MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 322 Vampire Count

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The fat man disdainfully grinned and said: "The face is afraid of garlic? It's ridiculous. The human beings who made this boring story must have bad breath. As for the cross, I have been to the church so many times, how can I be afraid of the cross, okay the sun, We really hate the sun, but we can't talk about it."

"Understood, how long does the vampire last?"

Fat man said: "Except that our ancestors are immortal, the rest of the royal family can reach between 150 and 300 years according to their strength. As for the low-level vampires like me, they can live to be one hundred and twenty years old. Thanks to the ancestors."

"Very good, the last question, do you know where **** is now?"

The fat man shook his head and said: "I don't know this." The unexpected answer, Zhou Jian's blood bottle in his hand was thrown to the fat man, then turned and looked at the yin man who was seriously injured and fell in the corner, pointing to him. Said to the fat man: "I think you can consider the blood of the guy who sucked in the past, if you don't want to repeat the same thing..............."

He said that he left the cell. He temporarily left the fat man's life. After all, it was not easy to catch such a vampire who knew everything and couldn't stop talking. It was a pity to kill it. He was going to think of something later. Come over and ask this guy.

Although I know the origins and functions of the **** ring, I still know nothing about its fate.

It is obviously impossible for a low-level vampire like a middle-aged fat man to know that this is a high-level news. He is considering whether to grab a royal vampire and ask for it.

However, the strength of the royal vampire is very strong and it is on the other side's site. It is easy to catch one.

Facing the Gulf of Mexico in the southeast of Texas, Mexico suffered a lot in the catastrophe of the last century, especially in countries with low latitudes, because they have or are close to the rainforest.

Today's Mexico is similar to Brazil. The government is powerless and socially motivated. The bounty hunters in this country are as legendary and romantic as the western cowboys of the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Because of social instability and the government’s annual fiscal deficit, sometimes there are ways to lease enough land to get enough funds. There is such an island on the Gulf of Mexico, covering an area of ​​more than 20 square kilometers. The Mexican government leased out the leaser was the nine-nine-year lease of the British hereditary nobleman Nicholas.

On top of this island, there is a group of villas resembling European medieval architecture. Among the villas, there is a huge castle with gray sage, which is the residence of the Count of Nicholas.

The castle is built on a hill. Behind the mountain is a natural harbour where several luxury yachts are moored, while on the harbour side there are several amps with small amphibious aircraft and helicopters.

At dusk, a helicopter roared from the air, and when the helicopter door was opened, a wealthy man wearing a white hat went down from the plane. The luxurious dress on her body was lifted by the spinning propeller. .

There are four men waiting for the apron here. They are wearing a pen suit, and they will be greeted after the flight.

"Mrs., the count is already waiting for you in the castle." The man nodded and followed the four men to the extended Lincoln, who stopped at the side, and then the car ran slowly to the villa area.

When the car disappeared in the curtain, Zhou Jian, who had been hiding behind the helicopter, slowly came out. He used to hang on the landing gear of the helicopter in stealth and took a free flight.

Yesterday, he learned about the gathering place of this vampire from the middle-aged fat man. He was prepared to accidentally discover the helicopter to the island at the Houston Pier, so Zhou Jian was naturally happy to take it.

Of course, even without this helicopter, he can buy a gps locator and rely on swimming, just to waste some hands and feet.

According to the news of the middle-aged fat man, the Count of Nicholas, who lives on this small island, is a royal family among vampires. He is also a member of the Vampire Aristocratic House. He also has a wife who is also a royal family and a 17-year-old daughter. .

Zhou Jian guessed that the Count of Nicholas should know a lot of things, so consider it again and again, definitely come here to explore, if possible, he wants to hijack the Count of Nicholas.

Of course, this may not be big.

Although the youngest daughter of Count Nicholas is also a royal family, the strength can be neglected. Zhou Jian is more jealous of Nicholas Fu. As far as he knows, adult vampires usually have a level 2 strength, which is what China says. Bits, some of which may have a level 3 or even stronger strength.

Since the Count of Nicholas is a member of the aristocratic court, then his strength should be good, maybe even higher, it is not easy to deal with him alone, not to mention his wife, and a lot of the island. Other vampires.

