MTL - He is From Great Sea of Stars-Chapter 169 Take your sister to eat chicken

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The day after Huo Xingchao moved, his roommate Teddy called. He picked it up and took out a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator with a cold tone.


There was a loud hustle and bustle from the other end, the electronic music was on the loudspeaker, and Teddy shouted,

"Hoho! Hohohohohoho!"

Huo Xingchao held the phone away from his ear and leaned against the refrigerator door.

"Don't call me, just talk about it."

"Huo, have you moved to a new home?"

Teddy finally found a quieter place and asked him excitedly,

"How about we come to your house for a party tonight? I invited Pearl for you, and she agreed to participate."

The boy frowned.

"Who is Pearl?"

"Pearl is Catherine!"

Teddy thought it was incredible, "Don't you like her, you don't even know her Chinese name? Bro, you are the coolest person I have ever met!"

"Who told you that I like her?"

"Isn't it? The last time I met her in the classroom, you asked me who she was, and it was the first time we had known her for so long that you asked me about the girl. Didn't you fall in love with her at first sight? Cathetine is so beautiful. "

Huo Xingchao was too lazy to correct his idiom error, he turned on the speakerphone, threw the phone on the sofa, unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle to drink water,

"I asked who she was because she knew who I was."

"Is it normal for her to know who you are? The whole student dormitory knows who you are. Huo, you are very famous. You are Huo Xiaolong."

......Speaking of this Huo Xingchao wanted to hang up.

The last time they fought with a group of international students, he was somehow dragged and mixed in by this kid, and then he became famous in the whole group of international students.

-Because my side was too weak, I ended up fighting with myself against the other four, and I even won.

According to Teddy, he also has a nickname among the international students, called Huo Xiaolong.

Well, tribute to Bruce Lee.

Huo Xingchao didn't answer this topic, his tone was calm,

"Do you know how she greeted me last time?"


"Hello, KKK2."

The boy's tone is very calm and a bit leisurely,

"So, Teddy, do you know why she knows my game trumpet?"


There was an instant silence.

After a while, Teddy's tentative voice sounded,

"Like I told her?"


Huo Xingchao made a mocking word.

"...Well, I apologize to you for my mistake. But Huo, you absolutely can't refuse the party tonight, I have already told them, didn't you owe me something last time? Well, I've figured it out, that is to hold a party at your house tonight, Huo, you have to promise me!"

The boy rubbed his hair and leaned on the sofa,

"You are really annoying."

But no matter what, the matter is settled.

After all, Huo Xingchao is a person who keeps his promises. The last time he asked Teddy to bring him red oil from school last time, he promised him to do something for him in the future.

"Huo, the promise between men is very serious. You can't break the appointment, otherwise you won't be a man."

In order to be a man, Huo Xingchao could only agree to their request to have a party at his house at night.

Of course, the premise is - clean up the sanitation before leaving.

And if the neighbor complains, he is not responsible for coming forward.

Teddy agreed.

"Don't worry, Huo, and you are 21 years old today, you can drink boldly with confidence. In return, I will bring you the wine that I have treasured for a long time at night, which I stole from my uncle. You will absolutely be amazed by this virgin wine."


Huo Xingchao rubbed his eyebrows, "But I've been drinking since I was five years old. Besides, if you dare to bring me a minor, I'll pour the wine on your face, do you understand what I mean?"

"...very clear."


Huo Xingchao hung up the phone and glanced at the time on the screen: 13:12, lunch time had passed.

But he drank half a bottle of Nongfu Spring before he had eaten today.

So he moved the mineral water aside, picked up his wallet and keys, and planned to go downstairs to the convenience store to buy something to eat.

The team took a week off, and he moved the house in one day. The remaining six days are planned to be spent at home. Of course, he has to prepare food rations.

Probably because it was nap time and the sun was shining brightly, the street at the entrance of the community was completely empty, and only occasionally a few cars drove past, raising dust all over the place.

Huo Xingchao walked to the door of 711 and found that even the convenience store was empty.

The summer in the south really makes people not want to go out.

Wang Keda and the others had planned to go to Russia to escape the summer the day before yesterday. They watched the bears and invited Huo Xingchao to go with them.

Of course the house **** Huo Xingchao refused.

He walked into the convenience store, walked to the freezer, and started picking out ice cream.

One. two. three. four. five......

"Actually, I don't usually buy food at convenience stores, I only order takeout. What do you recommend... strawberry-flavored ice cream? Tsk, strawberry-flavored, wouldn't it be too girly?"

In this afternoon when even the sales clerk was dozing off, a sweet female voice suddenly sounded behind him, and it exploded in Huo Xing's ear in the way of "jumping out of nowhere", startling him.

