MTL - God of Taoism-Chapter 22 Four Elephant Islands

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  Chapter 22 Sichang Island

"Hey, what's your name?" Bai Cangdong was not interested in seeing the sage Jingchen in a daze. The sage Jingchen had only stood in front of the mirror stone for less than an hour, and Bai Cangdong had already turned around the entire Jingtai Island, but No transportation such as boats was found.

   "My name is Song Le." The boy replied with a strange expression.

  If it was changed from just now, he would not bother to answer Bai Cangdong at all. Although Bai Cangdong is a disciple of the sage Jingchen in name, he is no different from a prisoner in reality. Although he is just a boy, he does not look down on Bai Cangdong.

  But now it is very different, even the sage Jingchen is stunned by the Taoist poems written by Bai Cangdong, how dare he disrespect Bai Cangdong.

   "I said Xiaolezi, what islands are more lively around here?" Bai Cangdong didn't know how long the sage Jingchen would be in a daze, and planned to go for a stroll first.

   "You want to leave Jingtai Island? It's absolutely impossible." Song Le was shocked, shaking his head and waving his hands.

   "Why can't I leave Jingtai Island?" Bai Cangdong looked at Song Le who looked panic-stricken with a half-smile.

   "Because...because..." Song Le did it for a long time, but he didn't come out because of it. Now he dared to say in front of Bai Cangdong that Bai Cangdong was imprisoned here, of course he couldn't leave Jingtai Island.

   "Why?" Bai Cangdong looked at Song Le with a smile.

"Because there are no boats on our island. The sage has the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the earth, so he doesn't need a boat to come and go. Moreover, the sage has made great wishes to keep people from entering and leaving the stage, so there are no boats on this island." Song Le rolled his eyes and thought of some words.

   "Without a boat, how do you get in and out of Jingtai Island?" Bai Cangdong looked at Song Le and asked.

   "At the beginning of each month, the Academy will send supplies ships to Jingtai Island. There is no need to leave Jingtai Island." Song Le said.

   "How many years have you been here? Have you never left?" Bai Cangdong looked at Song Le in surprise.

"I was sent to serve the sage two years ago. With my background and talents, it is my great luck to serve the sage. If I do my best to serve the sage, and follow the sage to learn literature and Taoism, how could I want to leave? "Song Le said seriously.

"Well, you just need to tell me which island nearby I can go to." Bai Cangdong also knows that people in the holy world are different from people on earth. Hedonic requirements are not high.

  For Song Le, it is a great opportunity to be able to follow a sage to practice, even if it is just as a servant who serves tea and water, regardless of whether he will be trapped on this isolated island.

"It seems that this world still needs me to corrupt. What kind of literati are literati who don't go to brothels and wine shops?" Bai Cangdong felt that the human beings in this holy world were too tired to live, let alone compared with modern earthlings. What's more, it can't compare with the ancient literati.

"The nearest island is Sixiang Island in Sixiangyuan. There are many teachers and disciples in Sixiang Island. The number of people can be ranked among the top ten among the thirty-six islands in Nanli. The island is very prosperous. But you don’t have a boat, and it’s tens of miles away by sea, so it’s impossible to go to Sixiang Island by swimming, you’d better ask the wise man to take you there after the wise man reads your Taoist poems.” Song Le only thought Hold Bai Cangdong back, and when the sage Jingchen comes back to his senses, he is afraid that he, a little scribe, will escape.

"Why do you need a boat to go to Sixiang Island?" Bai Cangdong walked to the shore, stretched out his hand, and a huge white goose with feathers as white as jade appeared in front of him, wagging its fat buttocks, and walked in. up the sea.

Bai Cangdong jumped onto the back of the white goose, and under Song Le's dumbfounded gaze, he quickly fled towards Sixiang Island. The white goose seemed to be clumsy when walking on the land, but Swimming in the water is more than twice as fast as a sailboat with a downwind wind.

Dozens of miles of sea, for this holy white goose, it is only a short time, and you can see a large island with a lot of people in the distance. Dong is generally a man and woman who travels on the sea driving a holy beast.

"What a beautiful holy beast!" A woman's voice with a childlike voice came from not far away. Bai Cangdong turned his head to look at the place where the voice came from, but saw a sea boat passing by his side. Passing by, there were several young men and women standing on the bow, and one of them was a petite girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, pointing at her white goose and talking to her companion.

   "Brother, are you willing to sell this holy beast of yours?" The boat approached the white goose, and the young man in blue shirt standing beside the girl asked Bai Cangdong.

"If you can afford the starting price, it's okay to sell it to you." Bai Cangdong first came to see the young man to curry favor with the young girl. What kind of property, if the price offered by the other party is right, you can sell this big white goose for some property and buy something you need, so as not to be trapped on Jingtai Island.

   "Junior brother, please make an offer." Chen Cheng smiled confidently.

"For the price, let's change to a scribe-level holy-grade secret skill, preferably a body skill." Bai Cangdong now knows the importance of force in the holy world, so he can change to a holy-rank secret skill, which will be used in the future. Practicing more on Jingtai Island can be regarded as an extra ability to protect himself, so as not to let others run behind his back like last time on the island in the middle of the lake.

All the men and women on the boat were shocked after hearing Bai Cangdong's offer, and Chen Cheng's face changed even more, staring at Bai Cangdong and said in a cold voice: "Young fellow, you can just speak up if you don't want to sell, teasing me like this Not so good?"

   "You want to buy and I want to sell, how can you make fun of it?" Bai Cangdong frowned.

   "So, you really want to exchange this big white goose holy beast for me for a secret skill?" Chen Cheng asked with a cold face.

   "Of course." Bai Cangdong nodded.

   "Do you think that I, Chen Chengchang, have been taken advantage of by being stupid? Or do you think that I, Chen Cheng, are easy to bully?" Chen Cheng said, staring at Bai Cangdong with sharp eyes.

   "Is it a disadvantage for you to exchange a sacred beast for a sacred secret technique?" Bai Cangdong didn't quite understand the value of these things, and asked with some doubts.

   "What? Your holy beast is a holy product?" Surprised voices came from all around, and many ships and holy beasts that were just passing by approached here.

"Are you really a holy beast?" Chen Cheng looked at Bai Cangdong suspiciously. Judging from Bai Cangdong's clothes, he didn't look like a person who could sell holy beasts at will. .

   Thanks to Gu Du, Sword Wing Emperor, Mengfeijie, Sentiment is not as good as before, Xiaodutian, Meteor Luoxue, Qingjian Zhuyan for their rewards.

I found something very touching today. When I was reading a book, I found that Gu Du was advertising for Shenpin Daosheng in other people’s book review area, and there were more than one places. I was really touched and a little ashamed. Always support my brother like Kuduk. I seldom make promises, but I will make a promise today. No matter what the grades are, this book will definitely give everyone a complete success.



  (end of this chapter)