MTL - Fight the Giants-Chapter 25 luckily

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  Chapter 25 Fortunately

  It was a night of heavy wind and rain. Although the fishing boats did not capsize, every family needed repairs. In addition, every family has losses, and everything is lacking.

  Replenishing the ship is still in the second place, and the current food consumption is extremely unresolved.

   Everyone got together to discuss and decided to send a few boats that were still in good condition to the city to buy.

  Huo Xi and the Yang family also got together to discuss the items they wanted to buy. There are a lot of things to buy, Huo Xi originally wanted to register them on paper, but only then did he realize that he didn't even have a piece of yellow paper.

   Dumbfounded. Also, where would fishermen have pens, ink and paper? No one in the family can read.

  As soon as he asked Yang Fu, he would recognize his own name.

  No way, Huo Xi and Yang had no choice but to tell Huo Erhuai and Yang Fu over and over again, hoping that they would remember. Seeing Yang Fu meditate with his eyes closed, Huo Xi couldn't help stroking his forehead.

   "Uncle, when the boat is repaired this time, I will teach you how to read."

   "Huh? Can you read?" Yang Fu scratched his head. As long as he is like this, what words can he recognize? Don't you have to get up early every day to row a boat and get a net to catch fish after reading? Can you still pass the exam?

  Mr. Yang hated Tiebucheng, and beat him: "Your nephew wants to teach you how to read, but you are not happy! It is a great blessing, you don't want it, you don't want it!"

  Yang Fu grinned and hid while yelling: "All right, all right, I can't read yet."

  Huo Erhuai laughed: "It's always good to be able to read some words. It's better than being blind."

   "That's not it." Yang Shi nodded, and gave Yang Fu another look.

  Huo Xi looked at Yang Fu and smiled, and asked him to memorize it again, before watching him and Huo Erhuai row away.

  This time I went to the city, I had to buy a lot of things, and I had to help everyone to find out about ship repairs at the shipyard. There were several ships going into the city.

  Huo Xi didn't follow. She wanted to stay and help Mrs. Yang make breakfast, take Huo Nian with her, and pack the things at home.

  There are three or four hemp ropes at home, and they are full of things hanging on them. If the wind and rain come again, Mrs. Yang will not be able to collect them all by herself.

  The rice noodles were soaked by the rain, and it is estimated that they will not be stored for a long time. Yang thought about it and did it.

  Huo Xi put Huo Nian in the fishing basket, put rattles and other toys in it, let him play by himself, and she cooked with Yang Shi.

  The charcoal was soaked in water, and after drying for a long time, it was still damp and could not be lit. Huo Xi took a big ladle of lard and spread it on the firewood, and it caught fire with a bang. All families came to borrow fire one after another.

  After the fire was lit, Huo Xi scooped up broken rice and other things to wash, and there was still a bucket of clean water in the bucket at home, not much, so it had to be used sparingly.

  The mother and daughter worked together in a division of labor, baking all the gray noodles stored at home, and there was a whole pile of them. I cooked all the broken rice again, rolled it into rice **** while it was hot, and fried it with lard, so that it could be stored for a few more days.

  Once the oil has been soaked in water, put it in the pan and smelt it again, dry the water in the oil, and you can still eat it. The pickles were also soaked in water and fried in oil, and the salted fish was spread out to dry.

   "Huo Xi his mother, what are you doing, it smells so good?"

  Overnight, everyone suffered a lot of losses. Even if the oil tank was half filled with water, and the rice noodles were also filled with water, no one was as economical as Yang, who was willing to throw away all the rice noodles at once.

  Mr. Yang originally wanted to spread out the rice noodles with a dustpan and save them for eating slowly, but Huo Xi disagreed.

   Said that she was still breastfeeding Huo Nian, if she ate something unclean, it would make Huo Nian have diarrhea. After hearing this, Mrs. Yang no longer had any worries, and gave away all the rice and noodles at home.

