the wrinkles on their faces.

This is copy and paste, how can there be any difference?

Professor Yun Baifa is the core of this scene. Although it is npc, he only has the game settings for this teaching scene.

The system keeps copying Professor Baifa, and it takes more resources than usual!

Like the macro virus that appears in excel, it instantly lets you enter an endless loop. In addition to repeating constantly, this large-scale copy boss-type npc also very much takes up the CPU's work resources.

夫人 This lady feels that she can hear that the computers in the large computer room are operating more and more crazy. One computer's CPU is not enough, and the other computer's CPU has idle resources. You can quickly make up for it.

This is originally a complementary principle applied by the system database, which can disperse the pressure capacity of the system.

But here, this principle is used by people in the opposite direction, and gradually, computer CPUs scattered in other computer rooms are also occupied.

The copying and pasting of Professor Baifa here has not stopped. The huge staircase is full of people. At first glance, it looks like a sea of ​​white hair. Normal student players and student npcs are almost drowned in the sea of ​​white hair .

"Stop! Stop! Stop copying!"

There are players who are scared by this weird scene, but like this lady, he can't get out, and can only watch him squeeze out of breath.

大家 Just when everyone felt that their heart was about to be crushed, the system finally reached the edge of destruction for self-protection.

"A fatal bug occurred in scene 03054612 and cannot be repaired."

"Forced deletion by the system, forced deletion by the system, forced deletion by the system."

Finally, the programmer of this game activated the ultimate protection method-unplugging the power after other methods failed to work.

程序员 In the remote control room, there was a cursing voice from programmers.

"How many times is this month ?!"

"Our scene is almost destroyed!"

"None of the previous code can be used! Repeat the bug as soon as you use it! I really don't know which big cow did the plug-in!"

"It's almost ruined!"

的 The chief engineer of this game looked at the black screen in front of him ~ ~ It took a long time before he murmured: "You said, does that person's plug-in look familiar?

"What do you know?"

"The pattern he copied was a checkerboard magnification meter, and the next square was the square of the previous square."

而且 "And the board has boundaries, our system has no boundaries."

所以 "So his copy can be endless and instant, requisition all our CPUs!"

"What else do others play ?! Give him a play alone!"

Chief engineer slammed the computer desk hard.

The young men around him looked at each other, suddenly suddenly excited.

"Boss, is that person coming?"

谁 "Who?" The middle-aged chief engineer in his forties asked with a throaty voice, "tell me clearly, who ?!"

"Pink little pig!" Young programmers are almost going to have pink bubbles in their eyes. "This year is the year of the pig. Pink pigs are back in the river?


This is the second-largest chapter of today, the leader of the alliance, Gauguin: Chapter 2162, "Please do not bring plug-ins."

两 Two more today.

Given to the "cold iron grace" general league gangster in October to read the promotion of the alliance leader Calvin.

Thank you so much ~~~