MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 219 Sanctuary Magister's Notes (Large

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  Chapter 219 Sanctuary Mage Notes (big chapter)


   dong dong dong dong

   Jujiao held a huge axe, trampled on the ground with both hooves, exuding an aura that would never stop until the opponent was knocked down, and rushed towards Tucker on his own initiative.

   There was a wry smile on the corner of Tucker's mouth, Father is merciless...

   But his heart is also burning with fighting spirit, without any fear, the desire to fight is rising!

  The grudge in Tucker's body exploded at the limit speed, and the long sword in his hand suddenly burned into flames. He kicked the ground with both feet, leaped high, and brazenly faced the giant horn like a fearless warrior.

  The ground was trampled by giant horns, and the tauren's fearless charge was full of oppression. After reaching a certain distance, the thick arm swung the giant axe.

  The giant ax coming from below slashed across the outer circle at an oblique angle. At this time, Tucker was also in a downward trend. The long sword exuding fire in his hand collided with the giant axe, and an invisible wave of air spread out in ripples.

  Being impacted by a huge force, Tucker's body quickly retreated in the air, and he stabilized his figure after more than ten meters, and Jujiao's arm was also bounced back by a counter-shock force.

   Tucker, who had just stood firm on the ground, rushed forward again, shouting:

   "Big horn, defeat me, you are the strongest tauren warrior!"


  The giant horn opened its mouth wide and let out a loud battle roar. All it thought about was a delicious meal, not the strongest tauren warrior at all.

   In order to cook rice, it must go all out!

  The huge ax was swung by the huge horn with great force, and Tucker could only use his ingenuity to push it away, or dodge, and sometimes he could seize the opportunity to counterattack and stab a sword. But overall, the giant horn is like a fearless tank, and although Tucker is flexible, he is always pressed and beaten!

   "Is Master Tucker's move a little reckless?" a knight onlookers muttered.

   "Yes, the Tauren is powerful, and the speed of the rampage is not slow. It is very irrational to confront each other." Another knight thought to himself, he dared not say that Tucker was irrational.

   "Bless Master Tucker!"

   "Come on, Master Tucker!"

   Tadel, who was watching the battle, narrowed his eyes slightly.

He has seen Tucker's performance on the battlefield. He is a completely different person in peacetime. He is in a state of devotion and is not disturbed by the outside world. In addition, the details of the battle are quite excellent, and he uses some unconstrained style from time to time. His unique fighting methods, winning by surprise, are completely unexpected.

  Coors also looked forward with some anticipation in his eyes, curious in his heart, what will be the result of the next scene?

  In the battlefield, when the distance between Tucker and the giant horn was getting closer, Tucker used the phantom to backtrack and quickly opened the distance. Then the body jumped high again, jumping to the limit supported by its own strength in an instant, above the mid-air, and the long sword burned with a blazing light again!

  He roared in the air:

   "Flame Slash!"

  The blue background board, one person with one sword, this scene is actually a bit of the protagonist's brilliance, which attracted the attention of all the surrounding knights, and they all stared at Tucker nervously.

  The giant horn was attracted by the success, raised his head, he had swung the giant ax in his hand, and drew a cold light in the air, aiming at Tucker who fell from the sky!


  The mighty sound spread throughout the training ground, and even reached the nearby manor. The servants stopped their work, not knowing what happened.


  Tak's figure swished and fell instantly.

  Everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, and Tucker disappeared from the sky.

  Of course, Tucker didn’t really disappear, but the phantom retraces extremely fast, which can easily cause the illusion of ‘disappearing’ among opponents of the same level.

  Only Lei Te clearly saw that Tucker's figure quickly came from the air to the orc's crotch, and the long sword slashed fiercely on the inner thigh of the giant horn.

   This move is ingenious.

  In actual combat, one of Jujiao's legs would have to be crippled. Without armor, it would be impossible to block this full-strength strike.

   But this is a duel, if it is really going to be cut, Leiter will naturally intercept it.

   But he didn't make any movements, he was still watching calmly.

  In the battlefield, Jujiao raised his neck, and suddenly saw no figure in the air, and felt bad in his heart.