The vampires who can live here are not all mediocrity. Sometimes, some vampires who are not pure but have excellent talents and are diligent in cultivation will be stronger than the royal family. For example, the two who had gone to China to kidnap and smell people. Vampires are not royal, but their strength has reached the level.

Zhou Jian has been sneaking, slowly approaching the villa area. Tonight, he is only preparing to investigate the terrain, and he will try to do it tomorrow.

Choosing the daytime is because the vampire's pale skin can't stand the sun's exposure, like albinism in humans, so they like to be out at night. Of course, the night has no effect on their vision.

If possible, Zhou Jian would choose to directly hold the Count of Nicholas or his wife. If it is not possible, he will retreat to install some bugs in the castle to see if he can collect valuable information.

The sun soon fell, and the island in the sea was very polluted by the light source, so the night here was very thick. The castle under the night was like a giant behemoth, and it looked strange and strange.

Zhou Jian came to the wall of the castle. The wall was made of bluestone. The stone was covered with dense vines. The gate was a European-style horticultural iron gate with various metal huā patterns on it. Zhou Jian gently jumped. Turned over the wall and came to the door of the castle.

The gate of the castle is open. Two vampires wearing tuxedos and bow tie are standing at the door. Zhou Jian walks straight in. The door is a long, not long road. At the end of the road is another door. On the front is the first floor lobby of the castle.

The hall is hundreds of square meters in size. On the side of the hall is a long spiral staircase with beautiful keys and huā, the ancient oak floor and the high fireplace on the other side.

The floor is covered with luxurious hand-made velvet rugs. The rug is surrounded by a mahogany sofa with a red leather, and the sofas are dressed in luxurious costumes. They are dressed in tall goblets and smile. Talking, every move is full of elegance, of course, they are all vampires.

Zhou Jian walked in such a stealth, he converges on the whole body, no one notices his existence.

These vampires apparently held a banquet, Zhou Jian listened a little, there is no valuable 〗 〖Speech, so he quietly went upstairs to find the owner of the castle, Count Nicholas.

Going up the spiral staircase, after the second floor, it is a long corridor with murals and European columns on both sides. There is a room every four or five meters, and the doors are closed without exception.

Zhou Jian did not dare to use the mental field, but concentrated all the spirit on the hearing, listening carefully, one by one, there was no movement, so Zhou Jian came to the third floor.

This time, as soon as he stepped out of the stairs, he heard a vaguely audible female voice. He had the impression that he was the voice of the expensive fu person in the helicopter.

The voice said: "The Count of Nicholas, are you satisfied with the conditions given by Mr. Reinhart?"

"Sorry, I can't answer."

A man’s voice came along, probably the Count of Nicholas.

Zhou Jian passed the sound and quickly found the room where they were. Although they were separated by a door, the voice of their conversation was a little fuzzy. Obviously, the sound insulation of this room is very good. You must know that Zhou Jian’s hearing is 20. If other ancient masters come here, it is difficult to detect this inaudible sound.

"Mr. Nicholas, if you feel that the conditions are not good enough, you can mention other conditions."

The man said: "This is not a problem that is not good enough. I can't sell my tribe."

The woman said: "This is not a sale, but a new life for your blood family. Do you want to give up this good opportunity for a body?"

The man said: "Sorry, I am blunt, I don't know you, so I can't believe you."

"Oh," a series of jiāo laughs in the room. "So the count thinks, how can it be "understood." What? ”

The woman deliberately bit the word "understood". After she finished this sentence, she gently opened the ligament of her dress. As the clothes hang down, her proud figure suddenly showed up. .

The woman slowly said to the hand of Nicholas, "Dear Count, you have to try to "know, me?" ”

Nicholas glanced at the woman and said, "I am sorry, Madam, I have no such interest for the time being."

With the cold voice of Nicholas, the smile on the woman's face suddenly froze, she was a little angry, but after all, she still suppressed the anger, and put on her clothes, said coldly: "Mr. Nicholas, you think that body and What is the meaning of the ring for your blood family other than the symbol of the totem belief?"

When the woman said this, Zhou Jian, who was eavesdropping outside the door, moved slightly, the ring? ! .