MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 321 Secret of the soul ring

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In the evening, the bright moon hangs high. In a wilderness in Dessau, USA, a metal ball hangs on a towering cactus, like a huge white fruit.

"Master, they are locked in the cell." Zhou Jian just entered the metal silkworm cocoon, and he encountered a waiting here.

This trip to the United States was accompanied by nature to Zhou Jian.

"Well," Zhou Jian nodded. "These days may have to fight again."


Before Zhou Jian came to the cell, he pressed the button to open the metal door. When the door opened, Zhou Jian heard a sharp sharp weapon breaking the sound. The vampire with a naked face and a face yin莺 held a spur, aiming at Zhou Jian. The forehead smashed over.

"Looking for death!" Zhou Jian snorted, one side of the body, the backhand grabbed the spur in the vampire's hand, and then twisted it hard, only to hear a bang, the vampire's wrist was directly broken, and Zhou Jian took the spur, Unscrupulously inserted the big tui of the vampire!

"Ah!" The vampire made a scream, and the pale face was twisted fiercely.

Zhou Jian grabbed the vampire's neck and pulled his head "啪啪" two slap fans, and the vampire hit the eyes of Venus. Then he threw it and threw him into the corner like a sandbag. .

He walked slowly and stepped on the vampire's xiong mouth, only to hear a bang, and the vampire's xiong mouth did not know that Zhou Jian had broken a few.

Zhou Jian sneered: "You want to die like this? I can fulfill you."

The vampire's painful face was pale, breathing difficult, and the forehead slowly oozing sweat.

Zhou Jian snorted and he took a heavy foot to close his foot. He turned his eyes and fell on another vampire in the room. He thought that since the yin 莺 man had woke up and recovered The fighting power, then the fat vampire may have to recover a part, he is trying to watch out, but found that the fat seems to have broken.

Zhou Jian gave a slight glimpse and noticed that there was a **** and fuzzy wound in the fat man's mouth.

He clearly remembered that it was only the xiong belly of the fat man who had cut open the neck and did not hurt his neck.

When I came closer, the wound was like a bite mark, and Zhou Jian instantly understood it.

The fat man was very hurt, and the yin 莺 men were slightly lighter. When they were locked together, the yin 莺 man bit the fat neck and sucked his blood.

Therefore, the fat man will be mad, and the yin 莺 man has recovered his combat power.

Zhou Jian turned around and looked at the yin man with a smile. "The same kind of blood sucks?"

Yin 莺 man staring at the same health, with a bloodshot in the corner of his mouth, did not say the path.

Zhou Jian said again: "If I didn't guess wrong, do you **** blood to heal the wound? Can blood give you strength?"

Yin 莺 man still does not speak, Zhou Jian sneered, pulled out a bottle of powerful blood bottle from his pocket, pinched the fat mouth, and poured the potion into it.

The fat body shook a few times, and then he woke up with the sound of "cough".

Yin 莺 man was shocked, although the vampire's vitality is strong, but it can't be so strong. The fat man was damaged by the internal organs, severely lost blood, and was already dying. After that, he sucked up the blood he had left, according to the truth. It must be dead, how can it recover?

What kind of blood is in the bottle that the man pulled out?

Is it the blood of the first generation vampire? It is impossible to think of the yin 莺 man’s heart, which is impossible. It is impossible for such precious blood of the first generation to be used to save a garbage.

Who is this young man?

Zhou Jian picked up the fat man's neckline and lifted him up. He found that the fat man's wound healed a little. I didn't expect the blood bottle in "God Devil" to be used in the vampire. If this thing is used on ordinary people, Although they can bring vitality to their bodies, they can't stab them to heal their wounds.

After the fat man woke up, looking at Zhou Jian with a look of horror, he opened his mouth and said, "I don't care about the three girls, they are not what I caught, but I bought it.... I bought it." ”

Zhou Jian threw the fat man into the corner and asked: "Why do you want to **** blood, will you lose strength without bloodsucking? Or will you die?"

This fat man is much more timid than the yin 莺 man. He glanced at the empty blood bottle in Zhou Jian’s hand and swallowed the swallowing water and said: “The vampire will become a dry corpse without sucking blood.”

"Can you eat ordinary food?"

"It can be done without eating or eating. The rich vampires never eat ordinary food. They are used to the sweetness of the blood and can't stand the taste of food."

Zhou Jian asked: "Blood can bring strength to you and promote the healing of your injured body?"

"Yes." The fat man nodded and glanced at the empty blood bottle in Zhou Jian's hand. He couldn't help but ask: "What did you just drink for me?"

