MTL - Global Evolution-Chapter 346 once again

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"Catch some A. elegans?" Liu Chang still had some uncomfortable feelings about the things that had been born to him.

"Well, it's kept in an incubator. Recently, I observed their entire physiological cycle, including spawning and growth." Zhang nodded, and then called a soldier to take it away every day and give it to Liu Chang. Leading the way aside: "The key since the last parasitic, I felt that this kind of bug is too powerful. Although I have not done a detailed analysis of your physical strength, the intuitive feeling is still there. Your scales are definitely harder than ordinary steel. Quite a lot, but I heard that the larvae of A. elegans can drill out, so I wonder if this kind of thing can be made into a biological weapon. "

"In the case of biological weapons, this kind of bug should not pose any threat to the willow because of the growing environment, you mean ..." Liu Chang thought of a possibility.

"Well, this super mutant parasite was originally found in a closed freshwater lake. The discoverer is you. I wonder if this kind of worm can survive in seawater." Lao Zhang said as he talked. Liu Chang was led into a cultivation laboratory, where there is a lot of space, and there are incubators and some sinks everywhere.

Lao Zhang led Liu Chang to an unfrozen seawater transparent water tank, and Liu Chang saw a few disgusting things intertwined inside.

"Well, I put them in warm sea water, and constantly adjusted the temperature. From the water temperature of 30 degrees Celsius to the ice, they can survive except that they seem a little unsuitable." Old Zhang was a little surprised at the survivability of these wireworms. "I think if there were no other large water sources around the lake where they were born, and they didn't have any intelligence themselves, I think this kind of worm's survival changes the environment , It's definitely not just limited to that small place. "

"what do you mean……"

"You want to put them in the ocean?" Liu Chang frowned. "Isn't that great?"

This behavior is as unacceptable as the sea people's poisoning into the atmosphere-not to mention such a thing as chalky, and after being discovered by the sea people, there is no possibility of negotiation between the two sides, and This is a disrespect to all living creatures in the ocean, and there are too many enemies.

"Well, there is no such plan for the time being, but it is always good to cultivate some strategic new breeds. It's like nuclear weapons. It is one thing to use them, but if they are, it is another." Understand the key points, so shook his head and denied Liu Chang's guess.

"That's good." Liu Chang nodded and glanced at the bugs in the eyes—when there was no purpose and did not eat, the bugs looked very docile, so they floated in the water, except for occasionally wriggling Beyond that, it looks innocuous.

除了 "In addition to breeding mutant varieties, in fact, you can also try to study those biological materials of the tip and tail of A. elegans, which should be strong and penetrable and can be used for military production." Liu Chang suggested.

"Well, this is also a good way." Zhang nodded.

Then they remained silent for a while.

Because Liu Chang knows, the purpose of Lao Zhang actually brought him here today is definitely not that simple--this is also the real reason for his nausea when he hears the nematode.

Lao Zhang's real purpose of bringing him here is that he wants Liu Chang to be parasitic once again by the nematode.

"Really, don't want to touch the source of consciousness again?" After a long silence, Zhang still spoke.

"Well, I think, especially after getting in contact with the mystery there, I want to see how these unintelligent bugs control such a deep thing." Liu Chang nodded and shook his head again: "But now After all, I have important things to do. After I explore the barracks of the submarine this time, let's do this experiment. "

"Well, okay, no one can do this experiment except you." Lao Zhang nodded with a smile-what he meant to say is that no one can survive this experiment except Liu Chang.

"when are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow tomorrow, at that time you will open me a letter of certification from the Jinan Military Region. I think the undersea people look at the face here, and it will be convenient for me." Liu Chang said.

"Okay, then I'll go." Lao Zhang turned and left.

In the left empty laboratory, Liu Chang walked to the water tank, opened the cover of the water tank, and caught a bug in his hand ...

Leaving the laboratory, Liu Changshun guided by the smell, and found the third lady who had a few faces the other day-this poor woman has been living in the ward since the last bombing, and in the last days The relationship was warm and cold. When Liu Chang went to find her, she didn't even have a companion.

"I can't think of you still remembering me." The third lady saw Liu Chang coming, and dragged her burnt body to sit up, looking very enthusiastic and happy.

"Well, of course I remember you. How's it going? Are you better?" Liu Chang waved his hand and let the third lady lie down when she entered ~ ~ looked at the deserted ward and asked: "Why not The nursing nurse? "

"Well, no one is there for 24 hours to support a big living person, even for the institute, it is too extravagant." Mrs. Three shook her head, and her speech was still that kind of savvy and capable, but Because of the burns, my voice is not as good as it used to be, and it is inconvenient to freshen up, so it is inevitable that the mouth has a sour smell.

However, in the last days, no one will smell too good, Liu Chang will naturally not care about these-just thinking that when the first time I saw this woman, the other party was well-groomed, and now Thunder Tiger is absent because of injuries. After losing power, he has fallen to the point where he is now.

"Actually, they are all very good to me." It seems to see through Liu Chang's thoughts, and the three ladies laughed, "I just have to know myself as a person. I haven't done anything for the base now, so I can no longer drag everyone down and occupy so More resources. Speaking of, how has Tiger been doing recently, I heard that I have been on a mission, have I been injured? I haven't seen Lao Zhang's anxious look for a long time. Is this mission dangerous? "

"Well, it's very dangerous, but it's over. The tiger is in Beijing. It's fine now. I'll take him to see you later."

I saw this old man scribbled, and Liu Chang explained a few words when Lao Zhang handed him the letter of proof. The next morning, he set off with his backpack. (To be continued. "This article is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 小艾 332335" If you like this work, you are welcome to ◣start ◥ to recommend and vote, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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