MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 86 Escape from the Land of Bone (17)

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Luo Jian was actually very nervous. He worked hard to substitute himself into a 'ghost' character, trying to understand the mood and thoughts of that person, but he really couldn't understand the character of the wolf boy in the story from a simple story.

So Luo Jian had to ask a straightforward question.

But to be honest, watching a dusky old man staring at his hair bun, Luo Jian's mood is really a bit complicated. He actually fully understood from the old man's speech just now, and he can understand the old man's hatred. I hate my own country, I am afraid I also hate myself, or I will not bury myself in this huge tomb, and accompany a huge tree, I do not know whether it is for the atonement or to redeem.

Luo Jian suddenly thought, if he did not replace the ‘ghost’ identity, then where is the true ‘ghost’?

Where will he go? Is still lying in a thick and quiet coffin, whether it is a thousand or ten thousand years, even if the world is destroyed, you will never wake up again. Leaving a lonely God, still waiting day by day, year by year, waiting under this same lonely tree?

Or, he has been reincarnated for a long time, went to another world in time and space, and started a new life, completely forgetting this person who once hated ... or loved.

Or maybe all of this is just a story from a secret room. It is a story that looks sad but actually ridiculous. The people in the story are just illusions. No matter how real they are, they are just like characters on paper. I laughed after seeing it.

And what kind of identity am I standing here? Luo Jian asked himself this way, he began to feel sad, and his mood had some inexplicable changes, which made him feel a bit of pain. He even felt that a strange anger and hatred were spreading deep inside him. The emotions that flowed from where it spread to Luo Jian's heart.

What Luo Jian does not know is that the identity of a substitute plot character can not only obtain the exclusive rights of the plot character, but also sometimes can obtain a part of the plot's exclusive memory or a relationship. Although it is not known whether these memories are true or not, they do exist. For Luo Jian at the moment, they really leave marks on his heart.

So Luo Jian felt pain. When he faced the old man in front of him, he suddenly felt suffocated and out of breath. He tried to calm himself and calm down, but it didn't work. Luo Jian had to take a deep breath and raised his head. Staring at the old man with sharp eyes, said in a deep, dull tone:

"I have been asleep for nearly a thousand years."

Everyone around was looking at Luo Jian, and they were shocked to find that Luo Jian's expressions and actions at the moment were not like the person he thought he knew, as if he was suddenly possessed by someone, who suddenly gave him possession. Jane became another person they were unfamiliar with, and this man was squarely glaring at the 'god' in front of him, saying in a bad tone:

"My anger never stops, from the moment I die in your hands!"

The old man on the trunk shuddered and murmured: "I know ... I know ... you are finally here."

You finally came.

The old man did not know whether he was alive or not. He only knew that he had been in this dark tomb for a long time. From his consciousness, he could only shrink on the tree trunk and day by day, all kinds of Emotions or memories had gone away from him, and the monstrous anger had faded away.

But they have all been abandoned, but when they still see the person in front of them, they immediately recall all the things that were lost in an instant, and the lost memories are returned to his body, his soul, and his A moment of excitement made him seem to be free of all restraints. He couldn't help but start struggling, trying to climb out of the tree trunk. Those who had imprisoned him and destroyed him must smash them all.

Yes, no one can stop him, not even God.

So at this moment, something amazing happened, and everyone in the tomb of God looked at the old man and the **** on the trunk with surprise! At this moment, the old man's body had almost terrible changes. He had grown up to amazing white hair and began to fly around. He also began to slowly break away from the trunk, as if climbing his body from a swamp or mud. Just like it came out, the old man climbed down from the trunk like this, very embarrassed, his whole body was red / naked.

However, when the old man was completely detached from the trunk, as if some power had returned to his body, his dry skin began to become moist, and the wrinkled old face restored the young man's exquisiteness and fullness at that instant. His white hair was completely black in an instant-although his hair remained inhuman.

Yes, it took only a few seconds for the **** to change from a gray-haired old man to a handsome young man.

"This power ..." Duan Li wore a mask of evil spirits and murmured, "Is it the arrangement of the secret room or does he have this ability?"

The young **** seemed to hear Duan Li's whispering words and turned to look at him. Everyone found that the young **** had dark green eyes. The color was not obvious, but it was enough. Make a deep impression.

"This tree is the core of the tomb." The **** said: "Its roots extend to every corner of the tomb. All the funerals here are to nourish it, and this tree can keep me alive and keep it. Young, unchanged for thousands of years, immortal ... at the same time, let me him-- "

When the **** talked about this, he suddenly shook his head and looked at Luo Jian. There was a hint of excitement in his eyes: "Yes, I have waited for a thousand years, just to wait for this moment, in order to let You are resurrected, all my hard work, all my hard work to get you back to me ... "

Luo Jian stood expressionless on the ground, just staring at him dullly.

