MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 99 Tour the territory (ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets)

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  Chapter 99 Touring the Territory (Ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets)

  Leite came up with this plan after careful thinking last night.

  In the southwestern border area, the canyon line of defense used to be stable, and the demand for ore was at a low level all year round, resulting in the price range of ore generally hovering in the lower reaches.

   Except for a few rare and famous mines that can be used to forge medium and high-end weapons and equipment, the rest of the ores used to forge low-end equipment are in excess of demand all year round and are backlogged in inventory.

  It’s okay in normal times, even if the consumption speed is lower than the mining speed, it’s a big deal to store it and get it whenever you need it. Anyway, the ore won't moldy.

   But once a fierce battle breaks out, there is no doubt that the demand gap for war resources such as ores, special wood, and medicines will become extremely huge.

  There is no doubt about this, every war in history has been like this.

   It is conceivable that there will be a wave of ore fever in the southwestern border next year.

  Buying ore at a premium is a windfall for those who own mines.

  In Leiter’s view, since he has grasped the vision of the future, it is natural to seize this opportunity.

   Take advantage of poor information, rush to buy ore, and earn a wave of huge profits!

  Although the seventh-order dark system magic crystal is valuable, it is too high-end for him at present and cannot play a significant role.

   It is far less cost-effective to operate flexibly and earn a wave of profits.

  Hearing that so much money was spent all at once, and that even the seventh-level dark magic crystal was going to be sold, Rui Lai couldn't help but secretly startled.

  But his good self-cultivation made him not appear abnormal on the surface.

  The tacit understanding between father and son made him understand that his father must have his reasons for doing so, so he is not in a hurry to ask now.

  Rilei picked up the knife and fork again, put a piece of steak into his mouth, and said softly: "Understood, my lord father. I will organize a caravan later and arrange this matter as soon as possible."

   "There is no need to rush these few days, Ruilai." Leiter said with a smile: "I plan to purchase ore for more than half a year. Now, your honeymoon with Kelina is even more important!"

  Rilei was slightly taken aback, and then exchanged glances with Kelina, smiling sweetly at each other.

  Breakfast was over, and Leiter wandered around the territory slowly, conducting a long-lost territory inspection.

  Autumn is breezy, and the cool breeze blows his sleeves, making Leiter feel happy.

   After wandering around, I came to Young Eagle Town.

  Autumn is the harvest season, and the civilians in the town, men, women and children, are all walking towards the farmland outside the town with farm tools.

  Men are carrying buckets and agricultural tools. They are the main labor force of the family, so the burden is naturally more. The young children follow behind their parents, carrying baskets, sacks, bread, dried meat and other light things to share the labor for their parents.

   Leiter's arrival made the townspeople greet him respectfully.

   Amidst the greetings and greetings, Leiter turned to the northeast corner of the central square with a smile.

  The original central square has a wide and unused periphery. It is an open space deliberately left in the early planning.

  Now, Young Eagle Town has entered a period of rapid development, and this circle of open space is planned to become the future commercial center of Young Eagle Town.

  Although it is still difficult to achieve, the short-term goal is to build blacksmith shops, tailor shops, taverns and other places in a unified manner on the periphery of the central square.

  Now, there is a two-story wooden house covering an area of ​​more than 100 square meters in the northeast corner. The first floor is a shop, and the second floor is a living place.

  Glanced at it, it was marked with six conspicuous characters of "Iron Buddy Blacksmith Shop".

  The door was open, and there was a ding ding dong dong sound from inside, like the collision of blunt instruments.

  Leite stood outside the door, stepping on the gray stone steps with one foot, and saw two men with half-white hair, who were renovating the shop.

  The iron strike just now was not forging iron.

  After all, the wooden house has just been built, and the infrastructure such as the stove, hearth, and bellows has not been added, so forging is naturally out of the question.

  The shop was empty, and Andre was hammering nails into the wall with a hammer in his hand.

Sensing a slight change in the light in the room, Andre turned his head to take a look, followed by a shock, and immediately urged his younger brother with his back to the door: "Leonid, the lord is here, put the matter in hand first." .”

   "What? The lord is here?" Leonid stood up in a hurry and found the figure at the door. He quickly came to the door with Andre and greeted in unison: "Good morning, lord."

