MTL - He is From Great Sea of Stars-Chapter 120 On the knowledge of choosing a princess

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As soon as Huo Xingchao opened his eyes, all he saw were lush green trees.

The sound beside his ears was very noisy, with several angry shouts, frightened roars, the sound of horse hooves, and trembling screams.

Then in the next second, a huge head appeared in front of him.

Black eyes, black nose, grinning, and a body like a mountain, emitting a fierce roar.

is a bear.

Or a bear trying to kill him.

The moment the bear's paw swung over, Huo Xingchao subconsciously jumped to the side, then raised the bow and arrow in his hand, and shot it out before the wild bear swung the next paw down.

The wild bear's skin is rough and thick, and even if it aims at the heart, it may not be able to shoot through the flesh and directly hurt the vital point.

So Huo Xingchao shot arrow after arrow, arrows aimed at its eyes and nose.


"Dong Dong Dong!"

With a puff, the arrowhead pierced directly into the wild bear's right eye, it roared in pain and became even more angry.

When I stomped my feet, even the trees next to me trembled.

The screams in the ears became more and more harsh, and the horses began to be frightened, roaring in panic.

It makes the whole atmosphere more terrifying.

The young man leaned against the trees behind him, his eyes shining brightly at the wild bear waving his big palms in front of him, frowning, and clenching the knife at his waist.

Bears have poor eyesight and rely on smell to identify prey most of the time.

But there are so many people around that it is hard to tell where the enemy that attacked him just now is.

Just as he turned his head and wanted to wave his palm at the **** his right who had fallen to the ground, Huo Xingchao jumped up, drew his knife, and slammed it into the wild bear's nose.

Unlike ordinary prey, bears have great strength, and wild bears are more ferocious, with rough skin and thick flesh, and are almost difficult to kill.

But its nose is fragile, and with a single blow, it will immediately pass out.

Huo Xingchao used all his strength for this knife, snorted lowly, and swiped it on its nose like a broken vessel.

The big wild bear seemed to be stunned for a moment, and the surroundings fell into a dead silence, only the whistling of the wind through the leaves could be heard.

Then another moment passed.


The huge body fell to the ground, and the entire forest seemed to be shaken, causing countless birds and leaves to fall.


The boy put away the **** knife in his hand and took two steps forward, but before he took half a meter, someone immediately stopped him in a panic.

"My lord, be careful of the danger, let the minions deal with it next."

Just now, watching this precious little prince shoot an arrow and draw a knife, fighting a wild bear by himself, the guards around him were already terrified, for fear that if something happened to him, his head would fall off his neck.

But the one-man and one-bear stalemate was really strong, and then the wild bear started to go mad again, and the guards didn't know how to intervene.

What's more, there are several panic-stricken young ladies around. They are just a few people, and they are completely useless.

Fortunately, An Xiaowang is indeed a disciple taught by General Meng, and by himself, he can make this blind bear run away. Also kept their heads.

Thinking of this, the guard leaned over again, with a three-pointed expression on his face.

The young man glanced at him, picked up the bow on the ground, nonchalantly,

"Now you know you've come out to stop it?"

He snorted coldly,

"A bunch of hindsight."

Then he rode on the horse, leaving them with a crisp back.


A young boy's clear voice came from the air,

After a while, the horse disappeared into the woods.

The guard was startled, only to find that he was going in the direction of the large tent, and then he was slightly relieved, kicking the subordinate beside him,

"Don't hurry up and find a few people to follow! The lord is still injured."

"Then what about the bear?"

Although the wild bears on the ground have been stabbed to death by the guards, they are completely dead, but such a big prey, no one can't bring them back.


The subordinates looked at the few ladies not far away who still hadn't recovered from the shock. The whole person was a little embarrassed.

"What will they do?"

I don't know what kind of feng shui this place is.

First, Lord An chased a deer, but when he was halfway there, the deer disappeared, and a **** bear ran out.

Before the bear was resolved, a group of young ladies who hunted foxes and rabbits came in behind.

It has been several years since he was arranged to come to the hunting ground, and he has never seen the "grand occasion" today.

It was really bad luck.