Carrying a large bag of strawberry-flavored ice cream, he turned to see where it was.


I saw Peppa Pig.

Stay obediently on a white and tender arm.

Huo Xingchao raised his eyebrows and looked up at this social man.

A very young girl, very thin, very white, wearing a suspender skirt, showing a delicate collarbone and slender arms, holding a selfie stick in her hand, smiling and talking to the mobile phone.

Huo Xingchao was quite familiar with this mode, because their team also had live broadcast missions every week.

He doesn't talk much, and playing games is playing games. Except for necessary communication, he basically doesn't speak at other times.

But the most talkative little fat man in the team especially likes to interact with the audience. Every time he passes by and sees him talking to himself, he looks like a fool.


The girl smiled, facing the screen,

"Meet a very handsome little brother who seems to be buying strawberry ice cream too."

She took out an ice cream from the freezer, held it up and asked,

"Is this what you're talking about?"

When she turned around, the selfie stick just turned back, and the phone immediately pointed to Huo Xingchao beside her.

Huo Xingchao raised his eyes and glanced at the screen.

Host name: God of Aotian.

...well, what a social guy.

Jiang Luo didn't notice this scene. After picking up an ice cream, she looked up at the comments below, wanting to confirm whether the strawberry-flavored ice cream they were talking about was this.

But the next second she was stunned.

She had no idea what was going on. The comments in the entire live broadcast room were swiping at five times the speed before,

"Fuck! Is that my God? Is it? Is that so?"

"Ahhh! Where are you, the anchor?! Share a coordinate!! I'm going to see my God K!"

"Is this KKK1? Why does it look like KKK1? Is it KKK1?!"

One after another jumped up, and at the end, only one letter could be seen everywhere:



what's going on?

Jiang Luo blinked, a little puzzled,

"Who is KKK1?"

"Ah, ah, ah, it's the man next to you!"

"Anchor, turn the camera around, please! You! It's over!"

"I don't even know what KKK1 is. Are there any friends who can help you popularize it? Is it a star? What TV series have you acted in?"

"KKK1 doesn't play TV dramas, he plays games! Let's find out about the first front of TAC!"


Jiang Luo spent half a minute understanding the popular science in the comments, and finally knew what they meant.

It seems to say that the boy next to her is playing games, or a very good gamer. He is called KKK1, and he is the face of the TAC team.

Um, the facade? Does the game team also have such a configuration?

She turned her head and found that the boy was still picking out ice cream.

One. two. three. four. five...

After a while, the strawberry-flavored ice cream in the freezer is gone.

The boy raised his head, his eyes fell on her hand, and there was a bit of reluctance in his eyes, but after a while, he turned around decisively, carrying the bag and preparing to check out.

The screen is still swiping in the live broadcast room.

Jiang Luo was dazed by a large amount of KKK brushes, and subconsciously called to him,


The boy stopped immediately, turned back, looked at the ice cream in her hand, and his tone was already filled with a little imperceptible excitement.

"Don't you want it?"


Jiang Luo was taken aback, "You mean this ice cream?"

He nodded and offered a friendly suggestion,

"You can give it to me if you don't want it."

At noon in the big summer, the boy wore a white T-shirt, with handsome facial features and very white skin, just like a vigorous teenager in a youth drama.

His eyes were clean, and even his eyelashes were filled with clear fireworks.

Jiang Luo was bewitched by those clear eyes, she stretched out her hand,

"Then give it to you."


The boy took it, and the hand holding the ice cream was clearly articulated and very beautiful.

He thought for a while, then picked out a box of strawberry-flavored candies from the bag and handed it to her.

"Thank you, this candy is delicious."

Only one hand and the candy box on the hand could be seen in the live broadcast room, but the audience was still very excited.

"Ahhhh, I want K's candy too!"

"Envy the anchor, KKK1 actually invited you to eat candy."

"Wow, I also want to be invited to eat candy by K God!!"

"This candy is super delicious! You can try it, anchor, it's really delicious!"


The boy named "God K" had already settled the bill, opened the door of the convenience store and went out

The back is tall and straight, and gradually disappears across the road.

Jiang Luo came back to her senses and saw a lot of comments on the screen that envied her being invited to eat candy.

She was silent for a while, and finally couldn't help but speak,

"This... should I still have to pay for it myself?"


After a while, a super rocket appeared on the screen.

With a comment:

"God K handed you the candy, what do you want?"

And then another super rocket.

"Do you still want him to pay you?"

Finally another super rocket.

"God of Aotian, don't go too far!"

? ? ? ?

......I have a sentence **** I don't know if I should say it or not.