MTL - Foolish Concubine Reborn As Miracle Doctor-Chapter 117 Rectify Concubine Liu, her **** are big (1)

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"Does Concubine Liu like this silk and satin too?" Meng Fuying looked at her with a smile on her face, and there was a bit of a smile in her faint voice, and that expression made people feel a kind of extra kindness, which made Liu All the concubine's vigilance was put down.

Thinking that Meng Fuying is also a junior anyway, and it was the emperor who opened the mouth, Meng Fuying definitely couldn't refuse anymore, so she also smiled slightly, "Yes, Fu'er's satin is really beautiful, and this palace is also very beautiful. like very much."

   After all, it was the emperor who spoke, and she believed that Meng Fuying would not dare to disobey.

"Yes, she is very beautiful." Meng Fuying smiled brighter and brighter, as if she was happy for Concubine Liu's praise, her eyes slowly turned to the lavender silk in front of Concubine Rou, and she gently touched it with her hands , lightly brushed her lips, pulled her red lips slightly, and said slowly again word by word, "Especially this one, the color is the most beautiful, and if the clothes you make are worn on your body, they must be as elegant as a fairy. "

   His words paused slightly, his eyes turned to Concubine Liu on purpose, the corners of his eyebrows raised slightly, and he said softly, "Miss Concubine Liu, what do you think?"

The chuckling words and respectful attitude made Concubine Liu take no precautions, and when Meng Fuying mentioned the lavender shirt, she was secretly delighted. In fact, she also liked that color the most. , that color is really beautiful and elegant, and from what Meng Fuying said, she wanted to give her this color.

   Concubine Rou's slightly drooping lips showed a slight smile. Although she didn't raise her eyes and didn't see Fu'er's expression, she could faintly guess what Fu'er was going to do.

   "Well, what Fu'er said is right, that color is really beautiful." Concubine Liu followed her meaning and said, looking into those satin eyes, with obvious expectation.

   "Isn't Concubine Liu like this color?" Hearing her words, Meng Fuying smiled undisguisedly, and looked into her eyes with a bit of solicitation.

"En, I like that color very much." Concubine Liu saw Meng Fuying asking such a question, and she believed that Meng Fuying was going to give her that color. A few points.

   "Oh, let the tailor measure it for Concubine Liu." Meng Fuying glanced at the color again, and then said slowly.

"Well, okay, then I will thank Fu'er." Concubine Liu was really overjoyed when she heard that, because that color is so beautiful. If you want to ask a woman what is her favorite, it is probably 100% Eighty people will answer beautiful clothes, except for men of course.

  As for the women in the palace, it was even worse. What's more, this was a silk and satin that they had never seen before, so naturally they couldn't help but get it quickly.

  So, as soon as Concubine Liu heard Meng Fuying's words, she forgot her usual restraint and prudence, and couldn't help shouting joyfully, then she stood up automatically, intending to walk in front of the tailor.

When Meng Fuying saw her standing up and walking forward, she secretly felt a little more funny in her heart. This concubine Liu usually hides deeply enough, but at this moment she has lost her shape. It seems that this The temptation of clothes is really too great. love beauty...

Seeing Concubine Liu stepping lightly towards the master tailor, when she was still a few steps away from the master, the corners of Meng Fuying's lips twitched slightly, and then she said slowly, " Concubine Liu, please don't worry, Fu'er asked the master to measure the silk first, and after making clothes for the concubine, see if it is enough."

Concubine Liu's footsteps froze suddenly, one foot was still frozen in the air, she paused for a moment, and then she fell down, her froze body trembled uncontrollably, the smile on her face just now was also The momentary freezing, the joy in the eyes quickly changed to anger, and the hand hidden under the sleeves was grasped even more fiercely. If Meng Fuying stood in front of her at this moment, she might be I will grab it hard.

   Didn't she mean to obviously mislead her? What's more, she didn't explain sooner or later, she just waited until she was about to walk in front of the tailor, and then said, let her stand here, unable to advance or retreat.

   "Master tailor, please come and measure this silk." Seeing Concubine Liu's current state, Meng Fuying was overjoyed, but she still pretended to be serious and called Master.

  Looking at Concubine Liu again, she deliberately said with some difficulty, "You have to measure it first. The name of Concubine Liu can't be sloppy."