The commander-in-chief of the guards kicked him again angrily,

"You don't have to worry about it. Don't keep chattering. If you don't hurry up, keep up with it. If anything happens to Prince An again, you won't need your head!"

The subordinates grinned and covered their legs, not daring to let a fart, so they called a few people and chased in the direction of the big tent.


It is impossible for the guards to catch up with Huo Xingchao.

He was in a bad mood, and he rode his horse almost desperately, and arrived at the camp in no time.

The camp had already heard the news from the messenger guards, and when he saw Huo Xingchao, he immediately greeted him with sincerity, and greeted him warmly.

The young man threw his whip and ignored them, strode straight into his tent.

"Don't follow!"


The servants had to wait outside the tent, watching their noses and their hearts.

This little prince has always had a changeable temper. When he is in a bad mood, if he dares to say a word, it is like plucking the hair on the neck of a tiger.

- There is absolutely no chance of a good ending.

But inside the tent, Huo Xingchao was actually not as irritable as they thought. He was just leaning on the desk and needed a quiet place to receive the plot.

After all, when he opened his eyes at that time, he saw a ferocious wild bear in front of him. He was so busy fighting with bears that he didn't have time to think about it.

It is now the middle of the Jin Dynasty.

It is the most prosperous and prosperous era in the history of the Dashun Dynasty.

As for Huo Xingchao, he was the emperor's younger brother—the kind of direct relative.

He was more than 20 years younger than his emperor's elder brother, and the first emperor died not long after he was born. He was basically raised by the emperor as a son, and his words were more effective than the princes below.

There is one thing, he refuses to marry.

At the age of nineteen this year, the palace was deserted, and there was not a single person who knew what was hot and cold. The queen mother pointed to several palace maids and concubines.

If it wasn't for this prince who still eats meat and drinks every day, falcons and kills rabbits, the people below would think he was going to convert to Buddhism.

And this time, the emperor specially said that not only can the young man shoot arrows and hunt beasts, but the daughters of Da Jin have also learned riding skills since childhood.

Therefore, it was decreed that all the daughters of ministers of the third rank and above can participate in this hunt.

—Yes, do you see any clues?

The obvious reason is to let Dajin's daughters also show their heroic appearance and show that they are not inferior to men.

In fact, it was used by An Xiaowang to see the princess.

Who asked him to show him the picture album before, he always impatiently used "all the girls in the portrait look exactly the same" to shirk.

This time, the queen mother and the emperor simply engaged in a big round of hunting and let him see it for himself.

Anyway, the defense of men and women in the Great Jin Dynasty has never been as serious as that of the previous dynasty, and the atmosphere is much more open. The emperor issued this decree, but no one felt inappropriate.

Not only was it not wrong, Huo Xingchao also knew that during this hunting round, the queen mother successfully took a fancy to a girl for him.

"Her father is Taichang Siqing, and she is herself, with good talent and character. The most important thing is that her appearance is extremely outstanding. There are so many concubines in the palace. just know"


Although the queen mother doesn't know exactly what kind of girl her young son likes, but he has seen countless girls before, he always frowns and refuses with one reason—

"It's too ugly to look at."

The queen mother thought, "Okay, then I'll choose a good-looking one this time.

In the end, after picking and choosing, Qu Shuning, the second daughter of Emperor Taichang Siqing, was selected.

- But I never expected that this time, before Huo Xingchao had time to refute, the girl would not agree.

The Qu family has a clean and honest family, and will never sacrifice the happiness of their children for power. In Qu Shuning's eyes, the royal family is a cage. Once she enters the palace, she will lose her freedom.

What's more, this girl still has a little sense of free love beyond the times.

She felt that she had never seen Prince An before, so how could she marry him in such a confused way.

So, in order to shirk, Qu Shuning's mind flashed subconsciously, and pressed the marriage affairs that her grandmother had planned to tell her cousin on her head.

So do you think the queen mother can force a girl who has already negotiated to marry her son? - Of course not.

Had no choice but to give up.

As for Qu Shuning's cousin Lin Wan, who lost her parents since childhood and lived in the Qu family, she doesn't have much say in this matter.

