MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 608 Full marks

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Although already accustomed to the interference of the gods, Yuan Chenfei was still annoyed--can you still have a little bottom line?

You should know that this breakthrough is not only a breakthrough, but also the basis for Yuan Chenfei's delay.

With the help of continuous positioning and a breakthrough in that perception, Yuan Chenfei finally completed an ultra-large-scale hypnosis, which can drag the time smoothly until Du Huaijun's army arrived.

On the stand, a **** shrouded in mist has exclaimed: "Your performance is good, Yuan Chenfei, but although you can use the arena to delay time, the gods are not interested in playing with you. Kill him, By doing this, you will be able to lift the restrictions on returning to Heavenly Fortress. "

Is that so? The gods didn't want to wait, so they broke off Yuan Chenfei's hypnosis to Brennan, but at the same time he lifted the **** who forbid Yuan Chenfei from returning to the Heavenly Fortress.

fair enough.

With this deity speaking, Brennan not only relieved hypnosis, but also relieved the continuous positioning effect of Yuan Chenfei.

Now he can finally face Yuan Chen directly.

Yuan Chenfei said: "In this case, then follow the will of the gods, just as I have some new gadgets, let me try them."

Along with this, Brennan saw a mist of mist forming in front of his eyes.

The mist turned into a jungle, and there were faint beasts calling in the jungle.

"It's hypnosis again! I won't be deceived by you again!" Brennan growled angrily.

Fifteen phantoms rushed towards Yuan Chen at the same time, and at the same time he had launched his mind.

What struck him, however, was that after the dissolution of the mind, the vision in front of him still existed.

Yuan Chenfei's demon figure appeared on Brennan's side, Brennan roared and attacked, but the attack only passed through the figure of Yuan Chenfei, just like Yuan Chenfei was in another space, no matter what he did The attack had no effect on Yuan Chenfei.

"How can this be? Why is this?" Brennan yelled.

He had clearly used mental disarmament. Why did he still see this lush jungle scene?

Then he saw Yuan Chenfei lift up the weird blade and stab it forward.

From his perspective, Yuan Chenfei was stabbed in the air.


There was a pain behind Brennan, and he screamed and fell out. He had blamed for launching the psionic energy to jump, appearing on a phantom in an instant, and at the same time the protected spirit attacked, but those spirits, like him, could not find the figure of Yuan Chenfei at all.

The mist resurrected, shadows everywhere surrounded by towering giant trees, and the beasts roared out.

This is Brennan's eyes widened in surprise ...


A beast rushed at him.

Brennan defended, but did not expect the beast to pass directly through his body.

"Illusion?" Brennan blurted out, then came to his senses: "You created an illusion? How is this possible?"

Although illusion is also illusion, it is different from hypnosis.

Hypnosis is essentially a kind of psychological cues. Everything you see and hear only exists in your own consciousness, and will not appear in reality.

Illusion is different. It exists in reality. It is not consciousness that deceives, but vision and hearing.

They are like projections. Although the existence of the projections is all illusory, the projection itself is real. Unlike hypnosis, even projections do not exist.

But now Chen Yuanfei has evolved the illusion directly from hypnosis, which shocked Brennan.

There are no illusions in the gods system, but there are eight thousand alien races that have excellent illusions.

I just didn't expect Yuan Chenfei to master it.

"Gods! It's not fair!" Brennan had shouted angrily: "Why? Why did he master illusions?"

"Why not?" Yuan Chenfei asked in return: "Either illusion or hypnosis, the essence is developed from the touch. The power of the touch breaks everything! Don't you understand this?

Brennan was stunned.

The power of thought?


It is the power of thought.

Only by thinking can we develop from conscious deception to optical deception.

If it is logical to realize that there is no advanced route between optical deception.

But Sitouch does not care about the distinction between science and theology. As long as the power of thought is reached, Sitouch can open up all non-existent obstacles, even if it is separated by two dimensions.

This is how the evolution from hypnosis to illusion occurred.

Because of this, this can be said to be a huge breakthrough for Yuan Chenfei.

He finally jumped out of the old stereotype, and no longer bound himself with the logic of the past-no matter how big his heart is, how strong his thoughts are.

When it comes to progress, perhaps this recognition is perhaps the most important progress.

At this moment, he exhibited a blurred illusion, misty, and ghostly, and Yuan Chenfei was like a ghost in the mist, which was totally elusive. Only that haunting attack made Brennan suffer again and again.

Brennan was also anxious. He knew that he was no longer able to win the opponent, and his heart was overwhelming. He just started to operate his phantom and started to explode.

It was just that he did not expect that his self-detonation had hit him by mistake.

After all, Yuan Chenfei's illusion is only at first grasp. Under the constant impact of powerful psionic fluctuations, the illusion has gradually become unbearable and begins to collapse. The originally hidden Yuan Chenfei also re-emerged.