The **** didn't mind his silence, he approached Luo Jian, he was □, but the waterfall-like soft hair just scattered on him, covering the hidden part, but showing a perfect figure, This gave this man an amazing charm.

The **** seemed a little crazy. He was a head higher than Luo Jian. He reached out and grabbed Luo Jian's hand and placed it in his palm. He looked at Luo Jian very tenderly, and treated it like a priceless treasure. He whispered softly. Road:

"Look, I succeeded! Nothing can stop us now, we can always be together ... my favorite ... Luo-"

The words of the gods were not finished. Luo Jian did not know when he was close to the young god. A short knife was inserted fiercely into the chest of the other person. Then the gorgeous blood poured out, and the god's chest was red. The blade of Red Luo Jian.

Shenming had to cough twice, and blood was pouring from his mouth. He was slow for a long time, as if he realized what was happening, and looked at Luo Jian in amazement, as if he could not understand: "Why ...? Do you still ... hate me ...? "

Luo Jian ... Maybe he can't be called by this name at this moment. At least at this moment he has completely changed into another person, an avenger named "Ghost". His dark eyes are filled with fierceness. Light, no expression on his face, no anger or sneer, like a machine without emotion.

"I said ... my anger can't stop." The ghost spoke in Luo Jian's voice, but the tone was not what Luo Jian could say. The tone contained deep hatred, like an ocean of extremely calm and comfort, It always means the eve of the storm.

At this moment, Luo Jian, who turned into a "ghost", could no longer restrain this anger and hatred. He grasped the blade of his hand tightly, and pierced the poor god's chest more severely. If you can't get revenge, then destroy all of it!

"But I ... I don't understand ... It's over, isn't it?" The young **** didn't understand. He vomited blood, but he held Luo Jian unwilling to let go. Everything ended, didn't he? No matter his race or his own nation, all were destroyed. He did not believe that this man had no trace of affection for himself at first. He knew that they were in love.

"We can be together forever ..." The obsession was too deep to be extricated, and the poor **** hugged Luo Jian tightly, his voice filled with prayers: "So ... let's be together! Please, let's be together!"

Luo Jian, who turned into a ghost, did not answer. He silently withdrew his knife, and then quickly backhanded, and stabbed into the opponent's chest again.

The young **** groaned in pain and couldn't speak a word.

The ghost didn't look at the pain of the other person in the slightest, but said silently, "I'm not the person you loved."

"He you love, is dead."

"A thousand years ago, it was dead."

"I'm just the deepest obsession left by the soul and spirits scattered around the land, waiting, waiting for the day of death to come, waiting for the beginning of all destruction."

The ghost withdrew the blade, stepped back, and let the poor **** kneel down on the ground, poor god, he covered his chest and looked at Luo Jian obsessively: "I don't understand! Are you here? ? Why do you say you are dead? "

Luo Jian smiled this time. He spread his hands and let his precious weapons fall to the ground. His hands were covered with blood, and his smile was very sloppy: "Stupid guy, you can see who I am!"

Identity replacement can be confusing for a while, but cannot change some essential things. Luo Jian is always Luo Jian. Although he is controlled by some emotions and feelings that do not belong to him at this moment, he is still Luo Jian. This is an unquestionable fact .

So Luo Jian squatted down, crouched in front of the **** kneeling on the ground, and looked at him closely: "Look at my face, is that the one you know? My voice, my body shape, my hands ..."

Luo Jian raised his hands and blood-stained hands and showed them in front of each other: "There is no fangs and no claws. This body is an ordinary human being, which grows normally in human society. This body does not belong to me. Because I'm just a soul that's about to dissipate! I can't get anything! And you haven't saved me at all! "

"No!" The **** shouted in horror: "I have waited for a thousand years, this is impossible, he said, this tree can save your life!"

"Hehe ..." Luo Jian smiled. "You make a deal with the real devil? Do you think the other party can keep its promise? You sold yourself, and you gave me your hand, stupid human, you were at the beginning ... Nothing! "

The conversation between the gods and ghosts was in everyone's heart, and the ghosts and others were peering at each other. They could barely guess what they had in the conversation, but it didn't make much sense. Their most important purpose at the moment. It was from the mouth of the gods that the location of the exit was known, but unfortunately, they did not know whether they should intervene in the dialogue spanning the millennium between the two men.

No one can step in, right? Because at this moment, the young **** had lowered his head, biting his lower lip, and his face burst into tears.

In the empty tomb of God, for a thousand years, there has been only a solitary tree ...

And a solitary person. 2k novel reading network