MTL - He is From Great Sea of Stars-Chapter 170 Take your sister to eat chicken

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Everyone says that most people in the world have a balanced dual quotient.

Just like the approximate points are connected into a line, the ratios obtained by dividing by one are all spread on a similar slope.

Of course, in addition to most ordinary people who live a busy life, there are some special cases in this world.

For example, some scientific geeks with high IQs lack emotional communication skills. Emotional quotients and IQs form a sharp contrast.

Another example is some communicative talents who have a wide range of friends, but their academic and professional performance is always unsatisfactory.

There is another kind of person who is favored by God, and their IQ and EQ are higher than ordinary people.

This kind of person is probably the kind of campus man with good grades and good popularity that you met in junior high and high school.

Of course, Jiang Luo could not belong to the last category.

Otherwise, she would not have paid the high-priced key schools all the way to study, and finally got into three colleges.

She was born the second kind of person.

From a very young age, Jiang Luo discovered that he had no talent for reading at all.

She likes to hang out with friends, is obsessed with all kinds of beautiful clothes, and loves to read fashion magazines. When she was the most nervous in high school, she secretly pierced her ears without telling her parents. After the college entrance examination, she had no expectations for the results. The Internet celebrity of Rijindoujin.

Well, it can't be a star, it must be an internet celebrity.

Anyway, since she became aware of beauty, many parents and teachers of good students commented on her as: a girl who "doesn't do her job properly" and "has a lot of flowers and intestines".

In junior high and high school, she was also regarded as a man of influence in the school, because she was beautiful and very popular, and her boyfriends were all grades of grass and school grass.

For those female students who wear large sports uniforms all day long and bury their heads in the exam papers exuding the smell of ink, Jiang Luo is very much like a school girl who is a **** in European and American youth films.

Forming gangs and gangs, flamboyant, and changing boyfriends is like changing clothes.

Although, up to now, Jiang Luo, who is a bitch, is already the first person among all elementary school, junior high school and high school classmates to live a prosperous life by his own ability.

Everyone thinks that she is lucky, and they envy that she can't know anything, but she can still stand out by her looks.

No one knows that she actually recognized her own strengths and weaknesses at a very young age and planned a path for her life.

Compared with many peers who live step by step, Jiang Luo has a clearer and firmer understanding of goals and the future.

And no one knows that Jiang Luo, who is such a bitch, and the best best friend in life, is actually an introverted and unsociable scholar.

From elementary school, middle school, and high school, he has firmly occupied the top few in every major test, and the university's name is shining.

She and Jiang Luo have known each other since kindergarten. Before they went to college, they were always in the same class, and even had a fate that even their names seemed destined.

- Jiang Luo is called Jiang Luo, and Xueba is called Luo Jiang.

Jiang Luo didn't study well, so Luo Jiang gave her supplementary lessons, helped her to review before the exam, and even went to university, Jiang Luo and Luo Jiang chose the same major, just so that the final exam could use the power of base friends to fly low.

Luo Jiang's family was poor and introverted. He was a child from the countryside. Jiang Luo took her home for dinner since elementary school, shared all kinds of clothes with her, and took her with her every time the family traveled.

They are really good, very good, as depicted in pure love movies.

- until they met a boy.

Jiang Luo's school is an unknown three-level institution. The school's management is very loose. Most of the time, she will not go to class, and only shows up during the final exam.

And she became a beauty blogger during the summer vacation after graduating from high school. At that time, the Internet celebrity economy was not so developed, and it was enough for her to successfully break out an acre of land by herself.

Later, in her freshman year, she opened her own Taobao store, and to be honest, she did make a lot of money.

Therefore, considering the supply and transportation and other issues, Jiangluo directly bought the house in Hangzhou.

It happened that Luo Jiang was also studying in Hangcheng, so she moved out and lived with her.

Luo Jiang likes to play games. She used to have a good brain, and her operation is quite good. She hit a super high rank while playing, and she also met a more powerful person in the game.

This person is called KKK2.

KKK2 thinks that she has good skills, and sometimes they will double-row with her, or bring some friends over to form a team together.

And in the process of the game, Luo Jiang fell in love and fell in love with this powerful teammate.

She confided this to Jiang Luo, and Jiang Luo, who was brave and generous, of course encouraged her to give it a try.

