MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 247 Conquering the Oscillating Spirit (Ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket)

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  Chapter 247 Subduing the Oscillating Spirit (Ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket)

  The overlapping lightning bolts brewed stronger power, and blasted Lei Te very precisely. From the outside world, it seemed that the lightning had locked Lei Te, and he had to!

  The flesh body suffered the bombardment of lightning and made the crackling sound of roasting meat, which made the roar a little weakened, and the sputtering momentum of the sea water was also much weaker.

But Leiter himself was not feeling well. He felt that every inch of the body's cells were under the blow of a devastating force at this moment, and every inch was broken, and his skin was quickly black as charcoal, including the hair on his body, which stood upright vertically. There was no place on his body. In normal places, the vitality has been greatly destroyed!


  Leite snorted with a slight pain in his throat. Fortunately, the effect of the bath fire potion was erupting in the body, constantly repairing the rapidly sluggish vitality, which soon weakened Leiter's pain a lot. But the huge thunder and lightning power seemed to be flowing continuously, and his mind couldn't bear it, and soon fell into a coma.

   Huo Ge hovering in the air saw this scene, his expression was anxious, and he was circling anxiously in the sky, screaming continuously!

   But even though it saw that Leiter was in a bad situation, it didn't land. It was not because of fear, but because Leiter gave it an order in advance, so that it should stay far away in the air no matter what, and it must not come close!

  The purpose is to prevent affecting the identification of the elves.

   He couldn't even make a cry, so Huo Ge could only look down at the comatose Leiter in the sea with aggrieved eyes, and express his sadness by flapping his wings at a high speed!

At this moment, a fierce confrontation is going on in Leiter's body. The power of thunder and lightning is like an unruly demon king. The restorative power exudes soft and magical power, nourishing every inch of the body like spring rain, giving vitality from top to bottom, from the inside out.

  The two forces clashed and counteracted each other, the destructive power of thunder and lightning began to retreat steadily, and the power of the bathing fire potion gradually gained the upper hand.

Soon after, Leiter's physical condition gradually improved. After gaining a weak consciousness, although he couldn't run too many thoughts at this time, he relied on his instinct to stimulate his mental power, stimulate his talent, and absorb the earth element between heaven and earth to quickly heal his injuries , is still not a big problem.

  But thinking of the fact that the elves recognize their masters, any mistake may bring about changes, so they gave up this idea and let their consciousness continue to sink...


  In Huoge's sight, he could feel Leiter's aura gradually becoming stronger, and through the contract connection, he could feel the vitality gradually recovering, showing a trend of improvement.

  Excitement filled its simple mind, and it danced up and down in the air uncontrollably.

   At this moment, the space below the sea surface suddenly became blurred, as if the high-definition TV screen had become a semi-transparent blur of a mask, and it was randomly twisted and rotated three-dimensionally at 360 degrees, which was very strange.

  At the same time, the space below also began to oscillate. Although the range was small, the oscillating amplitude reached a peak!

  The fire pattern at close range is unclear, and even subconsciously feel frightened by this fluctuation...

  As if there was a channel of another dimension, suddenly, a special life body drilled out, and its appearance once again made the space tremor reach a peak, but this tremor only lasted for a short moment, and quickly subsided.

  The blur of space flashed by, and this twisted and transparent life body quickly got into Leiter's body when outsiders couldn't see anything.

  The fire grid in the air blinked, feeling something was wrong, but with its ability, it couldn't detect anything. After being stunned for a moment, he found that Leiter had a tendency to wake up, and tweeted joyfully.

  After half a minute passed.

  Leite became more and more awake, and even faintly noticed the changes in his body. The feeling of the elf's recognition of the master is quite special.

  So he mobilized his mental power to condense the earth elements in the air, and his body was like a black hole at the moment, devouring the earth elements in all directions. And his injury quickly improved in this state, and his mental state became better and better.

   After a while, Leiter moved his body and felt that he had returned to normal.

  Soaked in the sea water, the cool feeling wrapped around his body, and he was gently stroked. Even under the sea water, there were some low-level monsters that lingered around for a long time, as if they had made up their minds and swam towards him at a faster speed!

  The aim is very consistent, as if to launch an attack on one of his majestic things.

   As soon as Lei Te came back to his senses, his face changed. Good guy, is this trying to make him disqualified as a man? !

