MTL - Foolish Concubine Reborn As Miracle Doctor-Chapter 118 Rectify Concubine Liu, her **** are big (2)

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  After the emperor heard her words, his body suddenly froze, and his eyes kept rising with anger. He took her hand and subconsciously tightened it. The uncontrollable force hurt her.

  However, Concubine Rou tried her best to endure it and did not make a sound. What is this little pain?

   "What do you mean? Tell me to go to Concubine Liu?" The emperor gritted his teeth and growled, looking at Concubine Rou, his eyes were full of undisguised anger.

  The eunuchs and court ladies who followed the emperor saw the emperor getting angry and trembling with fright, they lowered their eyes slightly and bent down, for fear that if they were not careful, they would cause trouble to their upper body.

It's just that Concubine Rou still has a flat face, a pair of beautiful eyes, looking at the emperor without fear, her red lips moved slightly, and said slowly again, "Your Majesty, my concubine dare not order the emperor, it's just that my concubine Tired, please let the emperor let go..."

When talking about letting go, her words paused slightly. Her words of letting go meant to let the emperor let her go at the moment, but she wanted the emperor to let her go forever. She is quiet.

The emperor's stagnant body trembled subconsciously, looked into her eyes, and quickly concealed a bit of astonishment. Over the years, she had never refused him, even if he made any request, she would Never refused.

  Even after waking up, her rejection was more tactful, and at that time, her body was indeed very weak.

  But now that she has been raised for more than 20 days, her body has recovered, and she still refuses him at this moment.

  And the rejection this time turned out to be so direct and decisive.

   "Let go?" The emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, deep in the eyes, there was a little more coldness, "You are my concubine, you want me to let you go? Do you think it's possible?"

  She is his concubine, a woman in his palace, she can't refuse if he wants it, and now, she dares to let him go?

   "As long as the emperor is willing to let it go, what can't be done?" Facing his cold and angry face, Concubine Rou still had a flat face, and a slight sneer flashed on the corner of her lips.

  She knew that he had the final say on everything, as long as he wanted to let it go, it was impossible.

   "I don't want to." The emperor said quickly, with a bit more determination in the cold voice, "You are my concubine, why should I let you go."

While holding her hand, he suddenly exerted force, directly and completely embraced her in his arms, making her face him, and his face quickly bowed towards her, ignoring the maids and eunuchs behind him , not afraid of being seen by other people in the palace, so he kissed her lips straight.

Concubine Rou's body froze suddenly, and subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but the back of her head was quickly held down by him, so that she had no chance to escape, and his lips kissed hard her lips.

Concubine Rou's heart was completely broken at this moment. In the past, she was still fantasizing that he didn't love her, but at least he cherished her and would not force her, but at this moment, he is here, In front of so many people, he kissed her forcefully.

  Slightly closed her eyes, hiding all the pain, all the sadness, at this moment she suddenly found that her heartbeat seemed to stop suddenly, at this moment, not only was her heart dead, but completely broken, gone.

She didn't refuse any more, and let the emperor kiss her fiercely and vigorously under the eyes of everyone, but she just closed her eyes slightly, without any reaction. At this moment, such a fierce kiss, she didn't have any reaction.

This man used to be the man she loved the most. In the past, even a gentle hug would make her heart beat faster, but at this moment, she didn't feel such a kiss at all. Her heart for him It's really gone, and the love is gone.

Although it is evening at this moment, the sky is not yet completely dark, so not only the court ladies can see clearly the scene at this moment, but even the guards not far away can see clearly, but he also Not daring to look too much, they lowered their eyes slightly.

   However, at this moment, it is very close to Liuyue Palace, if Concubine Liu wants to see it, she can also see it.

  The emperor's body reacted to this fierce kiss at this moment. Although he is the emperor and has countless women in the harem, he has never kissed a woman so fiercely, let alone outside.

  Before, when kissing Concubine Rou, it was just a light kiss.

After a while, the emperor was slightly out of breath, and let go of her lips, his eyes were full of lust, and at this moment, there was also a strange impulse in his heart, he hugged her tightly, and said again, " Let's go, first go back to Tender Heart Palace..."

Concubine Rou's eyes suddenly opened, but in those beautiful eyes, there was a coldness, without the slightest emotion, not even the slightest trance, she just looked straight at the emperor, just staring like that, not at all. Speaking, however, a sneer slowly emerged from the corner of his lips.

   Heh, this man?

   Could it be that she only has that little role in his heart?

  Facing the coldness in her eyes, the emperor was completely startled, but in his heart, a bit of annoyance immediately filled his heart. Just now, she didn't feel the slightest bit when he kissed her like that?