Once while playing a game, one of his friends inadvertently mentioned that what brand and color lipstick his girlfriend wanted for her birthday gift, but forgot to buy it at that time.

And that lipstick, Jiang Luo happened to have it.

So taking this opportunity, Jiang Luo asked Luo Jiang to get to KKK2's friend's WeChat account, and through KKK2's friend, he asked to get to KKK2's WeChat account.

After arriving, KKK2 also agreed to Luo Jiang's friend application.

But at this point, Luo Jiang suddenly gave up.

To some extent, she has some social phobia. Although she will be better on the Internet, she doesn't know what to say when facing the boy she likes.

So after adding KKK2 for two weeks, she just said hello.

Later, Jiang Luo was still unable to see, and guided her to chat.

Jiang Luo is a person full of topics, a person with super rich expression packs, and a person who is not born to be cold.

Even in the face of KKK2, which is too troublesome to type an extra punctuation mark.

Therefore, with the help of Jiang Luo, Luo Jiang successfully established a good network relationship with KKK2.

Until one day, the other party proposed whether to meet.


This means a lot.

People like KKK2 will bring it up, which is a very obvious expression.

But in addition to being excited, Luo Jiang was more at a loss and at a loss.

For so many months, Jiang Luo has been accompanying her to chat with KKK2.

Although she used her WeChat account, her identity background, and her real situation, in fact, Jiang Luo helped her find every topic in the chat.

Every time she typed, she directly copied Jiang Luo's tone and punctuation.

So the person who seems to be full of energy is not the real self, is it?

But she really wanted to see the real person of KKK2, and despite all kinds of struggles, she agreed.

That night, Luo Jiang posted a circle of friends, which was a group photo taken by a celebrity she and Jiang Luo met when they went out to dinner.

That was the first time she posted a photo of herself in the circle of friends.

KKK2 asks, which one is you.

Luo Jiang looked at Jiang Luo's figure doing yoga with her back to her, bit her lip, and tried to chat with her for the first time.

She asked, what do you think?

In less than three seconds, two words appeared on the screen: Left.

Luo Jiang opened the photo, the **** the left, wearing a white lace dress with braids, smiled brightly at the camera.

That is Jiangluo.

"Is it because the one on the left looks good?"


"Subconsciously, you should be smiling."

There was a pause there,

"But now I know, it's the right side."

......Ah, sure enough, she's still not suitable for chatting.

Nothing can be hidden.

Luo Jiang made a sly word,

"No, the one on the left is me."


As the saying goes, sometimes, in order to complete a lie, you have to cover up with more lies.

Luo Jiang begged Jiang Luo to meet her instead.

Jiang Luo of course disagreed at the beginning, "You can't be like this for the rest of your life, right? You have to make it clear with him. If it's a big deal, then say you were looking at it the other way around?"

Luo Jiang sobbed, "What he likes is not the real me, Ajaan, please, go to see him for me, only one side, as long as KKK2 has a perfect image of me in his heart, that's all. ."

However, after Jiang Luo met and came back, she found that she also had a heartfelt feeling for this man.

She did the worst thing in her life - continued to communicate with Huo Xingchao without the knowledge of Luo Jiang.

She said, I am a person who clearly distinguishes between reality and virtuality. We have three chapters of the law. We don't talk about games in reality, and we don't talk about reality in games, okay?

Huo Xingchao raised his eyebrows. Although he didn't quite understand it, he didn't think much of it, but agreed.

...What's the story going to be like?

It's kind of like that Korean drama.

Luo Jiang in the game and Jiang Luo in reality were awkwardly pieced together into one person.

Luo Jiang in the game is taciturn, not good at expressing, and has a strong operation.

But in reality, Jiang Luo is lively, laughing, sunny, and doesn't pay attention to any game-related topics at all.

Huo Xingchao is not the hero of a Korean drama. He is very keen in his observation. It didn't take long for him to notice that something was wrong, and after a little test, the truth was self-defeating.

Luo Jiang knew that Jiang Luo used her identity to fall in love with the boy she liked, she was shocked and angry, and completely tore her face.

It just so happened that during that time, Huo Xingchao was busy with the game and had no time to deal with such a bizarre plot, so he told Jiang Luo, let's separate and calm down.