At this moment, she deliberately said that Concubine Liu seemed to be very important, and her expression at this moment was very serious, very serious, but it made Concubine Liu's face, who was standing in the middle of the room, even darker. .

The emperor didn't pay much attention to this matter, after he said that to Meng Fuying just now, he continued to look at his porcelain pillow. Didn't hear clearly, but saw Concubine Liu suddenly walk in front of the tailor, frowned slightly, and when she heard what Meng Fuying said, she gave Concubine Liu a slight look with her eyes, and there was a little confusion in her expression. dissatisfied.

  It was just a piece of clothing, did she even forget her own identity?

"Yes." The tailor replied again and again, and walked over, and because of Meng Fuying's polite attitude, he was even more moved. When he walked in front of Meng Fuying, he asked respectfully, "Princess How do you want to measure it?"

"Didn't you just measure the size for the concubine? This lavender satin is for the concubine to make a long skirt, a suit, and a single-piece top. You can measure it and see if it is still good." How much can be left, just now my father also asked, to see if there are any more, and to see if I can make a set for Concubine Liu, Concubine Liu is very fond of this color."

  Meng Fuying still said seriously, but the meaning in those words made Concubine Liu's face even more ugly.

  The emperor just asked her, is there any more?

  At this moment, she infinitely magnified the opposite meaning in the emperor's words.

   Is there any more? For the rest, make a set for Concubine Liu. But at this moment, when she moved the emperor out, Concubine Liu even made rebuttals, and there was no chance of dissatisfaction.

  Now, Concubine Liu wants to say no, but she can’t, haha,

   And she even calculated the size of the satin. If she made the three pieces she just mentioned, there would be nothing left.

   Actually, Concubine Liu should also be clear. After all, this ancient woman was very good at needlework, and she made clothes by herself. She was very clear about how much cloth was used to make how much clothes.

  Therefore, Concubine Liu knew that there would be no leftovers of the silk and satin, but because Meng Fuying finally uttered the emperor's words, she couldn't say anything, she could only be a mute eating Coptis chinensis, unable to express her suffering.

  The tailor was stunned, and looked at Meng Fuying in a daze. Seeing Meng Fuying's serious face, he replied in a low voice, "Yes, yes."

While speaking, he quickly started measuring. In fact, he knew clearly if he didn't measure, but since it was the princess's order, he had to act like he did, and measured the three pieces of clothes according to the size. The purple satin , there is only one less than half a meter left.

   "Princess, if it is done according to what you said, there will only be so much left." The tailor gestured to Meng Fuying for the remaining point.

"Huh, that's all there is." Meng Fuying opened her eyes slightly, and shouted with a look of astonishment on purpose, "How come it's only this one? The three things I just mentioned are the favorites of my concubine. I just said it, it must not be changed, hey, why is there only so much left, it’s not enough to make two sleeves.”

Meng Fuying said with a look of annoyance, deliberately saying that those three things were agreed by Concubine Rou earlier, and Concubine Rou was her favorite. Of course, this was said for Concubine Liu to hear, but it was even more for the emperor to hear .

"You can make two sleeves, but, what's the matter, you can't just make one sleeve for Concubine Liu, can you? What's more, Concubine Liu doesn't need these sleeves either." Meng Fuying pulled the silk and satin, and used just now The rest of the master's measurement is gesturing on the arm, while gesticulating, he also talks to himself "casually".

  Her brows were slightly frowned, the corners of her lips were slightly pursed, and she looked embarrassed.

   However, her words made everyone in the room stunned.

  Concubine Liu's stiff body trembled again, as if shaking slightly, she almost vomited blood and fell to the ground.

  The Empress Dowager's eyes flickered, she suddenly felt completely speechless, and when she looked at Concubine Liu standing there, she shook her head secretly.

  Even the corners of Xuanyuan Ye's lips couldn't help twitching slightly.

  Concubine Rou still lowered her eyes slightly, but the chuckle on the corner of her lips was even more obvious at this moment, this girl Fu'er, her skill with her mouth is even more remarkable.

In the past, for the sake of Ye'er and the emperor, she endured it, so she let all those things be bullied on her head, but now, she suddenly felt that Fu'er's actions were really a relief, or, in the future, she would never have to No more patience, and the current Ye'er is no more compromised than her, and the emperor is not worth it for her to do that.

