MTL - He is From Great Sea of Stars-Chapter 140 exchange life

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When Ruan Lan saw this episode, it was already Saturday night.

She just transferred schools these two days, because the "new parents" are very busy with work, so she can almost freely arrange the time outside of school.

You are like Xu Yang in the past, his extra-curricular life is very rich, there is no nightclub in Yangcheng that he is unfamiliar with.

But Ruan Lan is different. Her schedule is actually very tight and monotonous. In addition to adapting to new things in the city, she is focusing on her studies.

The learning progress of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School is completely different from that of Huaixiang Middle School. In the first half of senior year, Huaixiang Middle School is still at the beginning of a round of review, and Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School has reached the end of the second round of review.

Ruan Lan's grades ranked first in Huaixiang Middle School, but as soon as she changed schools, she was instantly taught to be a person by reality.

In the quiz that just ended the day before yesterday, the question type and difficulty were completely different from what she had done before. She ranked 32nd in the class.

There are forty people in the class.

She was soberly aware that this was a daunting challenge.

- It will also be a very favorable opportunity.

The total recording time of the program "Exchange Life" is just over a month. After this month, everything will return to its original owner.

Xu Yang can go back to his own home and use this springboard to enter the entertainment industry. He is well-known and has a background. For him, this experience is just the beginning of a prosperous life.

But Ruan Lan is different.

As soon as she returned to reality, she was a poor child in the valley who could not even go to college.

She doesn't want that.

So she must firmly seize this rare opportunity to absorb new knowledge desperately in this month's time. You can absorb as much nutrients as you can, and you can accumulate as much capital as you can.

Because one day, she will escape from that home, from that backcountry.

With this understanding, Ruan Lan has arranged her time very full these two days.

After the show crew left in the evening, when it was time to turn off the camera, she would secretly get up from the bed, turn off the camera, take out the mobile phone bought by the "new parents", and start surfing the Internet.

She had almost never been exposed to such things as the Internet before.

There are no Internet cafes in Huaixiang Township, no computer classes in schools, no old desktop computers, let alone smartphones.

Even TV is relatively rare.

Only occasionally during the winter and summer vacations, when college students from outside come to teach, can we get a glimpse of the developed corners of the big cities outside.

So Ruan Lan surfed the Internet, not for fun, but to study it as a very serious topic.

After class during the day, she secretly memorized the "Weibo", "Station B" and various variety shows that the classmates talked about, and then took her mobile phone to study one by one at night.

In these three days, Ruan Lan sleeps only five hours on average every day.

But she knew countless stars, met Pippi Shrimp and Peppa Pig, watched dozens of TED shows, and even saved hundreds of emojis.

In fact, browsing Weibo and watching bullet screen websites should be a leisure and entertainment thing, very relaxing and enjoyable.

But because Ruan Lan's attitude was too serious, he turned it into a task to complete, and that kind of feeling was like stuffing a new historical age into your mind, and you had to write it down.

- To be honest, it doesn't feel good.

But she knew what these new things could do for her.

Whether it's boring gossip, garbage news, or even a variety show that the teacher thinks is not a proper job, for Ruan Lan, it's all new knowledge.

Every time she touches a little more, her vision broadens a little bit. The most scattered and useless information on the Internet can make this little girl with poor knowledge grow up in a storm.

The day after Ruan Lan came to Yangcheng, she saw Lu Zhiya, the goddaughter in the mouth of "mother".

Lu Zhiya also went to school in Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School and was in the same class as herself. She had fair skin and a sweet smile. She could play the piano and dance, and her grades were not bad. No matter what topic, she seemed to be able to chat with ease. The girls in the class They all love to get close to her, and the stars hold the moon.

Like a noble and lively little princess.

Ruan Lan envied her very much.

She thought that one day, maybe, she could become such a girl.


Tonight, after turning off the camera, Ruan Lan took out her mobile phone to browse the web as usual.

After reading the news and searching for a lot of messy questions on Zhihu, she just clicked on Weibo and browsed the hot searches.

After the past few days, she has gradually discovered that the information on the Weibo, the favorite website of her classmates, is too scattered. For her now, it is very new, but not particularly useful.

So she gradually paid less attention to it, and only took two minutes to look at it before going to bed.

But today, the little girl's fingers stayed on the hot search interface for a long time.

She saw a somewhat familiar name.

No, it should be said to be very, very familiar, but not a name that should appear in such a place.

- Huo Xingchao?

Well, Huo Xingchao.

"Mom, this little brother is so handsome! Such an ugly school uniform actually looks like a magazine photo, my God, it's a match for my grandfather Yang!"

"Is little brother malnourished? I think he is very thin, and his lips are pale, as if he is sick, and I feel distressed [tears]"

"May I ask the program team to help bring something to this little brother? Although he is not short, he is too thin. I really think he is malnourished. I don't know if he is sick, but he is obviously still coughing, and he is in school uniform. The pants are all too short, I want to send him something!"

"No, this guy named Huo Xingchao has a bad temper, and Yang Ye doesn't know they are sleeping, so it's rude to scold people like this."

