MTL - Heavenly Star-v8 Chapter 461 Holy beads of earth

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Chapter 461 Holy Land of the Earth

All the way west, the more westward, the more rare people are, until they can no longer see the traces of people. The beasts are not extinct because of this. In the sand, occasionally you can see hordes of scorpions and giant pythons. The all-terrain earth system Warcraft. Only the Earth Warcraft will adapt and like the environment here.

Ye Wuchen's flight speed is extremely fast, but half a day's time flies over the days of ordinary people day and night. Everything in front of him tells him what is the real yellow sand.

Wind and sand, almost every inch of space is sand. The intensity and intensity of violentness have reached an incredible level. Looking forward, you can't see anything except the earthy yellow. And if an ordinary person is standing here, don't say that if you open your eyes, it will take a few seconds to become a corpse in the raging sandstorm. . .

The land of the limit... the limit of the earth!

But when Ye Wuchen flew forward for a short time, he realized that he was wrong.

The sands that were already terrible in density are still becoming more and more terrible in the course of advancement, and the source of the power of the earth is getting closer and closer in perception. Suddenly, let Ye Wuchen be caught off guard. He suddenly flew out of the raging scope of the sand, and his eyes were clear and there was no trace of dust.

Behind him, the sand is raging in madness, and not far behind him, it seems to be separating the world into a world of calm and a peaceful world through an invisible barrier.

No, Ye Wuchen immediately noticed that this is not a calm world, but a more terrible world. . .

Gravity... tens of times the gravity of normal gravity!

Behind him, the sound of whistling continues, and in front of it, it is a large piece of silent sand, endless. That sand looks extremely soft, and as soon as it is stepped on, it will fall down. If it is deep enough, it will completely overwhelm it. There is no wind and sand here because there is no violent soil, but there is more terrible gravity. The sand here is all suppressed by gravity, and it cannot be raised at all.

Gravity is the special power that is exclusive to the power of the earth. It is also the most terrible way of restraining the earth. If Ye Wuchen is not immune to any soil, he will appear here, and he will be pressed down by dozens of times of gravity, pressed into the bottom, buried in the boundless sand. . .

The horrible gravity field and the sand sea, this is the limit of the manufacture of the Tu Huangzhu! This means that the Tu Huangzhu must be somewhere in the boundless sand sea, the most likely place is the center.

After a short stay, Ye Wuchen continued to fly forward. The gravity here could not affect Ye Wuchen, nor would it affect Xuanwu. On the contrary, Xiao Xuanwu's small eyes are constantly shining with excitement, seemingly enjoying the gravity field of the soil here.

Find the Tu Huangzhu, and then eliminate this infinite wind and sand according to the method already set in your heart. Everything is really settled.

The windy country is attributed to Tianlongguo. . .

The two great forces of the Tianchen mainland, the Southern Emperor and the Northern Emperor, were all controlled by him. The emperor of Tianlongguo will be his wife, and the emperors of Kwai Shuiguo and Laos have already been controlled by him. The name of his evil emperor has already shaken the world, no one dares to provoke. After he revealed the true identity of the evil emperor yesterday, the people around Ye Wuchen will no longer have the courage to commit crimes.

Killing all the roots that may pose a threat to him, taking everything into control, he has done it, using a short and short period of time, and short people can think of incredible time. No one can doubt that the evil emperor is already covering the sky in Tianchen. No matter who is the most powerful person in the mainland, he can only look up to him.

Tianchen mainland has already entered his hand, and there is no more thing that makes him scruple. . . Then, then...

His greatest pressure is not the Tianchen continent, but the mainland of God, and the continent of the devil. Therefore, he settled the Tianchen in the shortest time and spent more time dealing with the real disaster.

The difficulty of the gods brought by Ningxue and Xingxin has been twice, and every time it is extremely thrilling. And next time, it is very likely that it will be terrible several times or even ten times. God, after all, is not something that people can resist. If he puts aside the snow and the heart, let them be taken away by the people of the world, he will be his king of heaven in peace, but he will never be able to do it forever, this is his eternal Perseverance. He has never regretted the encounter with Ningxue.

And became the "daughter" of his little daughter... Is she really abandoned by the devil?