  The next moment, the scorching heat from the inner thighs made his eyes widen, and he couldn't help crying out in pain. Like a puppet that was about to fall apart, he staggered back, lost his center of gravity and staggered down.

   There was a bang, and there was a loud noise when I sat down.

   Jujiao looked down, and saw a three-finger-wide burn mark left on the inner thigh, scorching the hair and scalding the skin and flesh, but it was far from the root cause.

   It doesn’t even count as a serious injury. Its orc physique can recover a lot after eating a big meal.

  It began to react. At the critical moment just now, Tucker kept his hand, and switched from cutting with the blade to slapping with the blade, which avoided the accident.

   Jujiao scratched his head, looked at Tucker who was walking towards him, and said with some frustration:

   "I lost, Tucker, you are very strong!"

  Taker smiled: "It's a fluke, a fluke, haha!"

  Although it was a modest speech, the corners of his mouth stretched to the back of his ears, fully revealing his mood.

   clap clap clap

   There was warm applause from the audience.

   Those knights with only apprentices and first-level knights looked at Tucker with admiration, and defeated the orcs alone. This strength is extremely powerful and worthy of respect!

   Tadel and Coors looked at each other and smiled knowingly. They were not too surprised by this result.

  When they jumped from Tucker to the sky, they vaguely guessed the follow-up strategy. But I have to say that the process just now looks easy, but it is not easy to do this in actual combat.

  If the orc reacted more quickly, the close-fitting attack might have hit his target, pushing himself into the abyss.

  Lett dispersed Jujiao and Tucker, leaving the severely damaged training field open after the war, and then mobilized the soil elements to fill it with fine operations, and soon returned to its original state.

  Nowadays, the sixth-level magister has a new level of control over the earth element than before. It is still a long way from directly condensing fine sculptures, but it is quite easy to create a flat ground.

  He stepped forward, patted Tucker on the shoulder, and praised: "Not bad."

  Looking at the depressed tauren again, he comforted him: "Big Horn, don't be discouraged, there are still several fights to come, and these people are much weaker than Tucker.

  As long as you can control the strength well, be a good partner for them to ensure that your big meal is still indispensable! "

  The corners of Jujiao’s eyes blinked, and he believed it very simply, his big head nodded wildly, and said in a dull voice:

   "I see, my lord, I will let them taste the power of the bull!"

   Leiter moved his eyes down without any trace, and glanced at the crotch wrapped in large shorts... Are you still a bull?

   Two days later.

  A formal blacksmith with a third-level knight level came to Dark Eagle City. After explaining the purpose of coming to Ruilai, he was immediately received by Leiter.

  Like other followers, they are nothing more than pursuing a more secure and stable environment and a brighter future.

   After half an hour of communication, they successfully joined Leiter's territory.

  Rett took the official blacksmith to visit the blacksmith shop.

   "Lord, what do you need me to do?" Glencoe, an official blacksmith with his upper body naked, said standing by the stove in the blacksmith shop of his iron buddies.

  He has a square face with ice cubes, the corners of his eyebrows are even, and he has short brown short hair and a beard around his mouth. His appearance is quite simple and honest.

  Lett has already learned that Glencoe has a medium-level fighting spirit talent, which is quite rare in the territory. If he has a chance to break through the earth knight in the future, he is likely to become the first intermediate blacksmith in his territory.

  So he was also quite happy, so he smiled and said: "If you say that, I really have something to ask you."

   Glencoe's eyes lit up, knowing that he had just joined a faction, and the first thing he had to do was to show his worth!

   "Sir, please speak."

   "I need a spiked shield, and I want you to build it with all your might."

   "Spiked shield?" Glencoe was stunned for a moment, remembering the information he had inquired about the territory of Darkhawk City before, and tentatively asked: "Are you preparing it for knights, or for your orcs?"

   "They are prepared for the orcs. They are the second-order tauren and pig-headed people, and they are huge." Leiter said: "What materials are needed, just ask Ruilai to apply for it, and I will let him fully cooperate!"