Brennan hurriedly directed a large wave of phantoms rushing to Yuan Chenfei to explode, causing Yuan Chenfei to spit blood and fly up.

Brennan was shocked and happy, summoning more phantoms, and madly blasting Yuan Chenfei.

Waves of phantoms exploded, blasting the dust around the arena, but only shook their heads with disdain: "Stupid!"

"It's a fool indeed."

"It looks like he won't surprise us any more."

"Races like this are not worth expecting from the beginning. The whole significance of their existence is to be a stepping stone for those truly geniuses."

"Yes, the goblins have completed their historical mission and can disappear."

Hearing this, Brennan was shocked and furious: "No! It's not like that! I can kill him and I'll be almost successful!"

Brennan kept roaring, and the phantom shocked even more.

Seeing that Yuan Chenfei was severely injured by him and fell to the ground, he couldn't get up, Brennan stopped suddenly.

He said, "This is also hypnosis, isn't it?"

At this moment, he finally came to his senses.

What so-called psionic self-explosion can affect the illusion, I am afraid that is only the consciousness implanted by Yuan Chenfei?

Just an illusion, how could you be afraid of shock?

There was a soft hum near the ear.

It is Yuan Chenfei.

Brennan turned back lightningly, but there was a lot of shadows behind him. Where can I see Yuan Chenfei's shadow?

Suddenly Brennan was confused.

He no longer knew what was true and what was false.

Can even these gods, even this arena, be fake?

Maybe you haven't entered the arena since the beginning?

Or haven't there been any blurred illusions at all?

Brennan can't tell all of this. When it's true, it's true and false, and encounters too many true and false, so that Brennan is completely confused.

"What the **** ... is it true?" He murmured.

"Your death," Yuan Chenfei replied.


The grotesque blade pierced Brennan's body again, this time Brennan did not jump in psionics.

He looked down at the sword on his chest and smiled suddenly.

He knew that he was finished and the goblin was finished.

At that moment, Brennan's mood was extremely calm.

Grabbing the point of the weird blade, Brennan fell to his knees.

As he vomited blood, he said, "This time you won, but Yuan Chenfei, you may not be the one who can laugh to the last."

"I know ... I didn't think so far, I just want to go all the way." Yuan Chenfei replied.

Pulling the sword, Brennan's chest was bleeding with flowers, and then he just fell down.

This is a battle that doesn't see much blood. Most of the time, Yuan Chen flies and hides, while Brennan continues to manipulate the phantom to explode like a fool. From the scene, it is obviously not consistent with the gods Appetite.

However, after seeing the score on the arena, Yuan Chenfei froze.

Ten thousand points?

Turns out to be 10,000 points?

Yuan Chenfei couldn't understand it.

what's the situation?

Are these divine brains amused?

Mystra's voice had already sounded: "This is a reward for you. Although it is not a gorgeous fight, it has more significance ... if you can understand it."

More important?

Yuan Chen Fei narrowed his eyes, but unfortunately he hadn't waited for what he wanted to understand, he had already returned to worship Jincheng.

Only this time, he didn't appear in the palace again, but instead appeared directly in the underground square of Tiangong Fortress. As for the equipment of Brennan, he automatically appeared in his bracelet, but was temporarily unused.

The fortress is still fighting here.

The top passage has been opened, and countless Goblin soldiers are killing from above.

Yuan Chenfei's group hypnosis has already affected each goblin with the effect of continuous positioning. However, after Yuan Chenfei started the illusion, he cannot launch two types of hypnosis at the same time, so the group hypnosis has been lifted.

What's more, Yuan Chenfei found that his continuous positioning effect was also lifted.

Obviously, after the breakthrough of thinking, Yuan Chenfei's group hypnosis ability is strengthened again. If he does not cancel, he can control all goblins directly by a group hypnosis.

The gods did not want him to use this method to solve the problem, so he cancelled it.

Of course, in accordance with the balance of the gods, after the release of Infernal Positioning, Yuan Chenfei restored the right to use two mythic weapons-giving him one more right to use mythical weapons is considered a make up.

"So, this last time, is it pure killing?" Yuan Chenfei muttered ~ ~ Feizi, why are you here? Xia Ning rushed over: "Aren't you unable to enter the Heavenly Fortress? "

"The gods sent me back again, because they think I'd better come back." Yuan Chenfei answered angrily.

"Why? They are protecting you?" Everyone asked.

"No, they are protecting those **** goblins. Damn ..." Yuan Chenfei raised the metal storm and replied aggressively: "Rouwa!"

"Where," Rouwa responded.

"Come!" Yuan Chenfei pointed to himself: "I want to sing!"

"Okay, what do you want to hear?" Rouwa rejoiced.

"Really man!" Yuan Chenfei replied, and the metal storm opened fire on the upper channel.

"The Real Man" sounded.