MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 248 Develop shock mystery (ask for monthly ticket, recommendation ticket)

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  Chapter 248 Developing Shocking Mysteries (Ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets)

   After stopping his figure, Leiter endured the pain, quickly pulled out a bottle of bath fire potion, unscrewed the cork and swallowed it. At the same time, he used the characteristics of high-speed healing to absorb the earth element in the air to make up for the injury.

  With the two-pronged approach of medicine and talent, Leiter's injury improved visibly, and the flesh and blood in his abdomen also healed at a high speed visible to the naked eye, until he was intact in the end.

   "Huh, it's too dangerous!" Leiter wiped the cold sweat from his brow, feeling a little lingering fear about his actions just now.

Just now, he did a stupid suicidal move. He even applied the concussion mystery extensively to the close-fitting earth armor. But go in all directions.

  Leite couldn't help but smile wryly. What he originally thought was that if he could add the power of shock to the defensive magic, then in the face of external attacks, he would be able to shock and destroy it in advance from time to time.

  However, the experiment just now proved that his idea was good, but he actually ignored the violent disorder of the power of shock. Mistakenly regarded it as the mystery of dispersing condensate, which can be imposed on oneself at will without any side effects.

  That's why there was a later scene, where he was seriously injured and learned a lesson.

   But Leiter was not discouraged. He had suffered more serious injuries than this many times in the past, so he didn't take the injury just now at all.

   Instead, he recalled the process just now, absorbed experience, his eyes gradually brightened, and he had some new ideas.

"The power of shock is exerted on the earth armor. Although it has self-destructed by 800, at least it can be confirmed that it also has a strong influence on the opposite direction. If there is an external attack approaching at that time, it will be severely affected. Offsetting external attacks is feasible..."

   "That is to say, as long as I try to control the direction of the shock, I can achieve the effect of strengthening the defensive magic..."

   Leiter was thoughtful, looked at the rushing sea water behind him, took a few steps forward, and took a deep breath.

   Immediately afterwards, another round of earth armor was cast, and a layer of rock-like armor flowed on the surface of the body, a faint layer of earthy yellow light flowed on the surface, and a strong earth element breath was also emitted.

  Leite used the mysterious power to try again to attach the power of shock to the earth armor. The earth armor is also composed of earth elements. When the shock was blessed, the earthy yellow light suddenly distorted for a while.

   A violent impact was generated again.


  Leite's complexion changed again, and he spit out a mouthful of blood, obviously suffering from a certain injury.

  But with the experience from last time, after discovering something was wrong, Leiter dispersed the Earth Armor and Shock Mystery in time, minimizing the impact!

  Leite wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and absorbed the earth element from the world to heal his wound.

   "It still doesn't work. The vibration is too violent. If you want to control the direction of the vibration, it is tantamount to turning a rebellious child into a good baby. It cannot be done overnight." This is Lei Te's feeling from the bottom of his heart at the moment.

  The shocking mystery was attached to the earth armor. Although he used his mental power to try to reverse it, he seemed to be greatly hindered, and it was extremely difficult to realize the vision in his heart.

   "It seems that my understanding of the shocking mystery is still too shallow. I only master the most basic power. Even if it is added to the magic cast, the distance and range of effect are limited." Lei Te secretly commented.

   "However, if you want to enhance the defensive power, there seems to be other ways..."

  Rett recalled another plan that he thought of beforehand, talking to himself silently.

   A few minutes later.

  On the floating ice, a soft khaki light glowed.

  Leite stood on the ice floe, his whole body was wrapped in the rock light shield, reflecting himself brightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, if you look carefully, you will find that the rock light shield outside Leiter's body produces distorted light in some areas, making it difficult for people to see clearly, and the space is affected by this shock, producing a buzzing sound , mysterious.

   "Haha, it really worked!"

   "Although the close-fitting earth armor is currently difficult to apply shock and mystery on it. But this does not mean that the rock light shield separated from the body cannot do it!"

   Leiter's eyes were bright. In fact, he had this idea long ago, so after the failure of the earth armor attempt, he immediately tried to apply the shocking mystery to the rock light shield.