   "Hello, are you still used to living here?" Rhett laughed.

   "Of course, although we just moved to this house the day before yesterday, the surrounding residents are very enthusiastic and have a very friendly attitude towards us outsiders!" Andre said while holding his chest.

"That's right, the friend we just made, heard that Sun Lake is interested in us, and invited us to go for a visit together in two days!" Leonid's eyes were bright. He had not been in Young Eagle Town for a long time, and he was full of everything here. Freshness!

"That's great!" Leiter smiled, turned to glance at the situation in the room, and said: "Well, it seems that your shop has just been built, and it's named Iron Brothers Blacksmith Shop because you are A pair of brothers?"

   Regarding this situation, Leiter had some understanding of the list information collected by Sveta a few days ago.

  Among the skilled talents gathered from Qingquan Town, two of the five blacksmiths are not only apprentice knights, but also a pair of brothers.

  Although he has not yet become a formal knight at this age, it shows that his talent is relatively poor. But this level of forging is also the only one in Young Eagle Town.

  "That's right, we are brothers, and the blacksmithing skills are also inherited from our father. In the early years, we lived in a small village called Laixi Village.

  After my father died of illness, we went around a lot of places before moving to Qingquan Town. "Andre said, recalling most of his previous life in his mind, a trace of emotion appeared in his eyes, and then he came back to his senses, and hurriedly added: "But now, we are from Young Eagle Town, and from now on In the end, everyone will work hard for the adults! "

   "Thank you for your support!" Lei Te smiled and changed the subject, "It is true that I came to see you this time for something."

   "Lord, please speak."

   "In the current Young Eagle Town, as apprentice knights, you two must be the best blacksmiths here, so I want to send some knights with fighting spirit talents to learn from you. What do you think?"

  Hearing this, the two looked at each other, and there was a hint of joy in their eyes, "It's up to the adults to decide."

"But there is one thing I need to tell my lord in advance. Blacksmithing is a hard job. You burn the stove all day long, and you can hear all kinds of iron hammering sounds in your ears. The average knight is not willing to experience this kind of life for a long time." Andrei road.

"Yes, we have recruited apprentices before, but we couldn't last long. Anyone who has the talent for fighting spirit prefers to wander outside, and he doesn't want to spend almost every day in a small blacksmith's shop in his life." Leonie De said with emotion, "I hope the lord can check for us when he chooses people."

  Rett pondered for a moment and said, "I will consider this issue!"

   "Then I'll be your lord!" Andre and Leonid had a look of expectation in their eyes.

  The two brothers gave birth to daughters, and they didn't have fighting spirit talent, so they couldn't eat like a blacksmith.

  But they don't want to see the ancestral craftsmanship lost in their generation. Now that there is hope, how can we not make the two of them happy.

"You're welcome!" Leiter smiled and said, "I see that your blacksmith shop is almost empty, which is not acceptable. Regarding the materials needed to build furnaces, furnaces, bellows, cutting boards and other forging infrastructure, I will Send someone to bring it to you as soon as possible!"

  Andre has been thinking about how to ask the lord for materials since he woke up this morning. Hearing the initiative of the other party, his eyes lit up, "Thank you, lord!"

  The morning mist has not dissipated, and Kuding brought a dozen carpenters and a cart of hard wood, walking from the east path of the central square.

   "My lord, good morning!" Qiqi's greetings sounded.

  Rett heard the sound of the wheels turning, turned his head to see this scene, and asked casually: "Kuding, how far is the construction progress of the wooden house?"

   "I just built the wooden houses of five blacksmiths a few days ago. Today's goal is to build a tavern, and the location is there!" Kuding pointed to the southwest corner of the central square.

"Not bad." Leiter encouraged, and then suddenly thought, "A few months ago, as a reward for unearthing a batch of antiques, I asked Sveta to ask you if you have any requests, and you seem to have never thought about it." good?"

"Yes, my lord. Because I live a carefree life. I chat with my co-workers or get together with my family in my free time. I am very satisfied with my current life. I really can't think of any requests!" Kuding touched Head, said embarrassingly.

   "That's pretty good." Lei Te nodded, "I allow you to come to me for help when you need it."