  So, while she was delighted with Meng Fuying's actions at the moment, she also had an evil impulse.

"Yes, what Fu'er said is right. Those are my favorites. Sister Concubine Liu, I'm really sorry." With a faint chuckle, he said slowly.

  In the past, she just didn't want to argue with them, not because she was afraid of them, nor because she couldn't beat them.

  Concubine Liu was so angry that she was about to vomit blood, but after Concubine Rou said this, her whole body trembled with anger, her body swayed again, and she almost fell to the ground. His lips moved a few times, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't make a sound for a long time.

The emperor's eyes looked at Concubine Rou, and when he saw the chuckle on Concubine Rou's lips, he froze slightly. He knew that she had always been beautiful, very beautiful. When he saw her for the first time, he was stunned by her beauty At that time, he desperately brought her back to the palace.

  For so many years, he has always doted on her very much, but her smile used to always seem to have a flattering feeling. Although she was still beautiful, it made people feel that something was missing.

  For so many years, I have been watching her smile like that, and in my heart, there seems to be something...

  At this moment, her smile was a little more mischievous and cunning, which made her beauty suddenly a little more vivid and real.

After watching her for more than ten years, at this moment, he was really startled by her smile, and suddenly felt something pierced to the bottom of his heart, faintly provoking something, painful but warm , a very strange feeling.

  The emperor just looked at Concubine Rou so straightly, he was stunned for a while.

  Concubine Rou's gaze at the emperor, her eyes flickered slightly, the smile on her lips quickly disappeared, and then she lowered her eyes slightly again. Now, she has no hope for him.

When Meng Fuying heard Concubine Rou's words, she was startled for a moment, but she was overjoyed in her heart. Concubine Rou is really too powerful, and she answered those words so well, she really wants to kill Concubine Liu alive Mad.

"Father, the color that Concubine Liu likes is gone, what should I do?" Seeing the emperor's expression, Meng Fuying was also slightly taken aback, then said deliberately again, and from the emperor's eyes just now, She seemed to have faintly discovered something different, or maybe the emperor might be tempted sometimes.

The emperor was stunned for a moment, seeing Concubine Rou's obvious attitude of avoiding her, he felt a little sour in his heart, but strangely, he didn't have much anger, after hearing Meng Fuying's words, he said in a deep voice , "Forget it if you don't have one. Concubine Liu is the most sensible and doesn't care about it."

  At this moment, the emperor's whole mind is on Concubine Rou, how can he care about Concubine Liu.

"Concubine Liu, I'm really sorry. Fu'er really wants to make one for you, but there are really not many more." Meng Fuying looked at Concubine Liu again after hearing what the emperor said. said apologetically.

Concubine Liu dared not say anything even if she was angry again, because the emperor's words just now blocked her to death. The emperor just said that she is the most sensible and doesn't care about things, so Now being teased by Meng Fuying, she can't say anything, can't do anything, and can only bear the tone forcefully.

  Suppressing the anger in her heart, Concubine Liu tried her best to squeeze out a small smile, then raised her eyes to look at Meng Fuying, and said in a low voice, "Fu'er doesn't need to care too much, it's just a piece of clothing, it's not a big deal."

   "Yes, yes." Meng Fuying nodded again and again, and said solemnly, "Concubine Liu is really the most sensible."

  The extremely serious words, coupled with her extremely serious expression, had a faint, slightly funny feeling.

  Concubine Liu originally wanted to pretend to be generous and decent in front of the emperor, but seeing Meng Fuying's attitude was even more furious, and the suffocation in her chest nearly suffocated her to death.

   Especially seeing that the emperor's eyes are always on Concubine Rou's body at this moment, even if Concubine Rou keeps her eyes slightly lowered, she doesn't even look at the emperor, but the emperor's eyes don't seem to move away at all.

   Originally, she thought that she would come with the emperor today because she wanted to be angry with Concubine Rou, but she didn't expect that Concubine Rou was not angry, but she was so angry that she was half dead.

  At this moment, Concubine Rou's hand, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, stretched slightly towards the purple silk and brushed gently, the movement was extremely slow, but it seemed to be enjoying it very much.