  This kind of understanding made him feel extremely uncomfortable. It seemed that there was something, and he pulled it hard. It hurt and felt sour. How could she do it?

  How could he not feel or respond when he kissed her like this?

   Could it be that she really has no feelings for him anymore, so she has no feelings?

   No, absolutely not, he will never allow such a thing to happen, she is his woman...

  In his heart, there seemed to be some fear, a fear he had never experienced before.

   "Let's go." He didn't think about why he was afraid, he was the emperor, how could he be afraid, but suddenly he hugged her strongly and walked towards the Soft Heart Palace.

   Without giving her any chance to refuse, he directly forced her into the Soft Heart Palace.

  Concubine Rou was startled. Seeing the emperor's appearance, she felt a little scared in her heart. Could it be that he wants to force her?

  When she thought of that possibility, her body felt as if she had fallen into a thousand-year-old ice cave. From head to toe, it seemed that even the blood in her body was stagnant.

  The emperor directly brought her into her bedroom, and then drove away all the maids with an angry roar.

   Without giving her a chance to speak, he kissed her fiercely again. He didn't believe that she wouldn't feel his kiss.

  Concubine Rou's originally stagnant body trembled uncontrollably, not because of the reaction to his kiss, but because of fear, because of the despair in her heart, but she just couldn't break free from him.

  She is just a weak woman, unable to break free at all.

  Feeling her slight trembling, the emperor froze for a moment, thinking that she had finally responded, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he kissed her more deeply.

  It wasn't until she was almost out of breath that she let go of her, looked at her who was slightly panting, and said in a low voice, "Rou'er, don't try to reject me anymore, you are my woman, there is absolutely no way you can reject me."

  His voice was very soft, but with a hint of warning.

  Concubine Rou didn't know what to say for a while, and was afraid that if she refused again, it would anger him even more, but if she didn't refuse, the emperor would definitely...

  Now she really can't accept him, especially in this situation.

   "Your Majesty, give me some time, I'm really tired these days, maybe my body hasn't fully recovered yet."

  She is a smart woman, so it is better to show weakness properly than to be forced by him. Her voice was as gentle as possible, with a slight discussion.

"Do you still want to reject me?" However, when the emperor heard her soft, slightly discussing words, his anger still rose again. He looked straight at her and said harshly, "Excuse me, what do you want?" When will you refuse me with this excuse, the imperial physician clearly said that your body has fully recovered, yet you still use such an excuse to refuse me?"

  Yes, she has used this excuse many times. In just a few days, he has heard it from her nearly ten times. He really doesn't want to hear such words again.

   It's just that he never thought about how a woman can recover so quickly after waiting in the basement for three years. Even if she recovers physically, psychologically, a weak woman locked in the dark without seeing the light of day will be such a heavy torture for three years. If her psychological quality is not good enough, she may have gone crazy long ago. .

  If he really loved her and cared about her, he wouldn't have thought of this for her, right?

Moreover, she used to be too obedient, following him all the time, no matter what he did, she was never angry, never said no to him, he had long been used to her like that, to the point of numbness, so At this moment, it is even more impossible to accept her rejection.

He found that she had changed now, she was different from before, it made him feel a strange impulse in his heart, it made him feel afraid, and it was also because of this feeling of fear , let him be at a loss. But at this moment, he didn't know how to express it, but he just used the most primitive way.

He is the emperor, the proud son of heaven, when has he been rejected by others, and what he wants has always been what he can get, so, regarding the rejection of Concubine Rou at this moment, he felt a little bit in his heart for a while. Messy, a little irritable.

  Concubine Rou's eyes sank again, his words made her heart colder and colder, without the slightest warmth.

Suddenly, she didn't want to show weakness any more, and she didn't want to pretend any more, she catered to him, raised her eyes again, and looked at the emperor's eyes, which were still completely cold, her red lips moved slightly, and she said slowly, "Your Majesty is Do you want to force the concubine?"

  If that's the case, she won't refuse or resist anymore, because she knows that those are useless. It's just that her heart...

The emperor's eyes widened suddenly, and the anger in the eyes overflowed undisguisedly, shooting straight at Concubine Rou, burning her directly, exhaled fiercely, and then gritted his teeth again and said, " You are my woman, it is only natural that I want you, do you need to force it?"

   "Hehe." Concubine Rou suddenly sneered, this is the man she loves? He is her woman, so it's only natural for him to want her, even if she doesn't agree, it's only natural for him to force him.

   Ridiculous? Yes, it's really funny, he is ridiculous, and she is even more ridiculous, falling in love with a man who doesn't know how to love at all.