   "I see, then I understand." Glencoe responded excitedly. Although the spiked shield is a rather cumbersome piece of equipment, not only does it use a lot of materials, it is also more difficult than ordinary long swords, shields, etc., and it is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Under this task, even if you take it, you will have to sell it at a high price. But since he has taken refuge in the lord, this first order, he must do it beautifully.

Although Andrei was older than Glencoe, he also walked up cautiously, and said together with his younger brother Leonid: "Mr. Glencoe, the two of us will fully cooperate with your work. Please give orders!"

  The two of them are just apprentice blacksmiths, and their level is far from that of Glencoe, so they don't feel ashamed at all to help him. Even for them, this is still an excellent learning opportunity. If they were not under the lord's subordinates, they might not even have the qualifications to learn as subordinates.

   Moreover, since the arrival of Glencoe, the able one prevails. The future leader of this iron buddy's blacksmith shop will undoubtedly be gradually replaced by Glencoe. Fortunately, Leiter had the foresight. When he built the blacksmith shop in Dark Eagle City, he specifically ordered the area to be large, leaving more space for a few people to meet the living and working needs of many people.

  Glencoe looked at the two of them, smiled, and hooked a circle of beard into a thick check mark, "That's great, with the help of two people, I think my task will be much easier."

  Andrei and Leonid looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. This new blacksmith has a gentle temperament and looks easy to get along with. This is a good thing for future work and life.

   Then, Lei Te explained a few words and left temporarily.

  Glencoe now has time to take a good look at the environment of his iron buddy's blacksmith shop. Since he came to Dark Eagle City, he went to visit Ruilai in the administrative office, and then went to Dark Rock Castle to ask for Leiter. After many twists and turns, he just came here.

   ding ding ding

   ding ding ding

From a forging room inside, there was a rather crisp sound of beating. This sound had been there just now. The experienced Glencoe had already recognized that it was the sound of a small hammer hitting ordinary iron ore, and the sound was relatively Things like thinner pieces of iron, such as swords, daggers, etc.

   Moreover, based on the loudness and frequency of the strike, Glencoe could tell that this was not a novice, but an experienced old blacksmith who had reached the level of an apprentice.

   Out of curiosity, Glencoe walked towards the forging room.

   "Huh? So young?"

   This was Glencoe's first reaction after seeing Willow.

   Today, Willow is only in his early twenties. Perhaps because of his long-term baking by the stove and his focus and persistence in beating iron ingots, Willow's face is more resolute and mature than the handsome and immature faces of his peers.

   ding ding ding

  Willow held a small hammer in his right hand, beating the blade of the red long sword at a fixed frequency, and as the arm rose and fell, sparks shot out like stars.

   This lasted for more than ten minutes.


  The crimson long sword was thrown into the bucket, and wisps of white smoke rose, accompanied by a hissing sound.

  Willow's chest rose and fell rapidly, and there was a look of fatigue in his eyes. Forging is not an easy job. Compared with the battle between knights, fighting skills need to consume a lot of battle energy. When hammering iron, it relies more on physical strength, and battle energy can only play a small role. And the Cavaliers' physical fitness also has limits, and there is always a moment when they are overwhelmed.

  He stood up a little tired. He has been busy since he woke up in the morning until now. It was close to noon. Not to mention the huge exhaustion of energy, he also felt a little lack of energy. In other words... hungry!

  He touched his belly covered with sweat marks, and noticed a strange figure standing at the door. The unique shape made him slightly stunned, and subconsciously asked: "Hello, what can I do for you?"

   Glencoe had a smile in his eyes: "Your forging level is not bad. How many years have you been here for forging?"

  Willow didn't think too much, and said in a deep voice: "It should be more than a year, why are you asking this?"

  When Andre heard this, his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly winked at Willow.

Leonid on the side rolled his eyes and said quickly: "Yes, Glencoe blacksmith, Willow is very talented, he has become an apprentice blacksmith in just over a year, and he is the future of our iron buddies' blacksmith shop. "

  Willow's expression changed slightly, he blinked, and finally realized that something was wrong—his mentors Andre and Leonid had a surprisingly good attitude towards this stranger.