  The result has also been confirmed, and it was a great success. The Yanguang Shield blessed by the concussion mystery has greatly enhanced its defense power!

   Unfortunately, the fly in the ointment is that, limited by Leiter's shallow understanding of the shocking mystery, it is difficult to achieve a 360-degree coverage without dead angles when applied to the Yanguang Shield, and it can only be applied to an area as small as half the body.

   That is to say, if there is an attack that cannot be responded to, the Yanguang Shield blessed by the concussion mystery may not be effective.

   "This is a defect, you need to keep in mind." Leiter nodded secretly.

  In general, the existing effect is already very strong. As long as it is not too close to kill in one hit, he can weaken the attack by shifting the range of the concussion mystery, or even completely cancel it!

"Combined with the mystery of the condensate, this defensive power is almost full, which is very suitable for my status as an earth magician!" Leiter stared at the twisted place on the rock light shield above his head, and couldn't help but smiled. And with the speed of his comprehension of the Oscillating Mysteries, it won't take long for him to reach a high level like the Scattered Mysteries. By then, let alone the entire Yanguang Shield, even the Earth Armor will be able to function successfully.



  Huoge was sticking to Leiter's stomach at this time, looking at the wound that healed quickly with curious little eyes, as if he didn't understand how it was done.

  Rett looked at Huoge's bright feathers, dispersed the Yanguang shield, and touched it lightly.

  In this outing, the first target—the Oscillating Spirit, has been successfully captured.

   At this time, the stars are fading, the gray sky is slowly getting brighter, and the sun is rising in the sky.

  The surrounding scene is no longer flickering, and the scary and dark atmosphere is less out of thin air.

  Rett looked around while thinking: "Then, it's time to carry out the promotion ceremony to become the Marquis of the southwest border, and then start looking for the dark elves..."

   Then, he didn't cancel the simulation in a hurry, but continued to familiarize himself with the mystery of shocks in the simulation, trying various ways of using it.

   Then one day and one night passed, and after the simulated time ran out, the wait naturally ended.

   Ripples spread in front of his eyes.

  The light curtain emerges.

  【The real simulation is over, please choose an attribute you want to keep. 】

  【1. Constitution】

  【2. Dou Qi】

  【3. Mental power】

   "I choose three!"

   After making a choice, Leiter felt silently.

   After a while, nothing changes.

  He shook his head. He had expected this result. In fact, in the previous simulation, subduing the Oscillating Spirit could no longer bring about any improvement.

   With the comparison of subduing the elves twice, Leiter is still curious about the principle of improvement brought by the elves.

  Thinking for a while, but couldn't think of a reason, Leiter temporarily put it behind his mind.

  In reality, Leiter has not subdued the Oscillating Spirit, and the scene at this time is still the place where the Oscillating Elf is about to appear.

   Therefore, after waiting for a while, Leiter re-experienced it again, and the process of subduing has already happened more than a hundred times.

   Leiter, who was familiar with these steps by heart, did not take long to subdue the elves step by step.

  His worries have long been dispelled by the fact that the two elves do not conflict in the body, but coexist in a very peaceful way.

   Then, Rhett summoned the sand elf and the shock elf out of his body at the same time.

One is a slightly huge, khaki phantom filled with smoke and dust, and the other is an indescribable, twisted and changing shock elf like a group of transparent condensate. One is fat and one is thin, one is tall and the other is low, standing one left and one right. in front of you.

   "Do you know each other?"

   This sentence was said by Leiter in his heart, and the consciousness was transmitted to the two elves.

  He felt that there were only a small number of people who tamed elves in history, let alone tamed two at the same time, so he was curious whether they were in the same world.

  However, the feedback he received was that the two were very strange and had no impression.

  Rett smiled and patted his forehead. He shouldn't have fantasies. The elves didn't come directly from time to time. How could they have memories of the original world? He's too naive...

   Then, he put away the sand elves and ordered the shock elves to show their abilities!

   There was a vibrating hum in the air.

Leiter then threw a rock, and the Oscillating Spirit remained motionless. Just as the rock was thrown into the air, a shock erupted in that space, and the rock shattered into countless small stone particles, as if it had collapsed from the atomic structure. bad.