Jiang Luo thought, finally, her love and friendship left her on the same day.


- If the story ends here, it is actually acceptable, after all, it is a reasonable BE.

But it is inexplicable, and I don't know what the creator thinks. The ending of the story is actually: Luo Jiang missed Jiang Luo so much when she left Jiang Luo's house, and finally chose to forgive this best friend from childhood.

Then he took the initiative to summon the courage to break through the social barriers and confessed everything to Huo Xingchao.

That day, in The International Invitational, KKK1 led the team to the championship, he won the trophy, and he also won a real girlfriend.

Because the whole story is written from Luo Jiang's point of view.

So at first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong, it is a very normal story about friendship, love and growth.

In the end, the heroine overcame her social fears, lived out her true self, forgave her best friend, and gained her own beautiful love.

But from Huo Xingchao's point of view, the second half of this story is full of bugs.

After all, for so long, although Luo Jiang was the one who played games with Huo Xingchao, it could be said that Jiang Luo had always been the one who communicated with him.

Indeed, Luo Jiang is very good at games, and his marksmanship is very good. At first, Huo Xingchao agreed to her WeChat request because he admired her actions.

But to be honest, in the TAC team, everyone is very good at playing games. KKK1 has experienced so many professional players, aren't they good at playing?

...can't figure it out.

Bawangxing and Huo Xingchao couldn't figure it out.

But originally, the story is created by the creator. If the creator's writing is not enough, this will happen.

Ending for the sake of ending, character behavior is completely out of character.

In other words, it collapsed.

Xiao Xing Xing said that to restore Xiao Xing's starlight value, it only needs to pull back Huo Xingchao's suddenly twisted character at the end.

After all, the setbacks experienced by the little stars in this world are still within the normal range, and they have not been treated unfairly by the laws of the world.

The starlight is dimmed because the creator reversed the normal course that the world should have had.

In other words, what Bawangxing wants to save is not Jiang Luo.

It was Huo Xingchao, whose character was broken.

And why did he have nothing to do to save a character that was broken in a small world.

—Of course, because when this little star was an adult, he selected a small world that was doomed to collapse in the later stage.

Confused, Jiang Luo returned home with a large bag of convenience store snacks, and found that Luo Jiang was still playing games.

Since she got up in the morning, this girl has been playing games, she didn't eat lunch, she forgot to eat and sleep, there is no doubt that the girl is addicted to the Internet.

She dug out a rice ball from the plastic bag,

"Let's eat something. You stayed up until three in the morning yesterday, and you'll die if you keep playing."

Because Luo Jiang was using the team voice, she could only make a "right now" gesture to her, without raising her head, she focused on the screen.

Jiang Luo walked over and saw the words that jumped out on the large screen:

Good luck, eat chicken at night!

She raised her eyebrows, thinking of the insult she received in the live broadcast room just now, she was a little curious,

"Is this game really that fun?"

"I'm going to eat first, see you later."

Luo Jiang turned off the voice changer and voice, quit the game, turned his head and smiled at Jiang Luo,

"It's fun."

"If you want to play, I can take you."

Jiang Luo sat on the carpet and pulled the snacks in her plastic bag. Because she was afraid of revealing her privacy, she turned off the live broadcast as early as when she left the supermarket, and made an appointment with fans to start eating and broadcasting at twelve o'clock in the evening. Talk about life and ideals.

She hasn't eaten since this morning, just for the evening meal, and she met a handsome little brother at noon, and Jiang Luo was in a happy mood.

Thinking of this, she raised her head again,

"Jiang Jiang, let me ask you, do you know who KKK1 is?"

"Of course he does, everyone who plays PUBG knows him! The first sniper in the national server, the champion of the international solo competition, and last year he led TAC to the top three in SLI, but in the end it was a teammate's mistake... .."

Seeing Jiang Luo's confused star eyes, she stopped her excited explanation and touched her head.

"You just need to know that he is very powerful, the super powerful kind. You know, everyone calls him K God because of his god-like chicken-eating skills."

Wow, that little brother is so awesome.

"But why did you suddenly ask him, don't you not play games?"