  At this time, a middle-aged man came down from upstairs, holding a metal tray in his hand, which was filled with desserts and cut fruits.

"Master Glencoe, you just came to our blacksmith shop, I specially prepared some desserts for you, please try." It was Tru who came down from the stairs, his talent was limited, when the blacksmith shop was not busy , often served as the tea and water delivery role, or as a helper, only when there were many tasks, he would participate in the forging work.

  Glencoe quickly waved his hand, "Your... your name is Tru, don't say that, I'm just an official blacksmith, I haven't even reached the Earth Knight, and I'm still far away from the master!"

   After finishing speaking, he looked at the desserts and was quite satisfied: "These desserts look very good, thank you."

  After running around all morning, even if you don’t have a strong sense of hunger, it’s a good choice to eat some delicious food.

   "Anyway, you will be the highest-level blacksmith here in the future, please take care of me!" Tru said with a smile.

   "Of course, I will lead you to grow together!" Glencoe knew that the development of the blacksmith shop would fall into the eyes of the lord, even if he was not enthusiastic, he would do so out of utilitarianism.

   After Glenco took away two pieces of dessert, Tru stretched out the tray to Andre and Leonid, and finally came to the forging room, and gave Willow a few pieces of dessert.

  When distributing desserts to Willow, with his back to the people behind him, Tru looked at Willow with a look of blame and helplessness, as if he was very dissatisfied with the scene of lack of vision just now.

  Willow sighed secretly, wiped the cream from the corner of his mouth, came to Glencoe and said apologetically, "Cough, Mr. Glencoe, I didn't know about it just now, how offensive."

   "It's okay, I didn't tell you in advance.

   On the contrary, I think your talent is quite good, and it is almost certain that you will become an official blacksmith in the future. Glencoe looked at Willow and was very satisfied with this talent. He didn't expect to bring him such a surprise when he just came to a new place.

  Willow breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was quite excited. An official blacksmith came to the blacksmith shop?

   Wouldn't it be possible to learn more advanced forging skills from the other party in the future?

   While Willow was dreaming about his forging life in the future, Glencoe continued: "I just accepted a task from the lord—forging spiked shields.

  Because it is only for orcs, this is a difficult task, I hope you can be my assistant! "

  Andre and Leonid looked at each other with joy in their eyes. Although Willow has now become an apprentice blacksmith, and his level is not lower than theirs, the apprentices he has trained have a better future. The two of them naturally congratulated from the bottom of their hearts.

  Willow's eyes lit up after hearing this: "Mr. Glencoe, I am extremely honored."

   As he spoke, he touched his stomach again: "But please allow me to eat something, I'm a little weak now..."

   "Haha, we happen to be together, today I will treat you to the most upscale restaurant in Dark Eagle City..."

  A group of blacksmiths cheered: "Thank you, Mr. Glencoe!"

  The capital of the Kingdom of Jinlun—Menders City.

  This large-scale city, named after the first king, has been prosperous for more than four hundred years.

  Menders City is divided into many areas, large and small. Among them, the most prosperous and well-known place is the Queen's Quarter.

  The Queen's Quarter here was also named after the first King Mendes in memory of his wife.

  At the same time, the Queen's District is the closest to the royal palace, and it is also the most luxurious area in the entire royal city except the royal palace.

  Queens is most famous for Rainbow Street.

This street, which is more than 20 meters wide and has no end in sight, is paved with colorful gemstones. Although the quality of these gemstones is not very high, they still reflect colorful scenes under the busy daylight. shine.

  If you carefully observe the Rainbow Street, the distribution of colors is also regular. The closer to the palace, the more colorful the streets are.

  From the beginning to the end, it has evolved from a single color to seven colors.

  Of course, the place closest to the palace is not immediately adjacent to the palace. In fact, there is still a long distance as a buffer zone.

  On both sides of Rainbow Street, there are buildings with a certain distance, each with its own characteristics and magnificent design.

   There are large taverns in the shape of wine barrels, casinos in the shape of round tables, hotels in the shape of small castles, etc...

  Colorful area.

  Red, orange, yellow, green, and green, the five colors complement each other, but they are not too dazzling, and the softness is just right.

