MTL - Fight the Giants-Chapter 26 Go to the village to buy food

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  Chapter 26 Entering the Village to Buy Grain

   At noon, several ships that went to the city to buy came back one after another.

  Every family surrounded him, and Huo Xi and Yang also went up to meet Huo Nian.

  Start purchasing and distributing materials according to each family. The shore was still wet, so each family put the things they bought on their own boats.

   Yang asked Huo Xi to hold Huo Nian, and followed him to move things to his boat. Seeing Yang Fu carrying a basket of charcoal to his boat, he was taken aback, "Why did you buy charcoal?"

  Yang Fu took a look at Huo Xi, it was Xier who asked her to buy it before leaving, so he bought charcoal from his house. Others joked, saying that there is no firewood on the shore?

Huo Xi then explained to Mrs. Yang: "The firewood on the shore is still wet. I picked up a lot today and dried it tonight. I can't burn it tonight. Even if I pour oil on it, it will still be smoke. Our bedding has been dried for a long time. For half a day, I didn't do anything."

  Mr. Yang looked back at Huo Nian's diaper hanging on a hemp rope on the shore, and was also worried that it would really have to be grilled on charcoal in a while.

   Didn't say much, just quickly moved the things he bought at home to the boat and put them away.

   "Father, when will our boat be repaired?" Huo Xi asked.

Huo Erhuai straightened up and sighed: "We won't be in line yet. When we arrived at the shipyard, there were crowds of people everywhere. In the heavy rain last night, many boats were damaged. I guess we have to wait for a few days. "

  Huo Xi looked at his bare cabin with only shelves left, worrying. How can this sleep? Is it really necessary to use the boat as a seat and the sky as a quilt?

  Yang Fu comforted her: "Don't worry, my brother-in-law and I bought another bundle of linoleum. We will surround it with linoleum for a few days, and let's talk about it after a few days."

  Huo Erhuai also nodded: "Don't worry, Xi'er, this tarpaulin is surrounded by two layers, and a pot of charcoal is burned in the cabin, so it won't be cold."

  Huo Xi followed his gaze to the bundle of linoleum and felt relieved.

  Going to the city this time, Huo Erhuai and Yang Fu bought everything the family needed. Two shrimp pots and two crab pots were added, and a new pair of fishing nets were added. Huo Xi refused to let him buy only rice noodles.

  Buying rice noodles from the rice and grain shops in the city is expensive, so it is better for them to collect some from the villages along the river, which can also save some money.

  After dividing up the things of each family, everyone discussed together to go to the village to buy some rice noodles, and they all responded in unison. In addition to rice noodles, some clean water for cooking must be fetched from the village.

   There were a few households that didn’t have any silver, so everyone collected some and lent it to them, and got a lot of gratitude from several families.

   This time Yang Fu was left behind, and Huo Xi followed Huo Erhuai to buy rice noodles.

  Every family looked at it, and asked the younger one to follow. When buying in the village, some villagers will think that the fishermen are greedy for cheap and say a few acid words. But who has trouble with money, is it easy to save two copper coins?

  Bringing young children is to dissuade others, and to show weakness.

   Several boats rowed towards Jiangning County. When they arrived at several villages along the river in the outer tributaries of the Qinhuai River in Jiangning County, the soldiers divided into several groups and each chose a village to enter.

  Huo Erhuai and Qian Sanduo are together. The two rowed the boat into a village along the river.

  As soon as he entered the village, he was driven away without even being asked the name of the village.

   "We are not bad people, but it rained heavily last night, everything on the boat was blown away by the wind and rain, and we have nothing to eat, so we want to come to the village to buy some food." Huo Erhuai smiled all over his face, and told the villagers about their situation.

   "It's not far from the capital, can we still buy food?"

   "The capital is so expensive, isn't it cheaper to buy it in our village." Several villagers were eccentric, as if they were greedy for petty gains.

Huo Xi originally planned to take advantage of the child's advantages and go forward to sell it to make a good one, but he didn't expect to hear: "There is no food in our village, and we don't have enough to eat. Let's go, let's go to the city to buy. A whole body of fish Fishy smell."