  Can't bear it!

  So he quickly mobilized his mental power and cast a weakened version of the cone of rain.

  In an instant, a large area of ​​khaki-yellow light lit up in the water, formed by condensed spikes, piercing the water lines with swishing swishes, piercing the fish that would commit crimes one by one.

   After solving these invading enemies, Leiter waved to the fire grid in the air, and the latter swooped down happily, stopping at a position half a meter away from the sea level.

  Rett first condensed the water element and formed a thick ice floe on the surface of the water, and then stood on it barefoot and naked. Yes, after suffering such a strong lightning strike, his clothes had long been discarded.

   Fortunately, he had made sufficient preparations in advance, took out a black leather package from the back of Huoge, and took out a brand new windbreaker and put it on.

  Stepping on the cold floe, Huoge patted his wings on the ice thoughtfully, looked at Leiter with bright eyes, and let out a cry of joy.

   means let Rhett step on it to avoid cold feet.

   "What a sensible little guy." Leiter wiped Huoge's head, smiled gently, and shook his head.

  Looking around, it was much calmer now, only the sound of thunder in the distance, and the sound of rushing water.

  Leite closed his eyes, fell into a state of breath-holding concentration, entered into meditation, and quickly realized the mystery of the earth element.

   Soon, the surrounding world was filled with yellow quicksand again, sometimes rotating, sometimes jumping, sometimes overlapping and solidifying.

  He tried his best to capture the special features, to see if there were abnormal mysteries emerging, which made him realize the capture.

   A moment later, Leiter frowned tightly, opened his eyes and sighed.

   "Sure enough, it doesn't work. It seems that it is the same as what was said in the simulation. The perception of the mystery of the shock is very weak. The affinity for the mystery of the shock brought by this shock elf is a little worse than that of the sand elf..."

  He could only vaguely feel the feeling just now. There is indeed something different in the space, but he can't say what it is.

  Perhaps, after accumulating a lot of time and always being prepared, sooner or later he will be able to realize the mystery of the earthquake.

  But Leiter was not satisfied with this, he shook his head and chose to end this simulation.

   When the space rippled again, Leiter returned to reality.

  【The real simulation is over, please choose an attribute you want to keep. 】

  【1. Constitution】

  【2. Dou Qi】

  【3. Mental power】

   Quickly chose the third item, Leiter closed his eyes, and realized that subtle change again.

   Then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, very good, still there! It shows that the affinity for the mystery of the earthquake has been improved.

  Rett opened his eyes and murmured in a low voice: "Then continue to pluck the wool..."

  【Do you want to enable real simulation? Every simulated day consumes 1 point of destiny. 】

   "Yes, simulate a day."

  When the second simulation started, Leiter waited eagerly and ordered Huoge to come to the previous position again.

   Not long after, the first thunderous thunderbolt fell.

   Not long after that, three lightning bolts of distorted lightning descended from the sky.

  Leite repeated his old tricks, came to the surface of the water ahead of time, swallowed the potion of bathing fire, and endured the thunder that fell from the sky.

  When he wakes up again, pay close attention to the difference in the world around him.

  The quicksand around is still flowing and overlapping irregularly, but through the world outside the quicksand, Leiter faintly feels a slight strangeness in the space.

   "It seems... stronger than before? But it's still not obvious." Leiter said to himself.

   Then come again.

   Next, LTECH started a long simulation journey.

   Until more than a hundred simulations passed.

  Rett repeated the cycle, receiving lightning strikes again and again, and then subdued the elves.

During this process, although his body did not have any injuries, the pain of being struck by lightning has continuously tempered him, resulting in Leiter being able to deal with it very calmly in the end, and his ability to withstand the pain of lightning has been greatly improved. strengthen…

  He shook his head and laughed: "This kind of pain should be borne by the scumbags who swear, why me..."

  Of course, saying this on the lips, in fact Leiter is very happy about it, feeling pain and happiness.

  Because he can feel that the speed of comprehending the mystery of the earthquake is indeed getting faster and faster.

  After more than a dozen simulations, Leiter began to have a preliminary feeling, and found that the surrounding space, the earth element exudes the power of vibration.

After fifty times, this feeling became clearer and clearer, and he began to realize that the originally ordinary earth element was also moving all the time from a more detailed structure, that is, the element itself was still undergoing special movements inside. shock.