   Here is a huge Chamber of Commerce, which has been established in the Jinlun Kingdom for more than a hundred years-the headquarters of the Dalton Chamber of Commerce!

  More than forty knights stood at the door of the Dalton Chamber of Commerce, wearing golden armor and holding swords and shields.

  Such a large number of knights are not a standing force, but a special situation today, and they are drawn from other areas to maintain order.

  Because there was a huge crowd of people at the entrance of the Doton Chamber of Commerce, and there was a long queue in front of the crowd. Even though the long queue kept entering the entrance of the cave, there was no change in the number of people.

  Today, everyone who left the Dalton Chamber of Commerce was very happy, because they all held a book with a beautiful cover in their hands——"Coiling Dragon"

   It can only be said that it is indeed the Doton Chamber of Commerce. After vigorous publicity and marketing, most of Wang Cheng's people learned about the wonderful story of Panlong, and they were attracted one after another, creating a grand occasion of scrambling to buy.

  The third floor of the chamber of commerce.

  A white-haired old man has a tall and straight body, slightly dark skin but protruding muscles. Standing in front of the window and witnessing the grand occasion outside, he squinted his eyes and laughed.

   "That guy Carlton did a great job right away. He talked about the cooperation of "Coiling Dragon", which attracted a lot of traffic for us.

  At least today, none of the surrounding shops can compare to us,

  Now the income is second. The accumulation of fame brought by high-word-of-mouth works and the consumption of other goods in disguise are the key. "

   Behind, a middle-aged man looked respectful and said in a confident manner:

  "That's right, it brought us huge traffic all of a sudden, and I heard from Carlton that there are many sequels to "Coiling Dragon", and there is even an equally outstanding work after that.

  If this trend continues, this is definitely a sure-fire deal”

"Hehe, that's why, Derek, you gave birth to a good son, and his business acumen is no less than yours." The white-haired old man smiled and said, "Since he has made such a great contribution, go back and ask him what he wants." Rewards, our Dalton Chamber of Commerce has clear rewards and punishments, and you know this too."

   "I'll come back and ask him." Carlton's father, Derek, smiled proudly, and then hesitated:

   "Master Deacon, when Carlton came over last time, he did ask me to do something. involves the secret collection of our chamber of commerce, and for that thing, my authority may not be enough..."

  The white-haired old man suddenly turned around, with a hint of surprise in his eyes:

   "What does he want?"

   "The history of the disappearance of the murloc empire, and... the secret of the resurrection of the dead." Derek looked serious.

  The white-haired old man narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice:

   "Did he tell you why? The murloc empire was destroyed because of the disappearance of the murloc king. The murloc king was also a figure from ten thousand years ago. There should be very few people who know about it now...

   Moreover, the last request is sure not to be joking, the resurrection of the dead?

  Things that even Sanctuary can't do, why does he ask this question in a boring way?

   Carlton is not yet fifty years old, and he still has a lot of life to live. Could it be that he suffered some serious injury? "

"No, Carlton is fine now." Derek smiled wryly: "Actually, I felt the same as you when I heard it, but later I learned that it was all requested by Earl Wright, the author of "Coiling Dragon". In exchange for benefits, all books that will be released in the future will only be approved by our Dalton Chamber of Commerce."

   "Earl Leiter's request?" The white-haired old man frowned.

   "That's right, I heard it's for inspiration!" Derek shrugged and said rather helplessly.

  The white-haired old man was silent for a moment before hesitatingly said:

   "This reason is somewhat credible. After all, the authors of novels are usually weird people. The better the author, the more so. In order to maintain creative inspiration, they usually have various weird behaviors..."

   Derek also nodded. He has come into contact with many novel authors, and his psychology is indeed quite different from that of ordinary people.

   It is quite normal for someone like Earl Leiter to just look for some strange legends.

   After another long silence, the white-haired old man waved his hand:

   "Forget it, the Murloc Legend doesn't involve any interests, and what's more, our collection is not complete, so we can transcribe a copy.