"But why do I think Xu Yang is really going too far... People have to get up at five in the morning, he doesn't know it, everyone is quiet, and they are still singing at 12:30 in the evening, no wonder that little brother wants to Get on fire."

"To be honest, if someone like Xu Yang was my roommate, I would have slapped him. Although he is handsome, his behavior is really too much."

"Wow, I was hired by my classmate Amway. She said that there was a handsome boy in the exchange life, and she insisted that I see it, but why did I get the face of this boy named Huo Xingchao, but Xu Yang... ..To be honest, this kind of person who smokes, fights and drinks, in reality, is really negative and annoying."


Ruan Lan carefully watched the small video and all the comments below that were intercepted by the public account alone.

Most of them praised the handsome little brother in the video, and some were worried about his health and wanted to donate money to him to send nutritional supplements. Some said that Xu Yang was too distressed for the little brother, but only a small number of them were accusing him. Isn't it a little rude for this guy to speak so aggressively?

Seeing so many people like him, Ruan Lan suddenly felt very happy.

Because she knew that Huo Xingchao was a very good person.

They are neighbors. From a very young age, he would give her sweet potatoes or roast potatoes when he was not full, help her pick firewood, and teach her to read and write.

When I was still in junior high school, there were two winter and summer vacations, and most of the college students who came to teach in the school were girls.

Those young ladies liked Huo Xingchao very much and thought he was too good-looking and good-looking, so when they left, they gave him all the luggage they could. A young lady even gave him her own camera.

"This is called Polaroid. The photos you take can be viewed directly without having to be washed."

The teenager held the camera, stood on the ridge, and gave her a faint smile,

"The elder sister said that there is not much film left, and you can take four pictures. I will take one for you."

Ruan Lan sat up, took out an iron box from the drawer next to the bed, opened it, and there was a photo inside.

In the rapeseed flower field, stood a little girl with a ponytail, still wearing a school uniform, holding the hem of the dress with her hands, her eyes were bright, and there were two shallow dimples on her lips.

Because of the color tone, it seems that she is not so dark. Just looking at the facial features, she is actually very beautiful.

She remembered that there were four pictures in total.

He took a picture of her, a picture of his mother, and a picture of himself and his mother.

As for the last piece of film, until now, he has not moved it.

She remembered that at that time, she was holding the photo, a little happy and a little worried,

"This camera must be very expensive. That sister gave it to you. Will she be scolded by her parents when you go back?"

The teenager leaned against the tree, lowered his eyes and fiddled with the camera in his hand, the shade of the tree fell on his slightly pale skin, his expression was very quiet,

"She said no. I wrote down her phone number and home address, and when I go to college, I will go to her and give her the camera and the money back for the photos."

"Going to college, will you have money?"


He tilted his head slightly, his amber eyes full of seriousness,

"Those brothers and sisters said that now you can apply for hardship subsidies, as long as you are admitted to university, you can go there. After you go to university, there will be many part-time jobs, and you can support yourself."


She was a little surprised.

"Really. So you must study hard and go to university. I'm a boy and I'm strong. If you don't earn enough money, I'll support you."


It was the first time that Ruan Lan had the idea of ​​"leaving".

She wanted to escape from that home, to escape from nostalgia, but Huo Xingchao's words gave her yearning and hope. He told her that even if she had nothing, she could walk out of that mountain.

"Don't worry Ruan Lan, you have two strong backings that will never fall. One is the country and the other is me."

Ruan Lan put the photo back in the box and carefully closed it.

Then he took out his mobile phone. There were more than 8,000 comments below, and the comment that was pushed to the top had nearly a thousand likes.

"Isn't this a hype? How can there be a child in the countryside who is malnourished and grows so tall. You can see that he is so white, and the contrast with the black and yellow circle around him is too obvious. At first glance, he doesn't look like a child in the mountains. Besides, it was me Yang Ye who was originally filming, what did the show crew do for him for no reason? It's too disgusting to push the hype like this!"

In fact, thinking about it seriously, he seems to be making sense.

Originally, when I was going to school in Huaixiang, everyone thought that Huo Xingchao was very different, just like those big brothers and sisters who came to teach.

is the "outside" person.

The girl pursed her lips, thought for a while, and wrote her comments below word by word.

"He's not malnourished, he's just not in good health, he's often sick, that's why he's so thin. He can eat enough, but it's just enough to eat. He's not hyping it up, he just grew up in nostalgia. , the grades are very good, the person is also very good and kind, if Xu Yang hadn't woken him up, he would hardly have lost his temper..."

At this point, the girl's finger stopped on the screen for a long time.

Finally deleted them all.

Get up and type a long, long paragraph on the phone.

Then I sent it to my executive director on WeChat.

"Sister Director, if you can, can you send this to the uncle of the cameraman over there in Huaixiang, and let him show it to Huo Xingchao. Huo Xingchao is my very good friend who lives next door to me, the cameraman. Uncle is very convenient in the past. Please!

It doesn't matter if it doesn't work. "

Click Send.