Zhou Jian smiled, and the palm of his hand turned over and took out a full red blood bottle. He said, "Do you want it?"

Seeing the second blood bottle, the fat man’s eyes lit up, but he didn’t nod his head and didn’t shake his head. He knew that his Xing’s life was in the hands of the other party. Even if he could get the blood bottle, the other party also You can kill yourself by drinking your own blood.

He said very intelligently: "Is there any problem?"

Zhou Jian was very satisfied and nodded. "Good, I ask you, do you know hun?"

The fat man said: "That is one of the thirteen holy devices of our blood family, of course I know."

"Do you know what it does?"

Fat man said: "It's function is to absorb blood and blood essence, and then transform into blood energy, cure pain, prolong life, and give birth to new students."

After listening to the fat man’s answer, Zhou Jian frowned, and the curtain was also said in the late autumn. He was not satisfied with this answer. "Is there anything else? As far as I know, someone once got a **** ring and wanted to use it to treat a terminal illness, but it failed."

The fat man said: "Ordinary people can of course not use the blood vessels of the blood, the blood supply must be the first generation of vampires, **** ring will absorb a lot of blood essence, even a strong first-generation vampire will be hurt by the vitality, if it is low-level If you are a vampire or an ordinary person, you will be sucked into a dry body. The blood of the blood that is released by **** is very precious. If it is absorbed by ordinary vampires, it can be turned into a vampire's royal family. If it is absorbed by a mortal, it will be generated. vampire."

Zhou Jianxin Pingyi, turned into a vampire?

Think about the description of **** ring: "Accept blood and blood essence, then transform into blood energy, cure pain, prolong life, and give birth to new students."

The so-called cure pain, prolong life, give new life what is exactly the characteristics of the blood family, a strong self-healing power, a long life, and a strong vitality.

So, in this way, **** ring can be used as a tool for reincarnation of new vampires.

Zhou Jian asked: "How do you breed the blood clan, use your teeth to bite someone else?"

The fat man shook his head and said: "If you bite someone who becomes a vampire, then in a few years, the whole world is a vampire. If you can do it, we are absolutely happy, who wants to be like the oldest of the sewer. In a dark place."

The fat man said that he sighed here. "We breed like humans. We must marry and give birth. At first, the great ancestors of our blood family created the first vampires through the **** ring, which is the first generation of vampires. They are powerful and have a long life. The elders of our family. Later,

The first generation of vampires married each other, or married to humans, gave birth to the second generation of vampires, and then they have been proliferating. In our generation, the blood of most vampires has been very weak. The more human intimacy is integrated, the less pure the blood is, and the strength is The weaker, for example, I am a very weak vampire. ”

Zhou Jian’s heart knows that the vampire he touched in the **** Mary Bar is really weak.

The fat man continued: "But we also have a royal family of vampires. The blood of the royal family is absolutely pure. The members of the royal family are not allowed to marry vampires with impure bloodlines. However, the fertility of the royal family has been weak, and now members are becoming less and less. Babies are precious."

Zhou Jiandao: "It turned out to be the case. The so-called ancient tomb of the **** ring is the ancient tomb of a vampire of your vampire?"

The fat man shook his head and said it was unclear.

"How many years have you been a blood race, how did your so-called ancestors appear? He died without death?"

The fat man said: "Our blood family has existed for a long time. Maybe a thousand years, maybe two thousand years, our ancestors are immortal, but he does not know to sleep in that coffin now, maybe I don't know when, he will Will wake up."

Zhou Jian frowned. He didn't believe much about this ancestral theory with obvious totem worship. But he still asked: "Who is the ancestor of your blood family? How can he become a blood family?"

The fat man said: "Our ancestor is the son of Adam and Eve, his name is Cain."

When the fat man said this, Zhou Jian waved his hand and motioned him not to say it. He had no interest in the ethnic origin of this myth and legend, and he did not believe it at all. He originally thought that the blood race was something like a bat after the catastrophe. What was born after the mutation seems to be no longer.

He asked again: "Are you sure that the blood family has existed for more than a thousand years?"

The fat man’s eyes seem to be very dissatisfied with Zhou Jian’s long history of questioning their blood family. “We have been in the blood for more than a thousand years. The royal family has been passed down to the thirteenth generation. Don’t forget the life expectancy of our royal vampires. The human being is much longer."

"I understand." What the fat man said should be the fact, then what is the blood family? Why is this world born with something like a fantasy?

Zhou Jiandao: "There is still a problem, are you afraid of the sun? Or silver? Garlic? Cross? Holy water?"! .