MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 77 Escaping the buried land (7)

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There is always a sense of strangeness everywhere.

Even if the pure white spider silk completely obscured the vision, breathing became difficult, his body was imprisoned and there was no gap, but Feng Yulan still felt what he saw, and when he was unconscious, he felt like he had done it. A dream, a dream that is not long but very suffocating.

He dreamed of death.

He dreamed that he was dying, stumbling to the ground, and there seemed to be something terrible behind him. He didn't want to die, he wanted to continue to get up, run, run away ... but his legs were blurred, leaving him with flesh and blood. Realized that he could no longer run away.

So Alan looked up desperately. There seemed to be someone in front of him. Alan didn't know who it was. He reached out to the figure. The man also cooperated and reached out to help him live with the little girl: the campus guy read the full text.

The people in the dream seem to be so vague, but Alan knows that the other party will help himself. This is a magical but unbelievable intuition.

So when the other hand stretched out, Alan stretched out his hand naturally.

But ... just as the hands of both sides were about to touch each other, the other side withdrew hope. He retracted his hand, and so suddenly interrupted all the prayers and extravagant hopes in Alan's heart, which surprised him ... but he felt it was taken for granted.

The blurred figure stood upright, turned around and turned his back to Feng Yulan, and Alan seemed to see a light far away. The silhouette abandoned Alan and walked towards that light. Alan kept raising his arm, but he opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound. What did he want to keep ...

At this moment, he is not afraid of betrayal or even death. I feel sorry, but what is it? Alan didn't understand.

Then Alan gave up. He lowered his head and continued to lie on the ground. The darkness behind him was getting closer and closer, but his heart was calm from the so-called calmness.

Immediately after, the dream woke up, and Alan was awakened by him. The shadow screamed his name in his ears, and even pressed his face hard, forcing him to wake up.

"Why aren't you still awake!" Shadow's tone burst into anger.

Alan shook her body and replied, "I'm awake."

"It's too late to wake up! You actually slept for an hour and a half!" Shadow's tone became even worse.

A word from the shadow immediately made Alan feel aroused and completely awake. He said, "I slept for an hour and a half ?!"

"You've been sleeping since I dragged you and followed the spiders! You can't wake up anyhow! I almost thought you were going to die!"

"So ..." Feng Yulan panicked. "How long do we have left?"

"Half an hour, thirty minutes!"

"Where are we now?"

The shadow was also very anxious: "I don't know! I've been holding you to follow the spider group, but I don't know how it was discovered, the big spider took you for a while and then hung you on It ’s on the tree, and it's got a few extra silk! I can't pull you off! "

Don't be in a hurry, no time is urgent! Feng Yulan listened to the shadow and took a deep breath to calm her undulating heartbeat, and said, "I can't see anything now, can you see anything around you?"

"What else can be ...? The endless black forest, and a few cocoons hanging on the tree like you." The shadow seemed to be in a bad mood, "We need to find a way to get the spider silk open."

Feng Yulan couldn't shake her head, she could only sigh: "We can't break this spider silk. In this **** border, the secret room prevents us from using any power."

"What can that do? Wait and see?"

A Lan smiled bleakly: "Yes, we have to sit and wait. We are waiting here, don't do anything."

"But ... why is this?" Shadow said he didn't understand.

Feng Yulan didn't immediately answer him. He was silent for a long time, and suddenly said, "I just thought ... there are no living creatures on the border of hell. This is the world of the soul, right?"

The shadow seemed to have guessed Alan's thoughts, his voice was full of hesitation, and he answered, "What you want to say ..."

"Shadow, are you a soul?"

The shadow frowned and thought: "This ... is it right? But I am not a complete soul, so I am in a state of nothingness. Generally speaking, in this place, no one else can see or touch my rich family, except you. Fall in love with me. "

Feng Yulan said: "Yeah, because it ’s all souls, we do n’t have any **, our strength and ** have been stripped, no weapons and nothing, so in this closet of the 'Hell Border', we People are fragile and slim souls. We can't resist anything we meet here. Even if we are entangled with an inexplicable large cocoon by a disgusting spider, we can't escape the birth by ourselves. "

"But what does this mean?" Shadow still couldn't understand why, why did Alan say these things at this critical moment?

"Duanli told me that the secret room will not give the player an absolute dead end."

This sentence made the shadow epiphany, "You mean, in a room where we are deprived of all our capabilities-we cannot walk out of this forest on our own, so what must we rely on, right?"

"What can we rely on?" Feng Yulan said slowly, and he felt strenuous to speak. Although he could breathe in this big cocoon, it felt particularly difficult, which made Arlan only one word at a time, slow. Can't say slowly: "The spider entangled the soul into a cocoon and hung it on the tree. I don't know the purpose of this, but if the spider is really a guide, it will definitely Take us to the door, so we just have to wait. "

However, the shadow still felt inappropriate, and he retorted Arlan's point of view: "But there is also a time issue. We don't know when the spider will come. What if it is still too late when the time limit is reached? Even if the back room is not given to the player Definitely a dead end, but that is not a 100% survival path! "

"Do everything and listen to destiny." Feng Yulan only returned this sentence, and he didn't seem to want to say more, no matter what the shadow said, he didn't talk again, as if he fell asleep again.