   Seeing this scene, Leiter didn't feel much fluctuating in his heart. With his connection with the Oscillating Elf, he already knew its ability, and this was just a personal verification.

In fact, the most essential ability of the Oscillating Elf is to cast the power of the Oscillation, but Leiter noticed more details through the understanding just now, for example, the Oscillating Elf’s Oscillation is not performed out of thin air, but only with the medium of the earth element. strength.

   It does not mean that the target must be a rock, but refers to the stimulation of this force, which comes from the extremely tiny earth element, through extremely fast movement and changes, and complex trajectories, resulting in power.

   Shock mysterious, that's it.

  Therefore Leiter believes that what the elf possesses is actually just a power of the earth element. In layman's terms, the power of shock is not a rootless duckweed, and its essence is still the earth element.

  Perhaps, this also means that it comes from the world of a certain earth element? Or a region of the earth element in the world?

Moreover, the difference from sand elves and snow elves is that the shock elves themselves can control the power of the shock and assist Leiter in fighting against the enemy, but unfortunately, Leiter has not yet discovered the additional abilities of the shock elves, such as affecting the weather, giving magic plants , Blessing of Warcraft, etc...

   Regarding this, Leiter felt a little regretful. After all, he didn't want to disclose the elves' affairs, so the ability of the shock elves to assist him in fighting will basically not be released for some time in the future. And it can't give blessings like snow elves and sand elves, so it doesn't play a very big role.

   And he has also tested that the current shock elves are still very weak. Relying on the destructiveness of shocks, they can barely reach the power of third-level magic.

   What is consoling is that as long as enough time is given, Leiter believes that he will definitely grow into a terrifying existence. Shattering the space is not a dream!

  Just as Leiter was about to finish testing the actual power of the shock spirit, he took it into his body.

  Suddenly, there seems to be something abnormal in the area where the rock was broken just now!

  Leite's face changed instantly, as if he had discovered something unbelievable, he hurriedly closed his eyes and fell into comprehension.

  At this moment, Leiter's spirit spread out, and he felt the vibration of the surrounding sand-like earth elements. This mysterious power was evenly distributed, allowing him to feel it freely.

   However, there was an accident, and there was a space with a mysterious rhythm that seemed to be more intense. It was the place where he ordered the vibration elf to try to attack...


   "The ability of the vibration spirit is not just to help me fight against the enemy!" Leiter thought to himself, this discovery made him overjoyed.

   At the beginning, because he performed more than a hundred simulations, he had enough affinity for the shocking mystery, and the surrounding mysterious rhythms were quite sufficient, so he ignored this subtle change.

   It is like comparing the numbers one and two, the absolute value difference is one, but the latter is twice as much as the former. But comparing the number one hundred and one hundred and one, the absolute difference is still one, but the multiple has almost remained the same.

  The current situation is like this. When the power of vibration influenced by the vibration spirit spreads from the inside out, it also shows the mysterious rhythm in a subtle way!

   To put it bluntly, if there are other earth magicians around, they can also feel this change!

   Therefore, its importance is self-evident, and it can help you understand the mystery of shocks. This alone will immediately increase its value by a thousand times, not inferior to sand elves and snow elves!

  Leite’s descendants can all benefit from this!

  However, at this point, Leiter added some happy troubles, and muttered to himself: "It seems that no one of my descendants is a superhuman of the earth system..."

  He was a little dumbfounded, as if he had a golden mountain, but he couldn't spend it.

   Shaking his head with a wry smile, Leiter is also content. One cannot be too greedy. This effect will come in handy sooner or later. I wouldn't be envious of anyone else...

   Putting away the elves, Leiter turned over and came to Huoge's back, looked around, looked for a certain direction, and galloped away.

   Fly away from the stormy sea all the way.

   Gradually, Leiter left the world of lightning and thunder behind him.

  The sky was clear again, the sea returned to calm, and above the sea level, there were many more scenes of seabirds flying and fish flying and jumping.

   At this time, half a month has passed since Leiter subdued the shock elves.

  Flying on the blue sea for so long, Leiter's face was flat, until there was a slight change in the horizon in front of him, and some special brilliance appeared in his eyes.

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  (end of this chapter)