On the man's side, wouldn't it be better if Miss Orphan Biao was replaced by Miss Qu's seriousness?

The most important thing is that after Qu Shuning said that she was about to get engaged, the queen mother gave up on her. Instead, for some reason, she fell in love with Lin Wan and promised her to Prince An as a concubine.

For a while, Qu Shuning's words of evasion turned out to be a happy ending in the end.

Of course it would be nice if the story stopped here.

But unfortunately, this is just the beginning.

Just after Lin Wan was forced by the empress dowager who couldn't help it to be the concubine for Prince An, Huo Xingchao accidentally bumped into Qu Shuning while hunting.

Qu Shuning is generous and generous, with superb riding skills, and is not afraid of facing danger at all. She is not at all delicate and petite. This kind of difference attracts Huo Xingchao.

He didn't have any other intentions at the time. He simply thought the girl was very interesting, so he chatted with her a few more words, and he would say hello when he saw her.

Unexpectedly, after meeting Huo Xingchao, Qu Shuning really fell in love with him.

Then, the little girl who pursued free love suddenly wanted to marry him again.

But what to do, she has already told a big lie to reject the queen mother, and the queen mother promised her cousin to Prince An. In this case, how could she marry the man she likes. Even if she was married, how could she ever feel sorry for her cousin again.

Qu Shuning had no choice but to hide all the affection in her heart and suppress herself.

But Qu Shuning thought that even if she couldn't marry Prince An, she couldn't marry the current "fiance".

She would rather not marry for the rest of her life and be a free and unrestrained female gentleman in the future.

So, like the heroines in the novel who are unwilling to marry, she came up with a series of things and successfully "give" the fiance to the fifth cousin who has been secretly in love with him.

Qu Shuning thought again that she had loved such a man all her life, and before becoming a female husband, she wanted to tell him her heart.

She has always been resolute, she thought so, and she did it.

After Huo Xingchao heard this, he thought for a while.

Then I thought that I just lacked a concubine, and among so many girls, the impression of her was the best, so I just let her be my concubine.

- So, Concubine Zheng and Concubine Side entered the palace at the same time.

And it was from this day that Lin Wan hated her.

The marriage between her and Ning Gongzi had been planned for a long time by herself, but she was disturbed by this "innocent" sister and married into the palace instead of her.

From a wife to a concubine.

When she finally accepted the reality and began to plan carefully for her future, her good sister suddenly wanted to marry into the palace, without any reluctance. what is this?


The story behind it doesn't really need to be mentioned.

A "scheming and hostile female supporter" and a "bright and generous heroine who dares to love and hate" are basically the plots of those ever-changing house fights.

And in the end, it must be a pair of people in a lifetime.

To be honest, after reading the whole story, Huo Xingchao couldn't find the vicious point of the vicious female partner.

After all, times are different, and life backgrounds and moral values ​​are different. No matter how uncomfortable or unequal you feel, you can’t judge ancient women by the modern standard of monogamy, no concubines and only mistresses.

Therefore, Lin Wan's behavior of fighting for favor and means of fighting for power is completely normal in this era. Even the right path for an inner woman who wants to live a stable and superior life.

But no way.

The biggest boss standing opposite the heroine must die.

Huo Xingchao opened his eyes and sighed softly, with a compassionate tenderness in his eyes.

"Hey, you should return your body to Grandpa, Grandpa is hungry and wants to eat!"

An angry voice suddenly came out of my mind.

The young man paused when he opened his cuffs, and then slowly replied,

"Wait, I'll finish the medicine first."



An Xiaowang is really awesome and really special.

From that stimulation at the age of four, he had two personalities.

The sub-person has a very high emotional intelligence, is very knowledgeable about human affairs, gentle and good-tempered.

The protagonist has a very high IQ and can learn everything quickly, but he is young, simple and straightforward, arrogant and critical, and easily irritable.

Most of the time, Huo Xingchao showed the main character. Even if the sub-personality comes out, in order not to let others see the flaws, he will pretend to be the main character, which accounts for almost 1% of Huo Xingchao's life.

And unfortunately.

Not knowing what went wrong while traveling through time and space, Huo Xingchao found out that this time he was replaced by a sub-personality.