Jiang Luo didn't want to say what she was insulted just now, so she blinked,

"Just ask. By the way, I remember that your little brother seems to be called KKK2. Well, KKK1, KKK2... Do you all name your games like this, so the letter K has a special meaning? ?"


Luo Jiang scratched his head,

"He said that he was named KKK2 because he worshipped God K, so he took this name to pay tribute to him."

"Salute... Didn't you say that your little brother is very powerful?"

"He is very powerful, but not as powerful as God K."


Jiang Luo was suddenly disappointed with 3K2 and full of admiration for 3K1.

She was holding a large bag of snacks, thinking of those clear eyes, she still couldn't hold back, straightened her body,

"Then I will register an account now. You teach me how to play. They say that if you don't study well, you must play well. Maybe I can become the next KKK."

"Okay. But why are you suddenly interested in eating chicken?"

"Eat chicken? I've always been interested in eating chicken. It's not bad."

"...I'm talking about this game."

Jiang Luo reacted, "Oh, I remembered, the nickname of this game is Chi Chi."

"What, I'm curious, you're playing like you're addicted, I just want to see how fun it is."

"Okay, then you use this computer, I'll switch to another one, and I'll register an account for you first... What's your name?"

Jiang Luo did not hesitate,

"God of arrogance."


"What, this name can also be heavy? ... Forget it, then it's called Aotian God 1."

Under Luo Jiang's hands-on teaching, Jiang Luo finally almost understood the rules of the game. Taking advantage of Luo Jiang's time in the kitchen to make tea, she soloed a few plates by herself.

Luo Jiang brewed tea for six minutes, and Jiang Luo had already played three games.

- Dishes are all dead in the air.

"Damn! What a broken game, is it skydiving?!"

Jiang Luo did not get any pleasure from this game, but was rather frustrated.

"Don't worry, you may not be proficient in playing just now, I'll take you with me later."

Luo Jiang brought out two cups of milk tea to comfort her.

But as soon as she sat down, Brother Tiantian, who had formed a team with her before, invited her to be in the fourth row.

Luo Jiang replied to him,

"Sorry, I'm playing with my friends."

Sweet brother is very atmospheric,

"It's alright, let your friends come with you. It just happened that the dog hair went out to get the courier. We are missing one of three here."

"But my friend is a newcomer, and she may not be very good at playing."

"It's alright, K2 is here too, he can bring it."

Luo Jiang hesitated for a moment,

"OK then."

She turned her head away,

"Ajaan, do you want to form a team of four?"

"with who?"

"KKK2, with one of his friends."

"Okay, I played a few games just now, and I think I almost understand the game."

Jiang Luo looked at the computer screen confidently,

"I'll definitely die on land this time."

"By the way, do you want me to open a voice so that you can command me?"


I think I might not be able to direct you.


After two minutes.

A bleak scream came from the earphones of the three.

"Ah, ah, ah, I'm going to die. I'm going to die."

Luo Jiang looked at Jiang Luo, who fell to her death on the edge of the roof, and was silent for a while, comforting her,

"It doesn't matter, you still died on land anyway."


KKK2 responded.

He also used a voice changer to make his voice shrill, but his tone was flat, and it sounded like he was mocking,

"At least you didn't go to the house to greet him this time."

Then in the next round, in order to avoid the enemy, Jiang Luo ran in circles around a broken wall, but ran in the wrong direction and faced the enemy bravely.

After two seconds:

"Kamtiy killed you with the M16A4."


KKK2's tone is extremely flat,

"You didn't hit the roof this time."


This afternoon, the group of them played the game for more than four hours. At the end of the game, Jiang Luo's eyes were burning with anger, staring at the screen.

"I can't believe I won't live to the end!"

"...Hey, hey, wait a minute, why does the stone bounce back!"


Several times, Luo Jiang was afraid that the opponent would dislike Jiang Luo's rookie level, so he suggested that he should change his teammates.

KKK2 replied,

"No, take it with you."

But Jiang Luo also realized his scum level, and felt a little guilty. He was afraid that they would be embarrassed to say it, so he spoke very wisely,

"Well, am I dragging you down, or else, I'll practice first by myself."

"Don't be a drag."

The little girl was very moved.



He aimed at the enemy on the other side, shot him down,

"Don't you think you've done a lot in two minutes of being alive?"

