MTL - He is From Great Sea of Stars-Chapter 139 exchange life

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In fact, in this story, Lu Zhiya did nothing wrong.

After all, it was her mother who did the swapping. She was a newborn baby at that time, so she knew what.

Later, when the truth came out, Ruan Lan took revenge on her mother, which was indeed an improper method. From Lu Zhiya's standpoint, it was a completely just approach to debunk Ruan Lan's slander and save her biological mother.

But from Ruan Lan's standpoint, she is such an innocent girl.

Mother Ruan exchanged her from her biological parents for her daughter.

But her literacy and three views made her not only feel no guilt after taking advantage of it, but more contented and happy.

The daughter is not biological, not the biological blood that fell from her own body, so why bother with her.

Over the years, Ruan's mother could not say that she deliberately tortured Ruan Lan with bad intentions, but her attitude towards her was lukewarm. Apart from telling her to work, she basically did not have too much communication with her, and sometimes she was in a bad mood. Well, when I'm in a hurry, I can't help but find her to vent my anger.

Ruan Lan has basically never enjoyed the care from her elders since she was a child.

The whole family treats her best, but it is the younger brother who is ten years younger than her and is only as high as her waist.

But she learned the truth and returned to the Lu family.

I saw Lu Zhiya.

Lu Zhiya can play the piano. Lu Zhiya is familiar with all kinds of luxury goods. Lu Zhiya knows tea. Lu Zhiya is well-versed in any reception.

Lu Zhiya has many best friends in their circle from childhood to adulthood.

Lu Zhiya occupied all the life that should belong to her.

And she, like an ugly duckling entering Swan Lake for the first time, was at a loss and was extremely embarrassed.

Her adoptive parents didn't love her, and her biological parents were embarrassed and unfamiliar. She watched the woman who had ruined her front body live well under Lu Zhiya's plea, but she could only live in the name of Lu's adopted daughter, and was laughed at by others every day. Compare it with Lu Zhiya.

For the first six months, I would hide under the covers and cry almost every night.

Who cares about her?

Should she just swallow this huge grievance by herself, and then pretend that nothing happened, and leave Lu Zhiya forever?

Ruan Lan couldn't do it.

But it is clear that in this life, she is not not smart enough, or not cruel enough.

She just miscalculated one thing.

In this world, every relative loves her a little less than she thought.

From the day she was replaced, she walked in this world independently.


After the afternoon class, there is a small vacation, so the students basically go home.

Huo Xingchao packed up his things in the dormitory and waited by the door for Xu Yang, who was languid inside.

He and Ruan Lan are neighbors, in other words, he and Xu Yang are neighbors now. Xu Yang didn't know Lu, so he had to take him back to Ruan's house.

Although Huaixiang Middle School is a middle school in Huaixiang Town, the conditions are not very good.

The dormitories are basically eight-person rooms with bunk beds, no desks, and no cabinets. When the entire dormitory first moved in, there were only two chairs and a broom besides the bed.

Resident students keep their belongings in their own boxes or bags.

After all, their clothes for the whole summer may be the same amount that children in the city bring when they travel for two or three days.

Huo Xingchao shared a room with Xu Yang.

At that time, "Exchange Life" first entered the nostalgia, and it was to shoot at Ruan Lan's house. At that time, he was still in school, and he just heard Ruan Lan told him the news.

Then the next day, the teacher announced to them that a stranger was going to be transferred to their class. It may take a month, because this new classmate is still shooting the show, so there will be a cameraman following him, please don't be surprised.

There were only eight people in Huo Xingchao's dormitory, and there were two vacant beds left, so the teacher placed Xu Yang in their dormitory.

The day before yesterday, after taking the exam, Xu Yang moved in with a very high-end suitcase in their eyes.

Unfortunately, Xu Yang's bed was still under Huo Xingchao.

A rebellious bad boy.

Of course, Xu Yang couldn't sleep well at night, his phone was confiscated, he tossed and turned on the bed, and suddenly started humming unscrupulously.

The other students in the dormitory were timid and didn't dare to say anything. Huo Xingchao had already fallen asleep, but he was woken up by him.

"Fuck! Whoever lost the book, are you **** stupid!"

Xu Yang immediately became angry, rolled over and got off the bed, cursing with a screeching voice.

The boy in the upper bunk had a light tone, maybe he just woke up, and his voice sounded particularly protective.

"If you don't want to sleep, get out."

"Damn it, you have the kind of shit, say it again!"