  But regarding the resurrection of the dead, our Dalton Chamber of Commerce is not that capable. I remember that I seem to have obtained a note left by Timos fifty years ago, so I will give him a copy. "

   "Understood, Deacon, then I will do as you said." Derek quickly agreed.

   "Go, but make sure Earl Leiter can cooperate with us for a long time."

   "Of course, I will personally supervise!"

   After Derek finished speaking, he backed away.

  The white-haired old man was the only one left in the room. Looking at the crowds of people on the street, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth. He is not bad.

  Using dust-covered and reproducible books to help the Chamber of Commerce develop, no matter how you look at it, it is a good deal.

  Suddenly, he thought of a certain important person in the palace, who seemed to like reading fantasy novels, but his taste was very picky...

  His eyes lit up, realizing that this is a great opportunity.

  So he quickly changed into a black tuxedo, tidied up his attire delicately, left the Doton Chamber of Commerce, and prepared to go to the palace to find the third prince.

"Not bad, really good. This "Coiling Dragon" is the most interesting fantasy novel I have ever read. It has many climaxes and a solid system. It looks somewhat similar to our world, and I can find some familiarity, but in fact Quite different."

A young man in purple pajamas was lying on a recliner, holding a novel in his hands. His muscular figure was covered by light pajamas. Two stunning maids with devilish figures bent and crouched in front of the young man. Massage around the body with gentle movements, touching sensitive parts from time to time.

  The young man was looking up, his eyes were bent like crescent moons, feeling the strangeness under his body, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, he frowned and said: "You two go to one side first, don't disturb me reading novels..."

"Yes Yes…"

  Hearing the expulsion, the two maids raised their heads, with a touch of disbelief in their eyes, showing a lovely and pitiful look, and retreated with a gust of fragrant wind.

   "Okay, okay!" The young man didn't care about the feelings of the two maids, he was immersed in the fun of reading the novel, patted the armrest of the chair with one hand, and couldn't help celebrating when he saw the climax.

  After more than half an hour, the young man suddenly froze.

  Seeing Linley's perception of wind fluctuations, he murmured thoughtfully, "It's kind of interesting. The mysterious description of the wind element is so special, and there are many details to add..."

   "Marilyn!" The young man called out a name.

  Hearing the call, soon, a beautiful woman with a snow-white gully on her chest, big wavy blond hair, and slender legs walked in, looking at the third prince beside the pool in surprise.

  Unconsciously, there is a smug smile in my heart, that's right, how can a man refuse beauty...

  "Master Hogus, do you have any requests from me..." Marilyn's voice was low and weak, but her eyes were extremely charming, deliberately showing that she was weak, and he knew that men like the thrill of conquest...

   But who knows, Hogus didn't move his head, and the book "Coiling Dragon" was still between his eyes and the maid, and his voice floated out faintly:

   "Marilyn, you have a good memory. When Baidis came over yesterday, who was the author of "Coiling Dragon"?"


  On August 15th, on the same day, Carlton got the two items he needed from the person secretly sent by the chamber of commerce.

   Immediately, they took a carriage to Dark Rock Castle.

   Sveta told Leiter the news of Chairman Carlton's arrival.

  Rett woke up suddenly from meditation, arranged his clothes at a faster speed, feeling a little impatient to go downstairs.

  He pretended to be calm on the surface, and led Carlton into the lobby on the first floor.

   "Carlton, good morning!" Leiter was wearing a black windbreaker today, and pulled out a chair for Carlton himself.

  Carlton froze for a moment, and murmured in his heart that Earl Leiter was a little too enthusiastic today.

  With a smile on his face, he accidentally glanced at the paintings deep in the hall, his eyes lit up:

   "Oh, this is a great painting, or is it a picture of you and your granddaughter, Rhett? I haven't seen such a good work in a long time!"

   "Really? I think it's excellent too!" Hearing that his son's work was praised, Lei Te smiled proudly, "This is Rui Lai's work, and his painting skills surprised even me."

   "Indeed, Rayleigh's talent for painting is beyond imagination." Carlton praised him with strange eyes.

  Rett laughed and said, "So I'm going to ask him to design the cover of Panlong's follow-up, and you're here, so I'll ask for your opinion by the way."

