MTL - He is From Great Sea of Stars-Chapter 179 Take your sister to eat chicken

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"I used to think that these are just trivial things that I can endure. Anyway, people live in this world, they always have to say something against their will and do things they don't like. What I get is better than what I lose. Get up, it's nothing."

In the silent room, the girl stood in the corner of the living room, leaning against the wall, her voice was a little hoarse because she said a long series of words, but she always remained calm.

She tilted her head and looked at Jiang Luo on the sofa,

"But this morning, I suddenly found out that I can't bear it for the rest of my life."

"Even if I get more and more things, I can't stand it, and I just live like a lunatic."


Jiang Luo sat on the sofa with her head down, her dog hair curled down, covering half of her face. She was silent for a long time before she asked in a low voice,

"So, we've known each other for so many years, but you've always hated me, right?"

"It's not that I hate you, I'm afraid of you. Every time I eat with you, I have to pick the dishes I don't like, and go out to buy clothes with you. I have to pick the clothes I don't like and go out with my classmates to party. , I can only sit on the side in silence and pretend that I don't want to say anything, and over time, I really won't say anything."

"When I was young, I was very grateful to you, very grateful to your parents, because of you, I had a good school to study, new clothes and new shoes, and I could travel all over the world every holiday, but then I gradually discovered that the more With you, the more silent, inferior, and insignificant I become, the more I do things I don't like every day, and I don't live like myself at all."

"Look, everything I like, from the dishes I like to the people I like, will be handed over to you in the end. Jiang Luo, I'm really scared. If this goes on like this, one day I'll never be able to do it again. Dare to touch those things that I really like in my heart. As a person, I will become the kind of person I don’t like,”

She took a deep breath and suppressed the trembling voice,

"Jiang Luo, I'm really grateful to you, but I'm also really, I can't bear it any longer. I'll go back and arrange all the things you gave me and send them to you. You give me a number for the rent, water and electricity bills. I can't take it out right now, but don't worry, I'll pay it back."


There was silence.

There was silence for a long, long time, until the hour hand slowly moved past twelve o'clock, and it was a brand new day.

The little girl changed her posture, raised her head, forced back the tears that were about to overflow, and then smiled self-deprecatingly,

"Oh, why, so bloody."


She leaned against the sofa and hugged her knees with her back to her, with a bit of resistance and precaution,

"Okay, then I know."

"Then let's go, you don't need to return these things, I was just joking."



Behind him came the sound of luggage wheels rolling across the ground.


The door was gently closed, leaving the room full of silence.

Jiang Luo sat on her knees in the silent living room for a long time. At two in the morning, she took out her mobile phone from under the sofa cushion, opened WeChat, and sent a message.

cherryluo: bro, can i go to your house and sleep for a night?

She wasn't sure if the other party could see the message.

But for her, it doesn't matter whether she can see the news or not, she just wants to express her discomfort.

After about seven or eight minutes, the screen was still silent and there was no reply.

Jiang Luo put away the phone and planned to go to the bathroom to take care of herself a little, and then find a pub for a drink.

But as soon as she stood up, the phone vibrated.

kdog: 435281.

kdog: my home password.


Jiang Luo was suddenly moved a little and sniffed.

cherryluo: Thank you little brother~

k dog: how's the talk?

cherryluo: Good talk.

She thought about it.

cherryluo: [voice]

cherryluo: [voice]

cherryluo: [voice]

cherryluo: [voice]

Jiang Luo really needs someone to talk to.

It happened that Huo Xingchao was online, and while she went to open the door of his house, she told him all the discomfort and irritability in her heart.

After listening to these increasingly long voice lines, Huo Xingchao simply called her because he thought it was troublesome to type.

The little girl picked it up and heard a low voice in her ear,

"So now, you have completely broken up?"

"It's not about breaking up."

She pursed her lips, "It's not love,"

"But anyway, it's not good."

Jiang Luo smiled bitterly,

"What she said was so serious, I felt like I was a murderer. I have been intimidating for so many years and caused so much psychological damage to her. Then you say, is it possible that I continue to commit crimes."

