MTL - Farm Gate Escape: There is Room For Full-level Bosses-Chapter 519 missing ship

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  Chapter 519 Missing Ship

   As long as you can win the patent, let alone spend a lot of patent fees, even if you don’t make money for a few years, Yu Suisheng will agree.

  Sheng Huaixuan was willing to help him, purely because of his old friendship, Yu Suisheng quickly expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Mr. Shan for your help."

   Sheng Huaixuan is not all to help him, Bai Wutong himself wants to comprehensively promote the development of the auto industry.

After Bai Wutong learned about it, he didn't think about it for a long time, and said, "Auto manufacturing requires precise parts and the most advanced technology. Our country is very short of such talents. If we let them create private auto workshops, even if they have the technology, they will It will take some time to understand the technology, and scientific research institutes have created better cars. If they want to gain a firm foothold in the market, they must constantly improve their products and cultivate talents. favorable phenomenon."

   After understanding what Bai Wutong meant, Sheng Huaixuan immediately screened applicants for automobile patents and let them all run for election.

   Yu Suisheng's good reputation, solid strength, and confidence in the future of the private auto industry quickly stood out from many candidates.

  The candidates are disappointed, but they can't bear to worry about this piece of cake.

  The court looked down on them, they could find skilled craftsmen to imitate them and study them further.

   For a time, the blacksmiths in Xiaoyao City were all given high hopes, and they all wanted to train the next Zhao Yuan, and they were rushing to get it.

  Yu Suisheng has a patent, but he doesn't understand the patent!

The workers under    also couldn’t understand it.

Everyone in the    research institute is an elite, and they have a lot of projects under their control. Moreover, they are too busy to design the automobile assembly line, let alone help Yu Suisheng.

   In other words, what Yu Suisheng fought so hard for was just a patent drawing.

  There are blueprints, and now we have to find people who can understand the drawings, and then lead by these people, we can build an auto workshop.

  Yu Suisheng thought about it, went directly to Qinghe University to ask Yang Quanzi, explained his purpose, and wanted Yang Quanzi to recommend some great students.

   With the introduction of Yang Quanzi, Yu Suisheng gathered several young people to study the drawings.

   He was hopeful that if he could read the drawings, the car would soon be produced.

  How can you imagine that the drawings are barely comprehensible, but none of the craftsmen can reach the required level.

   In order for them to successfully make various parts of the car, they also need a lot of basic technical training.

  The construction of a private car workshop has been put on hold for the time being.

   However, Yu Suisheng also understood that he was in a hurry.

   To let people learn it so easily, he spent nearly half of the patents he bid for, and he had to vomit to death.

   Anyway, perseverance will always pay off.

   Afraid that by the time they can make a car, the car will be outdated.

  Yu Suisheng also set up a private scientific research room to make progress while developing automobiles.

   The shipbuilding technology of Xiaoyao Kingdom has reached the peak of history.

   Countless fishing boats go out to sea, each time they go to sea, they will bring back a large amount of seafood, which will be supplied to the Xiaoyao City market, and will also be made into various canned, dry goods and processed products for sale to all parts of Xiaoyao City.

   A big fishing boat should have come back on time today, but it didn’t come back in the evening.

  Everyone quickly realized that something was wrong, sent ships to look for it, and reported it to Bai Wutong.

   The fishing position and route where the fishing boat is located have been searched repeatedly along the way, but have not been found.

   Maybe it hit a rock and sank directly.

  The relatives of the crew members were in a panic, and they could only beg God that they were still alive, floating somewhere in the sea, waiting for the search and rescue boat to find them.

   (end of this chapter)