MTL - He is From Great Sea of Stars-Chapter 178 Take your sister to eat chicken

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Jiang Luo was finally dragged into the car by Huo Xingchao and went home.

She's still a little drunk.

The red eyes, the two tears left by the foundation and blush, and the hair is also messy and fluffy dog ​​hair, it looks like it has just escaped from the thief's den.

The boy took her hat out of the elevator and told her,

"Open the door."

Jiang Luo looked at her with wide eyes, thinking hard about what this sentence meant.

After a long time, he gave a dull "Oh", and then opened the zipper of the schoolbag to find the key.

Because she went out to work today, when she came back, she brought back several samples and several documents. The small package could not fit, so she temporarily bought a pink student schoolbag at a discount of 20 yuan in the shopping mall.

At this moment, the schoolbag was full of clothes and folders. She rummaged and rummaged, but she still couldn't find the key.

After searching for a while, the little girl raised her head in confusion,

"Where's my key?"

The boy wrapped her head in his hat, rolled his eyes lazily,

"Am I an immortal? How can I know where the key to your house is."

......she looked a little depressed.

Later, it was Huo Xingchao who heard the clanging sound from her shirt, sighed, and reached out to take out her pocket. Finally, he picked up a bunch of keys and threw them to her.

"Go open."

Then stand up straight and stretch,

"I'll go first... Jiang Luo, what are you doing?"

Jiang Luo turned around in confusion, shook the keychain in his hand,

"I, open the door."


The little girl was a little distressed, "The lock seems to be broken and can't be opened."


"That's my door."

Huo Xingchao carried her back to this side, expressionless,

"You'll be a ghost if you drive it out."


Jiang Luo responded with a dull sound, raised her head, and didn't open the door. She just looked at the big 401 on the door. Look, look, tears suddenly filled her eyes.

Then the big ones fell down like a storm.

It doesn't hurt to hit the boy's arm.

...a little hot.

Like some improv sitcom.

Huo Xingchao was startled, frowned at her,

"What’s wrong with you?"

The girl squatted down and buried her head in her knees, her voice still carrying a faint cry,

"There's no one at home."

Then three seconds passed.

"I don't want to, I don't want to go home."

In the silent corridor, you can only hear the slow wind in the southern summer night and the muffled sobbing of the little girl.

She raised her head, her eyes couldn't tell whether she was clear or slightly drunk, but there were clearly tears in her eyes, but a smile appeared on the corners of her lips.

"It's so sad."

she says,

"I don't even know what I did wrong."


Huo Xingchao looked through the cat's eye of the door, and there was no light in it.

Quiet and listen carefully, there is no movement at all.

She was downstairs just now, and before she came up, Jiang Luo kept looking up at her room.

He followed the girl's gaze and looked up. The lights were not turned on in the two rooms on the fourth floor. It was pitch black. There should be no one at home.

—From that time on, her emotions were not quite right.

Slightly bowed his head, he had to drag him all the way to get into the elevator and go upstairs.

Huo Xingchao originally thought that she was drunk, so her head was not clear, and she was playing crazy.

But now it seems that it is still because of Luo Jiang.

The boy looked at her, thought for a while, then slowly squatted down and looked at her with a soft voice.

"Would you like to sleep at my house?"

When he asked this sentence, his tone was calm, his eyes were clear, and there was no other meaning at all, so the little girl blinked, but did not refuse the first time, but squatted on the ground and thought.

"You've been drinking at night and haven't eaten much. I cook hot and sour noodles, do you eat it?"

Hot and sour powder...  

Jiang Luo tilted his head, thought for three seconds, then nodded vigorously,

"it is good......"


The sound of the door opening was particularly clear in the silent corridor, but it suddenly sounded above the back of his head, startling Jiang Luo.

She turned slightly and fell to the ground crookedly, making a louder crash than the door opening, which startled herself again.

When she finally reacted and stood up by Huo Xingchao's elbow, she saw the girl standing in front of her house.

Familiar faces, still dressed in the same clothes as when they met her this morning, holding a suitcase in their hands.