Concubine Liu saw her movements, and the anger in her eyes spread uncontrollably. The hands hidden under the sleeves tightened even more, and even the nails were embedded in the skin. , she did not feel the slightest pain.

When the emperor saw Concubine Rou's actions, his eyes flickered again. Today she is so different from usual. In the past, she always seemed to be disguising herself, disguising her own happiness, disguising her She is innocent and never reveals her true self, even in front of him, she always carefully pretends to hide her true temperament.

  But today, she is cute, playful, and seems to be a bit cunning, all of which made him feel novel and excited.

   It seems that after so many years, I finally saw the real her.

"Okay, you hurry back, get the clothes out, and bring them here before tomorrow." The emperor's eyes looked at Concubine Rou's hand that kept stroking the silk and satin, and there was a trace of strangeness in his eyes, He ordered the tailor again and again, he really couldn't wait to see how she looked in that dress.

   "Yes, I'll do it for the younger one." The master replied again and again, he was used to such things, and it was not unusual to rush to get rid of clothes overnight.

   And he naturally understood that the clothes the emperor was referring to at the moment must belong to Concubine Rou, and, with Concubine Yi Rou's temperament, the long group must be the most elegant and suitable.

   Having been in this palace for a long time, I naturally know how to please these masters.

Concubine Liu saw that now, the emperor's whole thoughts were on Concubine Rou, and it seemed that she had forgotten her long ago, her complexion became even uglier, and her heart became a little more jealous. She must avenge this revenge, she must Or let them go.

   Now, everyone ignored her, so she slowly walked back to the seat she had just taken, and sat next to the emperor again.

Although the movement of her sitting down was very light, there must still be a sound. Moreover, she was still such a big living person, and she just put it down next to the emperor, but the emperor's eyes were always looking at Concubine Rou, without turning around. turn around.

  In the depths of the emperor's eyes, there seemed to be a slight excitement.

  Concubine Liu was extremely embarrassed, but she dared not say anything in front of the emperor.

"It's getting late, and it's rare that the whole family is all together, so we'll stay in Heshou Palace and have dinner, and the girl Ying is too precious, so I have to take care of one meal, otherwise, that girl I'm going to say that the Ai family is stingy again." The Queen Mother's eyes swept slightly over the Emperor and Concubine Rou, and said suddenly.

   Regarding Concubine Rou, the Empress Dowager also loves her dearly. She also knows that she and the emperor have been having conflicts for the past few days. Seeing the emperor's expression at the moment, she wants to resolve it for them.

   It's just that when the Queen Mother said that, Concubine Liu became even more restless. Just now the Queen Mother said that it is rare for this family to get together, so naturally she is not included. Isn't this driving her out in the open?

  When Meng Fuying heard the Queen Mother's words, her eyes widened slightly, and the corners of her lips couldn't help a slight smile, and she almost laughed outright. It turns out that the Queen Mother is also black-bellied.

"Okay, since it's the empress dowager's intention, I will naturally obey it. It's rare that Fu'er has such a heart, and it's also rare that everyone is so happy. As the empress dowager said, it's also rare that the whole family is here today." The emperor Standing up suddenly, he said with a chuckle on his face, and he also said it according to the queen mother's intention.

  He didn't chase Concubine Liu on purpose, because at this moment, he had completely forgotten about Concubine Liu beside him.

   It's just that after he stood up and finished speaking, he saw Concubine Liu sitting beside him, frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "Huh? Concubine Liu is still there?"

  His words are really powerful enough, you can just ignore them, why bother to add such a sentence, and it has an extremely serious expression, because he really thought that Concubine Liu had left.

   Concubine Liu's face turned green when she heard the emperor's words, and her heart seemed to have fallen into a thousand-year-old ice cave. It was completely frozen, and then it was hit hard and shattered into pieces.

And her body was even more visibly stiff, as if she had tensed up with all her strength. At this moment, she couldn't kill Concubine Rou, or even kill the man in front of her. She gave her whole life and everything for him. , but this man treats her like this, okay, really nice.

However, he had no choice but to suppress the anger in his heart, squeezed out a chuckle, slowly stood up, and said softly, "Your Majesty, I just thought about something, I have to go back first, I will take my leave now." gone."