   Until after more than a hundred simulations.

  Leite felt that the whole world had undergone tremendous changes. Even this kind of change is even more special than when he realized the mystery of Sanzhi.

At this moment, Leiter stretched out his arms slightly bent, and the surroundings are no longer a world of quicksand that is closely connected by earth elements, but the intervals between grains are short or long, the short ones are a few centimeters, and the long ones are a few inches apart. Nearly one meter of earth elements are densely scattered everywhere.

These earth elements are no longer the ones I have seen before. The light spots exuding earthy yellow light have not changed in size and are still very small. However, with his eyes closed, Leiter can clearly feel the power inside each element. Complex movement, extremely fast, unpredictable.

   It is also this change that produces the power of shock, which not only affects itself, but also spreads to the surrounding space along the earth element.

  How this mysterious power affects the space, Leiter doesn't understand, but at this moment, he seems to have realized how to use this power. Just like people don't have a clear grasp of the details of their internal organs, muscles, bones, etc., but it does not prevent them from relying on them to live well and unleash infinite power. Leiter has also initially mastered the earth element The power of 'shock'!

   "So that's how it is, the power of shock is amazing!" Leiter muttered a few words to himself, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Open your eyes, a bright light blooms.

   Then stretch out your finger and point forward at will!

   buzz buzz

  A dense and violent fluctuating sound resounded, and at the same time, a spike shuttled at a high speed. Under Leiter's control, the shock force was attached to the khaki spike.

  The tip of the cone thorn distorted the space, exuding terrifying power, and bombarded the rock in front with a devastating force.


   A huge earthquake sounded.

   What followed was the explosion of gravel like a goddess scattering flowers.

   Seeing this situation, Leiter's eyes were amazed and burst into splendor!

   For the spike just now, he only condensed a small amount of earth element, and the spiritual power he invested was far from enough, and the overall level was only at the level of first-level magic.

  However, with the use of shock and mystery, the awl, which was originally known for its penetrating power, gave birth to a powerful blasting power. Of course, this is still caused by shocks in essence, but the actual performance is similar to blasting.

   All in all, the power of shock basically raised the power of his earth magic to a higher level.

  With the blessing of this power, the ground cone technique just now, judging by Leiter's eyesight, definitely has the destructive power of the second level, and this also makes up for the lack of deterrence in his attack methods.

  The previous San Zhi Xuan Ao, enhanced the survivability and surprise attack, and enriched the fighting methods. And the mystery of coagulation, at the current level of understanding, can only be used to solidify body parts and regions, greatly enhancing defense power, and cannot be used for magic.

  The Oscillating Mystery is very different from the Scattering Mystery. In the state of preliminary perception, you can use the vibration power of the earth element to display it outside your body.

To deal with ordinary transcendents, his offensive power is already sufficient, but what he said is insufficient, compared with transcendental geniuses who also understand the mystery and focus on destructiveness—such as Prince Hogus, the terrifying cutting power of the mysterious dimension , he still has lingering fears.

  Although he won the last sparring match, he won because of his stronger overall strength. In terms of the upper limit of offensive strength alone, he is not as good as the opponent.

  However, from now on, everything will be different!

  In his opinion, the power of shock is not inferior to the cutting of dimensions.

   What's special is that the effect of shock force is not limited to the means of attack?

  Leite had this idea just now, if the concussion mystery is added to the rock light shield and the earth armor, it seems that it can also play a role?

  He couldn't wait to test the effect. First, he condensed a round of earth armor, and then controlled the shocking mystery to spread the earth element.

  However, with a bang, a terrifying force exploded in Leiter's abdomen, and flesh and blood scattered in all directions at the same time.

  Rett's expression was painful, his body trembled, he grunted, and quickly took several steps back on the ice floe.

   Had a wave of PY with an author who wrote a family article, which is a family article of Xiuxian. The following is a brief introduction:

  The protagonist’s qualifications are four points, but there is no hope of building a foundation. He accidentally obtained a peach core, suddenly emerged, cultivated both magic and body, and then matched formations to help the family, improve all arts of cultivation, lead the family, and gradually become stronger.

   "Wang's Immortal Road", if you are interested, you can take a look.

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  (end of this chapter)