MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 362 fuse

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....... If you want to start with them, you can try it, but you have to forget. The latest chapter of the sacred incarnation of the sacred incarnation of the sacred incarnation of your Qin family more than my relatives ... ... Zhou Danian calmly said this, Qin Yunzong mouth is not naturally twitching "" Good! Very good! You have been retired Deep mountains, but still arrogant! Remember what you said today, there will be a period!" Qin Yunzong said, the figure disappeared, leaving Zhou Danian alone standing alone, the sun has gradually descended, the mountain wind with a touch of burning Breath, Zhou Danian silently turned, the figure gradually disappeared in Yulinhai.

Wen Huiyin lived in Zhou Jian's house for a few days. She slept in Zhou Jian's room, while Zhou Jian slept in the pharmacy's lounge. Although the lounge was small, it was still quite comfortable.

Zhou Dannianfu sleeps very early. Zhou Jian usually waits for his parents to sleep, and then lingers in the room for a while, then he will reluctantly leave. Since he gained the bloodline blood, he found that the smell of the human voice exudes the same fragrance, and this fragrance has a strong youhuo force for him, so when he is lingering together, Zhou Jian can’t help. Pounce on a few mouths. Fiction list

Every morning, Wen Hui will start chuáng early and help Zhou Cuilan prepare breakfast. Zhou Cuilan naturally said that he didn’t even use it, but every time he smelled the human voice, he would answer the apron and self-contained apron because of Huiyin’s Joining, the breakfast is rich and exquisite. Overhead historical novels list

Sometimes, Zhou Jian will bring Huiyin to the mountain to pick up the mountain dates or go to the river to chase the fish. When Huiyin’s white feet are standing in the clear stream, the moving scenery can almost make the fish sink. Into the bottom.

These days, in addition to accompanying Huiyin, Zhou Jian used almost all of the time in the "God of Devil" leveling. He wanted to practice at the full level as soon as possible, and then practice Renault's Dikulas royal family practice. .

Lili silk's lineage was inherited by Zhou Jian's deity. He thought that it was possible to use this blood essence by the deity alone, but it failed. It seems that the ghost killer must be trained to level 45, and then it can be used after the fit.

As for the blood family's talent for memorizing some of the memory of the other party, Zhou Jian has also learned, but there is no chance to try it yet.

After Zhou Jian was ready to learn the exercises recorded in the blood, he went to the United Kingdom and then stole the "Undead Bible" there. This book is actually very meaningful to Li Jian by Lili. Urban Rebirth Novels

In the past few days, Zhou Jian took the time to confess with his father that he had killed Qin Qin. For his father, Zhou Jian, of course, there is nothing to hide. Overhead historical novels list

And Zhou Danian just said that the sound will not be a problem.

In this regard, although Zhou Jian did not know what his father had talked with Qin Yunzong, how to do it, but since the father said so, it is naturally sure.

No longer thinking about this matter, Zhou Jianping fainted the day-to-day leveling, and at this time, there was a series of big things happening outside.

After the trip to the ancient tomb, there were only three people who came back alive, Zhou Jian, Qin Yunzong and Ji Fei.

Zhou Jian does not need to say that it is easy to go, but also easy to become a white, no one knows who he is.

As for Coffey, this little old man who knows how to protect himself is very clear about what Ferdinand Fu means to the hand of the demon. At this time, if the hand of the demon knows that he is coming back, it is to the muzzle. It’s not so stupid to hit him. It’s the smartest way to find a place where you can hide like a hibernating turtle.

With his ability, although the strength of the fight is limited, if you simply run away and hide, it is one of the best in the world.

The third person left is of course Qin Yunzong. He did not shun the appearance of the public. Since he decided to go to war, he would naturally not hide anything. Power list

The devil's hand naturally took Qin Yunzong's behavior as a provocation, and determined that the disappearance of Ferdinand Fu was related to Qin Yunzong. End of the novel list

However, Qin Yunzong is in China, and the hand of the demon can not bear with him. If an ordinary person can still assassinate or kidnap, Qin Yunzong is strong and strong, and he wants to put him on his own territory. It is obviously unrealistic to kill or hijack it.

The hand of the gods ordered the Qin family to give an explanation, but Qin Yunzong did not blame it.

Later, the hands of the gods began to exert pressure on the Chinese government through diplomatic means through the forces that extended to the world organization in these years.

However, the role of pressure on this thing is really limited. When North Korea and Pakistan used to build nuclear bombs, they did not see any effect from the "pressure" of the United States and other countries. What is the pressure, and the face is torn apart, and it has the ability Come and bite me.

