MTL - Extraordinary Bloodline Integration-Chapter 13 sad crying girl

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Walking into the cave, the white-haired little girl had passed out.

I don't know if it's because he was close to exhaustion and passed out, or he was holding on all the way. Now that the pursuers have been dealt with, he couldn't hold on as soon as he let go.

Mo Cheng used the holy light to walk around the opponent's body twice. The little girl had no other injuries except some skin trauma. The coma was purely self-protection.

Lilia was awakened by a scent, and she opened her heavy eyelids, and what she saw was a clergyman sitting on the ground grilling.

Was he the one who saved Lilia?

I have already been caught up by that group of people, since I haven't died yet, there is no need to elaborate on the reason.

"Are you awake yet?"

Mo Cheng turned around and handed over the cooked wild pork, "Eat this first, don't worry, my barbecue skills are still good. Well, at least I can eat it."

Lilia took the barbecue and bit it lightly, the pain burst on the tip of her tongue, and the numb and spicy sensations rushed straight to her brain.

"Oh... so spicy."

She wanted to throw away the barbecue in her hand, but Lilia felt that this was too rude, after all, the other party had just saved her.

"Although the taste is not very good, this thing is good for you, it is better to eat it."

While talking, Mo Cheng squeezed the finger-sized fruit into juice and sprinkled it on the wild pork, "This stuff doesn't taste very good, it's one of the raw materials of spiritual medicine, it can effectively relieve your fatigue after a long period of high concentration. "

Mo Cheng lived as a savage in the forest for nearly a month, relying on this fruit as seasoning to survive. Mo Cheng, who is used to seasoning in modern society, cannot accept pure natural barbecue at all.

After taking a bite, she was indeed much more energetic, and her brain was not so drowsy, so Lilia had no choice but to endure the taste and her face flushed.

"I'm much better, thank you..."

While talking, Lilia suddenly realized that she still didn't know how to address the person in front of her.

"My name is Mo Cheng, and I'm a priest, let's say."

"I... My name is Lilia, yes, I am a trainee spellcaster."

For a moment, neither of them spoke. Mo Cheng didn't know what to say, and always felt that it would be cruel to tell her about the head.

He had no choice but to pass the meat skewers to Lilia while grilling them. Not knowing whether it was because she was too hungry or because of other reasons, Lilia wiped out the skewers one by one, her eyes and nose were red from the heat.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock...

Tears dripped, drop by drop, dripping continuously.

"Do you have any relatives you can rely on?"

Lilia put her hands on her knees and shook her head.

"After my mother passed away, my brother and I became orphans. We have together..."

Lilia said softly, and at the same time her words were mixed with sobs, and her body twitched slightly.

She gently talked about every bit of herself and her brother, the life of brother and sister relying on and encouraging each other.

The elder brother went to work as a mercenary, and the reward for each mission was enough to support himself while supporting his younger sister to complete her studies.

The younger sister also lived up to her elder brother's efforts. Lilia received the admission letter from the first college in the Principality of Aundair——Winterhold Comprehensive College with an excellent score of more than 100 points far surpassing the second place, as well as her outstanding talent.

It can be foreseen that as long as my sister graduates successfully, she will definitely have a bright future.

"Lilia was admitted to the College of Winterhold. My brother and Lilia are very happy. They also said that they want to go with Lilia to see how big the capital is."

Then, bad luck set its sights on the two brothers and sisters who depended on each other for life.

"Lilia's hair suddenly turned gray. My brother took me to see a doctor, and when I came back, I often ran out and came back very late."

My sister's hair suddenly turned white overnight, and my brother hurriedly took her to see a doctor, and learned that it was a rare phenomenon of blood atavism, which could only happen among some nobles with ancient inheritance.

After returning home, through investigation, the elder brother found that the source of his blood was pointed to the lord Viscount Joestar, and their brother and sister were the illegitimate sons of the late old Viscount.

What happened afterwards was that his brother was accidentally exposed during the investigation, so that the new Viscount knew about his father's romantic debts, and then sent someone to [clean up] the blood that shouldn't be there for the sake of the family's reputation.

In the end, it was the elder brother who sacrificed his life to cover the younger sister's escape, and finally died tragically under the knife of the killer.

After hearing Lilia's words, Mo Cheng felt very uncomfortable. He took out the burlap package and handed it to Lilia, "This should belong to you."

The outside of the package has been stained red with blood, and it can be seen how fatally wounded the person carrying the package was at the last moment.

What kind of injury would bleed profusely, soaking through the burlap?

Lilia opened the package with trembling hands, and looked at the blood-stained clothes, textbooks, and even the admission notice inside.

This is it, this is it! Without it, Lilia wouldn't have to check, she wouldn't be found, and her brother wouldn't die. Without this thing, Lilia could still live happily with her brother.

Blame it, blame it, blame Lilia...

Taking out the acceptance letter that made her and her brother so happy that she couldn't sleep for several nights, Lilia sobbed and tore it apart manically. But fortunately, this thing is still strong, a big hand held Lilia's hand tearing the notice. UU reading www.

"Admission notice from Winterhold Comprehensive Magic Academy? Good stuff."

Mo Cheng has heard of the name of this academy, [Foreign Land] has a follower system, and Winterhold Comprehensive Magic Academy is the Principality of Aundair, and even the entire continent is an extremely excellent talent production base.

A good mage can top a team. Therefore, when the players' levels are still low, mage followers are very sought-after.

He vaguely remembered that in order to recruit followers, the players of [Foreign Land] went to Winterhold to try their luck no matter who they were. As a result, the Winterhold Comprehensive Academy of Magic, which was once allowed to enter for free, raised the threshold to non-spellcaster occupations. Pay the entrance fee of one hundred gold coins to stop those players who are too fanatical but do not have the corresponding strength.

"Let go, I'm going to tear it up, it's because of this brother that I will die." Lilia hysterically grabbed Mo Cheng's hand and shouted.

"The package is made of burlap, and the items inside the package are soaked in blood, which means that the package has been soaked in blood for a long time. At the same time, there are no obvious breaks in the package, which shows that it is well protected."

Mo Cheng's voice was low and full of admiration, "Your brother is facing a spellcaster, a patrol officer, and three guards. He is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of force and numbers. Not only did he buy you time to escape, Not even a little damage to the package."

"He knows that he can't survive, and he also knows that the notice in the package is your future guarantee, so he has such a 1 in 10,000 possibility that this package can return to your hands. He hopes that his sister will have a happy life Life, for which he gave his life."

Mo Cheng slowly pulled out his hand, "Now, do you still want to destroy it? Destroy the [hope] that a brother desperately left for his sister?"