Even in the last few rounds, Jiang Luo rarely survived a little longer, and moved very vigilantly.

KKK2 suddenly cue her,

"God 1."

Jiang Luo was instantly nervous,

"What's the matter, is there anything I can do?! Do you want a medical kit?"

KKK2: "I feel that the scenery is a bit desolate. It's so leisurely to walk around you. Why don't you sing a song to cheer you up."

Therefore, although their team has a very high rate of eating chickens because they have three teammates operated by gods, Jiang Luo's biggest contribution to the team is:

Each one died very early, successfully failing to report coordinates to the other teams.

Brother Tiantian is in awe of her,

"Sister, I admire you."

"for what?"

"For you are the first woman who can't even carry K2."

...oh, alright.

Jiang Luo thinks that Brother Tiantian may really admire her, because when he finally went offline, he sincerely added her as a friend, saying that next time KKK2 is free, he will invite her to play together.

The little girl slumped out of the game, and lay down on the ground to watch a movie for a while. When she saw ten o'clock, she couldn't stand it anymore, so she yawned and said to Luo Jiang, who was still playing the game,

"I'll go take a nap for a while, can you call me at half past eleven, I'll have a live broadcast at zero o'clock."

"Why are you streaming in the middle of the night?"

"Then how do I know why, I still can't figure out what the fans asked for fundraising."

After playing a few games all afternoon, Jiang Luo was in a bad mood today, and it was a sin to see anything.

Moreover, Jiang Luo was woken up by the clattering noise within half an hour of squinting.

She got up from the bed and rubbed her eyes, "What's wrong?"

"There seems to be a party next door, and the music is very loud."

Luo Jiang also got off the game at this moment, leaning against the door with a timid expression on his face,

"There are many of them, and many of them are foreigners, I dare not say."

But the music was still clanging, the strong rhythm of electronic music, Jiang Luo's head hurt when he heard it, he lifted the quilt,

"I'll tell!"

She put on a cape over her pajamas, walked to the opposite door, and knocked on the door.

After a long time, the door was opened, revealing an impatient face.

Jiang Luo took a deep breath,

"Hello, canyou..."


The door was immediately closed.

There was a faint sound of his irritable voice inside.

"I don't know. Why hasn't my boyfriend come back!"

...? ? ? ?

Boy friend?

Oh no, that's not the point.

The key is

I go! This attitude is too arrogant!

Jiang Luo widened her eyes angrily and reacted for a while before she remembered that she had not finished speaking, so she continued to knock on the door hard.

But this time, no one came after a long time.

...she's really **** off.

The girl looked at her red palm, and as soon as she got angry, she didn't bother to knock on the door, and planned to call the police directly to disturb the people.

But she was too unwilling. Before leaving, she kicked the door with her foot.


"…what are you doing?"

A strange yet familiar voice suddenly came to my ears.

Jiang Luo tilted her head and found a handsome little brother with long legs standing under the third stairs.

Clear eyes, a white T-shirt, and a bag of ice cream in his hand.

She subconsciously said,


The handsome little brother glanced at her, his tone was light,

"So, why are you kicking my door?"

It's your door...

and many more! your door?

Jiang Luo suddenly thought of the words of the irritable brother just now.


Mom! So, the little brother who almost fell in love at first sight is actually gay?

And the other half is the rude black guy?

And looking at the aura of that black man, this little brother, Ye Mo, might be a...suffer?

O. M. G.

Jiang Luo, whose brain was not very good, was completely dizzy.

Huo Xingchao looked at her confused face, and then at the cowardly girl who came out of the door behind her.

There was loud music beside his ears, and the thump, thump stimulated the eardrums, which happened to come from his own home.

He suddenly understood something, sighed, picked out two packets of candy from the plastic bag, and handed it to her,

"Sorry, I probably know, now, please have some candy."


Seeing that she was still there, the boy thought for a while, then unpacked it, took out a fruit gummy, and put it in her hand with a sincere tone.

"This is the new pineapple flavor, which is better than the strawberry flavor."

...really beautiful eyes.

With such clean eyes, the anger in Jiang Luo's heart disappeared all of a sudden.


Yes yes.

She looked at the candy package filled with the girl's heart in her palm and closed her eyes.

- It's a subject, didn't run away.