   Covering his nose and waving his hands, he looked disgusted.

  Huo Xi stopped in his tracks. He looked at those villagers with a calm face, and didn't intend to speak.

  Why bother to throw your face on the ground and let people step on it.

  Qian Xiaoxia is very angry, I don't think you smell like mud, but you think I smell like fish! Just as he was about to rush up to say something, Qian Xiaoyu grabbed him tightly.

  Huo Xi also shook his head at him.

   It was originally a matter of mutual benefit. When they collected the grain, they either sold it to the grain shop themselves, or a grain vendor came to the village to collect it, and the middleman would collect it one or two floors.

  If you sell directly to their fishermen, you can sell an extra penny or two per catty. A cheap thing for everyone.

  But some people think that their fishermen have taken advantage. Since ancient times, people of different classes looked down on each other, and looked down on people with lower status than themselves.

  Huo Xi didn't want to say more, so he held Huo Erhuai: "Father, let's look elsewhere."

  Huo Erhuai didn't intend to force it, he exchanged a glance with Qian Sanduo, turned and left, and rowed away.

Sitting on the boat, Qian Xiaoxia was still very angry: "It's not that we don't give money! It's like we are beggars begging from them! The grain shop sells rice for eight cents a catty, and their grain dealers probably only sell it for five or six cents. We buy it for seven cents." , They still made money! Why can’t it work? They still think we have a fishy smell!”

He raised his arm and sniffed right, "Where is the fishy smell! We soak in the river every day, and take a bath more than once a day, so there is no fishy smell! I also said they smell like mud!" .

   "Then rich people are still despised by scholars for their smell of copper, and scholars are also despised by others for their sour taste. Do you think they don't make money and stop studying?" Huo Xi wanted to enlighten him, but obviously he couldn't listen.

  Look at him like that, if he wasn't sitting on the boat, he might have stamped his feet twice.

  Qian Sanduo sighed: "Who made us lose our fortunes, we are poorer than others. I always feel that we have taken advantage of them. I would rather sell it at a low price than sell it to us fishermen."

  Huo Xi glanced at him, but didn't speak.

  Qian Sanduo is a temperamental person. Most of his family's food is purchased from the city, and he refuses to throw down his face and be trampled on for those one or two coins. If you think you have money, eat more, and if you don't have money, you can be frugal.

   Seeing that Huo Xi often went to the village to exchange food, and saved money, he followed suit. Or ask her to help bring some. Before Huo Xi came, Huo Erhuai and Yang Shi also bought food from the city, and exchanged fish and shrimp with the vegetable sellers in the city.

  The two families entered another village, and this time they bought some food, but not much. Not reluctantly, he backed out again. Seeing that the goal could not be achieved after two trips, I was a little discouraged.

   "Huo Xi, how do you usually exchange food with others? It seems that you go well every time." Qian Xiaoxia looked at Huo Xi.

   "How can it go well every time. If it doesn't go well, just change to another one, what can you do. There are always kind people, just try a few more." Huo Xi replied to him.

  The process is not important, it's just to please and behave, just be thick-skinned and achieve the result. What can I do if I just listen to a few sour words? Listening to a few sour words can save a few copper coins, and Huo Xi is willing to do it.

  The family may not be able to save a few copper coins in a day. With the copper plate, Huo Erhuai and Yang's don't have to work so hard.

  I was in that mansion earlier, I didn’t know how to worry, the silver in the box was never lacking, how could I worry about a few copper coins. Huo Xi sighed, isn't it all for life.

  When she has money, eat a bowl and throw a bowl! It is not uncommon for a grain store to sell eight cents a catty of grain, and it costs tens of cents of green rice! One bag is not enough, buy it for a stone!

   Just so domineering!

  I don’t buy much food, not enough food. I don't know how other boat owners bought it. Huo Erhuai and Qian Sanduo rowed the boat into another village, planning to try again.

   Thank you Dandougu for your tip. Thank you for all the support, love you all. Friends of Qread, please help to support and vote these days, thank you~



  (end of this chapter)