   What else can she say?

  Concubine Rou slowly raised her hand, moved it to her chest, and began to unbutton her clothes, one by one, with slow movements, and her hands seemed to tremble slightly.

   It's just that when she looked into his eyes, there was still no emotion at all, it was still completely cold, and the sneer at the corner of her lips became more and more obvious.

  If he wants her body, then she will give it to him, but it is just a body without a soul.

Seeing her movements, the emperor froze for a moment, and when he saw the coldness in her eyes and the smile on her lips, his body froze again. In his heart, he seemed to be pulled by something again. It was painful, but the deepest fear in my heart spread quickly.

  He suddenly felt that he couldn't see her through now, and he seemed to be unable to grasp her heart.

When this kind of thought flashed through his mind, his hands quickly pulled her sleeves, and with such force, the sleeves were completely torn apart. up.

  Xiamen's clothes were already thin, but he tore her obscene clothes to pieces with such a forceful pull, and all of a sudden, there was only a bellyband left.

  Concubine Rou is already in her forties, but she is well maintained. Her skin is still as white, tender and smooth as a girl in her twenties.

The emperor's eyes dimmed slightly, and his body tensed up. She has been in the palace for more than 20 years. In the past 20 years, he has come to the Soft Heart Palace the most times, but it seems that there is no one like Having been so impulsive at this moment, I couldn't control myself, even when I asked her for the first time, I didn't seem to lose control like this.

  The emperor quickly tore off her last apron, then quickly pressed her on the bed, and kissed her lips fiercely again.

It's just that, this time, I didn't stay on her lips for too long, just kissed her slightly for a while, then slowly kissed her neck along her neck, kissing her skin bit by bit, until she chest.

  Concubine Rou's stiff body trembled slightly, and then slowly closed her eyes, but she didn't resist, as he said, she was his concubine, so she couldn't resist at all.

   However, the hand placed by her side gripped the sheet tightly, and the blue veins revealed her emotions at the moment.

  She suddenly wanted to leave, to leave this palace. Although she knew it would be difficult, she really wanted to leave now.

   In my heart, it hurts so much, it hurts so much, the closed eyes seem to slip a drop of crystal lightly, but it falls very, very quickly.

  Felt the emperor's hand wandering wantonly on her body, tearing off all her clothes, and then felt that he also took off his clothes, and pressed her tightly again.

   All of this, she just felt, because she never opened her eyes again.

  I don't want to see him, let alone reveal my emotions.

   And the hand holding the bed sheet is getting tighter and tighter.

   Immediately, I felt a sharp tearing pain, which spread relentlessly throughout my body.

In three years, she has never experienced this kind of thing, and at this moment, her body is already resisting and resisting, and it is impossible to react too much, so at this moment, she feels more painful than the first time .

   Seems to really tear her apart.

Her body tensed suddenly, the emperor felt her strangeness, and stopped slightly, but when he saw her slightly closed eyes, but Chen Jiao still had a bit of a sneer, in his heart, he couldn't help but wonder again. A little angry, he roared angrily, "Open your eyes and look at me."

  Concubine Rou didn't seem to hear what he said, her eyes were still tightly closed.

  His movements suddenly intensified, tearing her apart fiercely again.

  The emperor grabbed her hand that was tightly grasping the bed sheet and fixed it on top of her head, leaving her hand with nothing to grasp.

  And his ever-accelerating movements made her whole body tremble uncontrollably, but she tried her best to endure it, her lips were tightly closed, and she didn't make the slightest moan.

  Today, he destroyed her last hope, completely and completely.

  When the emperor saw her appearance, the fear in his heart spread slowly, but it was fear, and the crazier his movements became, a high-ranking person didn't know how to control his feelings.

   I don't even know how to express it.

  He only knew that he wanted her crazily. It seemed that only in this way could he feel her realness, and he was no longer so afraid.

After the madness, he hugged her tightly, but felt that her body was stiff and tense, his heart was throbbing again, and the hand holding her was tightened even more, and his ear was slightly close to her ear and said, "Rou'er, I..."

   "Your Majesty, can my concubine go to bed now?" The voice was low and flat, but it carried the indifference of being thousands of miles away, and in those words, there was no intoxication after passion, just coldness.

  The emperor was stunned. In the darkness, there was a faint sense of fear in those eyes. This kind of her really frightened him, and really made him at a loss.

   "Go to sleep." In the muffled voice, there was a bit of anger, he couldn't want her again.

   On the second day, Meng Fuying went to the factory first to check some things. Although it was just the beginning, there would always be some problems of one kind or another, but fortunately there were no major problems.