Xiaomo loves her parents very much. If she doesn't love them too much, she will hate how she feels after she is abandoned. . . And her love for her parents shows that her parents are really good and good for her. Such parents will really leave their daughters and let her stay in another world without asking. Since we know that the four chaotic ten holy beads are in the sky, even if we don’t want to be a daughter, why haven’t there been a second invasion of the devil for so long.

Therefore, it is not that they do not want to, but can not... must be the reason, so that the magic can no longer go to Tianchen mainland. And they must be working hard, and Xiaomo’s parents must be anxious to see their daughter earlier. . .

Therefore, Xiaomo is also a source of disaster around him that may break out at any time.

The three girls who live with him in the same place, inseparable from each other, are actually three huge sources of disasters, each of which is "people" cannot resist.

So how can he stop...

In thought, he has already flown far away. Looking around, all of the front and rear are yellow sand, and you can't see any noise. In such a single environment, vision can no longer be used to discriminate direction. Ye Wuchen closes his eyes and silently feels the central source of the force of the earth, but the more forward, the more blurred the roots of power are, gradually, He began to feel that every place here is the root of the power of the earth... The power of the earth Huangzhu seems to have merged with the infinite sand sea here in the silence of too many years, it is difficult to distinguish where it is. . .

Ye Wuchen suddenly stopped in the air because he heard a voice, a very heavy and heavy voice. The voice is not in the ear, but in the heart, just like the language that the water Lingzhu passed to him through consciousness.

You are the first creature to come here. Are you coming to take me away?

Ye Wuchen condensed his eyebrows, and the same consciousness replied: "I want to take you away, but what I hope most is that you can stop the raging sand that has been thousands of miles away. The wild sand has created countless disasters in the human world, saying yes It is no exaggeration to paint charcoal spirits. You are one of the holy beads of chaos. It is not only a holy pearl, but the consciousness generated will not be disgusting. You must not want your own power to cause continuous disaster?"

Like Shui Lingzhu, Tu Huangzhu also produced consciousness, and it seems that this consciousness is more mature than the consciousness produced by Shui Lingzhu. It seems that even its power is better than that obtained by Ye Wuchen. The other three holy beads are much stronger. . . The power of the overflow of the water spirit beads is made by the North Sea ice seal, and the fire dragon beads are the breeding of the extremely hot Tianlong, forming the Tianhuoshan. The wind brake beads are relatively mild, forming a small but terrible wind forbidden. The scope of influence caused by the three of them is added up, and there is no big one. It spreads, but a quarter of the Tianchen continent!

You are right, I will never want to see my power causing disaster to the soul, which is the biggest sorrow I have always had. . . The spillover of power is beyond my control. I can't stop it, even if I want to stop it.

"So, I can help you." Ye Wuchen said confidently.

help me? How will you help me?

"Take all your overflowing power!" Facing the front, Ye Wuchen said his answer.


The spirit of Tu Huangzhu is laughing, I don’t know if it is ridiculous, or a relieved smile.

"I have existed for a long time and for a long time. I have been unclear for a long time. I was born in the center of chaotic space. Under too much chaotic power, I had consciousness too early. At that time, chaos has not broken. The Southern Emperor and the Northern Emperor are still in the struggle of year after year."

Ye Wuchen: "..."

Tu Huangzhu was born in the center of chaos, so its power is stronger than other holy beads. Consciousness is also generated very early. Its consciousness is generated even earlier than the formation time of Tianchen.

"Later, chaos finally broke down, and I, and the water and fire, all fell on this land. I have been watching the evolution of the world, from the generation of the beast to the reproduction of people... and where I am falling It is the largest desert in the mainland, and it is the place where the strength of the soil system is the most abundant. Therefore, the influx of power continues, and the excess power is madly emerging. Gradually, as the beast and the people are more and more At the time, my strength caused too many disasters. But although I have consciousness, but after all, it is just a holy pearl, I can never move myself, and I can't really control my strength. Over time, my wisdom is coming. The more mature, the long and long lonely, I long for someone to take me away. I think this should be the greatest hope for all spiritual beads."

Ye Wuchen is silent. Indeed, the water sacred pearl that also produces consciousness, is its greatest desire not to be taken away from the eternal cold world?

"But the extravagant hope is extravagant after all. Our strength is too strong. It is not the life of this continent. So, I can only wait here forever... and one year later, my consciousness and wisdom are also More and more mature, gradually, I began to realize the purpose of my existence, and in the long thoughts I vaguely saw my future, and what I have to do."

Ye Wuchen: "..."

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