   No one knows how much perseverance she used to say this at this moment, and no one knows how much hatred she has in her heart when she said this.

  She wished she could kill all of them.

  But she can't, at least not yet, and now, she still has to endure it.

   "Well, that's fine, you go back first." The emperor didn't hold back at all, and replied quickly, as if wishing she would leave quickly.

  Concubine Liu became more and more angry, but she could only salute slightly to the emperor and then to the queen mother, then slowly turned around and walked out.

  Her footsteps are neither fast nor slow, and there is nothing unusual about her, but her back is slightly stiff.

  As soon as she got out of Heshou Palace, her eyes narrowed suddenly, and bloodthirsty horror quickly filled the depths of her eyes. She pulled a handful of leaves with her right hand, and with a slight grasp of her palm, those branches and leaves were turned into ashes one after another.

   And her face was more terrifying killing intent.

  She will never let those people go, absolutely not, not even one...

  With Shou Gong and Concubine Liu, after Concubine Liu left, the atmosphere became more harmonious, and the emperor smiled lightly, looking at Concubine Rou from time to time, but Concubine Rou still lowered her eyes slightly, without much reaction.

The queen mother couldn't help but sighed secretly when she saw it. She understood the knot in Concubine Rou's heart, but as the emperor's concubine, she should have been prepared for this long ago. If you want to force the emperor to have only you in his heart, then is impossible.

  Since you have entered this palace, there are some things that you have to endure.

  Although Meng Fuying felt sorry for Concubine Rou, he could not talk too much about Concubine Rou and the Emperor.

  After dinner, Xuanyuanye took Meng Fuying to bid farewell to the queen mother, and the emperor also took concubine Rou immediately, "Let's go, I will send it back."

  Concubine Rou was startled, and the corners of her brows frowned slightly, but because it was in Heshou Palace, the Empress Dowager was watching, and Xuanyuanye and Meng Fuying hadn't left yet.

  Therefore, she didn't have to refuse, she could only let the emperor take her out of Heshou Palace.

  Meng Fuying turned her eyes slightly, and when she looked at Concubine Rou's slightly stiff back, she sighed secretly.

   "Let's go." How could Xuanyuan Ye not understand her thoughts, and said softly while holding her in his arms, but there was also a hint of distress in his eyes.

  Concubine Rou and the emperor left Heshou Palace. After walking a little distance, she tried slightly to break away from him, but the emperor's grip was too tight, and she couldn't break free at all.

   Eyes darkened again, she said coldly, "The concubine knows the way back to Rouxin Palace, the emperor doesn't have to send it."

  There was an obvious refusal in her cold voice, but at this moment, she was standing at a crossroads, turning left, it was where Concubine Liu lived.

   Hasn't he been at Concubine Liu's these two days?

  The emperor's body was slightly stiff, and his face sank involuntarily. He stared straight at her with obvious anger in the depths of his eyes.

  Is she still rejecting him? He didn't hesitate to put down his arrogance to ask her for peace, but she still refused him like this?

   "Okay, Rou'er, don't be angry anymore, I will accompany you there." The emperor tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and said in a low voice. Holding her hand, he also tightened slightly. Pressing her lips tightly to her ear, she said with a slight smile, "Tonight, I think..."

  The words paused slightly, but the extremely ambiguous tone was enough for people to understand everything.

"The concubine is not angry with the emperor. Hasn't the emperor been at Concubine Liu's place these days? Turn left from here and you will be at Liuyue Palace. The concubine will not delay the emperor? Sister Concubine Liu is waiting for the emperor." The concubine's eyes sank again, her heart felt a little more cold, and also a little more disappointed. This man thought that this was the greatest love for her, right?

  Yes, in this imperial palace, it is the greatest honor to be honored by the emperor, and the tone of the emperor at the moment made her feel a little more sneering.

  Over the years, she has always regarded this kind of doting as an honor, and this man also thought that he gave her everything, honor and happiness.

   Just, is she happy? Are you happy? Only she knows it in her heart.

  Before, there was at least one kind of extravagant hope, the extravagant hope to get his true feelings, but now that the heart is dead, that extravagant hope is gone.

  So, she doesn't want this 'honour' anymore.

   She believed that the other women in the harem wanted it too.