The boy leaned against the balcony, looking at the lights of the city, his lips slightly curved,

"Everyone is used to seeing things from their own perspective, but in many cases, it is impossible for everything to be 100% beneficial to them. So she feels wronged and hurt, which is her subjective idea and judgment. You don't have to take it to heart."

"I know."

The little girl opened the door of his house, found his sofa again, sat down with her legs crossed, and sighed rather sadly,

"You know, even so, I still don't hate her now."

"It's normal, because in your heart, she is still a friend, just like when your parents wronged you when you were a child, will you hate them because of it?"

Jiang Luo frowned,

"Not for that reason."

"I just think that, no matter how uncomfortable or oppressed she is, she has never done anything bad to me for so many years. If you look at those American TV dramas, if it's the two of us, we must It's another drama of girlfriends ripping off each other. What do you think?"

"...I don't watch this kind of American drama very much."

"Listen to me, when I was in school, many of my friends would bring me food, would invite me to a birthday party, would take me to the toilet together, would gossip and talk about their hearts together... always , looks like I'm their best friend, but on the other hand, I hope I'm not so good."

"If there is one thing that is not bad for them, but bad for me, 80% of them will do it."

"I've been very beautiful since I was a child... don't laugh, but my grades are not bad, so every time the monthly test results come out, they see that my grades are lower than theirs, and they will think, um, it's good The happy kind. But Luo Jiang won't."

The little girl buried her head and confided to him very seriously,

"Although like she said, she didn't want to be with me once and suffered a lot of psychological blows from me, but she never once thought about harming me, and never once hoped that I would become a bad person, she was still very sincere. He's helping me with my studies, helping me find papers, etc... Well, do you understand what I mean?"

Huo Xingchao held the phone, curled his lips, with a faint smile in his tone,


"I actually wanted to tell her just now that it doesn't matter even if the things you like and dislike are not the same as before, it's not because of these that I became friends with you. But then I suddenly discovered that the relationship between the two of us The atmosphere has developed into such an embarrassing situation, and these words cannot be said at all."

She raised her head and looked at the star wall lamp on the ceiling, her eyes were a little dazed,

"You mean, isn't it true that Luo Jiang and I are not suitable to be friends?"

"Many things can be found after a period of time."

The boy's voice was light, with gentle soothing,

"You guys are already like this, why don't you calm down, whether you want to be friends or not, I believe you will have the answer in your heart."

"Actually, I think so too."

Jiang Luo turned over,

"Bro, have you ever had any friendship crisis?"


"What about love?"


"Have you never been in love?"

"I'm already married."

Jiang Luo almost threw away her phone and sat up suddenly from the sofa,


"In the game."

He smiled a little,

"When I used to play online games, my roommate played the female account."

"......Scared me."

She held the phone, and after a while, she became curious again,

"Then don't you feel bad every time you look at the circle of friends or go to a class reunion?"

"What's the meaning?"

"It's just that there will be many people who show affection in the circle of friends."

"There are also many singles in my circle of friends."

"Oh, then you're different from me."

She stroked her hair sadly,

"Every time I went to the class reunion, they would bring a companion. I didn't bring it at first, and I was laughed at for a long time. So every time I went to the class reunion, I would rush to find a boyfriend first."

Huo Xingchao walked back into the house, picked up a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator, and ignored her.

So Jiang Luo made another mistake, pretending to be inadvertent,

"By the way, speaking, it seems that I have another classmate reunion this weekend."

Huo Xingchao unscrewed the mineral water bottle, waved his hand to reject the teammate's invitation to double row, and casually said "um" while drinking the mineral water.

"By the way, have you been free recently?"



The boy glanced at the clock on the wall,

"Should you go to bed?"

"What, it's still so early."

"It's almost three o'clock."


"Okay, I'm hanging up, you go to sleep."

"and many more!"

Jiang Luo clenched her phone tightly, pitifully,

"Let's talk about another dollar."

"I'll give you another fifty cents, and you can talk."


"It's okay, I'll hang up."

"and many more!"

"Jiang Luo."

"I just wanted to ask you, do you want to go to a class reunion with me?"


Huo Xingchao raised his eyebrows.