   "It's a small matter. Maybe the cover designed by your son can play a better role." Carlton waved his hand, feeling that it doesn't matter. It's just a cover. In his opinion, it doesn't have a big impact, and he is more willing to give a favor along the way.

  At this time, two maids were holding a white plate with delicious desserts on the table, and immediately there was a tempting fragrance wafting.

  Carlton tasted a piece of cheese symbolically: "Well, it tastes good."

  Then talk about business: "Count Leiter, I came to you this time, and I brought the two things you asked me for last time."

  Carlton opened the gift box that he had been carrying all along, revealing two brand new books, which looked like manuscripts and had just been prepared.

  Leite's inner excitement swelled up again, and he appeared as if nothing had happened: "Thanks for your hard work, President Carleton. I am also rushing to update these days, and finally sorted out the follow-up content of Panlong."

  He took out three thick books from his pocket, placed them in front of Zhuo, and pushed them to Carlton's position.

Carlton's eyes lit up, and he turned around quickly. Before he came, he had learned from the staff sent by the Chamber of Commerce that several high-level members of the clan agreed that "Coiling Dragon" was very important, and asked him to strengthen the relationship with Earl Leiter. Pay more attention to the level of follow-up content.

   It took more than ten minutes for Carlton to roughly understand the follow-up plot, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he felt relieved.

  He pushed the two books he brought to Leiter, and said seriously:

   "Earl Leiter, the two books I brought you have done my best.

   Maybe you won’t be completely satisfied, but the history of the murlocs and the resurrection of the dead are too difficult to collect. This is already the whole of the Doton Chamber of Commerce. "

  Rett put away the two books, raised the corners of his mouth, and said contentedly:

   "President Carlton, thank you for your help. I will sort out the follow-up manuscript of "Profanity" for you as soon as possible."

   "I'm looking forward to it, waiting for your good news!"

   Leiter and Carlton chatted for half the morning, and then had lunch together.

   After seeing Carlton off in the afternoon, Leiter went straight back to the fifth floor of the castle, got into his room all the way, and couldn't wait to get to his desk.

  Perhaps it was a psychological effect, Leiter only felt a slight shortness of breath, slowly stretched out his hand, and took the lead in opening the notes of the dark sanctuary magister.

   It stands to reason that the text written ten thousand years ago must be different from the present. Wright didn't do much research on the text written ten thousand years ago, but the manuscript in front of him has been translated by someone, so it is easy to read.

  Unknowingly, an hour passed.

  Leite finally remembered all the notes left by the holy magister—Timos.

  The book is not very professional knowledge, on the contrary, it is easy to understand, which has greatly benefited Leiter.

  The main content mentioned in it is also the most profound of Leiter—the world they live in is not the only one.

  Actually, there should be a more powerful world, and only the realm above the sanctuary has the ability to go there.

   As for the realm above the sanctuary?

  There is no detailed introduction in the book, because the holy magister did not achieve it at the time, and he was just guessing, so the word "should" was used. There is no evidence, and it cannot be completely determined.

  He took the underworld as an example. The underworld is definitely a more terrifying world than this world, and it can be said to be a higher plane. Not only does it really exist, but the undead creatures in it are all kinds of strange, weird and special.

  According to the introduction of this Timos, the dark magician is the only profession among all the magicians in the whole department, who can communicate with the underworld at the stage of the great magister.

  Leite also knew this in the past, but learned from his notes that this method of communication actually originated from the "contract" between the underworld and this lower world.

  The lower world and the contract here are Timos' personal understanding.

  In his view, there is a special form of connection between worlds, or channels, contracts, and so on.

  This kind of channel enables the high-level world to have a certain projection effect on the low-level world.

  Timos even believes that even the elves are affected by the projection of the high-level world.

  More than 9,000 words, I am tired today, my sleepy brain is not in a good state, so I went to sleep first.

   Various requests at the end of the month.

  Next, more updates will be added, maybe not as many as yesterday.

   Thank you book friends for your monthly ticket support, thank you very much

   Thanks to the book friends for their support, thank you very much



  (end of this chapter)