Huo Xingchao condensed it into three words,

"Go out and howl."

"You fucking..."

"To speak human words."

He turned over, in the dark night, his voice was as cold as the moonlight outside the window,

"If you argue again, I'll remember your name."

Huo Xingchao is the head of the dormitory.

Huaixiang Middle School stipulates that if someone in the dormitory violates school discipline, the dormitory director can write down their names, and the students whose names are recorded will be punished for cleaning the classrooms and corridors for a week as long as the head teacher finds out that the situation is true.

For a student with a character like Xu Yang, he would definitely not be obedient.

But if he doesn't sweep, the head teacher will definitely make him stand outside the classroom.

In fact, Xu Yang had his own ideas from the very beginning, otherwise he would come to participate in this show when he was bored.

The reason why he first participated in "Exchange Life" was not to change himself by experiencing hard life, but just to make his debut on this show.

This is the most favorable path planned for him by the agent arranged by the family company.

After all, although Xu Yang looks good and can sing well, his temper and emotional intelligence are really not high, and his grades are indeed poor. He has a lot of black history in school.

Through this show, the audience can not only accept his character to a certain extent, but also accumulate popularity. It is a win-win for both parties.

Xu Yang is not stupid.

He even secretly borrowed the cameraman's mobile phone to watch the comments and barrage of the previous episode.

He is very clear in his heart, although most of the audience can accept the debauchery he shows, and even feel sorry for him because of it. But once you go too far, beyond that point, it will only cause negative effects.

For example, I am the only one who is alone, affecting the rest of my classmates without repenting - in the eyes of the audience, this is far more serious than going to a nightclub to drink and fight.

And there are cameras in the bedroom.

Although it was pitch black at night, and the specific scene could not be seen, at least the sound could still be heard.

So Xu Yang was silent for a while, then coughed lightly, in a very awkward tone,

"Hey, I said, do you really all go to bed so early?"

His original intention was to show his unknowing and correcting his mistakes.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished saying these words, the boy's low and irritable voice came from his head.

"You still let people sleep?"


The scene became awkward for a while.

Xu Yang didn't know how to react. In the end, he could only whisper a swear word, and then cover the quilt depressed and sleep.

Fuck, where did this come out of trouble.

When I finish this show, I will kill you, believe it or not!

- but it's a pity.

There was no need to wait for the filming of the show, Xu Yang missed this opportunity after only one day.

The program "Life Exchange" is broadcast every Friday night. This Saturday, the episode of last night's episode has been rebroadcast. The video website opens at 1 o'clock, and there are a lot of barrages inside.

There are even several topics about the content of the show hanging on the hot search list.

The name "Huo Xingchao" appeared in the thirteenth place.

- This is the ranking after the drop. The cameraman remembered that when he watched it this morning, it was still second, and the first was a pair of celebrities announcing their romance.

But among the many topics in "Exchange Life", "Huo Xingchao" ranked first.

At this moment, Xu Yang was still packing his luggage in the room, while Huo Xingchao was leaning against the door, looking down at his shoes in a daze.

The camera doesn't need to be moved, just place it at the door to record.

So out of curiosity, the cameraman clicked on the hot search and started watching.

The exchange of life broadcast this Friday was edited just yesterday afternoon. Because there was such a conflict in the evening, the director team released the edited film again, deleted it, modified it, and put that clip in.

And why is Huo Xingchao on the hot search?

It's the same reason why Xu Yang **** powder.

-Because he is so good-looking.

The cameraman clicked on the hot search, and the first message he saw was a small video.

When Xu Yang first entered the school, the head teacher called Huo Xingchao when he couldn't find the monitor for a long time.

"Xingchao, this big class break, bring your new classmates to get acquainted with the campus."

The teenager is facing the camera sideways.

He was still holding a test paper in his hand. His knuckles were slender, and his skin was almost transparent in the sunlight. When the wind blew, he blew his school uniform against his body, making him look extremely thin.

At that time, he still had a cold, he coughed lowly, his long eyelashes drooped down, the bridge of his nose was high, and the sunlight gave him a good-looking silhouette.

It's that kind of very delicate appearance.

When you see him, you can't help but think of the word beautiful.

But somehow, it didn't seem girly.

The young man turned his head and glanced at it, the amber eyes were still light, and the tone was light,

"it is good."

- Just such a short shot.

Plus the last part of the dark night scene where you can't see your face at all.

Instantly pushed him to the hot search.