MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 363 Physical metamorphosis

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Ballistic missiles are powerful, but now the missile interception system has been developed very mature, such as the American patriot pac-6, the interception success rate can reach 90%, and a sudden launch of four or five pieces can guarantee the successful interception. Rate.

As for intercontinental missiles, there are very few countries that have mastered this technology, and no one dares to use it automatically. Because intercontinental missiles are actually launch vehicles, they only use satellites as warheads. The cost is extremely high, and nuclear weapons are generally required. Once used, there is no winner.

Although the interests of the Second World are enormous, they are not a war of life and death. I want no one to take the world by storm.

As for conventional weapons such as airplanes, tanks, and aircraft carriers, they are not too terrible, they have targeted weapons, and these weapons are actually burning money, more than anyone else. It is not realistic to really rely on these conventional weapons to blow up the other's headquarters or government buildings, unless the military strength of the two sides is really too big.

As for the bombing of the city and the bombing of civilians, it is not a race of annihilation. No one will do this.

Therefore, the most likely method of warfare is war between the masters, assassinations, assassinations, sneak attacks, and anti-sneak attacks. The master can not only directly kill the other leader, but also carry a high-energy bomb to attack the army as a strong attack. This is the most effective and direct way of combat.

The power of the master is flexible and there is no trace. Although they are fragile, they are extremely difficult to kill. You can't send a plane or shoot a missile to blow them. Because they can't determine the target, they can blow up at most. The hometown, but the hand of the gods and the hands of the gods who want to blow up Qin Yunzong is obviously impossible.

A top-level master has enough combat power to carry enough hot weapons and customary cold weapons, no less than a legion, and the most deadly is that he may appear anywhere.

However, although those small countries know this truth, they still can't help the interests of youhuo and start with the hands of the gods. In fact, the heads of these countries are basically warlords. In fact, the warlords are still a good name, saying that it is hard to hear. It is the bandit.

After the catastrophe, many small countries were in a state of chaos. Some of the bandits who started business like robbery, pirates, drugs, etc., had the financial resources to build arms, and then they were named after the National People’s Liberation Army and the National Independence Group. The people's army, and then defeated the hostile forces and became the "regular government" of the country, and the forces that have not been completely annihilated are armed.

The "heads of state" who have climbed up in this way are basically desperate. In their eyes, there are international conventions, and interests are everything.

As for the assassination, this is really nothing new to them. Sometimes they can encounter two assassinations in one day. In the face of this assassination, their coping methods will hide, and they will hide in the east, and they will find three caves. A substitute has appeared in the public eye to block the gun. As for how long he can live, it is entirely luck.

It took more than a month for the time to go, but the hand of the gods and devils did not have any movement. It seemed that the actions of the Qin family and the stupidity of the small countries were innocent.

Of course, because the branch is occupied, the currency trading in the "God and Devil" platform has been greatly affected. In countries such as China and other countries that are against the hands of the gods, it is impossible to buy gold coins in real money, but this has caused a lot of inconvenience. However, it does not lead to the embarrassment of the virtual world. After all, players can also earn gold coins by fighting and fighting monsters. It is not enough. You can also go to the service area of ​​other countries to buy.

As for Zhou Jian’s this month, he has been working hard to level up. He has already reached level 44, and is only one step away from level 45.

On one night, when Zhou Jian’s leveling practice was annoying, and occasionally took out the metal silkworm pupa to cultivate and lay down the ancient martial arts for a long time, there was something that he did not expect.

When he opened up the body energy xué and fully absorbed the high concentration of a-level life field energy in the metal silkworm cocoon, he suddenly felt the pain of the arrow arching, and he felt the violent energy rushing into the madness. His body is smashing in his veins!

The violent pain caused him to fall to the ground with his body. He felt his body seem to be shredded. The cockroaches ooze a large, sweaty spurt with a lot of blood on it.

At that time, she was next to her. She was frightened and hurriedly helped Zhou Jian’s energy in the conductor. In addition, Zhou Jian also cooperated with the energy of the body to close the body, and the pain gradually passed away.

After Zhou Jian returned to normal, he sat up from the ground, and after a long while, his heart was ecstatic. He knew what had happened just now. Those high-concentration energy seemed to be like the seawater sucked up by the tornado. It’s a thing that has never happened before.

Then there is only one possibility! Because of the inheritance of Lilith's blood, his deity has been reborn, and his qualifications have changed!

Just like leaving!

This makes Zhou Jian can not help but laugh and laugh! His physique is good enough, but he still can't stand the energy of this violent, showing how much his talent is!