It was Luo Jiang.

Jiang Luo's brain is still a mess now. She is drunk, and she does everything by instinct, and her whole person has become very frank and unthinking.

So when I saw her, the first words that came out were,

"You haven't left yet?"

She always thought that, according to Luo Jiang's character, if her WeChat friends were deleted and her text messages would not be returned, it would be absolutely impossible for people to live in her house.

Sure enough, when I came back just now, the house was completely dark, and there was no light at all.

Although, I had expected it long ago, but when I actually saw it, I didn't know why, and my heart was suddenly very uncomfortable, and tears rolled out all of a sudden.

She really didn't expect to see Luo Jiang at the door of her house.

So thinking about this in my heart, I naturally asked this question on my mouth, staring at each other with big eyes.

But Luo Jiang misunderstood what she meant, and when she heard this sentence, she thought it was a questioning, her expression changed slightly, and finally returned to calm.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving now."

"I've troubled you during this time. I'll treat you to a big meal another day. It can be regarded as thank you for taking care of you for so long."

...she said it very politely.

It does exactly what it's supposed to be when saying goodbye between adults.

After all, there is still a Huo Xingchao standing behind, and she doesn't want to look too ugly in front of this boy.

Especially, I don't want to be too ugly with Jiang Luo in front of him.

The girl nodded politely at him, pulled the suitcase, and said to Jiang Luo, who was still sitting on the ground,

"Can you let it go?"

Jiang Luo suddenly raised his head.

- "Can you let it go?"

This sentence, Luo Jiang said softly and slowly, with a bit of a gentle smile, sounded very friendly and very sincere.

It was like a slap in the face, hitting her hard in the face.

The little girl sat on the ground and stared at her quietly for about half a minute.

Until Luo Jiang frowned slightly uncomfortably,


"Huo Xingchao, go home first."

Jiang Luo turned her head and smiled at the boy who was leaning lazily at the elevator door, with a calm tone.

"Thank you for sending me back, I'll treat you to dinner next time."

The boy raised his eyebrows and looked around between them, looking very interested.

But he didn't say anything in the end, and after making a dashing OK gesture, he turned around and pressed the elevator.

It wasn't until his back disappeared from sight, and the number on the elevator jumped from 4 to 1, that Luo Jiang turned his eyes back and looked down at the **** the ground, frowning,

"Jiang Luo, what do you mean?"

"Means nothing."

The little girl rubbed her dizzy head and slowly got up from the ground, her staggered figure showing a slight embarrassment.

But her eyes were calm, she stared at Luo Jiang firmly, and said,

"It's just that you can't go now."

Luo Jiang felt unreasonable,


"We haven't made it clear yet."

Jiang Luo took out the key and staggered to the door. It took a long time to find the key hole and open the door.

During this process, her other hand kept tugging at Luo Jiang's wrist, holding on tightly.

It hurts.

Then, before the other party opened her mouth to accuse her, she turned around, angered in her dantian, and her tone was sharp,

"If you don't want to talk, we will not be friendly, but a complete break. In that case, the account will be settled."

"You have lived in my house for more than a year, and all the rent, water and electricity bills, and the clothes you are wearing now, are all returned to me."


Luo Jiang froze there, unable to make a sound for a long time.

She never thought that one day Jiang Luo would say such mean words, her face became a little embarrassed, and after a long time, she said,

"Jiang Luo, do you have to do this?"

"It's not me who wants to do this, it's you who wants it."

Jiang Luo bit her lip and stared at her,

"I don't know what I have done until now, in exchange for your excessive treatment."

"You know, I grew up so big, and no one has ever made me feel wronged. I can't stand your inexplicable face and behavior. You must make it clear."

…say clearly?

Is it not clear enough that things are here?

"Jiang Luo, no one is obliged to endure you all the time. I don't want to entangle with you anymore, just let go!"

"don't want."

"Why are you doing this to me?"


Jiang Luo tilted her head and repeated what Luo Jiang said just now, her eyes slightly mocking,

"Why do you say?"