   "Thank you Lord for your generosity!" Kuding said gratefully.

   This scene fell in the eyes of Andrei and Leonid who were on the side, and they were thoughtful in their hearts.

  The early morning patrol in Young Eagle Town ended, and Leiter went to the training ground.

  The next morning, he used his spare time to spend in spellcasting training.

From    to noon, Leiter met Tadel, Coors, and Shirin who came out of the training ground.

  He waved to the three of them, and immediately came to him.

   "My lord, good afternoon. What's the matter?" Tadel asked.

"Well, because the forging business in the territory has just started, two apprentice-level blacksmiths have come recently. I hope to send some knights with fighting spirit talents to join the blacksmith shop in the future." Leiter paused, and looked at the faces of the three. Sweeping, "So you need to find the right candidate!"

  Those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain.

  As a qualified lord, you should have a broad layout and a long-term vision.

  In the current Young Eagle Town, the demand for the forging industry is mainly concentrated on providing some common ironware for the territory.

  Slightly upscale, equipment suitable for low-level knights, there is no forging ability in the territory.

   And it can be bought outside without costing a high price, and the value of the blacksmith cannot be reflected.

  In addition, the number of official knights in Young Eagle Town is currently small, which further reduces the demand in this area and weakens the presence of blacksmiths.

   With the development of the future, the manufacture of equipment cannot always depend on the outside world, and there must be a sufficient level of supply inside the territory.

  This is true whether it is the alchemy business of magic equipment or the blacksmith business of knight equipment.

  Currently, the alchemy industry has a preliminary development plan, not only has a large number of alchemy books, but also a second-level alchemist will be in charge in the future.

   But blacksmiths are still very scarce in talent.

   This is a phenomenon that Leiter cannot tolerate and does not want to see, and we must prepare for it early.

After pondering for a long time, Coors replied: "I think we still need to communicate with Franno and Laurine to identify people who are less talented in archery and combat qi cultivation. Then we can choose from them. See who is willing to change to a blacksmith."

   "If your lord needs it, we will do the final inspection tomorrow and give you a list!" Tadel said.

   "It's time to work!"

  Leaving the training ground, Leiter went to the magic planting field non-stop, and took some frost pine wood and snow vine vines.

   Then he sent someone to summon Franno and Laurine, while he himself was waiting in a flower field in front of the deputy castle, admiring the colorful flowers while waiting.

   Not long after, Franno came down with his wife, and his eyes lit up when he saw the material of Leiter's heel.

   "My lord, this seems to be the wood of the frost pine tree and the material of the snow vine?"

  Rett turned around, pointed to the things on the ground, and said with a smile, "That's right, have you met your requirements?"

Franno and Laurine bent down to carefully examine the wood and vines, pulled and squeezed the wood and vines, and tapped lightly. Finally, Franno said: "It seems that these materials are only one year old. In his early years, the strength of the apprentice knight was just right, enough to meet their needs.

  But to meet the requirements of a first-level knight, you need five years of frost pine and snow vines. "

  Rett nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "In the past few months when you have been teaching archery to your students, have you found any student with outstanding talent in archery? Or are you interested?"

Franno frowned, and said, "Miguel and Dimitrio are quite interested in archery. But whether it's the two of them or other students, I haven't seen anyone bowing. Excellent technical talent.”

   Two-in-one, long-awaited

  The thank you words are in the author’s words, you can see them by turning a page

   Thanks to Mr. Jin Tiehammer for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thanks to Hypnosis 123 for the 2 monthly tickets

   Thank you Mr. Ye for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thanks to Mr. Eric Fang for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thanks to the fallen magician for the two monthly tickets

   Thanks to the time far and near for a monthly ticket

   Thanks for the two monthly tickets voted by Jian Weipei

   Thank you book friend 20180927120128557 for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thanks to Mr. Thunderstorm for the 2 monthly tickets

   Thanks for this nickname has been registered and voted for a monthly ticket

   Thanks to Moye—Yeying Daxie for voting for a monthly ticket

   Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by the dark and violent boss

   Thanks to Big Brother Bihaiyuntian for the 100 book coins

   Thanks for the recommendation tickets from the book friends, thank you very much!



  (end of this chapter)