  She found a pattern of the twelve zodiac signs, and gave it to the old lacquerer, asking him to produce twelve vases, and then engrave the twelve zodiac signs.

   And Xuanyuan Ye has sent people all over the world, and news has spread from various countries that a treasure auction will be held on the 8th of next month. It was held in the Xuanyuan Dynasty, and the intensity of the publicity was quite large.

  Moreover, there is still about a month between now and the 8th of next month, and there is enough time for people from all over the world to come to the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

   At that time, her shops will also be able to open, and at the auction, the reputation of the shop can be directly sold out.

  She is really looking forward to the auction on the 8th of next month. She doesn't know what kind of grand occasion it will be.

Xuanyuanye had already gone to the palace a long time ago. Originally, she didn't want to go to the palace today, but Xuanyuanye asked Sufeng to pick her up, saying that there was a banquet in the palace tonight, and it was the emperor's impromptu idea, but it was very grand Yes, not only people in the royal family, but also some ministers in the court.

  Sitting in the car, Meng Fuying suddenly felt a little stuffy, breathless, and subconsciously softened her chest, and suddenly felt that the clothes were too tight.

  Hey, it's strange, she always wears it like this, and she didn't feel tight before, why suddenly it becomes tight.

  His hands slightly compared to her own breasts, and she was slightly stunned. Her **** seemed to be getting bigger these days. I wonder if it was her illusion?

   But it is also true that the clothes are tight. She remembers that she wore this dress more than ten days ago. At that time, she didn't feel tight at all.

   Is it really big?

   Hahaha, is that true? She has always felt that her **** are a little small, if they can be bigger, it would be too much, and if the **** become bigger, it must be in the aspect of female childbearing, and she may have menstruation.

  Meng Fuying really wanted to be able to measure it immediately, but it's a pity that there is no soft ruler in ancient times, so it can't be measured.

  In the evening, when Xuanyuan Ye comes back, ask him to check if he is really grown up, hehe.

   After entering the palace, Meng Fuying went to the Heshou Palace first. This time, not only Concubine Rou was there, but also several other noble concubines and concubines.

  Meng Fuying frowned slightly, originally thought that Xuanyuan Ye was lying to her, originally there was really a banquet, but there were still ministers from the court, how could they all be in Heshou Palace.

   "Ying girl, you're finally here, I'm waiting for you, the banquet is about to begin." The queen mother saw her and said hurriedly without waiting for her to salute, but there was not much accusation in her voice.

   Then he turned to everyone, "Okay, all the damage will be over."

  Meng Fuying's eyes flickered slightly, and when she walked in front of the Empress Dowager, she felt a little more puzzled in her heart, what the **** was going on, and why was she so solemn?

   Originally wanted to ask Concubine Rou what was the matter, but when she turned her eyes slightly and looked at Concubine Rou, she saw Concubine Rou's eyes looking straight ahead, she seemed a little dull and in a daze.

  Meng Fuying was startled suddenly, faintly feeling that something must have happened to Concubine Rou.

   However, when Concubine Rou saw that everyone else stood up, she also stood up, her eyes lowered slightly, hiding all her emotions.

  Meng Fuying supported the Empress Dowager, but her eyes kept looking at Concubine Rou. Seeing that she was walking, she seemed a little unsteady. Hasn't her body recovered? Are you sick?

  At this moment, there are so many people, it is not easy for her to ask anything, and the Queen Mother just said that the banquet is about to begin.

   Entering the main hall, I saw that the main hall was already full of people, several princes had arrived, Xuanyuan Ye was also sitting inside, and some ministers in the court were also sitting on both sides.

   "What's the matter?" Meng Fuying couldn't help asking after sitting next to Xuanyuan Ye.

  So grand? It must be a very important matter, and it must be a matter of the harem to have all these concubines participate.

  Xuanyuan Ye shook his head slightly.

  Meng Fuying was slightly taken aback, he didn't even know about Xuanyuan Ye, or maybe he guessed it and wasn't sure?

   After everyone was seated, the emperor walked in slowly and stepped onto the dragon chair in the middle.

The eyes swept across the hall slightly, and then landed on Concubine Rou. Seeing Concubine Rou lowered her eyes, she didn't even look at him at all. Thinking about what she said this morning, her eyes sank slightly, and then turned to Concubine Liu Concubine Liu smiled, extremely softly, but not too exaggerated.

  The emperor's eyes flickered slightly.

  The lips parted slightly, and he said slowly, "The empress has been thrown into the cold palace for some time. Naturally, the empress committed such a crime cannot be forgiven, so today I want to make another empress."