In this way, China has put on a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, completely ignoring diplomatic pressure.

Next, the hand of the gods threatens to sanction the virtual economy of China in the "God of Devil" world, which is the most threatening means that the hands of the gods can mobilize.

Huaxia’s economy in the virtual world has indeed been affected, the most obvious of which is that some virtual companies’ stocks have depreciated to varying degrees. The sacred avatar

However this threatens. The complete collection of the sacred avatars is nothing more than a drizzle for the wealthy Chinese government. At most, some investment businessmen are unlucky.

The hand of the demon is angry, but in addition to repeatedly publishing words such as “condemnation”, “strong condemnation”, “urging” and “command” in the diplomatic declaration, there is no other better way, unless it is a war. They did not take Qin Yunzong at all.

At this time, the Qin family made a decision that made the hands of the gods unpredictable. Qin Yunzong directly ordered the troops of the Quancheng Military Region to dispatch, and locked the hands of the gods in the game helmet factory in Donghai Province. !

Then, the Qin family frozen the account of the Devil's Hand at Hua Xia Bank, including some branches, and also blocked it!

The other six families adopted a tacit attitude toward Qin Yunzong's approach. Of course, they also got information about Qin's hand from Qin Yunzong, and this intelligence is enough to cause their attention and even fear.

Qin Yunzong is very clear that the hands of the gods of rot can not control the myth of the brain. This organization can control the world of the gods, just because it can exchange gold coins through the system of myths and brains, and nothing more.

What Qin Yunzong wants to do is to annihilate the hands of the gods and get the way to exchange gold coins!

For China’s almost robbery move, some multinational companies that set up branches in China began to be uneasy, which led to the stock market’s ups and downs, and even the withdrawal of many foreign investors. However, China did not care about this. Maybe I will fight again in a few days, and I still have a feeling of it.

Some big countries have also strongly condemned China, but a larger number of countries have remained silent.

What people didn't think of was that after three days, a new African government was established, the regime was in the hands of the great warlords, the government's fiscal deficit was still high, and the government had long been in debt.

Take the same action as Qin Yunzong, directly dispatched troops to occupy the branch of the gods in North Africa.

This time, the situation in the world began to become subtle.

Some small countries with tight government finances are starting to be stupid, and they have turned their attention to the hands of the gods, and want to make a mess!

The entertainment in the virtual world is cheaper than the real world, the food is more delicious, the travel is more rapid, and the media saves money. It is a bit unclear. Many people come back to the virtual network when they come back from work. If you use the words of a house man, then the real world, apart from eating and excreting, really doesn't know what else to do.

Who will watch the hands of the gods and demons the virtual world of such a terrible influence, and unscrupulously collect money?

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Austrian-Hungarian heirs Franz, Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated in Sarajevo, which was the fuse of the First World War.

Of course, the root cause of the outbreak of the First World War will naturally not be the assassination of the heirs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but because of the contradictions and conflicts between the major empires in political and economic interests, and the imbalance in the distribution of colonies.

This time, the same potential conflict of interest, a war that broke out sooner or later, the **** tombs of the tomb is only a fuse, and coincidentally, the evolutionary fu who died in the **** tomb is also surnamed Ferdinand.

This amazingly coincidental history has even led some small believers to believe that this is a **** of the gods, suggesting that it is time for them to "maintain" their own interests.

A week later, several small countries put their hands on the branches of the demon hands near their homes. They plundered a lot of equipment and materials and took them back to study. Of course, they did not expect to study anything. What they had to wait for was The war broke out in an all-out way, and the hand of the demon was forced to announce to the world the way to manipulate the myth of the brain.

After that, they are not very demanding, as long as they can control the virtual network in their country.

As for the "God of Devil" game itself, is it that the virtual system developed by the aliens to train the warriors has no dime relationship with them? They only have the most direct interests, they have weapons with money, and they can do with weapons. Turn over their domestic opponents, such as armed forces.

In this way, unconsciously, the situation in the world is tense, and the countries are filled with the smell of smoke. The second world is gradually taking shape, and such a vast world naturally needs to form a new pattern and interests. There are only one way to plan for this, and that is war.

The small countries began to be nervous. However, Qin Yunzong did not move at all. He did not even have a military exercise. He knew that this time it might be called the war of the Third World War. The two world wars are very different.

If World War I did not have too many mechanized meat grinders, World War II was a mechanized steel war, then the Third World War is likely to be ancient, evolutionary and physical. war.

A small country without a master, even the heads of the heads and generals can not keep up, what are you fighting? (To be continued.!

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