MTL - Global Evolution-Chapter 345 Ancestor

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From the appearance of these amphibians, each of them is almost exactly the same as the stream, and the difference is very small. Even if someone like Liu Chang has come to him, it is difficult to tell the difference.

不过 It's just that these amphibian chalks are probably because of their newborn relationship. Their bodies are relatively thin. Although the bodies are perfectly streamlined, they may be dried up.

Moreover, these newly born amphibians one after another seem to be born, there is no such ignorance of the baby's first appearance in the world, but the eyes are bright, apparently with the wisdom and memory.

Therefore, after they were born, they did not run around, but gathered on the various wickers of that sky, one by one from the distance to the center, standing on the wicker with a diameter of more than ten meters, forming a uniform team. -Then, one by one, they looked up silently at the sky willow branches.

"Where is our father?" Among the almost identical amphibians, there was a significantly taller individual, who was acquiesced to the forefront of the newborn amphibians, representing thousands of amphibians behind him. Asked Got their doubts.

"Where is our father? We want to see our father." The strong amphibious asked to the branches in the air.

After a short while, he got the answer.

"No, no, you are not our father. We are asexually reproduced and split individuals. Our father has only one, that is, the ancestor." After the amphibians got the answer in the air, they were obviously out of control and were neat. The uniform team was a little bit chaotic. "We want to see our father, and our physical memory is given by him. Yes, my father agrees that the amphibians are attached to you, and without your birth, we also It is impossible to be born. But he paid so much for the continuation of the amphibians, we just want to see him. "

The amphibians are still watching the air.

"Yes, you gave our father the speed of reproduction and the environment in which we gave birth, and of course we will defend you, because without you, our race cannot continue, you are our home, and we are born of us Placenta. But our father is the ancestor of our amphibians, and he and you have a different place in our hearts. "

After the amphibians learned one by one, the respect for the willows seemed to drop with them—obviously, among these split individuals, they were very clear about the previous events and clear, Who is really close to himself, who is only interested in himself.

And this is obviously also the stream, the last resort reserved in this world-as the amphibians said, the stream is the mother of the entire amphibians race, is the ancestor, is for the continuation of the amphibians race, and can willingly sacrifice their own existence . The willow is just a placenta. Willow grasps the reproductive environment of the amphibians. He did not give the ability to reproduce to the only child, but effectively combined this ability with his own interests. By means of survival binding, he established this one that will never betray himself. Racial system.

Willow is not a god. He cannot make a race out of nothing. The physical transformation he did was just to strengthen the asexual ability of the stream itself by countless times, and then provided this reproduction with his own notes and nutrients. Just the energy requirements.

So even him, there is no way to persuade a newborn race to give up the idea of ​​seeing his ancestors.

"You mean, the last time my father left, did you go to Beijing?" The amphibians' memory comes from the stream-specifically, from the moment before the stream split out of the cells, so they don't know what happened after the stream What happened.

"Well, we all know the coming of the undersea people, yes, we will definitely guard you. Without you, our amphibians cannot reproduce." The amphibious leader nodded while negotiating with Willow: "Yes, this We know, is it hunting down a human named Liu Chang? Yes, we can go to him and ask about the situation. "

"Oh, about what you said, our bodies are still very weak, because of the birth, it takes a period of development and growth ... We can take advantage of this time to find the human named Liu Chang, yes , We must ask about our father! "

In the eyes of the amphibians, each reveals absolutely.

At this time in the military area of ​​the Jinan Research Institute, Liu Chang did not know that he had become a thorn in the eyes of thousands of amphibians, but only between the words, at the moment when the amphibians' words did not fall, he was suddenly a little bad. Hunch.

"What's wrong?" Zhang, who was talking to him, saw Da Liu Chang's face change, and asked in confusion: "Is something wrong?"

"I don't know. Nothing, just from now on, I have a bad feeling in my heart, it seems like something is going to happen." Since the brain domain was changed, since the brain waves carrying nearly ten clones, Liu Chang was right Everything around is sensitive many times, and all the information flow through him can be collected intuitively and effectively ~ ~ and then the data and possibilities are converted one by one. Here, you can easily know what the ordinary soldiers are saying on the other side of the institute.

"Well, you have to be careful." As a deep brain mutator, Lao Zhang can understand Liu Chang's feelings-although they can't see the future, they collect information flow. They are extremely sensitive, and naturally know that the bad hunch in this heart is definitely not groundless, but it is likely to be danger and hostility from a distant place. After countless turns of space, they spread here and become scattered almost in the air. Weak information.

"Anyway, you must be careful and careful about the things that are mixed among the undersea people this time. Beijing is temporarily safe. Don't worry. Teacher Li should be there to prevent all attacks from the dark." Liu Chang nodded, He pulled the little one behind him to the front again, "This girl is getting rid of you these days. She has a deep hatred with the teacher. I'm afraid I'll go to the teacher to trouble if I leave. Let her relax here these days . "

"Well, this is a trivial matter. Tomorrow I will arrange a team of soldiers to follow her and let him have a good time in Jinan." Lao Zhang nodded. "Where are you, when do you start, if you are not in a hurry, come and see Look at the results of my recent research. "


"About A. elegans, after you left last time, I found someone to go to that lake and pick it up. It's in the laboratory now." (To be continued. "This article is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 小艾 332335" If you like this work, you are welcome to ◣start out◥to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)