   "It's not that the rice and noodles at home are all soaked in water. I simply boiled and fried them in oil, and they can be stored for a longer period of time. Otherwise, if hair grows, I won't be able to eat them in my mouth."

  Several women ran over to watch, seeing that Yang Shi and Huo Xi had finished making the rice noodles and arranged them clearly, they smacked their tongues and praised.

   Some people were inspired and turned around and went back to learn how to do it.

  Qian Xiaoxia squatted beside Huo Xi and did not leave, rubbing a fried rice dumpling. Mouth-mouthed, hands upside-down, he ate a few mouthfuls while it was hot, and gave Huo Xi and Yang a thumbs-up after eating. When I went back, I made trouble for his mother to follow suit.

   Mrs. Sun punched him. I was worried that the rice noodles soaked in water would become moldy, so I took them all out and cooked them.

  Among these fishermen, Qian Sanduo's family is relatively wealthy. There are four members of his family, even the eleven-year-old Qian Xiaoxia can be counted as one laborer, four laborers, and they only catch more fish and shrimps than others every day.

  Some time ago, I heard Qian Sanduo and Huo Erhuai chatting, saying that they planned to buy a new boat for fifteen-year-old Qian Xiaoyu, and let his brothers go to experience it by themselves.

  Breakfast is ready, Huo Xi and Yang ate first, Huo Erhuai and Yang Fu don't know when they will return.

   After eating enough, Huo Xi walked around the neighborhood to see the situation of each house.

  Living on the boat, each family has a complete set of belongings. It's just that few people buy tables and stools. At this time, everyone made breakfast, and they all stood in a puddle of water holding bowls and ate with their trouser legs rolled up.

  Even if Huo Xi had a folding table at home, there were no stools. It's just convenient for her and Yang Shi to knead the dough just now.

  The small square table in her house will be passed around and borrowed from each other.

  Everyone is making breakfast food, but there is a lack of this and that. Some people have soaked all the rice, noodles, oil and salt, and have nothing to eat. Those who have food in reserve will borrow some.

  Huo Xi walked around and looked around, feeling that the fishermen and folks got along well, but at the same time feeling quite unhappy.

  Although the boats of each family did not capsize, it is a lot of money to repair the boats, and it is another sum of money to add things to the family.

  Most of the fishermen couldn’t save ten pennies a day, and they didn’t catch every day. Sometimes it’s common to go out early and return late, even pulling Skynet all day.

  Just looking at the bedding clothes hanging on the hemp rope, you can tell that there are more patches than her house.

  No way, poor.

  Everyone with a little savings went ashore to live. The fishermen eat river fresh food every day, and there is no shortage of fish and shrimp, but they have no fields and land, and they have to spend money to buy everything except river fresh food. Even draft water has to be bought at the ferry or in the villages along the river.

   A load of water that costs one or two pennies will cost a lot in a month.

  Huo Xi returned to his tarpaulin tent, sat cross-legged on the fishing box, thinking about the money left in the family and the expenses that the family would spend next.

   After thinking for a while, I got up again and opened the box to look at the bald butter inside.

  Each can was lifted up and checked carefully, and he let out a sigh of relief when he saw that there was indeed no water in it. Counting, there are fifteen cans, some of which are packed in a catty and most are packed in half a catty. If it can be sold, the family should be able to add more than forty taels of income.

  Be at ease.

  Yang carried the sleeping Huo Nian into the oil tent, seeing Huo Xi holding a box of bald butter in a daze, a smile appeared on his face.

   "Fortunately, our bald butter has not been soaked in water, otherwise the hard work these days will be in vain."

  Looked at Huo Xi with a look of relief. It was all this child's idea. If it wasn't for her, the family would not be able to save any money. After this storm, the family might have to live in debt.

   New issue, please support us a lot. Vote, love, comment ~ I love you all. In addition, the stupid author typed the characters with Wubi. If there are typos and poor reading, welcome to catch bugs.



  (end of this chapter)