MTL - Farm Gate Escape: There is Room For Full-level Bosses-Chapter 520 Telephone

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   Chapter 520 Telephone

   On the second day, everyone expanded the search area around the missing fishing boat.

   Finally, I saw the scattered wrecks of the ships, and several crew members wearing floating rings lying on the wooden boards and calling for help.

   Everyone's eyes lit up, and they hurriedly rescued them ashore.

  They were at sea and drifted all day and night, thirsty and hungry, and they were all thrown away.

   Gu Dong Dong drank a lot of water before someone answered the question.

   On the way back, the fishing boat encountered a dragon absorbing water, and the fishing boat was instantly stirred into it by lightning.

   They were in Class A at the time, and they were only lucky to escape by being thrown out by the dragon.

  The rest of the people in the cabin seemed to sink to the bottom of the sea.

   Hearing this, the atmosphere was extremely heavy, and the subordinate asked Wang Qiong after a while, "General, are you still looking for it?"

  Wang Qiong looked at the boundless sea, "Look! Keep looking! If they are still alive, but can't wait for the hope of the next life, how desperate it would be."


   Another search and rescue ship returned, and the relatives of the crew stood up again and watched excitedly, hoping to see their husband and son on the boat.

   The search and rescue boat docked, five familiar figures appeared, and everyone was boiling, "I found it, I found it!"

   was happy for a moment, and learned that only five people came back. Except for the relatives of the five crew members who still had smiles on their faces, the rest of the people cried.

  Wang Qiong reassured them, "We will definitely not give up search and rescue, please rest assured."

   Even the man and the ship sank into the bottom of the sea, how could he be alive?

  Everyone knows it's impossible, but they still hold the last glimmer of hope, in case they will live.

   Bai Wutong heard that the ship sank, only five people were recovered, and eighteen people were still missing, and a story suddenly popped into his mind, Robinson Crusoe.

   In case they get involved, they happen to end up on a desert island.

The number of islands around   Baye has not yet been fully counted.

Bai Wutong asked Wang Qiong and the others to search the surrounding islands. They searched for about ten days. When the relatives completely lost their confidence and the court was preparing for the follow-up pension matters, Ami took Song Benhua to see the sea of ​​stars, and accidentally found a homemade raft. Three missing sailors struggling to row to the mainland.

  Ami and Song Benhua hurriedly rescued them on the boat, and they heard them say: "There are ten people on the island, waiting for everyone to rescue them."

   When they woke up, they found that they were trapped on another small island. The island was very small, and there was no fresh water for people to survive. They worked together to build a sturdy raft and set it on the current island in batches.

  This island has water, and the marine fruits and vegetation are relatively abundant. They collected some and prepared to go ashore. They found that the wind direction here is opposite to that of the mainland, and bamboo rafts cannot pass through the rapids frequently.

  For safety, they could only wait patiently and hope that the court would find them.

   It has been half a month, and the court has not come, and finally we have a chance to pass by the wind.

   So, it was decided that the three people with the best water would take the lead to go back and report the news, and then come to save them.

   Coincidentally, they met Ami and Song Benhua again.

  Song Benhua took out the picture book, marked the location of the island, sent the three back, and quickly reported to Wang Qiong.

  The survivors appeared again, and Happy City was boiling.

   All ten people on the island were brought ashore, and the whereabouts of five crew members were unknown.

   The hope of their family members was raised, but it failed again. The woman with white hair sat on the ground in grief and cried, "God can you tell me where my son is!"

   "Trust me a letter and let me find my son, can I woo woo woo."

   Everyone can only comfort her, maybe one day her son will come back, just like these people, he was suddenly discovered and returned to her safely.

   This incident made Bai Wutong realize that the progress of communication must be accelerated.

   When the ship goes out to sea, it is born with a vision. If there is a communication device to notify everyone to return quickly, it may not cause the tragedy of the five families.

  With convenient communication methods, no matter where you are, everyone can be closely connected.

The principle of   telephone is that through the conduction of current, the spiral wire will emit noise and simulate the sound wave of the change of current intensity, which can realize the transmission of language.

   Bai Wutong decided to let everyone use the communication equipment as soon as possible, and went back to design a hearing aid box, which is mainly composed of a microphone and a receiver.

   Although it was very simple, Bai Wutong was still busy in the laboratory of the Empress Mansion for a long time, and she didn't even bother to eat.

  Chu Tianbao knocked on the door, learning to speak like the hero of the movie, "Baby, it's time to eat."

   Bai Wutong didn't turn his head back, "I'll be here soon."

  Chu Tianbao stood at the door, urging her silently.

  Bai Wutong gave him a helpless look, and put down the microphone that was almost completed, "I'm here."

   After eating, Bai Wutong plunged into the laboratory again, and Chu Tianbao watched quietly without disturbing him.

   Knowing that Bai Wutong exclaimed, "It's done!" Without waiting for Chu Tianbao to ask, Bai Wutong put the receiver to Chu Tianbao's ear, picked up the transmitter by himself, and called out softly, "Husband~"

  Bai Wutong's voice came clearly from the receiver, Chu Tianbao's eyes lit up and he blurted out, "You developed a telephone?"

  Bai Wutong smiled, "Well, this is the most primitive telephone principle. If it is improved, it will be possible to use wireless telephones, only telephone calls, service calls and so on."

  Chu Tianbao looked at it curiously, and Bai Wutong explained it to him in detail, "Take the receiver and try it in the room at the end of the corridor to see if you can hear it."

  Chu Tianbao did as he did, keeping his ears on the receiver, and walked to the room at the end of the corridor.

   "Husband, Tianbao, can you hear me?"

  Chu Tianbao subconsciously replied, "Yes."

   only to find out that this is just a listener, not a mobile phone given to him by Bai Wutong, and he can't reply in both directions for the time being.

  Chu Tianbao and Bai Wutong stuck their heads out at the same time and couldn't help but smile.

   "Can you hear?"


  Bai Wutong took the telephone device to the scientific research laboratory on the same day, and provided the blueprint of the wireless phone, so that He Jinchuan was in charge of the telephone device, which fit the current situation and spread to thousands of households as quickly as possible.

   The communication distance of a simple telephone box is only tens of meters. If you want to expand the communication range, you have to rely on the construction of signal poles.

  He Jinchuan asked people to step up the production of the telephone style required by Bai Wutong, but also brought people to build the office area of ​​Xiaoyao City.

  Everyone was curious about what he was doing. When He Jinchuan thought of his life after the popularization of telephony, he couldn't help but proudly said, "The Empress has developed a magical way to communicate, and the voices of relatives and friends can be heard thousands of miles away."

   As soon as these words came out, the scene was quiet for a moment.

   Even if Bai Wutong is powerful, it can't be so powerful.

   The one who can do this, shouldn’t it be God?

   (end of this chapter)