The shadow floated around him, and after a while, the crow called again, representing only fifteen minutes left, and the shadow felt overwhelmed in vain. He realized that this was actually Alan's inner feeling, It's just passed.

But at this moment, things finally turned around.

With the crackling sound, the giant spider appeared again. This time, it instructed itself to take a small circle of spiders and remove the cocoons hanging from the tree one by one, which naturally included Alan. Alan couldn't see the outside conditions inside the spider cocoon. He could only feel the big cocoon wrapped around him and then fell from the tree. Alan was dizzy, and then he felt a lot of denseness. The little spider crawled down and lifted him up just like the ants, then began to move forward quickly.

After moving forward for about five minutes, Feng Yulan figured out the number in his heart, and found that he only had about ten minutes left. He was so anxious that he was so anxious that he couldn't help living in the cocoon. Struggling for a while, but soon, Alan felt that he had been put down and settled on the ground. The dense spiders climbed up again. Feng Yulan heard the sound of small bites. He found these little spiders. A cocoon shell wrapped around Feng Yulan.

They staggered very fast. After a while, they crawled down from the cocoon again, and Alan heard the sound of their dispersal. He hesitated for a while and couldn't help but struggle again. This time, Alan Finding the tightly wrapped gossamer, it soon dissipated under his struggle.

Taking off the shackles of the spider silk and presenting it to Feng Yulan is a magnificent landscape that is beyond words.

That's a huge door on both sides!

One left and one right, exactly the same, can hardly distinguish any difference. It is about 20 meters high and 55 meters wide. Two giant doors almost broke through the surrounding trees as if they reached the sky.

The strange thing is that Feng Yulan can't see what materials these two doors are made of. They are black but not like stone materials. There is no pattern on the door, and a smooth surface. Standing on the ground in such a vacuum, it erected a great landscape beyond words.

"There's something coming." The shadow hasn't appeared, hiding in the place where Alan can't see, but he can speak to Alan with a subtle voice, and Alan looks up, and finds that there is a wide one in front of the two giant doors. In the open space, there seems to be a silhouette of limited time marriage and love on the open space. Please stop reading the full text.

Alan got up, patted the broken spider silk on his body, and walked towards the blurred figure step by step, approached, and Alan saw the man in black, a huge black cloak, and the cap on the cloak completely covered He didn't seem to have feet on his face. The whole man was floating, about ten centimeters above the ground, holding a two-meter-long sickle in his hand.

This is very obvious, it is the image of ‘death’ in some movie novels.

"My child, you face choice."

When Alan walked in front of the "Death", the Death spoke abruptly, his voice could not be heard by men and women, and it was dull and boring, and Alan shivered sharply.

"There are two doors behind me," said the **** of death. "One leads to the earth, the other goes to hell, and you can only make a choice among them. If you make the wrong choice, you will never come back. Opportunity. "

Alan once again couldn't help but raised his head and looked at the two giant doors. The two doors are exactly the same. Alan couldn't tell the difference between them, and couldn't help asking: "How can I know, which one? The door leads to earth, which door goes to hell? "

"It's very simple." Death seemed to be laughing. He made a creak, as if there was actually a skull under the cloak. He waved his sickle and said, "You only need to answer my three questions, your answer, Just decide your path. "

Alan bit his lip, and his time was running out. There was no chance to consider it. He didn't know which door could lead him to the way out. Only the guy who seemed to be a "death" standing in front of him could Tell him the answer.

"Well, I choose to answer your question."

Grim Reaper waved a sickle, as if thinking about it, and asked, "Question 1, what are you most afraid of?"

Most scared? Alan's brain was blank, and the other person suddenly asked such a question. He couldn't think of any answer for a while, because he was afraid of so many things. He was afraid of the death of relatives and friends, fear of betrayal, fear of death, and fear of a secret room ... a lot. It is almost difficult to express in words.

Alan couldn't answer, so he was silent for a long time. He felt that he should say something, but unexpectedly, the **** of death spoke again: "Question two, would you kill someone?"

kill? Alan is even more unable to answer. He has not killed anyone, but he cannot be sure whether he will do so in the future. There are too many uncertain factors in the back room. He cannot always maintain his justice, but he does not want to break this easily. The principle, yes or no, is something that Alan cannot be sure of.

The second question was still silent, but Death didn't ask much at all, and directly asked the third question: "Do you want to live?"

This time, Alan didn't want to, and replied, "I think."

The will to survive, which is possessed by all living beings.

Grim Reaper wielded the sickle again, two faces behind him, the left one was opened, the huge door made a huge noise, but it only opened a gap for one person to enter, Grim Reaper opened with his sickle. Door, saying, "Your answer is both your choice."

Alan's face was pale, and he didn't understand what kind of choice. He only answered one question of death, but he didn't know what kind of fate he would face.

The word of death seemed to have a magical power. Alan step by step and slowly walked towards the door. The shadow disappeared from the beginning, and no further offer was made to Alan, even though he knew he was always by his side.

What can be done at this moment is to move forward.

The author has something to say: blx has been serious recently, but I still come back to update.

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