Unfortunately, there is no instrument to test the ancient Wu talent, he is ready to go to the Oriental Wuguan to test it.

In this way, the time is up to August 15 and a few more days are the days of the opening of the Oriental Martial Arts Hall.

The Oriental Martial Arts Club recruits two seasons of students each year, once in the summer and once in the winter, and this time there is a special girl in the enrollment - Wen Huiyin.

In fact, Zhou Jian never expected to let Hui Yin practice what self-protection, even if she is a good talent, coupled with the help of metal silkworm cocoon, I am afraid that if I do not practice for a dozen or twenty years, it is impossible to reach the heavenly order.

He brought the sound of people to the sound, there are two reasons, the first is to make Huiyin improve physical fitness, life and youth for a longer time. Second, and more importantly, Zhou Jian feels more comfortable with her.

Zhou Danian said that Qin Yunzong will not start with himself, Zhou Jiangu believes, but will Qin Yunzong revenge on the head of Wen Hui?

This can be said to be inaccurate, Zhou Jian believes that the father of raw xing is not likely to be in the danger of hearing the human voice, Wen Hui for him, but a negligible little person.

In Zhou Jian’s heart, such high-powered people as Qin Yunzong will not allow their dignity to be violated. The same is true, but Qin Yunzong has his ambitions. In front of his ambition, the life of a great-grandson is insignificant.

In this way, the relationship between Zhou Jiantuo's blue family will be heard by the people's wisdom, and he did not think that this practice has caused many things to happen.


In the Guwu talent test center, the mood of Wen Huiyin is somewhat complicated. She never thought that one day, she would give up her studies to learn Guwu. She didn’t like Guwu, but she learned the reason of Zhou Jian, especially It is a time to know that learning ancient martial arts can make one's youth longer.

No beautiful girl does not care for youth, especially if there are people who like it, and women are loyal to them. Huiyin naturally hopes that in Zhou Jian’s heart, she will always be the most beautiful time, so she came with Zhou Jian. Oriental Wuguan.

It is not a pity to give up her original studies, because she simply does not like the economics of the original study. Her majors are classical literature, piano, and painting. The reason why the economy is studied is entirely because of the needs of the family. She did not expect that after the grandfather Wen Zengguo proposed to give up the economy and change the ancient martial arts, Wen Xingguo showed unprecedented support, listening to his tone of voice, simply can't wait to personally fly the plane to send the people's wisdom to send The East China Sea is coming, and when it comes to people, it’s true that people will fly.

When the Guwu talent test is about to be carried out, the mood of Wen Hui is still a bit embarrassing. Although Zhou Jian has vowed to promise her that she can cultivate ancient Wu, she does not believe it. She heard that she has the talent of ancient Wu. Just one in ten thousand, with such a small probability, can you really catch up?

The person responsible for testing the talent is the butcher Ajun. This fat man is looking at Zhou Jian with an envious and hateful look.

The last rain brought by Zhou Jian was still fresh in his memory. Now he brings another one. This Nima good cabbage has been arched by pigs.

When Wen Huiyin stood on the test machine, the fat man took Zhou Jian’s shoulder and pulled him to the observation room. He said, “Boy, what is the relationship between this woman and you?”

"She is my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend!?" Fat man’s big-eyed boss, "What about the rain?"

"Oh... she is my sister."

"Rolling the dice! You don't give me a little bit of tears, your kid can bear it, eat the bowl and squat in the pot, you still put the bowl and the pot on a table!"

Zhou Jian is speechless. "Big Brother, what is the relationship between me and Yu Yu?" It seems that regardless of your business?"

"The rain is my sister, I have to protect the rights of my sister!"


When Zhou Jianzheng quarreled with the butcher's army, the talent of Wenying's talent came out, with a value of 2.8.

This is a good number for ordinary people. Zhou Jian estimates that the blood of Wen Xingguo and Wen Shaolong has been inherited more or less, but the minimum requirement for studying ancient Wu is still a lot worse.

However, there are metal silkworm cocoons, and a large number of life fields can crystallize, as long as the talent is not zero, it is not a problem.

Wen Huiyin looked at this value and asked Zhou Jiandao uneasyly: "What does this mean?"

Zhou Jian grinned and said: "It means to cultivate ancient Wu."

"Really?" Hearing Zhou Jian said, Wen Hui is still ting happy, one of the chances of one in ten thousand can be on the wheel, feeling very dreamy.

At this time, a discordant sound sounded, and it was the sneer of the butcher's army. He said slyly: "How do you say talent, practice can also practice, and spend a decade of effort to get to the next level." It is."! .